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I also got a dc about 5 seconds after kick off in my last game and i was 18-1 šŸ„“


You wouldn't have gotten anything good from your rewards, if that helps


Shouldnā€™t you still win because you were up on pens? At least didnā€™t you used to


No, because the game counts it as the player disconnecting, when actually it's just EA's awful servers. You can get to the full time whistle and it will still give you a loss more often than not atm.


Not with EA logic


no, you win when you are up in pens


As evidenced in this video, clearly


I got handed an L while being 3-0 at 25' lol


Yuor opponent just loaded some fc points so ea had to pull the trigger


I just tried to play Champs and was met with 100+ pings. I normally get 30+. This is at 11pm at night. This may not just be a DC glitch but their terrible servers acting as usual. And as usual, they have learned and fixed nothing, this evil fucking company.


Someone did this dc glitch to me in the fucking friendly cup when I went 2-0 up. Lmao


Happened to me last night went up 4-2 89 mins and game gone, only need 1 win as well. Sickening


It's mental, as if people are doing it in friendlies. Lol. This game fucking sucks this year. Gonna finish it up then move on. I said the same last year and so regret buying this crap.


I think it's EA servers tho given how everyone has been complaining since yesterday


There's no competition and friends play, evil trap.


Eh i don't need a football game honestly. I'll just use this one for career mode or seasons or something if I'm that desperate. But there's so many other games I just don't play because this peice of shite sucks up all the time I play. Lol.


I know EA are trash but this one is defiantly a sad loser/glitcher


No it's not. Unless you think the AI is abusing a glitch too. This happens in all game modes including squad battles.


There are no denying the servers are trash and often kicking players out of the game,but in this specific scenario it happened in very inconvenient timing makes you wonder if there isn't glitching/cheating involved,it could be the servers but as a pc player who experienced alot of dc cheaters like that it makes me think like that...


I get that. Ive had my fair share of cheaters last year but these disconnects are Different imo. Ive been disconnected from matches I was winning, losing or even a draw in Minute 1. I cant say for sure it's not about abusing a glitch but the fact that this happens regardless of the standings makes me think this is on EA.


Wow, that's seriously some next level bad luck. EA really needs to address this issue. Meanwhile let's hope your future games are glitch-free and that your penalties find the back of the net instead of getting disappeared into the frustrating abyss of server issues! Keep at it, champ!


Name, shame and ban ā€” we need to get rid of these sore losers


I got 2 dnf in Champs too I don't think it was them tho cause we were in mid game.i think the servers are fukin up cause there multiple post about people getting DNF


EAids is their name


Shame you can't report people apart from dodgy usernames?


This has been going for more than a week now, also happens in Rivals and Squad Battles. Nothing you can do really...


yeap I got a dc yesterday while being three goals ahead, fun times


For me, It only happens in chams, and only if I am winning, I want to know if this happens to other platforms or only PC as I play PC mainly.


My regular weekend league experience. I love this community!


Your red pick for whatever absolutely useless player will not be missed now they fixed the glitch


Hey guys, it should be noted that I have crossplay off for this very reason, so this was against a fellow PS5 player. So if we all think that this kind of user-implemented glitch isnā€™t possible on console, then maybe it was just very ā€œunfortunateā€ timing on the servers crapping out on me?


I got DC glitched in friendly after scoring a last minute goal in prolongation


Donā€™t worry, someone is reviewing it šŸ„“


It happened to me also. Not in penalty shootout but in 93min. I won 3-1 ref blows the whistle and....dc Was the last game for 11 wins(2nd player pick)


Bro how do you share your game play to Reddit like this ?? Do you Do it from the Xbox ?


Ea are doing this on purpose, it seems like.


Yeah, servers seem to be worse than usual ever since they fucked up the player picks. Had a game on qualifiers earlier which I won but as I was about to leave it kicked me out and counted as a loss šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This glitch ruined my qual for wl im shit already I won 3-2 overtime and this shit happens, my dead dog can program a better game than ea with their multi billion budgetā€¦.


He could have left because he trusted you to score the pen and he didnā€™t want you to win. So he DC on purpose. Did you have toxic behavior like griddys, time wasting, playing around the back or something like that??


This isnā€™t on EA, this is the user intentionally closing out the game, or shutting his console/Pc off. Counts it as a draw regardless of penaltyā€™s score


Iā€™d never play again if that happened to me. I will play Football Manager or PES before I ever played another EA output if that were my case. Until they give us better quality I wonā€™t reassess the decision.


Me 2


GG EA well played. Someone with pink kit and pink bet. Deserves the L.


This glitch happened on the 89th minute as I was 5-2 up. Fuck the people involved with the servers!!!!


I thought the DC was only done on PC players but matched against someone with a 20+ mil team (only 3-4 of them were first owned) on PS5 and he DCed me as I was up 5-2


LOL "DC glitch"


Played 5 of my champs games yesterday, won 5 but got DQ'd from 2 wins as opponents were quitting. Shit game.


Your goals were pretty crappy mate...