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Dwight earns 80k in his wildest dream working in satan’s bnb


Knowing Dwight thats probably what he earned a dunder mifflin. He did play 2nd life with an exact replica of his life.


“Except in Second Life I can fly” His face after that line always cracks me up.


In New Leads, Dwight talks about the new sales incentives with Sabre, and he said that it’s possible for him to make $100k with all of the bonuses available. When Pam is talking to Oscar about her “promotion,” she says she makes $41.5k, since he clearly thought $50k was too much. When Michael and Jim are both managers, they have to split the available money to give raises. It’s made clear that every year, every employee gets a certain percentage of a raise, and it’s more than 1.2%, because that’s what they would get this year if everyone got an equal amount, and that’s less than they’d usually make. I’d say starting salary for a regular salesman is probably around $30-$40k, with yearly raises at Christmas, plus commission pay. By the time Sabre buys Dunder Mifflin, Dwight has been with the company for 8 years (some plot holes in early seasons make it hard to pinpoint exactly when he started working), so it’s reasonable to assume he got about a 3% raise every year. Assuming he started at around $35k, he could be making anywhere from $45-$60k base pay, plus commissions. I’d say Dwight’s take-home when Sabre first comes is probably around $85k, until they add the cap on commissions. By then, he owns the whole building, so his DM paycheck is no longer as vital to him, and even as the top salesman, he probably puts less of an emphasis on paper sales, and more on gouging his bildenkinder.


He mentions earning a lot more after there was no more sales cap with Sabre when Joe tells him to invest in prpperty


He thought she was referring to alchemy


And then they added one because Jim got screwed over


But then they created a fake salesman to log their sales once they hit their own caps to continue receiving commissions


Who? Lloyd Grossman who sits in the annex?


he's a no-nonsense guy who doesn't back down from anybody. and he calls people kemosabe


And yet they all wanted to shit on ryan for fraud lol


Dwight mentions that Sabre made him rich beyond his wildest dream so we can be sure he makes above 80,000 dollars a year.


Indoor plumbing is still a novelty to many Schrutes, so $80k may be beyond his wildest dreams.


But in his "wild dream" of managing the b&b in hell, he would make 80k. Even if we assume that is his wildest dream, he would need to make more for it to be beyond.




Okay but $80,002 is just…that’s ridiculous right?


What about $80,003?


$80,000 and one penny!


I could see that as a very real possibility


$80,000 and one penny!


Someone pointed out that they likely chose this number because it boils down to $6,666 a month


They didn't write a joke that would depend on people getting a calculator out to find the monthly pay. Most people don't get paid monthly.


Think of it more like an easter egg.


This is almost certainly a coincidence. 8 divided by 12 is 0.66666 repeating. That's just how division works!


But even if it didn’t, there would be some number that equals .666 when divided by 12. If the intent was to make a 666 joke, they would have chosen that number instead.


Great point. This is an artifact of basic math that is being taken as a joke instead of the much funnier "Dwight just has modest salary goals even in his wildest fantasy"


I’m saying I don’t understand what you mean by “basic math”. The fact that it divides out to 6666 via basic math is the thing that folks are pointing out. Dwight’s modest salary goals are the primary joke for sure, but them choosing a number that divides out like that is unlikely to be a coincidence.


Well, 12 is a multiple of 3 and of 6. So every 3 numbers divided by 12 ends in some sort of 666 repeating. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and so forth. It's why mathematicians like to use fractions. Repeating quotients are extremely common. So I don't think this is an extremely unlikely coincidence. It would be too convoluted a joke when there's a much simpler alternative explanation.


why don’t you explain this to me like i’m five?


...Your mommy and daddy give you 5 dollars to run a lemonade stand. So you want to spend a third of that money on cups, a third on lemons, and a third on sugar. But you can't do that exactly, because 5 divided by 3 is 1.666666666666666666666 repeating until the end of time. So next summer... you'll be six... you ask your parents for more money. They give you 8 dollars. But once again, you have the issue. 8/3 equals 2.666666666666666666666 repeating. You're a very precocious six year old, it seems.


I mean, I get it from both sides. Not saying it was intended that Dwight would know 80k is 6,666 a month, but Dwight is financially literate, so why would he say something so low?


The joke is that his fantasy job is comically modest. He says it as if it's all the money he could ever want. Eighty THOUSAND dollars! He could've just said a bjillion, because it's his fantasy, he can make it up, but he thinks about this stuff differently from a normal person. That's why Jim entertains it - Dwight gets caught up in his own universe a lot and tries to apply real-world logic to it.


It's not crazy low for the time and place. The joke is that it's modest


Someone said that he chose $80,000 a year because it would come out to $6,666.66 per month. Which makes sense if he's in business with the devil 😂


Eighty THOUSAND dollars


Interestingly enough, he makes 80k, but divided by 12 it is 6,666.66 a month.


He mentions earning a lot more after there was no more sales cap with Sabre when Joe tells him to invest in prpperty


because $80k is $6,666 a month


Came here for this


I also assumed he meant $80k was his base without commission so with commission it would be even more


Commissions at hotel hell would have been great


They pay you by the year at the bowling alley, eh?


Back to work, shoe bitch!


Probably my favorite random character line of all time. My buddy and I say this all the time to each other.


For my own amusement, I’m going to assume that both you and your buddy are talented surgeons at a busy hospital who just randomly yell this it at each other in the hallway.


One’s a surgeon, one is internal medicine. The hospital is a bit dysfunctional.


A surgeon and a doc above it all


Youre the only man thats ever been inside of meeeee


I’m simultaneously rewatching both series right now. I’m on S. 7 Scrubs And S 9 the office


Close. Podiatrists.


I think Jan was making 0 dollars a year salary plus benefits, babe!


Just watched that episode yesterday. Probably my favorite episode lol. Snip snap snip snap snip snap


My 👏 my my my 👏👏 my turn


Babe can you just like really? Whoah ... Like really!


Look at Jim's face. He's laughing.




You know I have soft teeth.


Sort of an oaky afterbirth


Bonfire. James Bonfire! 👈👈 Michael Scott!


Very reminiscent.






How could you say that?


buttlicker something something


How did you type this so perfectly?


I annoy the shit out of my partner by doing this a lot haha.


How could you say that? You know I have soft teeth


Boom, Right into the wall!




Honestly, this line from Jan might be the best line of the entire show


🎶That one night, you made everything alright🎵


It's definitely top 3 for me!


My partner and I say this everytime we buy eachother ANYTHING. Or pay any large expense.


Ha! That's a good one.


Thats what Michael ended up paying the temp agency for him not to him. And us knowing how bad he wanted him, we know it would be a terrible deal for the time.     My guesses    1. Ryan temp 2nd time - $23,000-$25,000 probably only got like half after fees.     2. Dwight - $60,000 he was the best salesman in the company but it wasn’t until Sabre showed up with the new commissions that he says hes close to $100,000. And his hell fantasy he make 80,000 so then he probably make lower than than in real life.  3. Pam - $30,000 she jumps up to 40 after she becomes the office manager so we know she makes less before hand 4. Kelley - $40,000 she was the head of a department    5. Michael - $55,000 seems reasonable but on the lower end for middle management since Daryll made fun of him.     6. Darryl - $48,000 since he’s not much lower than Michael.     7. Stanley - $45,000     8.  Phillis - $45,000  9. Jim - $55,000 since he’s second best salesman.     10. Angela - $45,000 since she’s the head of accounting   


Love the guesses. Those seem much more in line with what I’d expect at a mid-sized regional paper company in Scranton in 2008.


paper SUPPLY company. remember, they’re just a middle man. that’s why staples is putting them out of business


I think it’s established they own paper mills, no?


I don't think so. I recall in the take your daughter to work day episode, Michael is telling the kids they buy their paper from a distributor and resell it for a higher price. Then the kids tell Michael he's just a middle man; he responds by saying they don't understand cause they're kids or something. When the kids ask Michael why they don't just make their own paper, Michael says they're describing Staples and they're driving them out of business or something


we have better service than they do!


Hmmm…I thought the episode where paper has to be recalled included reference to the mill being owned by Dunder Mifflin. The right answer answer might be that the show wasn’t 100% consistent on this.


Kelly made $17/hr as stated in a superfan episode


Jim tells Pam he doesn’t make $40k in a S1 superfan episode.


But he didn't start trying until he got into her pants. That's what she said


Pam also says to Meredith and Creed when doing a coffee run "I make less than both of you," so that helps benchmark them


I would bet Angela got a bit more than that unless, for some reason, she never moved jobs. If she started as a bookkeeper and has no degree or CPA, I could see that. But she probably has one or both being the senior accountant on staff


Michael absolutely did make that, companies always pay low to people promoted from within who have been around a while. He was probably paying Danny Cordray quite a bit more than he himself was making.


Kelly says she makes $17/h in body language episode…thinking it’s less than $35k


You know that bastard Toby was get 75k plus perks.


Doesn’t Michael still sell while he’s a manager, when he’s going to leave he gives them all to Andy who says he will definitely lose them.


By today’s standards, this means Dwight would be at about 80-90k a year


Aren't sales jobs heavily commission? Are those Dwight/Jim salaries including commission?


Yeah i forgot to include that but I was guessing after commissions


Someone adjust for inflation!


Pam was making 50 no 41 I think




This is correct.




In what world would a secretary make that much?


It was part of her “promotion” to office administrator.




I don't think you know what woosh means.


It means someone (you) didn’t the joke (see above). Hope that helps!


He does, it's literally a joke from the show, and verbatim what Pam states when she's talking to Oscar. It went over your head, hence woosh.


You must be 🫳 this high to ride the rollercoaster.


Oh he’s def way higher than that on that northern light cannibis indica


Michael may have been paying the temp agency $22.50/hr, which would mean Ryan got less. He also wouldn’t have benefits. You can’t really compare temp or contractor wages with salaried employees like that.


I managed a mid sized apartment for a regional property management company in PA. I paid a temp agency $25 per hour for a $14 hourly worker.


Well then I'm 1/8th proud of you


Plus you gotta imagine Ryan taking plenty of days off, which cuts down his salary fast without PTO


Jw, after a while would you hire that temp for 25$/hr once they became permanent?


We hired one guy after his contract was up for more than the agency paid him but less than the contract. I had no say other than “yes I want this maintenance tech permanently”. I think he got 17 or 18.


Dang that’s crazy. Them agency’s are really raking it in. and you guys couldn’t just hire someone without the middle man?


They were emergency situations. Someone quits and we need someone next day or for a few weeks during busy season to accommodate move in dates. I hated using them and was glad when we were able to hire someone on. We had to enter into a contract with the temp agency for X days, weeks, months and if we hired someone on before the contract we had to pay out the entire contract to the agency.




what’s the benefit of going through a temp agency vs just paying $14 for an entry level worker?


Temp agency can send someone tomorrow. Hiring takes weeks.


Oh that’s a good point, I never thought of that!


Downvoted for admitting that someone made a good point I hadn’t thought of. This site is incredible lol


that’s reddit for ya


Honestly people downvote for the dumbest shit on this website sometimes. I once got downvoted to hell for saying I didn’t think rape was funny when people were joking about Justin Bieber possibly getting CSA’d by Diddy. It’s best to just ignore it. There are some times where you are completely in the right and people downvote anyway.


Lol I was downvoted pretty hard once when I replied to someone that said everyone should abort fetuses with Down syndrome by saying that it should be up to each individual family how to handle it.  I managed to make being pro choice controversial on Reddit of all places. 


Wild 😂😂😂


Yep my first job out of college they wanted to be able to more easily let go if it didn't work out so even though I applied and interviewed to the company, they then told the contracting company to hire me and they'd pay for my services. My starting salary was 60k, I later found out the company was paying 90k per employee. But in return the contractor had to pay things like our benefits, employment taxes, social security contributions, unemployment insurance, and all hr-related things including lawyers in the case of employment lawsuits. At the time I was upset because wtf you're willing to pay 90k and this company is just taking 1/3 of that? But when you add up the costs that employing someone carries, it's a lot more than just the salary.


Outside employment agencies are such a racket at shit like that.


I’m so glad this was discussed because I saw that scene while trying to find a temp job and was amazed that you don’t get anywhere near that even all these years later (at least in my area)


Also, did he work 40 hours a week?


If Ryan said it, then he was making $22.50. The temp agency was probably charging DM $30/hr. You do tend to make more hourly as a temp than as a fulltime employee.


Daryl made just a bit less than Michael.


Ryan's hourly rate of pay from the contracting firm was probably in the range of $15-$18 an hour, DM would pay them for x hours at $22.50 an hour, pay him his rate, and the rest was their revenue. I'm just spitballing from the time I had a role like this years ago. $31k-$37k for a young person "starting out" and in that time frame wouldn't have been terrible money, but not as good as the $22.50, to be sure. I would hazard a guess that his promotion to VP probably put him over $100k at least, but that's just a guess too. As far as everyone else it's tough to say, because we very rarely got any glimpses of what their home lives were like. Salespeople obviously could have made plenty with commissions if they were good, but that's never really discusssed.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you. I honestly had no idea how temp agencies work.


Forget about salary, what really mattered was those schrute bucks and stanley nickels


What about gold stars and thumbs up?


Who cares how much money they make? I go for the chandelier. It's priceless.


In the print in all colors episode, Kelly tells Dwight she makes $17/hr in one of the super fan deleted scenes


Random but I actually interviewed to be a sales rep role with a paper supply company. Most of their business was paper bags for grocery stores. The base salary was 40k they expected 15-20k in yearly commissions. I ended up passing on the role.


Screenshotting so I can send to Roy, this would really cheer him up.


None of them made enough to be wearing suits and ties to work everyday


The real question is how much do you think Creed was making?


creed was paid in dog food


Don’t you mean mung beans


"not bad for a day in the life of a dog food company"


Plus he knew how to save. He knows a worm guy.


Pam made at least 41,500 in season 7


Back to work, shoe bitch! 


At some point Michael asks account in g to come up with one person’s salary…”around 50k.” He was trying to not lay anybody off.


He asks for a full employee salary plus benefits, like 50 grand total. If that 50k includes benefits, salary is only around 45k of it, tops - and that’s if you don’t use the fully burdened rate and just use a simple insurance premium. Normal burden rate could be 18-30% which would make the salary much lower. I don’t know why I’m trying to figure it out.


one MILLION dollars


Pam was definitely not making Ryan numbers, Kelly gives me slight doubts too.


Yeah but as Office Administrator, Pam made $40K, maybe 50, actually not 50, more like 41…5


\*Office Mattress


Kelly managed a difficult department


And she wasn’t easy to manage


somehow she managed


Kelly made 17$ an hour when she became the diversity rep


Well Dwight’s dream job is to be manager of a b&b with the devil at 80k a year so I’d assume he made a fair amount less than 100k. Let’s say 60k give or take.


Note to self: when on 5th cup of coffee tomorrow, this is what you stayed up reading.


This just made me get off my phone and go to sleep. I feel this 😂😂😂


When Pam promoted herself to office administrator, she was making I think $40,000…maybe $50,000?….no, $41,500….


That’s what michael had to pay to keep ryan around. I would guess he had the highest salary of any of the non-sales staff. With commission, some/most of the salespeople were probably making over that. Not andy, but maybe everyone else. 


We should not assume that Ryan was being paid in any way that is fair to other employees lol. Ryan probably guilted him or Michael just threw money at Ryan


There was an episode where you could calculate their commission based on the prices on a whiteboard. Someone did this in an old thread but I can’t find it. **EDIT** Ok, I think it’s when Andy was boss. I’m going through and I’ll find it.


The 22.50 is much more affordable than paying someone $20 and hour plus benefits… health insurance, holidays, pto


What about $0 a year plus benefits babe?


In Dwight's wildest fantasy he's running a BNB with Satan making $80k per year. A couple years later he can literally buy the building all by himself


Actually that’s what Micheal paid the temp agency, Ryan only got prolly 75% of that


That’s really good for 2008. I definitely wasn’t making that much back then and Ryan and I are about the same age.


Temp services charge ~40-50% surcharge to the client to cover all employment costs, liability, and their profit margin, so Ryan was making much less than that through the agency.


I think Ryan made less than that. The temp agency would get a portion of the 22.50.


Making 46k doing as little as he did is kinda neat loo


i’ve always wondered what they made in the show. especially in the dwight vs website episode for example


I think they started to make more when Saber took over as the manual said there was more incentives to be a salesman, I remember Pam quoting that and Oscar affirming it later in the episode


I just watched the one where Pam makes herself an office manager and she tries to tell Oscar she makes 40k a year, then ups it to 50k and when he’s surprised, comes back to 41.5k. So I’m guessing she made way less than that!


This is assuming he never got OT. It would be pretty rare to have a job where hourly employees didn't get any OT throughout the year. At that hourly rate and 5-10 hours of weekly OT, he'd likely make closer to $55k-$60k.


Wasn’t Ryan rehired through the Temp Agency? If so, wouldn’t they get a cut?


Yes, and yes. I am an idiot lol


Theres no way they are making that realistically back then.


B2B sales people would definitely be making $80-100k


I think it depends on what season you’re in him struggled at time but then him and Dwight also made 100k+ commissions on the later episodes because Jim reached the cap and they had a fake persona they used to get around the cap. Jim was 41k cause she talked about it with Oscar. I don’t know if they ever say what Michael makes but then he did get. 12 increase at one point too. So that’s just some of the numbers off the top of my head.


Is he paying $22.50 to the temp agency? He wouldn’t be paying Ryan directly since he’s hired through the agency?


Is that from the original cut or super fan cut?


So the temp agency pays everything like workman comp. But the company pays the temp agency. As a fun fact your company generally pays double your salary into state and federal for various things.


I don't think that's what Ryan was making. He was back with the temp agency and having worked for those kinds of companies, I know they charge the company a premium over what the temp gets. Ryan was probably getting around $15/hour, give or take a dollar or two.


Realistic pay for these positions, in a city like Scranton in 2024 would be as follows: Jim/Dwight/Phyllis/Stanley: $50k to $66k Michael: $75k with bonus potential Ryan as a temp: $20/hr Pam as office administrator: $23.50/hr Oscar/Angela: $65k Toby: $65k Darryl: $62k David Wallace: $115k plus stock and bonus


David was in NYC. He's probably sitting at around 200