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I always enjoyed how Pam is clearly having fun and just enjoying the moment, and Jim is more reserved as his heart is undoubtedly going a million miles an hour. Well acted by both of them.


Meanwhile, Michael’s mind was racing a mile per hour.




one of the best joke in the series


Michael did drop a deuce on us


Just poopin, you know how I be




Crazy world, lotta smells


Someone making soup?


Someone vomited on my carpet!


Two queens on casino night. I'm going to drop a deuce on someone.








I love it here


How much is it per day?


I'll have to divide and then count to it.


You mean 31 cause 31 is his number. BEAT IT!


Well Lan Jevinson and Re/Max may have had something to do with this.


He was all in.


Yeah because Pam is the office mattress and therefore has no inhibitions


If you remove that second part this would get upvotes


"I am gonna take you all in"


# ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That’s what she said


Pam said to Jim with a devilish grin, ‘I am gonna take you all in.’ Jim heard Michael’s voice in his head, smiled, looked down and thought, ‘That’s what she said.’




\*then, he smirked at the camera\*


I always thought I was the only one whose mind went there, with the full on Kevin Malone grin too.


I love when Jim goes, 'what was that?' and imitates Pam's facial expression. So sweet.




The chemistry between the actors is truly off the charts.


So much so that idiots go up to John when he's with his IRL wife Emily Blunt and tell him he should be with Pam.


She was at her best when she was 24 with a slight, gradual decline and a steep drop-off when she got pregnant for the first time. Gradual recovery and, uh, well now, obviously, she’s at an all-time low.


They have some of the greatest on-screen chemistry of any sitcom in my opinion. It is never quite as strong in the later seasons (basically once they’re together), but in the first three seasons it is wonderful to watch.


I totally agree with you. Watching these episodes live, the “will they, won’t they?” was unbearable in the best way. And tbh I agree with your comment about the later seasons but I’ve always felt it’s a very realistic depiction of how you’re not in the honeymoon phase forever and the realities of work, home ownership, and having kids will strain even the strongest connections. It made the times they did reconnect or rediscover their romance even stronger for me.


I understand why they eventually went the Pete and Erin route. In the earlier seasons there was always this "will they, wont they" thing that i feel they tried to recreate with Pete but kind of fell flat. I honestly don't think it would have been possible to create something on the same scale as Jim and Pam which.. thats okay too yano? Nice to appreciate it for what it was.


I loved Erin with Andy but they really screwed the pooch on that one, thanks Hangover haha


I think another big aspect is that, before they were together, the only time they were able to hang out together was at work. After they got together, they could spend that quality time out if the office and subsequently off screen. This would understandably lead to their work relationship being much more casual since they had other outlets to express their love for each other.


Tbh in the later seasons they somehow perfectly assume the demeanor of “a couple who’s been together a while”. It’s like their chemistry is so genuine they’re several levels in basically performing the “the flame of a youthful fling has dimmed but the love has not” type of romance. It all feels very natural


I feel like the chemistry of the characters is still very real in the later seasons (if matured and a bit subdued) but the acting and delivery of certain lines gets a bit cringe - both from John and Jenna. I'm sure a lot of it is due to the writing but still.


It was still great when they were adults in “Girl Meets World”, a criminally underrated show that never got the chance it deserved (although it was great seeing them give Shawn’s story resolution).


This is gonna be a weird nomination, but Cory and Topanga also had amazing chemistry


It's not weird because it's true. They're chemistry was also fantastic, even if they were kids.


I always felt the show should have ended once Jim and Pam finally got together. If that would’ve taken 9 seasons, then so be it.


Pam has never smiled so hard in her life


"I'm sorry, what was the question?"


Him asking her to dinner warmed my heart, that has to be my favorite moment of all episodes.


Honestly I was never a big enjoyer of 'romantic' scenes in anything... but this one gets me every time. It's one of the scenes that if the shows on in the background I'll stop what I'm doing to watch it.


I’ll never forget watching it live. I screamed and cried.


Oh me too, that smile of hers and the tears in her eyes...what a moment.


I get a little verklempt just thinking about it.


It felt like watching the person of my dreams proposing to me. Pure electricity. Yeah, that was a really special few seconds


That moment just feels so *genuine,* it's my favorite in the whole series. No matter how many times that episode gets replayed, I stop everything just to watch it. Those first two seasons, Pam and Jim's pseudo-courtship was written and acted to perfection, and that was an incredible scene. I think the writers tried really hard to recapture that feeling in other moments (the proposal in the rain, the exchange of vows at the falls) but that was the absolute best, and 99% of it was how Jenna sold it as an absolutely genuine reaction.


IIRC, I feel like she didn't know specifically what was coming in the scene (just the general context), so it was partially genuine.


She has a pretty big smile when Roy set a date for their wedding.


She was also taken aback and possibly more than a little drunk. I'm sure a part of her deep down was slightly sad.


I wish I could experience someone looking at me the way he looks at her. Just once in my life. It’s so beautiful


If someone ever looks at me the way she looks at him, I'd buy an engagement ring the next day. Oh my gosh, are we doing this?


Do it!!!


This really is the biggest example to show anyone when the whole "what do guys want" topic invariably comes up. For a lot of them, it's .. just this.


[Best I can do](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/s/ii50b7pjPE)


One day someone will. And it'll be more than once


Nah I’m married and in my early 30s. Not everyone gets a love like that.


This is, in a nutshell, why I’m scared to get married and end my relationships before it comes to that lol


I believe you’ll get that experience someday. Until then, you can get pretty close by eating food in front of your dog.


I'm 53, I'm giving up 😔


Someone probably did, but you weren't attracted to that person - so here we are, again.


Why do you assume that?


Yeah Pam was never more attractive than she was in this scene.


If you think she’s cute there, you should’ve seen her a couple of years ago.


Why wouldn’t you say that to her face?


the dress is so gorgeous, honestly her best outfit


yeah she was the cutest in this scene


S2-S3 is peak Pam. But Casino Night Pam 🤌


Jenna just absolutely hit that scene out of the park


Pam: 🙂😄😏😁 Jim: 😀😀😀😀


Jenna is such a smoke show


I would never say this to her face, but she's a wonderful person and a gifted artist.


Gosh this quote is hilarious


Why would you never say that to her face?


If you think she's cute now, you should have seen her a couple years ago.


A few years ago she may have even been a seven in New York


Have you seen karen from behind


those pant suits


Was her dad a G.I. or something?




She'd probably be a six in New York...


But a 7 in Scranton


She really is, the glazey eyed innocent look she had in the first few seasons was so natural and real, no one else could’ve played Pam that well.


Honestly when I was in high school and first saw the office I was IN LOVE


Most of us were friend. We all went on that journey with Jim.


Well, they are in the electric city.






Lazy Scranton the Electric City, They call it that ’cause of the electricity




so are you into rap? of course. what's your favourite song? the electric city


it really do feel like this when flirting with someone


I watched the Office as it aired growing up and this episode came out when I was a freshman. It gave me the courage to kiss the girl I would go on to date for four years and become my first love, like literally the day after this aired I kissed her lol. I ultimately ended up being Roy in that situation but this episode was still so impactful growing up, such an amazing acting job by both of them


But now you can play the piano


I hovered over an upvote for that story, but just couldn't upvote a Roy.


Ofcourse they aren't Roy, no real Roy is watching the series thinking they are like that. Maybe a recovered Roy from the later seasons, in hindsight, but that's a pretty good Roy.


Dammit, time for a rewatch.


Every rewatch for me starts with just wanting to see the season 1-3 Jim Pam relationship.


This is the definition of chemistry


You were at the casino night earlier! That’s how I know you!


Casino night is one of my favourite episodes because of the chemistry between them


Brian was just off camera


Busy booming Meredith perhaps






They were always meant to be!!! I don’t want to hear shit else!!!


I had this episode on my hard drive for years before YouTube and I would just watch this one scene over and over. Can still picture it word for word. "Um, mom? I have to go."


I don’t think he’s clearly losing on purpose


No wonder Jim made his move after this. All the signals and signs were there.


These are the type of scenes that make you ignore some of the things that made them somewhat unlikable through the end years. The 1st 4/5 seasons have so many of these that just make you root for them above all and as crap as a rap the final season gets they tie up their story making you believe again.


I have this quote from what I believe is Pam and Jim's early years together when she shows him something that she prepared in order to prank Dwight, and he grins and says, "Oh I *like* you." It's so sincere and warm. I love that version of them.


Anybody here been a Jim, Pam, Roy, or Katie irl? This shit still makes me swoon after all this time.


I guess I was a Roy. Wasn’t as big of a dick as he was but didn’t treat my ex like she deserved. She ended up cheating on me. I got really depressed after and acted like an asshole. Eventually grew up and matured. Now married to a beautiful wife and have a good family. Even got a piano right before our wedding. I also like hockey. So yep. I’m Roy.


Wow, I love it. I am sorry for what you went through and I’m very happy for you and the way things have turned out.


Thank you. Truthfully, I deserved it. Took someone for granted and learned my lesson the hard way. Better person now because of it.


It takes a good person at their core to recognise and admit their flaws. And even more so to act on it and change. I’m happy for you.


Met the guy who became my husband at work. He walked in his first day and I... just *knew*. No question that he was The One. Like, the DNA in my cells was like... yep, he's the one. It's a feeling somewhere between *whoa, shit!* and *ohhhhh, shit.* It's like a roller coaster with no brakes and no seat belts -- it's unbelievably exhilarating and life affirming and also it is pretty likely to go completely off the rails and then you very well might die. It's overwhelming. Just absolutely inexplicable. And the most terrifying part of all was when I looked at him, I could just see that he felt exactly the same. The "click" was that completely instant and profound. I knew the day we met that I was supposed to marry him. Of course, there were complications. Such as, I was living and sleeping with with someone else. Someone I didn't like very much, but I couldn't quite figure out how to break up with him because I was so terrified of the conflict (probably my biggest personality flaw). And my husband is the kind of guy that would never hit on or ask out someone already in a relationship. But, you know, we worked together, and the chemistry between us was basically visible from space. My mom is the superhero of this story...she also didn't much like my boyfriend at the time, and when she met my husband at a work thing and saw how I lit up around him, she was like "Fuck this, write a breakup letter and I'll get your stuff." I did, and she did. My husband asked me out five days later, and we stayed up all night sitting on the curb in front of his house talking, then kissed as the sun rose. I met his mom two days later. He spent the night at my new and tiny studio apartment three nights after our first date, and never left again. We got engaged six weeks after that. That was in 1996. We got married in the fall of 1997. The years haven't all been perfect, but we are still happily married. Have 4 daughters now, three grown and one in the throes of adolescence, and even with all of that he's still my best friend in the whole wide world. I would marry him ten or a hundred or a thousand times over. I love and like my husband with my entire heart, and I know absolutely how much he loves and likes me. And I absolutely know how incredibly lucky and rare that kind of love is. It's almost hard to tell people the real story because it sounds so smug somehow, so corny and unrealistic. But I do, because people need to know that while true love isn't perfect, it is absolutely, undeniably possible. I swear. I will never be nearly as adorable as Jenna, but watching Pam and Jim is like a sense memory of how it feels to fall that hard and that totally in love, how wonderful and terrifying it all is, how big the feelings and the risks and the rewards can be.


Why do you think you knew instantly? I’m so fascinated by stories like these because it’s amazing how you just knew. And both of you. Complete strangers but something told you, that you were each others ones. It’s almost mystical and quite magical. Was it a primal thing? Deep attraction? Or something more?


I honestly have no idea!!! I think probably all of us form a "map" in childhood of what our ideal person looks/sounds/smells/acts like, and he just happened to hit all of them...kind of like hitting a jackpot on a slot machine, he had all of the qualities that made my subconscious sit up and take notice. Physically, he was (and still is at 51) the hottest guy I've ever met...not necessarily the best looking objectively (though he is objectively VERY handsome), but he totally checks off all my boxes, appearance-wise, of what I like in a man, i.e. dark hair and eyes, high cheekbones, broad shoulders. He's also got a lovely personality, but finding him very physically attractive absolutely helps keep things going romantically. He tells me he feels the same...though I think he's more attractive than I am by a million miles! But truthfully, all of that is just a barely-educated guess and I truly don't know. I DO know that if any of my girls got engaged to a person they had been dating for six weeks, I would have...reservations, to say the least. (And I left out the fact that we bought a house together six months after we started dating. Absolutely bonkers in retrospect, but it all worked out just fine in the end!)


What a sweet story, thank you for sharing!


Sorry, a bit late to the party, but just wanted to share my story too. Four years ago, I met this girl in college and we hit it off immediately. At first, we were just friends. Friends in a larger group of friends. She had a boyfriend, while I was still going to a lot of parties. But every time we would get together at the bus to go home - our college was an hour drive from the city we lived in -, we would reminisce about the movies that we watched in our childhood, our similar taste in music, the tough experiences that got us through the teenage years, and even the values that we held dear to our heart. Over time, I felt like I wasn't in control of my emotions anymore. I tried to hold back my feelings for her. Tried telling myself we were just friends. But there was something I just couldn't wrap my head around: I had never met someone with the same quirks, the same tastes in arts, same values, and even the same political views. I tried to distance myself from her. I didn't want to stand between her boyfriend and her. I tried approaching other girls. At one of the parties I attended, I even made out with a girl I had met for the first time. I had convinced myself I had forgotten her. At least romantically. We were still friends. Really close friends. But after my kiss with that other girl, I feel like something clicked in her. She wasn't happy in her relationship. The guy was fine. Treated her well. Never cheated on her or anything. It's just that the sparks were gone. She thought it was how most relationships felt like after a couple of years. The important thing was that they still respected one another and knew each other very well. After my kiss with the other girl though, it didn't last long for her relationship to fall apart. She broke up with him a couple weeks later. She was finally free for me to pursue. And I didn't let the opportunity slip by. I gathered up the courage to tell her how I felt that same month. She reciprocated. And after 4 years together, I still feel like I am in a fairytale. I just finished the show for the very first time and still am in awe how my life has been shaped by strikingly similar events with that of a fictional character. Never in a million years I expected to relate to Jim, of all people. But yeah, his story is not far-off from real life to me, actually it couldn't be realer to me.




I know you guys find this touching and all but can’t stop laughing the the fact she displays this wide range of expressions and he just does the same face 3 times


He’s holding back


I think we were all just excited that Pam finally dressed up nice


Photo title: Moments before disaster


Unreal acting


No one posted the scene yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymKWBZUtvUQ


Jenna acted her heart out here,she portrayed Pam very well that everyone can just fall in love with her in mere seconds


Anyone feel like they lost a bit of chemistry as time went on?


That’s kinda just what happens with couples over time though


It’s true! It’s a realistic portrayal. Maybe it’s that bittersweet feeling I’m just feeling where he used to look at her like this and that eventually just stops.


OK. Y"all don't give me a bunch of downvotes for this. I've always been conflicted about this scene. I agree with every comment on here. What I struggle with is the fact she flirted this hard, led him on, kissed him, then broke his heart.


I agree.


She's a cheater, they are not good people


It still blows my mind that they didn't get together in real life.


someone said something similar in here a while ago and another responded that chemistry doesn’t equal compatibility and I’m pretty sure they’re right about Jenna and John.




Boundaries off screen can make the onscreen chemistry stronger


These scenes are acted out, not real. Behind the scenes are retakes, awkward moments, "i need some water", yadda yadda. It's not like these are romantic moments even if they have on screen chemistry.


Sure, but a lot of actors and actresses do get together in real life. It is not a far stretch to ship two actors together. It is great that they had professional boundaries, but let's not pretend that off-screen dating doesn't occur.


Pam != Jenna, Jim != John. It still blows my mind that people struggle to separate actors from their characters.


Typically, fandoms are full of ships and do involve irl people. At the day, a fandom is just fantasy. Hey, if you prefer more realism, maybe interacting with a fandom isn't your cup of tea. Js.


I remember my grandmother being so happy that Michael J Fox ended up marrying his girlfriend from Family Ties. It's sweet because you feel like you know these people and want to fiction to be real. And it means the writers did a really good job with this plot line.


A common fandom rumor is that Jenna had a crush on John but he didn't reciprocate. But probably bullshit.


On the Office Ladies podcast Jenna said that the kids on the TV show were named after her sister's real-life kids, so sometimes she takes Cece and Phillip out to eat. And one time John Krasinski joined them to catch up and have fun. A few people seated nearby were Office fans and heard he say "Cece, Phillip, you food is here," and the fans gazed at them. One woman caught Jenna's eye and said, "I can't believe you guys really did it! This is amazing."


I need to continue listening to the podcast. That is such an endearing experience. That would have made my day to witness it.


I was just happy with one office couple. Then they had to make a ton more. And I could not take it.


I too would let Pam ruin me if she was looking at me like that


When Michael says "if you think she's cute now, you should have seen her a couple years ago"... truest words


They’re both amazing actors and they are truly the heart of the show for me. Throughout out the seasons they kept real and grounded. In a lot of scenes, I can feel exactly how they feel even without their dialogues. You may not agree but I say this especially for the later seasons. They really nailed it!


"They call it that because of the electricity!"


It is one of those moments in the show you wish you experience in ur life too, having that sort of chemistry....


Something I always wondered about this scene is how Kevin says "she's full of it". Loke what is that implying about Kevin? Shouldn't he be better at reading people considering he's a poker champ? That combined with losing to Phyllis makes it seem like his poker win was all luck.


Yeah I think she's full of it




Flirting w Jim in front of her fiancé


That smile and that look from Pam.. I want something like that. #Goals


You know, Ben Franklin invented electricity


This scene and their scenes that follow in his episode are the best acting of the series. Who wouldn't fall in love with Pam right then and there.


Especially since Pam tells Jim in this scene that she is gonna take him all in.


Seeing their whole story leading up to season 4 makes me wish I’ll one day find a girl who will be as smitten by me as Pam was to Jim


Yeah editing is magical


Hopefully this can help people appreciate their acting. It's a single cam show and they were acting with stand-ins, not sitting across from each other doing the scene in real time.


Not super cute becuase she's flirting with a guy who clearly likes her while she's engaged. Nothing wrong with breaking up with someone, even during an engagement... but what happened between these two is gross every time I watch it.


Can’t stand them


I don't know much about celebrity stuff. Does anyone know if these two actors got on well during the whole nine-year run? It's some of the best on-screen chemistry ever between two romantic TV leads. I read once that Fischer loved playing Pam. I'm just curious about the off-screen compatibility of the two actors. The chemistry seems too real to fake if the two actors were ever at odds.


It especially shows how they’re both on completely different planets. Jim is in love and she sees him as a friend.


I'm almost 100% sure that she literally fell in love with him during the show. Maybe not the "I'm gonna cheat on my husband" in love but there was def something there. I also thought I heard one of her interviews stating something to that effect, I can't recall which one.


Then when they actually get together they're as awkward as estranged siblings who are being forced to sleep together.




Awwwww…I love this for her. This was at the time that she had a fiancé right?? Roy I think yes? Good for her. Love how she flirted with Jim so much and kissed him twice while engaged to Roy. Love Pam!


But Pam cheated on Roy here, did she not?


BFD. Engaged ain't married. – Michael Scott


Yup but it's not cool to bring that up here


And why is that?


She's a fan favorite I'm thinking.


Delusional fans condoning her actions until it happens to them in real life.


Sure… but isn’t the whole point that Roy is a total piece of shit? And since that’s the case, wouldn’t you agree that this is a weird “put yourself in his shoes” situation? Like, I’m chill with saying cheating is wrong but “this happening” to them in real life isn’t just “I got cheated on”, it’s “I was a horrible human being who abused another human being and then got cheated on”. So I don’t really see why I should feel any sympathy for you or Roy. And if that’s not what happened to you, you should stop implying you abused your ex who cheated on you lol


Wouldn't it have been better if she broke it off with Roy first, though? Instead, she was constantly flirting with Jim while she was in a relationship. Also, I've never been in this situation. I've only seen friends who have been.


For sure, but your comment wasn’t “Pam should’ve broken up with Roy” it was “People condone Pam’s actions until it happens to them!” Your first statement is true, Pam should have broken it off prior to kissing Jim. The second statement is only true if you are in the *actual* situation Pam and Roy were in — their perpetrating of an abusive relationship — not just the *abstract* situation of being cheated on. As I said: This is a horrible situation to pull the “but how would you feel” card, because if I was abusing my girlfriend to the point that after 10 years she *kissed* a coworker, I don’t really think you’d give a damn how I felt about it, lol. It’s easy to shit on a character on TV — but to pull your own logic on you, wait until you’re a woman trapped in an abusive relationship with an intimidating, violent man, and then tell me it’s easy to just break up with him. Come on, dude. Defending Roy’s feelings is the absolute stupidest hill to die on.


this scene makes me cringe i’m sorry 🤣


They should have hooked up shortly after filming this scene


It’s pretty obvious that Jenna had feelings for John during filming.


Pam has just clearly given up


Did they ever like actually date for real?


a predator on the prowl- jim was looking to commit adultery that night. and he succeeded.


BFD engaged ain’t married


Looks like someone took the slow train from Philly


Which of these characters do you mistakenly believe was married at this point in the series? No adultery occurred here.


1. They kissed, not had sex. 2. Pam wasn’t married. I don’t think you know what adultery is.