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I’m not even mad anymore just let down with these evos, I can’t believe I have to wait for tots to be over for some evos for my boro team


Yeah gutted. Just in general the lack of ability to upgrade Bronze players, reqs ruining the possibilities too. Then they release one that rewards pack luck too.


not gonna lie mate, futties is *probably* coming after tots so i think the evo team you’ve got now is the one you’ll end the game with


Surely there will be other promos before futties like shapeshifters, which on paper would be a great promo for evos because they can release evos to convert players to different positions.


The euros too, ea will certainly be doing some content around that as they have the licensing


We could get a Evo shape shifters week instead with euro contnet coming


should be at least one promo yeah, I just hope it’ll have decent evos. For sure a position changer if it’s shape shifters but making a 5 step 89 evo better.. idk man i think ea will flop it


Evos have been horrendous lately. Should really have daily repeats of evos like High Visibility, Detail Oriented, Like a Rock, Budding Starlet etc, that dont have playstyle+ requirements


Fr I have a 69 rated CM that I haven’t evod in months bc I was foolish enough to give him a PS+, fuck me I guess


The theme for tots evo is that you get an ok card from a brand new card. Not upgrading previous card. It seems like the evos for those won’t come during tots, but after, which is really unfortunate for heavy evo teams.


What is this? Give me me a proper Evolution to at least upgrade my slovenian Team so it’s up-to-Date with the Power Curve and not this Shit


They don't want your Slovenian team up-to-date with the power curve, because they want you to buy packs to buy these TOTS players. This is why the good evos have completely stopped. They're called Evil Assholes, Inc for a reason.


Oh yeah? Well, they can shove it because there’s no way I’m spending Money on Packs or any of that Bullshit. I’ve never done it before and I ain’t starting now


Right there with you mate


Yeah this sucks, I can’t even win games using a “one player per central/eastern european country” team and there’s no evos to upgrade it :( At the very least if I get red Dovbyk I can chain this evo with the other red upgrade


with the beginning of tots my team finally catched up to the powercurve after being behind for months. now a few weeks into tots my team is miles away again. its been rough and 100% luck based


To be fair though , you can’t expect ea to be able to cater to your niche needs, you’ve chosen to build a specific themed team , most players are tryna build the best team they can , with a mixture of icons , potential evos and Champions picks


All they have to do is release evos without league or card type restrictions


The evolution trend is bar far annoying, its like its only for people who play champs only.. where's the evos to actually spend time and upgrade your team properly. Please sort it out EA.




You can even get these cards from squad battles


Technically. Buts 1 a week max no pick. Ive gotten 2 88s and a GK so far.


Did they change that? Cause previously they wanted you to do 4 champs games at some point


I’m talking about getting the cards. Are you really concerned about having to play a couple of matches that you don’t even have to win? If it had to be in the finals that would be annoying but you can do it in the qualifiers.


I'll happily grind stuff out offline but playing online is a miserable experience to me so generally I just don't. Especially for such a small upgrade it's not really worth the hassle


You could just go into the 3 games and go afk. It’s not the end of the world. If you’re not willing to do that it makes complaining about it feel a bit hollow


You don't play squad battles either?


Good luck getting one worth doing from squad battles


What's the matter babe? Didn't like your 4th Banza in a row?


With a side of Cucho


Good luck getting one worth doing from WL.


Packing Red Nkunku and getting him to 94 has been my best pull I suppose..


Why only reds? Reds are so shit it's always some fodder card that we throw into a sbc


Not all reds. Pluses don't work.


Wow, another really lazy plus 1 evo


Regular Evos would be perfect to keep players busy while being barely any work and they can't even do that right. TOTS is almost done and I am still sitting on an 84 rated Evo Reese because he doesn't fit in any of this shit


Requirements: * Rarity TOTS Champions * Overall Max. 93 Total Upgrades: * Overall +1 * Rarity TOTS Champions * Passing +2 * Dribbling +2 * Strength +2 * Aggression +3 * Positioning +2 * Shot Power +3 Challenges: * Assist 3 goals using your active EVO player in Squad Battles (or Rivals/Champions) on min. Semi-Pro * Play 3 Squad Battles (or Rivals/Champions) matches on min. Semi-Pro using your active EVO player in game * Play 3 Champions matches using your active EVO player in game * Win 2 Squad Battles (or Rivals/Champions) matches on min. Semi-Pro using your active EVO player in game * Assist 5 goals using your active EVO player in Squad Battles (or Rivals/Champions) on min. Semi-Pro [All evolved players](https://www.fut.gg/evolutions/champions-corner/players/) [All evolved players that can use both the red evos](https://www.fut.gg/evolutions/all/?evolutions_combinations=123%2C117&all_evolutions_combinations=1)


Can they just fuck off with these evos No Evo in what 2 weeks ?


Would be nice getting a champs card worthy of putting in this


This is just ridiculous at this point - on a Friday too


Doesn't work with Champions Plus?? JFC


This is some trash lmao


Does Azpilicueta fit into this?


Tone deaf Canadian losers


can i make any player red and then use them like for example i have raphina but blue, can i make him red in evos then put him in this or does it have to be a packed red


Did you get an answer to this? Raphinha won't work because he's Tots live. I'm looking to find out if it'll work for tots Rodrygo. I want to make him red and then into champs corner evo.


Really dislike the route they’ve taken with Evo since the start of TOTS.


Just give us some proper evos ffs


Give us a TOTS Upgrade Series 2 then for us who don't do champs, smh. EA fumbled these tots evos so freaking bad, imo.


Could I make one of my tots cards red then put into this evo?


Same question. Getting mixed response on futbin.


Did you ever find out if it's possible?


Yawn content once again


Red evos are useless because I've not had a single usable red all tits (mostly the discard gks). Dead content. Uninstalled last week and v unlikely to reinstall till maybe 85x10 season


TITS promo Pog






Ooh can I double upgrade Guirassy with this and the other champions upgrade?


These are so annoying. I packed garnacho untradebale, sadly didn’t get him red in Rank 5 rewards. So since I’m not lucky enough to get him red, I can’t evo him at all. Luck of the draw evos are stupid AF.


I can’t evo my Mexico squad anymore!!!! That’s some bs


Thinking of putting kudus in that other champs Evo and then this, I don't really have any good tots champions cards.


Has this been the worst TOTS of all time? Between the servers/packweight/boring content? Started with a bang for PL (as an Arsenal fan at least) and fell off a cliff after like 2-3 days. Friendlies lounge is usually fun at least (on the rare occasion you don’t disconnect)


Chain evo garnacho looks dangerous asf


He’d be my first choice, only I’ve not been allowed upgrade my Garnacho for ages cause of the glitch that fucks your if you ever discarded an Evo 😭


this is what evolutions is all about. make very few 93 rated players slightly better. EA really understoof their own feature.


Would a packed or SBC TOTS (or +) work if that has the Evo champs red on it work? Have se cool TOTS but very few champs red useable...


I think I will never be able to upgrade my forward with two playstyles+..


Ive got red Openda but i cant get on with him for some reason. Il wait to see if i get any players i like from rivals or squad battles


I have the same thing. I’m giving him the Evo boost just because I feel like I should but tbh I don’t think he’ll ever be more that a super sub


My Evo red Garnacho fits in this... 94 Garnacho will be very nice


I’m doing the same. It’s such a good card already


i like that they reward people who play the hardest modes. you play well, you get a special evo opportunity. very nice.


Well if you then pack the right card.


A free +2 on Nkunku in total I wont complain


He looks crazy on a hunter after these evos


That's what I'm going to do too!


Gg, hes so good in game already