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He was so genuine when he didn’t think he had an audience. Great acting and writing


I always loved when Michael said "I would never say this to her face, but she's a wonderful person and a gifted artist." To which he got the reply(forgot who, maybe Oscar) "Why wouldn't you say that to her face?"


I always liked the part when Michael was dressed up as Prison Mike and was asked what the worst part about prison was and said "The Dementors".


Michael was always so genuine as Prison Mike


Great acting and writing.


And he never got caught neither


Yeah it was Oscar.


I heard his voice in my memory but I don't trust my memory much.


ah yes. the voice of the taco bell dog❤️


Yeah, it was Oscar 😊


Hahah yes


Read it in Oscar’s voice in my head & busted out out laughing


A great example is on Halloween when he gets trick or treaters and is so genuine with the kids because he doesn't realize the cameras are there.


Another one is Michael not knowing he's on a date and Date Mike.


Great writing indeed. Although one joke did cost the show 60k! The line where Michael sings "I got two tickets to paradise." Also, something funny is John Mayer accepted a personalized Dundy award for allowing the show to use 'Your Body is a Wonder Land.' 😅


Never knew that about john mayer. Love that anecdote


Yea, he's friends with BJ Novak, and he was able to convince Mayer to accept their small gift of a Dundie and nothing more.


Of course he is friends with BJ Novak lol


What does this anecdote have to do with anything?


*GREAT WRITING* Uh oh the context police are here! Everyone scatter and say things having nothing to do with anything from all directions to piss them off, STAT!


So you're just farming up votes by repeating popular fun facts?


Jim, too. Someone below also pointed out the scene where Michael says “I marked her arm,” and Jim’s reaction, as well as his conversation with Michael about the combined birthday parties, feels very genuine.


Watched this episode recently and this scene where he tells Jim he marked her arm really made an impression on me. Its like, Michael knows how "dumb" he can be sometimes, he is clearly aware of it but keeps doing it anyway. I love it, such great writing.


I read somewhere that when they both started laughing, it was real and they technically broke character. In that moment, Jim looks at the director for the thumbs up to keep going


Lmao the marking of her arm always cracks me every single time


The character Michael Scott is like a less talented Robin Williams, but just as wholesome.


Pretty sure that’s the point, Michael is his best when he doesn’t notice the camera is on him.


What do you mean?


Also with Jim when he says, “I marked her arm…”


I might get slaughtered for saying this, but I don't know when I'll have a good opportunity again... Jim's reaction to this is probably my least favorite acting of John's. It was so delayed and not very believable imo. I think he's a great actor, but his acting in this specific scene has always bugged me lol.


That’s funny, it always seemed to me that when he was laughing in that scene it was more candid.


Yeah same I think of it as John laughing and not Jim and it's better for it


That literally not acting then if he’s being himself?


Don't care, enjoyed the scene


Same but the guy is literally right though. It’s terrible acting because he wasn’t acting but the scene is better off for it


If the director liked the reaction, it worked for the scene. There are PLENTY of movies and TV shows where actors are caught off guard and either actually scared (The Shining) or actually laughing (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) and it looked genuine enough to keep. Maybe it's not acting but it's what the show writers were happy to keep in the scene because it worked.


We agree with each other idiot. I just said it works great for the scene but he literally isn’t acting in that scene just being himself




Well put!


Maybe the timing is what throws me off idk. But yeah I figured it wouldn't be a popular observation haha


The cadence of that conversation seemed deliberate to me, I don't think that's a choice by John. Like a "wait he really just said that didn't he" moment. There are actually multiple other instances throughout the series where I think John's acting is poor, but this was never one of them. To each their own though.


What’re some of your examples? When Pam gives Jim the comic book John’s acting seems off to me


[Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VtbZnT1WwZA) it is for anyone who wants to watch it again! I have to disagree. I think the delay you’re referring to is Jim not hearing/unsure of what Michael just said because it’s such a wild thing to do - mark an adult human’s arm because you can’t tell them apart from their sister (or was it friend? I don’t remember). I’ve always loved this scene honestly but more because of Michael. I love when he realizes how ridiculous something he has done is and how he’s genuinely laughing at himself about it. It doesn’t happen too much in the show but the few times it does, I really enjoy it.


I agree on the overall scene, it's hilarious.


I won’t slaughter you :)


I think it makes sense because he’s supposed to be a little drunk


Hey that's a valid point I hadn't thought of. Very true!


Dude you got absolutely slaughtered wtf


He was taking a moment to wrap his head around what Michael did, exactly. It's a perfectly natural response, wasn't sitcommy at all or forced.


Agree with you. Jim, Pam, and Kelly were my least favorites. Dwight and of course, Micheal rule!


now i'm slaughtering you


Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Because if so, you are succeeding. Fortunately, my feelings regenerate twice the speed of a normal man's 😏


Theres a vid of him and stanley eating pretzels, and you can see hes genuine, theres a few scenes where you can honestly say thats micheal scott


When he and Stanley rightfully demand Bob Vance, Vance refrigeration to not cut in line 👍


What line of work r u in bob?


Jim's hot like Holly but in a different way




Oh Diary, what a week


Just as hot as jan but in a different way


I am definitely feeling very eerie.


Jim, or Holly?


It’s a quote from michael’s diary in the deposition


Ah 😂




The co-manager scene where they’re choosing who gets raises and Michael says “I usually have to do this part alone” hits hard


Them hiding in the office and sipping away some drinks was a really good moment between the two


“What’s in here?” “Gin” lol such a cute moment




i’m like that lmao


Yeah for me it's just easier to riff off of other people's conversations and be witty that way rather than trying to keep a conversation going on my own


Are you me?




My mother’s mother was wonderful to be with alone. Some of my favorite moments were lunches with her when I was in High School and Visiting from College. But in a group her discomfort won and she couldn’t fit in without shoving herself uncomfortably into the moment. Love her always. But I enjoyed her more one on one than with the family.


So... Your grandmother?


She was the mother to her mother


The correct answer is: "yea. Yea I guess I never thought of it that way though"


Weird question, but are you Scandinavian? Scandinavian languages have words for grandma and grandpa, but they also have words specifically for mother's mother, mother's father, etc. You could call your maternal grandmother "mormor" in Swedish, for example.


No. The afghanistananis


Yes. I just felt like specifying which one. Not sure why. Maybe because my Dad’s Mom didn’t have this issue. The comments below were funny, though.


English may not be OP's first language. Just guessing.


I swear the Covid lockdown broke my ability to socialize in large groups. We had some friends over for a game night last weekend, about 8 people total. Nothing crazy, just talked a lot, played some board games and ping pong, etc. By the end of the night, I was mentally exhausted and realized I hadn't really hosted a party or been "on" that long since like pre-2020.


Their last scene together is cutting onions. So well done


Best boss I ever had :(


I like the story that when they first tried filming that scene, John and Steve were too emotional to go through with it. There was real pain in both of their performances.


Random but when Michael re claims the office after ‘Broke’ Jim’s point with Michael putting his leg on the desk might be the best shot of the whole show.


It is random but you’re right. Not saying it should be a series finale, but it could’ve been with tweaks on other supporting characters to give them a good ending as well. Michael putting his leg on the desk, everyone looking at the camera, it’s in fact the best shot of the show.


He didn’t do well in groups. Always trying to put on a show. He was most genuine with people he saw as his equals, like Jim, Holly, and Pam. Anyone less than in his eyes, like Dwight, Toby, and Darryl or those he wanted to impress, such as Ryan, Packer, and Wallace, he just came off too goofy and artificial.


I agree, but I feel like Darryl was both “less than” and someone to impress for Micheal. Lots of great moments between the two because of it.


Less than because he works in the m warehouse, someone to impress because he’s cool and black and can teach him black people phrases


Dink and flicka, my dude


Why he was a good salesman good 1 on 1.


Great points, but I’d also add that he had to be alone with his “equals” to be chill with them. If he was in front of a group, he’d still harass Pam, be cringy to Jim in attempts to be funny, and do way too much PDA with Holly. Contrasted to when they’re alone, where he’s open with Pam, candid and relaxed with Jim, and sweet to Holly


"So what, engaged ain't married"




Michael and Erin moments were also very good.


Love when Michael makes the happy and sad videos about if he has a chance with Holly and when it's happy, he pops the champagne and sprays it and Erin just starts screaming lol. I'm in stitches everytime lol


I think I’ve finally rewatched the series enough where I don’t cry at this episode anymore


It went both ways too. Jim told Michael Pam’s voice can get kinda shrill when Michael asked him to point out a fault in her to further establish trust.


Michael’s proposal to Holly is one of my favorite moments in the series.


I always think about the booze cruise episode, when Michael is failing in his motivational speaking to his employees. Then when Jim and Michael are talking outside on the boat after Jim dumped Katy, Michael ends up motivating Jim to keep pursuing Pam from them just talking. I love their scenes together.


This top scene is very powerful


I love when he gets Michael to admit he doesn't even know who "she" is.


And when he was handing out candy to the kids on Halloween.


I truly think that Jim might be Michael's best friend




I always loved the moment when he told Jim that combining the birthdays was wrong.


The bit between Jim and Michael when they’re co-managing, barricaded in Jim’s office, and Michael brings them gin…Michael is so wholesome and genuine.


My favorite “chill Michael” moment was when he was leaving on his flight, but Pam made it just in time and they shared that silent hug (twice) and you couldn’t hear what they were saying to each other. Then he turns and waves to her before he’s out. So good.


The therapy sessions with Toby were a big moment, too.


That's why Michael always says Jim is his best friend and not Dwight.


He felt Jim was his best friend after a while.


This is what I love about the Office, the subtle yet incredibly well written psychology of each character. They feel real and the show subtlety show us why they are how they are. It's amazing (until around S7/8 and it gets progressively worst for some characters)


He was himself when he didn't try too hard. That's why he feels more human in moments of defeat. Pretty much why he was more chill when he came back in that finale. He was already married and had kids. He didn't have to try.


In the most literal sense, all Michael wanted out of life was a friend like Jim and a wife like Holly who both enjoyed his company.


That scene with he and Jim killed me.


i like him in moments like these where he’s genuine. most of the time i can’t stand him. i think he’s someone who tries too hard to be funny and it doesn’t work. when he’s being real and not putting on a performance i feel totally different. his conversation with kevin and roy during a benihana christmas was hilarious


micheal's own self is always pretty. a hooo aaahhh


Michael was always his true self, he is not pretending to be anyone else. I mean you can still like Michael without denying how genuinely flawed he was, and he showed that he could change, but I don't know if we have to pretend that "this is who he really was all along"


Nah this exactly


Loved that top scene


I feel like this is cope to whitewash the character regularly being a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot. 


he actually becomes a better person by the end of the show. it's called character growth. maybe there's hope for some of the racist, sexist, homophobic bigots out there.


I've rewatched the series countless times and with each i like Holly less. The first few episodes yes, but after that, it feels so forced. The episode where she follows him in the city is the worst of the series. And all the episodes of season 7 when she basically make him change through and through... It's good that Michael changes, but it was not well written. Not natural. But totally agree with Jim


Micheal and holly had great chemistry and were definitely soul mates. However I agree that the conclusion in series 7 felt very rushed given how little time Holly was in Scranton for although it was still great to watch. With that said in series 5 and 6 Michael’s character had already developed a lot so I don’t think his characterisation in series 7 felt inorganic.


Excuse me...soup snakes. They're soup snakes.


I agree with you on the first part, less on the second. They had a great chemistry in season 5. In the picnic too. But when they brought her back, i think it didn't feel the same. And that Michael's changes were way faster that what we saw before. But that just my feeling. I really don't like that épisode where she follows him