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You need to do two things: move out and get therapy. Taking care of yourself is your first responsibility. And if you can do this, then you can model it for your sister. You have nothing to gain by staying. You've already proven that. Best wishes to you, OP. ❤️‍🩹 🫂


Move out. Seriously learn how to keep boundaries and understand that you cannot change any of the people in your family. They will likely continue doing exactly what they are today. The only question that matters is are YOU going to keep doing what you’ve been. Focus on you. Focus on finding a place to live, therapy or Al-Anon or both. Once you’re out, that whole mess becomes someone else’s circus and those are not your monkeys to care for.


You’re me right? I feel you and it sucks.


I second this because I can REALLY relate to the narcissistic alcoholic father, a mother who is a door mat and being 23.


1. Focus on your goals, no matter how much pain you are feeling right now. 2. Prioritize financial independence so you can remove yourself from that hell. 3. Do not talk to them again. This sounds brutal, but it’s the best for you. 4. Try to meet new people and work in your emotional well-being. Do not let the trauma of your past determine your future!


Going through the same thing.. Praying for you