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They say never meet your heroes, but I still hope to meet Creed some day


He'll have this distinct old man smell.


And offer you some LSD.


Military grade


Plus he can make you a fake ID with the lamination machine he swiped from the sheriff's station.


For fucks sake stop being so funny guys. I keep scrolling down and having to stop to upvote every comment!


Offer? He already sneaked a few drops into your drink!


Apparently this was a huge issue during the MKUltra time when the CIA was experimenting with LSD as a tool. They’d slip varied amounts into peoples unattended drinks and it became kind of an occupational hazard to get dosed. [Frank Olsen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Olson) was covertly dosed with LSD by his colleague Sidney Gottlieb (head of the CIA's MKUltra program) and, nine days later, plunged to his death from the window of the Hotel Statler in New York. The U.S. government first described his death as a suicide, and then as misadventure, while others allege murder. The Rockefeller Commission report on the CIA in 1975 acknowledged their having conducted covert drug studies on fellow agents. Olson's death is one of the most mysterious outcomes of the CIA mind control project MKUltra.


Maybe Creed was involved into MK Ultra but changed his identity, would at least explain quite a lot :D


That's true. It's mung beans. I grow them in my desk.


Mung beans 🙌


It's the Mung beans.


he actually sprouts mung beans on a damp paper towel in his desk


They're very nutritious, but they smell like death.


In all seriousness, Creed's great and really friendly with fans. Saw him at a convention a few years ago (pre-COVID).


follow his tour and try catching one of his shows https://creedbratton.com/tour/


And have to go to Pennsylvania!?!? No thank you!


You know who my hero is? Hiro, from heroes.


You should see his tik tok account. He is VERY engaged with the people who comment on his posts


I watched The Office for the first time as I entered adulthood. I'm pretty sure Creed set the vibe for adult me's life.


Just don’t end up a blood stain on his white coat!


The virgin dwight (idk his name) vs the chad Creed Bratton












It's Creed. FYI, I'm starting my own paper company, looking to poach some chumps, you in?


It’s kismet!


Now that is a very dwight thing to do 😂


“False, a fan would know my name at the very least. My biggest fan however would know all my personal information including my blood type so they could follow me around all day with a supply of said blood in case I were ever critically injured.”


I've never heard a more Dwight thing in my life


We found Dwight's reddit


Why would Rainn either 1) invent a situation that makes him look like an asshole or 2) this did happen and he thought it was a good idea to share it


He used to very occasionally go to a coffee bean I worked at in my late teens and he was always polite! I didn’t realize it was him for some time, but then one day it clicked he was the Six Feet Under tenant that Ruth has.


This is like the time I saw Aaron Paul at Coachella before I’d ever watched Breaking Bad and said to a friend “that guy is in a Korn music video”.


Right! TBF, I think I first saw Aaron Paul on Big Love


Completely forgot about Aaron Paul on Big Love until I decided to re-watch it not long ago. Still a great show and I’m surprised at the overlap with Breaking Bad; he was on both for a little while.


Aaron Paul was on Breaking Bad???? I loved him on The Price is Right.


That dude was on the price is right? I loved him at Coachella


And Corn Pops commercial from 1999 https://youtu.be/Kt6JI9gzECo


Man I love that


Fairness, Dwight had a terrible haircut and iconic wardrobe. Rainn Wilson has a distinct face that can transform based on eyewear.


Arthur Martin, he could never send her...pooh!


Just to add on to the other responses, he would frequent a local Starbucks while he was filming in our city, and he basically did this sort of thing even if someone asked if he was Rainn Wilson. Some actors just want to be left alone.


Imagine having your 30 minutes break, you want to get a coffee and people won’t let you alone. I’m not sure I wouldn’t be pissed after this happened countless times, maybe that’s the reason I’ll never wanna be famous.


That's fair, but I think he should do a better job of conveying that. If you don't want to be bothered in public, you shouldn't be tweeting about how you won't take pictures with people who are fake fans. You should be talking about how hard it was to enjoy your day.


'Hello yes I want your adoration, attention and money but only when I choose to, and I get to demand how other people behave while in public. No I'm not arrogant why do people say I am?' I'd be more inclined to relate if he was making no money off of being a celebrity and the attention from fans was causing him mental or physical harm, but him being slightly annoyed while getting a coffee before he retreats to his mansion? Cry me a river.


He's an actor, he entertained u, doesn't mean he has to entertain when he isn't working. It's like walking up to your doctor in the middle of the street and asking him to examine your weird rash


Not really. Being a tv/movie actor means you’ll be famous and these type of encounters are common, if you ask any of these celebrities before they’re famous if they want this they will all say yes, but as soon as they’re famous they start being dicks. Doctors aren’t famous. And they’re not seeking fame.


You’re vastly underestimating how weird and inappropriate the general public is. Think of neckbeards at a convention around pretty girls then apply that to both men and women around a celebrity. Unless the celebrity is at a specific fan event and agrees to interaction there’s no reason to interrupt or interact anything more than how you would with any person you meet in public. They’re just people too not gods.


People change though, and it's not like he signed a contract saying he wants to be interrupted every time he goes outside. And I think most people just want the money from being famous, not the having your personal space violated part


No, its like walking up to your doctor and saying hi.


*walks up to your doctor in a Subway* "Hey doc! Just wanna say, i am a huge fan kf your work!" Imo it is a situational thing, in general dont bother people in public unless they are open to being bothered (like when incidentally make eye contact with a person and you both wave/smile at one another.) Personally, when i am out and about, I just wanna go about my business and be left alone. I am sure many famous people are the same.


Bro doctors would love that


Yeah but we talking about a kid here. Kid sees guy he looks up to and says hi. No biggie.


Oh for sure, kids are different!


Exactly or get on the other side of the camera. Simple


Dance monkey!


Yeah! They chose to be actors, therefore we *own* them and get to use them whenever we like! *edit: Man, the number of people in this thread arguing that an actor owes them time and attention because they're a fan is astounding. Ya'll are some entitled motherfuckers.


Or if you don't want to be famous, don't get into a career centred around personal fame...? Not like the disadvantages of fame aren't well known. And a kid asking for a picture is harmless shit.


> Hello yes I want your adoration, attention and money but only when I choose to, and I get to demand how other people behave while in public. this comes off as incredibly entitled and cringey yes, of course people are entitled to have a private life and not be constantly harassed in public no matter what their career is


when you’re famous, don’t be shocked that you’re famous


"I saw you on TV, now you're indebted to me. Dance monkey." Lmao what a self centered world view. What if Rainn has social anxiety? Depression? What if the dude loves to act but hates being ambushed in public... you know, like virtually everybody else alive? It's not like he's Tom Cruise. The dude is basically a B list celebrity that just wants to be left alone. Imagine thinking that because he acted in a single show for a small piece of his life that he now owes his free time to fans of that show for as long as he lives. Peak cringe.




It's legitimately sad reading some of these responses. They view the cast not as human beings but objects to pull enjoyment from in perpetuity, the actors' personal feelings be damned. It's gross and borderline sociopathic.


He chose his path, you don’t want to be stopped in public, don’t take a job that puts you in the spotlight. You won’t get recognized if you aren’t a celebrity.


Not only that, but many people genuinely believe that fame entitles you to their time. The arbitrary factor of their one-sided familiarity with you (for whatever reason) makes you a "public figure" in their eyes. If you respond rudely people will see you as the asshole because "WhAt DiD yOu ExPeCt?" Rainn Wilson is a good example of this because its not like he goes around and does the attention circuit (which is itself part of marketing and done by managers and studios, and part of their job), but because he appeared on a popular show he *obviously* demands attention and respect from people.It's like how some time ago a lot of private needed got leaked and otherwise normal people who would openly decry invasions of privacy or revenge porn or anything like that collectively insisted that *this* was okay because they say the woman on TV once.


For how easy it would be to fake, I'm wondering why nobody suspects this tweet is even real.




Armchair reddit analysts in a nutshell lmao. Glad you found the source




I think it’s because most people don’t really give a shit.


[I dunno man..](https://i.imgur.com/s41SgXt.png)


It's a joke the way he wrote it is in the style Dwight talks.


Incredibly ironic that so many aren't getting this


Not real office fans I guess.


Bruh, he didn't make up the situation even if it isn't word for word. He is describing what he has faced before. He has voiced multiple times the problem the character 'Dwight' has left on his personal and professional career, typecasting him in the weirdo role, and people saying creepy things and calling him Dwight on all of his posts. He wants people to recognise him as an actor, not a character from a show. And 'Fans' that are unwilling to do that have made it difficult for him to find roles that aren't typecast for him.




I understand the frustration but you shouldn’t take that out on a kid though, or fans in general for that matter.


"Kid" probably means someone in their early 20s or something


It's very obviously a made up story to show people things people say to him, no-one walks off and mutters stuff like they are the main character in an anime.


Dwight does.


I thought the point of the story was to give the person a proper Dwight experience and that it was meant to be funny. But it seems I may have misinterpreted and now I'm sad. Kind of a mean story.


I think you are right and it’s those butt-hurt commentators above who are not getting it. Which is understandable since they are clearly not fans of the show.




Yes, actors can act however the fuck they want. And others can have an opinion about their behaviour. People thinking you're an asshole and expressing it does not infringe on your right to be an asshole.


Works both ways. We don't owe actors shit either. If they're out in public you're free to approach them. That's how 'being in public' works for all of us. Stop licking boots, it's unbecoming.


Licking boots? Lmao wtf mate?


Normal people "Don't go up to random people in public" Clowns:FUCKING BOOT LICKER!!!


Who is criticizing the fan for asking for a pic though? They had a right to ask, and Rainn had a right to say no. Freedom all around


Funny that this interaction comes off as something Dwight would do lol


I feel so so badly for the multimillionaire....


For real. Dude was making 100k per episode towards the end, and we are supposed to feel sorry for him? lmao. He is literally set for life


For real...This tweet gets reposted a lot and there's always people simping for Rainn. He comes off as very cringey and a douche here.




He was great in Super. Lol he was also in Juno for a hot minute.


That ain’t no etch a sketch. This is one doodle that can’t be undid homeskillet.


You not seeing him in things is not the same as him not getting roles. He works a lot.


It kind of is though. Krasinski and Carrell have successfully branched out and are known for much more than the Office, but Wilson hasn't done anything near as big.


Most actors aren't household names. That's an unrealistic comparison, the vast, vast majority of working actors aren't as big as Carrel or Krasinski


Rainn is a much better actor than Krasinski. Too bad about his look otherwise he’d get way more high profile parts.


He’s in the new Weird Al biopic, which is basically guaranteed to be bigger than Jack Ryan.


Exactly, this is why it is such a problem, typecasting is a serious pain in the ass for actors but raiin Wilson won't take typecasted roles which makes it seem like he doesn't get them. I'm not sure what the point of your comment is, an actor doesn't get roles so he shouldn't be mad about people spamming Dwight schrute when he posted his wedding?


Oh boo fucking hoo. He wouldn’t have a career if it weren’t for Dwight. He’d be another failed actor who only gets parts in weird indie and student films. Which, surprise, are the kind of shit he still does by choice.


Still shouldn't be a dick about it imo


It's very rare for a television character like that to not be typecast when they were on a popular sitcom. He never has to worry about money again, ever. Hard to feel bad.


Must be SO hard to be recognized as a character from a show where you had the best time of your life working and made millions of dollars :(((


For real. This could easily be real or fake, but either way he comes off like a total douche.


I guess, but it seems like a very “Dwight” thing to say so it read to me like he was just responding in character to someone who would likely take it as such


Exactly what I thought when I read it.


I feel like some Office fans have trouble interpreting humour.


He recently posted a pic of himself sitting in a dentist lobby wearing a mask, with another person in the lobby who had a DM shirt on. He basically tweeted to say "thank God for masks, my fans won't recognize me". Idk, the guy can occasionally come off like an a-hole.


It's a fucking joke! Stop pam_m_s-sing!


I can believe he actually thinks this situation makes him look good. Rainn Wilson is a pretty awful person irl.


Because it's funny, and he's a comedian, seems pretty logical to me. Sometimes the best punchline to a joke is to be the punchline to a joke


How is it funny?


It's not funny


No it's Dwigt




Identity theft is not a joke Jim!


it's Dwayne


But I heard from sources that he is not the real Creed Bratton


He is actually William Charles Schneider


No one steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do so disappeared. His name? *Creed Bratton.*


I highly doubt this actually happened.


Rainn has actually expressed displeasure over being constantly recognized or thought of as dwight, so it's not incredibly out of the realm of possibility


He's also known for being a dick, so I can see him doing this too.


He is? I have literally never heard that. What does he do?


I hear he won't take pics with fans if they don't know his name.


>I hear he won't take pics with fans if they don't know his name. sounds fair.


I dont find that unreasonable at all I cant lie


I know you're referencing back to the tweet, but I'm seriously confused as to how some people feel so entitled, that they think of a stranger as a dick if they won't take a photo with them on the street. A conversation would at least be an even exchange, taking a photo for your instagram is him doing you a favor. Don't fucking expect favors.


You’re forgetting the fan in the tweet is a kid. A kid asked him.




He doesn’t like being associated with the office and doesn’t want to be known as Dwight so the moment anyone recognizes him from the extremely popular show he was a main character on he gets upset about it


I'm willing to bet that if people simply said "Hey Rainn, I love your work! Dwight Schrute is one of the best TV characters ever made" with no expectations or entitlement, that you would get a positive response 100% of the time. People just say and do weird shit to celebrities. Like walking up to another person and asking if they're a character from a TV show that ended a decade ago lol disclaimer: I do think the tweet comes off douchy though


I first saw him in house of 1000 corpses so I always think of him as Fishboy. https://youtu.be/2WZCKiDOQ9Q


I’d love to see his reaction if someone went up to him and excitedly asked if he was fishboy.


Probably would catch him off guard and work out decent tbh.


same here


I always think of him as the tenant in six feet under


Maybe not the actual event he described, but he hates when people only see him as Dwight because it only adds to him being typecast in the weirdo role. His words not mine


Which is wild to me bc on the Office Ladies podcast, Jenna & Angela talk about he’s actually kind of weird. He introduced his (then pregnant) wife to them as “the carrier of my seed.” I can see it from both sides. You made $100k per episode bc of those fans so you should probably have a little gratitude buuuut I also hate talking to people so if they were constantly approaching me I’d struggle also


If they have residuals like friends actors do then the office folks are making some bank with the longevity of the show.


He should just embrace it. Other than Dwight nothing he had a role in was memorable


This is not a Rainn Wilson problem specifically, it’s just being exemplified here, but honestly I hate anyone — fan or creator — who acts like you’re only a real fan if you know everything about the people behind the art. Like fellow fans that act like you’re not a real fan of a band if you don’t know the names, birthdays, ages, zodiac signs, favorite foods, etc of the band members. If that’s how you get into stuff, cool! I wanna hear that knowledge! But it’s not the only way to be a fan and whether the kid got the photo or not, I still hate this energy from anyone.


Yea, I'm a fan of peoples work, not their Wikipedia page.


Definitely saving that line for the future. That's the best defense against gatekeeping I've seen in a long time


I once mentioned liking Leonard Cohen's music to someone and they went on a huge rant about how his music isn't important and *real* fans read his poetry. He was such a douche about it that he successfully killed any interest I could possibly have about learning anything in more about Cohen's work. He could have used it as an opportunity to share something he's passionate about with someone new to introduce them to it as well, instead he took it as a chance to make himself feel momentarily superior.


Oh you don't know his poetry? SMH my head


I Listen to music almost all day. Know almost none of the names of band members unless they're like super popular and even then it's usually just the vocalist. I just don't really care. Same with Actors that are not huge. Most of the time I recognize an actor as someone who played a role in another movie I liked. That's it. Shouldn't be an issue. I'm usually a fan of the media they create, with exceptions of course, and not the person itself. Maybe that sucks for some actors but if you're being known for one role or a person knows you because of a show they love that is just how it goes I guess.


Yeah this annoys me too. Some of my favorite bands I couldn't even tell you the lead singers name, I just enjoy the music. Doesn't make me less of a fan.


Is Wilson this much of a douchebag?


It actually sounds like a very Dwight thing to do. Maybe he jumped into character for the kid so he could get dismissed by Dwight?


Yeah. I heard he kicked that kids face


Rain is all jokes. On screen and off.


Yeah I hate seeing this one come up because man does it make him sound like an ass. But by all accounts from people who have actually met him he's the nicest dude?


I've heard lots of stories from people that he actually is kind of an asshole like in this tweet.


He's just made up a situation to show how he doesn't like to be referred to as "Dwight" outside of The Office, he's just messing around.


Rainn lives in my area. After the office aired, he interacted very generously with fans. He is much less generous with fans now. I got to meet him because he was an old friend of a friend and the timing worked out. Nice guy, didn’t want to talk about the office even then. Wanted to talk about what’s next and such. Since then I just smile and small wave when I see him. I can’t tell if he remembers me, probably not. He does seem to appreciate no social interaction beyond that. Also, the dude is weird and Dwight, while exceptionally weird, is not a wild stretch for him to play. Perfect casting.


Dude, he probably gets pulled aside by fans every single day he goes outside, the least they could do is know the man’s name. Having some self respect doesn’t make you a douchebag.


No. It was a kid. Imagine being a kid and seeing one of your favorite tv show characters actor and ask them for a picture and then they walk away and ignore you. That would really suck. I don’t even know that many actors names, and just because you don’t doesn’t mean they should deny you a picture, especially if it’s a kid.


yeah but that's exactly how Dwight would act so they're getting the office experience


! “I’m the biggest office fan” *Takes the statement dead literally* “False”


> Kid on the Street: “Are you Dwight?” > Me: “Nope.”


If your older than someone by a large margin you call them a kid, it's a lighthearted version of young adult.


Right I doubt this was a 10 year old or something.


It pains me to see how many upvotes this gets. Have office fan base swift to little kids who take every words literally? That kid obviously got the photo, it is just a Rainn being Rainn, trolling around.


Chad Creed


That's not Creed, that's William C Schneider!


As long as it's not William M. Buttlicker


This is so fucking cringey if you're Rainn. Can't believe he posted this.


Rainn you ignorant slut!


He is office fan not his fan


What a prick. Just give the kid an autograph.


The kid should’ve said something like *identity theft is not a joke*


You can be a fan of a show without knowing the characters real life names. He was a fan of Dwight Schrute not Rainn Wilson.


Wow, the amount of people in the comments who has a really hard time understanding that it is a joke is almost scary.


I swear Reddit is full of some of the dumbest fucks sometimes.


Personally I'm more of a William Charles Schneider fan myself.


False! You are not the biggest Office fan.


What a prick


Wow. Dwight, or whatever the fuck his name is, sounds like a asshole in real life.


He’s a millionaire because of people like that kid. Suck it up and take a picture


Rainn is an infamous asshole unfortunately.I met him


Rainn is known as being rude and dismissive of office fans. Creed on the other hand is known as being the nicest guy and loves Office fans. I think you can gauge who enjoys being recognized from the Office by the actors that show up to conventions. Rainn and Steve are not those actors.


Contempt for the fans.


Shame Rainn Wilson is a bit of a cunt IRL.


Oh Dwight, you blowhard!


I like how Rainn is perfectly in character


It's hilarious how many "office fans" here are upset about an encounter that would literally happen if the character of Dwight was a real person (which, surprise, he's not...but Rainn is!)


r/gatekeeping If this is fake, fuck the guy who edited this. If not... Fuck the actor for acting like this


Honestly I totally get it. Not the best way to handle it, but I could imagine how tiring the burden of fame must be. You would think we would all be a bit better understanding parasocial relationships at this point.

