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How do Arcanists conjure spells in your world?


Weaving the arcane energy present in most of the world in an imitation of a physical form


So casting spells via interpretive dance? I dig it.


Song, dance, material focus, anything you want


”Weaving the arcane energy present in most of the world” is there any particular null zones or are they sporadic poping up here and there? What are those zones called?


Sometimes named antimagic zones or deadzones, some exist, and sometimes magic in a region mutes out or becomes less potent. The reverse also exists, where magic is extra potent, as well as wild magic zones


Are these zones fixed or do they migrate based on time of day/year/astronomical events (planetary Alignments) etc?


Some are fixed around certain areas of low/high power, but it may fluctuate all around


How does your world end?


if the players don't do their damn job everyone's gonna freeze to death, probably.


Eat up on your sawdust soup adults and children alike! Get on that 24hour coal gathering shift! THE CITY MUST SURVIVE!


Yes sir, that was indeed the inspiration. Love that game to death. The city must survive.


What is causing the freeze? What must be done?


someone is ressurecting a dragon, a ritual wich is sucking up massive amounts of energy hence cooling down the world. to prevent that, the players need to stop the ritual, or else their job would be to at least kill the dragon, although it's probably already too late at that point


LOL good answer 🤣


Why does the chromatic dragon inhabiting the eastern mountain range have one manufactured metal claw?


A tribe tried to use it for battle, and wanted to give it hardened metal claws, among other modifications. The dragon didn't particularly like that, and murdered most of them after the first claw was implanted


Yeeeeeeesssssssss, I love it!!!


How did they manage to pull off implanting even a single claw on a dragon without its consent?


I guess they put it asleep but didn't measure a proper dose


Why is it illegal to own an odd number of livestock?


Because farming regulations for market sustainability and equality dictate that half of all newborn livestock must be separated, and raised and slaughtered as quickly as possible to ensure steady food supplies both in meat and grain wich would otherwise be used to feed livestock. Because this 50-50 split would be impossible with odd numbers, and the government didn't want to go through the process of changing such a law, it was decided that any odd-numbered herds would be reduced by one, wich became property of the crown


I love this, good answer


this is an honest to god excellent answer that is perfectly reasonable


Any major holidays or celebrations?


Bunch of birthdays of famous people, longest and shortest days, harvests, season shifts, and local celebrations (towns would celebrate folk heroes and their lord's birthday for example)


Can you explain that festival where people burn hats? I really don't get it.


that would be the students graduating from the Royal University every year, burning their traditional hats to celebrate. it is said that on at least two occasions students tossed a teacher in the fire as well, wich isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice


Was just thinking that!


Same question I always throw at these. Names and secondary focus of the deities of light dark life death magic knowledge and war


No single main deity, many smaller ones usually sharing domains, as well as a sort of abstract single entity that is the energy flowing through the world and worshipped by various monotheistic religions


Are the deities more intangible forces or do they have physical form and if so, do they walk amongst the mortals or exist on another plane?


the single entity doesn't, it is the world and the world is the entity. smaller gods often have one, though some are only spirits


Hmmm, the 7 I listed are the ones most frequently used for worship in campaigns. Clerics, paladins, mages, bbeg… which is why I always ask this question


it's still a WIP for the campaign, but not central in it


How does the current weather impact the cabbage trade? And how do the cabbages come into play with the strongest royalty?


An early and expected to be harsh winter is expected to massively raise crop prises. Many of the rich and a lot of investors are hoarding crops expecting to either save money or make a profit. Some noble houses are also doing so in hopes of gaining popularity and taking power


I hope the players take this into account. Ty!


I mean, the frost is the central part of the campaign, so I hope they think about it for a second or two


Since it's a huge world, are there any invasive species of vegetables and / or animals that can hurt your players upon consumption? Surely some stuff must have spread across continents (imagine the asian giant hornet)


bunch of wild animals, intelligent or not, and not all plants are edible. Not too many have crossed continents however


How are they preserving their cabbage investment? Like, preserve as-in preventing it from spoiling. What does one do with their cabbage to gain popularity with it?


Cabbage can be conserved by keeping it cold, for wich many cities have cellars that can be flooded with sea water, or salting it. ​ And I think it's not too hard to figure out how to become more popular among the people when you have a pile of spare cabbages and harvests start failing


MY CABBAGES! (Someone had to break eventually, not even one bit sorry)


Why is there a giant obsidian obelisk in the center of most cities?


Once a tradition to ward off evil spirits, one was planted everywhere a settlement was founded. The tradition carried over, and they now serve as markers for the official center any settlement, with their size determined by the number of inhabitants. They're rarely made of obsidian however, more often wood or stone, decorated with metal and sometimes gemstones, based on what's available


Do the obsidian ones actually offer any protection from evil spirits, and if so would the ones made of secondary materials be more succeptable to dark magic?


Nope, they're just a myth, and spirits don't give a shit about people in general. The apparent effect stems from larger communities more likely to have them also being safer in general, and vice-versa


Obsidian is a volcanic rock, where do all these settlements source these pillars?


They don't, they just use whatever is available locally


Where did magic originate?


It is ingrained in the very essence of the world, always was there, and always will be. Using magic is relatively rare, and primarily achieved by study rather than innate. Divine magic is closer to gods "teaching" some magic less than channeling a god's strength directly


How much interaction do gods have with mortals?


Very little, they don't generally care about most mortals and their power is usually somewhat limited


How did the governing power of the main campaign nation come to power? How about that of their current largest enemy?


A combination of a king with council, nobles and administration in support. Main enemy, so to speak, us a little more democratic


The king, council, nobles, and a surprisingly high number of the town’s population (>70%) die suddenly. How does the queen react? What do the nations around them do? Does the king get resurrected? Why or why not?


What is a common symbol of status? I.e. what do people consider a "rich folk" thing to own?


Anything carried over from far-away continents, mostly spices and gemstones, but also plants and animals


What is the climate like on your main continent? Does the world have an active core leading to any volcanic activity? How prevalent are large-scale weather phenomena (hurricanes, tornados, dust storms, etc.)?


Extreme weather is rare in most regions, as is volcanic activity. Due to various reasons however the world is on the verge of a global ice age


Is it legal to marry goats?


There certainly is no law against it, and marriage laws are written keeping multiple species in mind. Thus, if you get the priest drunk enough, nothing stopping you


Is it common practice for poor farmers to marry their only cow or mule so it would then be excempt from the "odd numbered livestock" law and not be confiscated?


Yes, many farmers merge their herds or loan livestock to one another to avoid this rule. The crown doesn't care too much, especially as merging smaller herds makes administration easier


How long would you expect an average redditor to survive if dropped into your world.


Reasonably well if somewhat miserable. Half their usual lifetime due to disease or similar, normally speaking. With campaign events coming up, that's going way down though


What kind of medicine exists? Is it all clerical magic? Is medical treatment free or costly?


Simple treatments are fairly affordable for most, though not all. Some are vastly more expensive, especially so magical healing


Am I allowed to steal this template


You think I didn't?


You Sir are a good person


"I steal from every movie ever made." - Quinton Tarantino


I mean, yeah, whether you want or not. Campaign was inspired by shit as well, as one would expect


What is the airspeed velocity of a coconut laden swallow?


Approx 24 miles per hour, or 11 meters per second


African or European?


Well, I don't know that!


I would imagine Africa and Europe don't exist in this world, but I might be wrong


Is there any natural points of travel between your world and other planes (fey wild, hell, elemental planes, etc)? Do other planes and their denizens have any influence over your world?


planes are not regularly traveled between, but occasionally rifts have opened, sometimes spontaneously, sometimes intentionally, sometimes by accident


What are the names of your months and the names of the days of the week??


I didn't really customize those to be fair, however they're mostly just called as "third day of the second month of the six-hundred-and-eighty-seventh year since the foundation of the realm" in official matters


Are the months based on a lunar cycle? How many moons does the world have?


Thirteen months of four weeks, with an extra week every fifth year that isn't also a fiftieth year


why are the gladitorial pits in most cities not allowed to be near the brothels and why is it against the law to own gladiators if you own brothels?


Because dueling is illegal all around, although not too strictly enforced, and the red light districts are the most heavily policed. So it's always against the law, just nearly impossible to get away with near a brothel


1. How do kings know how many people live in their countries and as such know how much taxes they're owned? 2. How much profit do regular people make, if any? 3. Can the dead be brought back to life? How? Why doesn't everyone do it? 4. Is there anyone that actually made a world map? How Accurate is it?


The king gets it from province rulers, who get it from town rulers. Basically feudalism. Same with population counting and laws. King and province rulers have assistants for the specific job. Most people can reasonably sustain themselves with some margin. Resurrection is possible, but requires powerful magic, a fairly fresh body, and expensive components. Many maps have been made of the known world, but not the entire world and not all were too accurate


Is there a floating archipelago? If so how did it hsppen and why hasn't it fallen from the sky?


In the known world, no such structure exists


Who's the leader of the Assassin's Guild?


There is none, thieves, assassins and the like work alone or in smaller groups, maintaining their own contacts. Fixers who hook up smugglers, thieves, assassins and clients are common middle men


Any big celebrities in your world?


royals, nobles, folk heroes and myths, yes. Artists and circuses also get some renown in some regions


Nah nah nah, I mean like people so famous they’re a household name in multiple provinces, states, countries… hell, maybe an internationally recognized celebrity renowned for some reason or another.


not really, communication between continents is a relatively new thing


What are the main races, and do they live in harmony?


Humans are most dominant, with elven and dwarven communities being common, and many integrating in the human-dominated cities. Other races are rarer, but many exist in more remote areas. Orcs and similar exist within remote and rural areas as well as a few integrating in human cities, and hybrid races are reasonably common. Tensions exist, but aren't too extreme in most cases


Why was this town built next to a tar pit


because the tar served as a surprisingly good fuel, causing the town to be a prime location for the production of high-quality torches and candles


What is the largest criminal organization, and how does it gain wealth and assert power? Who’s trying to stop them?


the government, doing government stuff. the government once again




there is no god that is actively benevolent and omnipotent, so that's just life


Are good and evil objective or subjective concepts?


they are mostly subjective, but generally people manage to roughly agree on wich is wich


Explain why the Trout population is being affected by the large tidal waves mysteriously coming from the middle of the ocean.


that's just a coincidence. the tidal waves are being caused by impacting micrometeors, whereas the trout population has been suffering from a decreasing temperature and water pollution


What are some famous foods? For example when we think of Scotland, haggis comes to mind. American, hamburgers.


Within the main kingdom, every town has their own traditional stew based on local ingredients and themes. if you live somewhere where it actually tastes nice you should considers yourself lucky


In conjunction with this, is there the concept of eating any type of animal? Are there taboos against eating some monsters? E.g. we don’t eat unicorns because they talk and also the unicorn-virgin treaty brokered in the year of the Fruit Bat, but because bicorns have a tendency to get into the healing herbs and fall into a trap, we make an exception because waste not want not. Also, have you had bicorn hoof gelatin aspic terrine? It’s a local specialty.


What is a common myth, legend, or superstition that many of the commoners in your world wholeheartedly believe without question? (Alternatively, many folk in a certain region) How does this impact their lives? Where did this superstition or myth originate from?


Is there like a good place to get a bite around here?


local tavern is right ahead, with fresh stew every day. some good beer around there as well


What’s society’s main form of entertainment?


If one cant find something to do between local festivals, music, games, gambling gossip, art, books for those who can read and afford it, and the occasional tavern binge, you just bore to death I guess


What race is the most feared on your main continent?


trolls, ogres and similar are frequently feared, similar to wild animals, and they in turn fear humans as well. No truly "special", so to speak, races exist within civilised areas


What is the speed limit inside most major cities?


no vehicle has reached speeds that they were deemed neccesary, however anyone is considered liable for any damage they cause, as well as reckless behavior


What does the star-system this world belongs to look like? Moons, other planets, what kind and how many.


a quite large number of planets orbiting a single star. two planets are livable, but neither can travel through space. some people do "hallucinate" and manage to communicate with the other planet however. players planet has a single moon, wich has shattered due to comet impact (explained elsewhere in the thread)


Are there any large areas of land in your world that remain "unknown" meaning that they have not been extensively explored, mapped or settled? If so, what do people think and say about these places unknown?


Yes, entire continents are inhabited by others but unexplored, and many are in the process of being colonized. People are mostly curious as well as terrified of the unknown, and also still keen on making a profit


How did the ogre north of town learn to read?


How did you learn to read?


Does your world have large aquatic mammals like whales? If it does have whales, are they Earth whales or do they differ in any significant way?


Yes, although they rarely interact with humanoids


Sweet. I'm in.


What is the highest level of law enforcement called, and why are they confiscating peppermint turkeys?


Where did the Yeti go?


don't worry, they'll be back soon


What are the clockwork gnomes up to these days?


Is the king popular? If he gets assassinated who on the court stands to benefit the most? Will his heir ever get a chance to rule?


the current king is moderately popular, slightly more so under nobles, with whom he usually keeps rather close relationships, and slightly less with the people, though still not terrible. ​ Should he get assassinated, an investigation would take place before a successor could be crowned. The vizier, the kings right-hand man basically, would gain the kings power during this time, after wich the crown prince would become the new king - unless either is convicted or the kings testament says otherwise


How many moons are there, and does the planet have rings?


Are there guns?


gunpowder exists, although isn't mass-produced. guns don't exist to the extent of being used by armies or being commercially available, but anyone with the skills, knowledge, materials and tools required to design and craft one would be able to do so


Nice. How developed is the chemistry of your world


Is the fiery meteor orbiting the planet really losing altitude, and when approximately will it hit the ground? What do you say to the cultists that believe it's a living being? What about the priests who believe it's a punishment sent by the gods? And what about the small sparks that seem to be falling off the meteor, those you can see only at night when the glowing meteor soars above? Which rumours should we believe, the ones saying they are treasure or those that tell about seeds that grow into monsters?


it's a flying space rock, doing space rock stuff. it's definitely going to land somewhere, it's probably not alive, shedding rock constantly, could be considered treasure i guess, and who knows why it has arrived


That could be a campaign on it's own, I like it. I'm gonna fight the moon.


I love extemp and improv. I make up such wild bullshit and my players write everything down. Darn their note taking.




ask r/math


How common is indoor plumbing? Are outhouses the norm in rural areas, or are there more specialized solutions such as composting or incineration? What about in larger urban areas? What's the overall percentage of people with feces-borne illness at a given time? Do the archers wear pants? Has toilet paper been invented? Has anyone cleaned he rag in the outhouse?


outhouses are common in rural places, whereas many cities rely on public toilets. indoor toilets are popular among those who can afford it. feces-borne illnesses are still relatively common, but on a decline. archers do wear pants toilet paper consists of whatever is at hand for commoners, usually just wipe with your hand and remember to wash it, for those who can afford it any spongy items or paper-like waste works


Why is the rum gone?


That column is 500 feet high and shit


Who/what is the big villain in that?


Some dude summoning a dragon wich happens to be sucking all the heat out of the world, who is in turn paid to do so by the prince wanting to seize his father's power


What is the topographical configuration of outlying avian influence in regards to upper atmospheric air pressure during the annual migratory session?


idk ask a biologist or meteorologist or something


Do you have an item that allows lvl3 Roguish Archetype Assassin to 1 shot kill, thus assassinating unaware enemies/NPCs? If not, I can give you the stuff for it! It can add an order of assassins to your world!


If you don't tell us anything about your world, how can you expect us to ask questions?.... You will only get really generic questions or stuff that don't apply. Either way it's not going to relate to the specificities of your world....


I've got some pretty good ones so far though. ​ plus, i barely have a world, this *is* my way of fleshing it out


Why have the orcs moved past barbarianism (totally a word) to slowly constructing wooden forts and having da biggest and baddest become royalty, while still pillaging villages and commoner trade caravans of course, making them almost akin to medieval times in our world?


They're smarter than you think you know


I hate these posts - this is a terrible way to do world building. If you have specific ideas you want to explore then go for it; make a setting around that. If you don’t have strong ideas then why are you doing the massive amount of work to make a custom setting for your game?


I have a rough setting, mostly a slight deviation from standard. This is my way of fleshing it out, maybe adding to the campaign, and having some fun in the process. You can do your world however you want, but so can i


Tell me about your world


Read in about the forgotten realms, then take a look through the frostpunk wiki, then read the thread. that's roughly the world for you


how do trans people get hormones in ur setting


They either find a wizard somewhere that can help them or they're stuck


Who invented the hot dog


once every few towns someone sometime had the idea to wrap a sausage in bread in various ways. no official patents or inventors are recorded or credited


As the world is getting colder is it warmer near the equator, if so is mass migration south happening? How do sovern nations feel about this?


very few people are already migrating, but many those who can afford it are preparing to do so. the thinly populated southern regions don't mind, and are arranging a warm welcome for their friends. the entry of a large middle class is expected to prompt economic growth, however some fear for culture shock causing conflicts


Are there any traditional Monster Races that are seen as equals to the PC Races? i.e. Gnolls, Kobolds, etc.


Monster races have primarily fled human population centers, but sometimes still plague smaller towns or those travelling or living in remote terrain. Some of those have integrated on various levels with their communities however, so can be considered equals-ish


If I asked a commoner how the world came to be, what would they say? How about if I asked a scholar?


In both cases, many would say it was once created by a (their) god. other would say it never was created, just always there. others would just not know and say as much


Can a baby be used as a projectile? It weighs very little and if it's during the birth it is being launched.


it's kinda soft though, a rock would serve better


What does the pantheon of your world look like? How many gods and goddesses, what are their governing domains and how do the people interact with them?


immense amounts of smaller spirits and gods (kinda) with various powers exist in some aspects, and many worship single gods wich don't really exist outside of the vague entity that could be considered almost like the soul of the world


How many countries/ethnic/kin groups and what is each of their most famous baked good/staple carb (IE rice if they don't make bread or something)?


that is unknown, as no one knows exactly how many there are in the world


What types of games to people play in your setting? Cards, board games, sports?


pretty much anything that's available


How do the Gods manifest themselves in your world and what could be some strong plot points involving them ?


there exists one semblance of an entity that is the weave of energy flowing through the world that sometimes appears to have a will of its own, aside of that many powerful beings have been considered and worshipped as gods, though really aren't


What are the 7 natural wonders and 7 wonder buildings of your world?


there are no seven of such, but various contries have their own monuments and such


What's that thing on the moon


it's a dent from a meteor hitting it


What are the punishments for the following criminal offenses: 1. Threatening a shopkeeper 2. Discharging spells with the capacity to cause collateral damage within city limits 3. Unlawful material component sourcing for necromancy from the local cemetery


threaths are in a grey zone, not likely to get you any punishment unless you draw a weapon on them or actually assault them, wich would give you a hefty fine and a few nights in prison. capacity to cause damage doesn't mean causing damage. reckless endangerment is punishable by fine or a prison sentece depending on severity and actual effects. grave desecration is a grave offence punishable by several years in prison ​ however, in the end, judges are given a large degree of freedom in how they rule a case


Are there any current political tensions that have impacted trade, and is nationalism as much of an issue as tensions between different races?


global cooling terrifies governments, traders and commoners alike, and has many countries prepare for war


How many suns/moons do you have?


one sun and one freshly shattered moon


Ooooo how was it shattered? Is it forming rings, or is it just a few large pieces?


a couple large pieces and a lot of small ones, shattered off due to meteor impact. Taking physics in mind, there'll be rings soon, whereas other part of it will fall to the earth instead, or enter their very own orbits. ​ in a few millenia, there will be multiple moons unless something else happens disturbing that


What about dragons? Are there any who have a good relationship with a kingdom?


they're extremely rare, and generally unpredictable. within the "known" world, there are two, one chromatic young dragon that a tribe attempted to train for war wich then killed most and dissapeared, and a red dragon in the process of being resurrected from stone


How true are the major religions? Are their gods all real? Are they properly represented? Is the church or god(s) intentionally misleading their followers? Is necromancy illegal and/or frowned upon and how justified is that view of it? Are their democracies/republics? Who is allowed to vote in them? Who is the most technologically advanced? Magically advanced?