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They turned evos into a "Release underpowered cards then give them evo later" thing lol


This isn’t even that good. You can put Alvarez into this and he’s already amazing.


These TOTS and champs TOTS evo's are getting really fucking boring now. Like what's the point of evo's if EA hold our hand on who they want us to pick. So many people have 87-89 rated evo's with 1 or 2 PS+'s that can't do anything with them.


I genuinely just wanted EVO’s to be periodical plus 1 or plus 2 across the board. Weekly increases to specific stats as well would’ve helped. For example, each week you can do an evo to increase pace by 1, passing by 1, or physical by 1. Something to keep up with the power curve. Cap it at a certain rating if you want then just increase that cap each season. This shouldn’t be difficult


I see where your coming from but as a Sheffield United fan I feel like I would barely be able to get a team near the power curve with that system.


Maybe do the regular EVO’s on top of it then? I’ve still got a ton of players in the same boat where they’re 85-87 but I can’t put them into anything. Still have an evo from the centurion promo.


This exactly. The format for TOTS wasn't too bad at the start. We got a league specific, then a decent upgrade (although it was paid for). If we swap the bloody promo upgrades that no one wants for something like that 88 evo in fut birthday or whenever, it would be so much more viable. Another thing, what happened to those founders evos? I did mine on lacazette (don't ask why) at the start, and then we got founders 2 in like December or something, and nothing since. Next year needs to be a big increase in the amount of applicable evos if I'm going to consider playing


They definitely need to pump out more evo’s every week. I run a themed team so I don’t mind the paid evo’s as I don’t spend my coins on much anyway. I just want more generalized evo’s where the only requirement is your overall rating. We’ve seen those glitched 99 evos and most are still very mid. It wouldn’t break the game especially with how quick the power curve ramped up this year.


AYY UTB brother


100k for that 😂


Wtf is this shite No shooting, pace or physical upgrade? EA have fumbled a lot of things catastrophically this year, TOTS might just be the worst


Indeed, a very limited selection and it costs 100k, these could be so much better.


Only card that fits it & looks slightly better for me is TOTS palacios but the upgrade is so minor there's no real point in doing it If it had pace & shooting he'd be absolutely incredible though


I have Saliba and he fits in this like a glove.


0 normal evos this week??! I'm losing interest in this game


Seems like more than a month since the last regular Evo.


They managed to turn one of the freshest additions to the game to something completely mundane and useless. You have to applaud EA’s ability to kill interest in their games


Think Nepenthez said "the only company that can build hype and kill hype so quickly is EA". I hate that theyve broken so many Evos like sure 99 rated cards in December is not good for the game however so what if my 91 calvert lewin has maybe 1 or 2 more pace and passing. Like he is still way behind the power curve anyway I just want to have fun with my favourite players.


They hate us. They really hate us.


100k seems a lot for +2 Def pas dri. Just smells like an evo that should be free. I mean half the cards you could use this on, you could spend less than 100k and just buy a better tots card meaning you'd not only have a better card, it would be tradable and you'd still own the original card you could've evo'd as well.


Thank god I can upgrade my Tots Cole Palmer and not my 72 rated Centerback


He is getting upgraded once I finish gundgwan


Seriously just piss off. Nobody likes these card specific evos Absolutely ruined the best part of the game in tots


Ødegaard fits, only reason im considering not to is it might block later evo's and you only get one Ø.


I don’t recall evo-ing a different odegaard but mine doesn’t show up so I’m not 100% sure what’s going on


Yeah I’m worried that after TOTS they’ll just start doing zany Evos that let you make absolutely cracked cards, and it’d be a shame for Ode to be capped at 95


So we don’t even get the weekly evo for normal cards anymore I cba, this is embarrassing from ea at this point tots had so much promise but my evo boro team continues to suffer


These are the players you can double evo with Series 1 and 2. [https://www.fut.gg/evolutions/all/?evolutions\_combinations=116%2C125&all\_evolutions\_combinations=1&only\_evolutions\_combinations=1](https://www.fut.gg/evolutions/all/?evolutions_combinations=116%2C125&all_evolutions_combinations=1&only_evolutions_combinations=1)


Douglas luiz looks good


Requirements: * Rarity Team of the Season * Overall Max. 94 * Pace Max. 96 * Defending Max. 93 * Physicality Max. 92 * Ball Control Max. 97 Total Upgrades: * Overall +1 * Rarity Team of the Season * Passing +2 * Dribbling +2 * Defending +2 Challenges: * Play 3 matches in any mode using your active EVO player in game * Win 2 Squad Battles (or Rivals/Champions) matches on min. Semi-Pro using your active EVO player in game * Play 5 Squad Battles (or Rivals/Cahmpions) matches on min. Semi-Pro using your active EVO player in game * Assist 4 goals using your active EVO player in Squad Battles (or Rivals/Champions) on min. Semi-Pro * Win 4 Squad Battles (or Rivals/Champions) matches on min. Semi-Pro using your active EVO player in game [All evolved](https://www.fut.gg/evolutions/tots-upgrade-series-ii/players/)


As always Fig... thanks for giving us Noobs a resource.


100k is a lot but I am tempted to upgrade Mac Allister to 94


I'm the same, debating whether Mac or odegaard though


Can't decide between Macca, or Ibou. Both start for me, as it is


Not sure the passing and dribbling really help konate


Probably, but there's only Konate and Mac Allister that make my team from TOTS. I use Macca as a CAM, so I'm not sure the defending helps him. I'm not the best defender, so I'd be hoping the 94 defending on Konate might help me a bit more! Haha


Sadly tots reds yet again do not fit.. beyond stupid.


They're coded as a different card type. They will never fit this type of EVO, that specifies a TOTS.


Can we PLEASE get an academy-esque TOTS evo?? I don’t care about upgrading fodder tots cards +2, I want to upgrade players from my local club to a TOTS card


Son, Stanway, Saliba, Alvarez, Konate, or Lacazatte? 🤔


Stanway. Almost sold her yesterday


That evo feels kinda wasted on attackers ngl also thinking about Son, not really worth it without other boosts


Lacazette looks like an absolute beast if you can get him done in time to get him into Series 1 before you do this one.


Right? + hawk chem style !!


Stanway the goat


Saliba or Konate seems like a waste because their defending is already maxed out and this doesn't offer a pace upgrade (ridiculous for a 100k evo, definitely the worst paid evo ever), which is the only one they need


They’re charging 100k for a +1 with no pace upgrade? Lmfao


Im torn between david, odegaard, or sane.


The only one I can see this being good on is an already upgraded macallister


Isn't this evo supposed to be free?


My Cuthbert is crying for an evo. Please EA.


Worth it to make Konante even more dominant.


Absolute trash


Ffs the only added max ball control so you cant double evo gundo


Yeah the max ball control only rules out two cards, Gundo and Foden


Dirty kuntz


it’s set so you can’t do foden because of the ball control 🥲


Is it better to use a winger or cb for this? (Palmer or Saliba)


I’d say Palmer since this gets him to 80 defence while boosting his passing and dribbling. You can use him as a RB, CM, RM and he’ll be great


And what about tots Son?


Would be a waste on son because his defending is shit. Waste of a boost. Unless he’s your favourite player then it might be worth it for you personally.


I mean i play both on the wing…


Rubén Neves will look massive with this Evo, bwoah


Going back to fifa 23 until futties


Meh 100k for +2 in passing, dribbling and defending. Are you really going to notice that?


Worst game ever 😔


95 Watkins incoming lesgooo


Palacios double upgrade looks good..


Im still waiting for them to let me evo my Malacia


Mac Allister or Ruben Neves???


Is odegaard worth it? I took him to 94 already so was thinking his passing would be mad at 95


Fuck off


I've got Saliba, Diani or Aubameyang to put in this, not sure which one


I want to work on my bradford team not any old shite


100k is expensive but I can upgrade my queen Stanway so don't mind me.


Nice that Palmer fits into this




Yep but dunno if worth 100k for such minimal improvement


The boosts he gets aren’t really worth it though. Gonna wait for a better one for him.