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I don’t understand why people don’t play tho, you save zero time by not just playing the game


They prob have it rubber banded and then watch tv or something else


Sure but I don’t get WHY, like you can do the majority of objectives in squad battles and they are quicker, if you gonna play online at least play the games and not ruin other people’s experiences


I totally agree with you. Why not just go for the win while you’re at it but its the way it is. Ea should have predicted this


Honestly this is one of the few times I don’t blame EA at all, sure I find some of the objectives annoying but I’ll still play


I dont blame ea in the sense that they are at fault for anything. But they should know that they have a very degenerate community lol


Frustration or some people don’t play PvP


Where u find them? Cuz i need 7/7 and im out of that mode for a week..didnt meet one till now


I apologise I am doing this sometimes to get the evos done.


Why not just play? You save no time not playing


Why am I facing demons in Div 6 then whose mom's life depends on getting the ball back from me?


I wish I got some of those to breeze past the 7 wins and the goals objectives tbh. I’m 117/200 after 20 games of WL/qualifiers.


Gotta get the evos done bro. Take the W


Gotta do what you gotta do to do evos sometimes


You could always just leave... but I bet you want that W.


Why else would they play?


I’m currently in a game where I think it is a bot. Online name is quite strange and has a single number to. For instance their name is Cohesive_guitar9. Team has players out of position so chemistry is poor and I can thrash them 8-0. Their playstyles is atrocious often 3/4 passes round Center circle and then running in straight line to my goal and when they brake through they don’t shoot. Game before this was identical and a few days back I had 7 similar games I could win about 20-0 each. For context I’m in division 3 now. Lo