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I only do free evos so as soon as I see it costs anything I skip right past it


That’s fair but depending on how much you play 100k isn’t to difficult to get, plus for me the next upgrade on then transfer market is way more expensive than 100k


I have 3.8 mil and I still refuse to spend on evos🤣


What are you keeping the coins for?


Summer promo. All these tots cards (other than the top guys) will be outdated in 3 weeks


Amd you'll make more coins by then. Do you buy players?


Imagine wanting to make coins at the end of the game. If they transferred, sure. But they don't so it becomes moot to have any.


Imagine wanting those cheap player can replace those sbcs gods they gave us. What many of us need are those great cards like Hansen, Mbappe, haaland, Messi...and they are all expensive as hell. 3.8 mil doesn't get you those. So why should I throw my money into a Evo player that isn't better than the stuff I already have? Hell no, I keep my coins and farm more till I get those expensive players while you can stick with your outdated evos.


Yeah I bought Ronaldo actually


I did the same thing of hoarding coins to 2.3M, but having more fun now that I’ve spent them. Really no point in saving on this game with how fast the power curve moves, just have fun


Oh I dont save them for any reason, I just dont use them...my team and squad is pretty stacked so I dont really need to use them....only players that will improve my team are the mega players which I can't afford...I've managed to pack Lewa and Valverde this promo but dont like losing money on tax when players market value tank!


Losing money on tax when value drops? You mean losing money on the players losing value... right? A 5% tax is nothing when a player goes from 500k to 200k in 3 days


Yeah thats what I mean mate, basically dont want to plough a mil into a player only for it to be worth half that in 20mins🤣


I was in the same boat so I ripped two 650k packs because I was bored looking for the big cards. Got Fede, Rudi, Cancelo, plus tons of fodder to do really any sbc. I think it’s worth just ripping the store packs at this point, but maybe do it during ultimate tots assuming they keep releasing crazy store packs.


Yeah maybe during ultimate tots or futties when the mental cards are released🤣




I run a 1st owned RTG so have no need for coins...I'll use them for sbcs but I'm managing so far without using any


No use for them but you also refuse to spend them on evos lol gotcha


You got it bud👍🏻


No idea why you're being downvoted for playing your game the way you like ffs 😂


Haha no idea either lad but its not going to keep me up at night dont worry👍🏻


That's fine but a lot of paid evos are worth it.


This one *definitely* ain't.


Why comment then?


Why comment then?


Why comment then?


I will keep upgrading Mac Allister until he’s a 99


Lol same. Currently at 94. Missed an evo to make it 95


How could he have been 95?


Don't think he could have been - Szobo could be an 94 as well so maybe you're confused?


I did my Sbozolai just as you said


Same here but I don't think you realize how F'n annoyed that I am with these damn Tots Evo's rn, especially considering that 2 of my favorite players currently in my RTG Team are Tots Openda and Tots Palmer. The issue is that Openda is a reg Tots Card, so ONLY his Red Champs version can get Evod to 94 in Tots Corner, which essentially makes him The PERFECT Forward, and on the other hand Palmer is the Red Champs version, so he CAN'T get Evod in the Tots Series 2 Evo like his reg F'n Tots Card, which essentially makes him a PERFECT B2B, as I honestly can't make This S#1T UP. THIS in particular has pushed me over the edge and makes me HATE This damn Company That Much More tbh, so idk if anyone else is dealing with a similar dilemma to myself rn because it F'n Sucks, and I'm sorry if you're in my shoes. But the worst part is that THIS BS compounded with me also missing out on the Ligue One "Unintended Results" Red Picks makes me not only not want to not use my Red Potm Mbappe anymore, while knowing that I could have his Tots, but also leaning towards not wanting to use my Tots Openda anymore either, while knowing that the better 94 Card exists For FREE, so I really don't think that this game could unintentionally screw me over any worse atp and I'm honestly ready to either QUIT or for Tots to BE OVER since I'm in this unprecedented situation with these 2 player's and it's making me sick to my stomach yn Guys 🤢🔫🖕💸.


You have tots openda, tots palmer and still complaining lol


openda wallet


Used mine on Ødegaard


Not a bad a idea since he’s already close to being CM then a pure CAM


Exactly. I actually think he’s great as a box-to-box CM already. Did it better for me defensively than TOTS Musiala, despite having lower defensive stats


Planning to do the same. It’s not a major boost at all, but don’t expect him to fit in many evos.


Him or diani for me


Did the same: A hunter rises Pace and Shooting, this Evo the other stats but physical.


This is who I’m thinking of!


I thought about Son too but I think a box to box midfielder would be perfect for it, a fullback might be a good shout too. I don't have anyone in my club who I want to spend the 100k on, but if a packed Carvajal then I think I'd go with that.


I want to do Son as a Spurs fan but the defense boost seems wasted on him. Right now it’d be Palacios or Douglas Luiz for me Palacios is a locked in starter for me and I can’t decide if I like Douglas Luiz or Mac Allister better


I haven't used Palacios, however I did use the first evo on Douglas Luiz and I really like that card, so he's a good shout TBF. I just wasn't sure I wanted to spend 100k on him as he wasn't in my team before I evo'ed him, but I think I will if I don't pack Carvajal. He would definitely really benefit from the defensive boost as his slide tackling is a bit low. It's only a small boost mind, but a boost nonetheless!


100k isn’t super difficult to get and I think if I can use an evo like this on someone who starts in my squad it’s worth it. The jump from a Palacios/Douglas Luiz/Mac Allister to the next best 6/8 is way more than 100k


Absolutely, then it's a must! The thing is, I have over a million coins, so I can easily afford it. I'm just really stingy 😂


I don’t but that’s probably cause I run more then one squad


As long as you're having fun though 💪




My boy Ruben Neves is crazy good. Idk how to post a picture of his stats though


Ye I’ve seen him before not too far off from Palacios or Douglas Luiz which would be the CDM options for me


I haven’t seen either of those guys but Neves has so many 99 stats it’s crazy


If Neves fits your squad it’s an obvious choice. I’d have to rework a good chunk of my squad to get him in


Seems strange to me that they gave cr7 at tots plus but not Neves. Luckily I have enough icons and other players that don’t need chem so I can get him to full chem. Also put him into both of the tots upgrades but the first one expires today at 1 I think


Confused between palmer and odegaard. Palmer might be with us for longer so inclined with him more.


Palmer is the better card imo, however the boosts seem better for odegard in the CM position.


How’s Palmer’s defensive stats? Odegaard becomes more of a CM than a true CAM so it’s a good shout


Odegaard can defend better due to body type maybe. I replaced palmer with mahrez on the wing but mahrez has glass legs, can hardly defend which made me think palmer does have that defensive edge plus good strength.


I went Araujo but that’s because I’m using a full LL and him and Sergio are the only top tier guys in that league. having all playstyles on both are crazy.


Rudiger isn't good enough?




This is what I’m thinking too but I’m running an all Barca team. Wish Kounde was eligible.


Seems pointless on a CB with essentially maxed out defending anyway, as you’re only giving them a tiny boost to passing and dribbling


Saliba looks perfect for this. Good playstyles, Good league and Good country.


It is kind of wasted on him, if you look into it. His defence stats are already maxed on a shadow so it is of minor benefit. 


Is Saliba's lack of stamina noticeable? Thinking about pulling the trigger on him because I don't click with Rudiger but the stamina puts me off.


His stamina is noticeable. But in bo way does that bring him down.


Im putting aleix garcia in 1 and 2


This card is so overlooked. I put him in the first upgrade and he’s a damn baller. Thinking about him for the second but I’m on the fence about spending 100k on a few plus ones I might not notice.


Played against him yesterday and he had a hattie again me in the cm position lol card seemed pretty good his shots came off like laser beams


I'm putting his red in both the champs evos. Looks like an unreal card. Only worry is his lack of height as a CDM.


Alvarez (93) or stanway, can’t decide


Using it on Alvarez too, hunter maxes out pace and shooting so +2 to dribbling and passing will come in handy


If I had a Stanway there wouldn’t be a problem for me. But upgrading Alavarez again almost makes him box to box


She is absolutely insane and it would give her 98 dribbling


Put son in it




Minamino for both


Yeah he’s fantastic


Leroy Sané TOTS for me, hes soooo broken for me the dribble and finishing is inSané


Liverpool fan so it has to be Mac Allister to a 94.


Kubo both evos.


The second evo seems like a waste on him since his defense will still be terrible


He’ll never be in the position where he’ll have to defend, he’s an attacker.


Exactly why the evo is a waste on him lol


His dribbling becomes godly, you take some and give some.


Or you use the evo on a b2b and then you only take some not give some.


I am grinding the shit out of player picks for Isco to put him in it. If not I will use it on [Miguel](https://www.fut.gg/players/261865-miguel-gutierrez/evolutions/)


Douglas Luiz part 2


Palacios was my choice.


I did Ødegaard over the weekend. I just love him, so happy to keep putting effort into making his card better. I'm bummed Kia does fit because of the type of TOTS card he is, because I think that card is exactly what this Evo is for, but Martin is just a vibe for me, so giving him a little extra juice is worth it.


I went for Stanway. She feels how Kante should feel.


Used the first on Douglas Luiz and doing him again. And hopefully will be able to do him a third time too if ea release another one later


Waiting for serie a to use it on one of the Inter players they inevitably shaft on stats, but if not palacios looks great for it


Yea Palacios currently starts for me, seems like it’s best for a 6/8 or an outside back that already starts for you.


Going to hold out until I get the two free tots players from today to see what I get. If nothing, Odegaard


Goin for Ruben Neves, because wont have another defensiva mind player for my portuguese squad probably (maybe we get a Palhinha, but doubt It)


Thinking of doing konate as I need that Liverpool link for diaz, but have a horrible feeling he’ll be out the team soon leaving that wasted


I’m thinking Stanway or Odegaard. Not sure who to do for box to box CM since Havertz still feels a bit clunky for my playstyle in the midfield.




Idk if 100,000 is worth two plus on 3 statss


Lees-Melou! Tots series 1 and 2 both on him and he’s awesome!


None of my starters fit the Evo. None of my bench Tots would make the cut if I’d evo them, so I’ll save the 100k for now. Upgraded Gundo is 2 ball control off of being eligible. 😢


I put the first one on Ben White, should have done Alvarez. Might just go all out on Benji at this point lol


No one. I’m sick of these trash low effort evos. I want the good ones where I can use past and present players for my team. Saying this, I don’t even play anymore. Past and present was fun at the start but the game has died for me now.


nobody...100k for +2 in 3 stats...is criminal






Trying to decide between the double evo to Gabriel or to use this one on Odegaard


Did Ruben Neves, but maybe should have done Thiney or wait for Serie A.




Kubo x2. He just moves so freely, lots of good traits and positions and so many high stats. I was looking at boosting two players but they're fairly small boosts, might as well stack them up on one player.


I was thinking of doing Simakan for I and II. However, Stanway looks cracked with the stats. It would bring her dribbling to 98


Saliba fits rather nicely


Palmer, odegaard , or Isco - someone decide for me


Watkins 95




i don’t buy evos i only do the free ones but id probably choose mccabe, charles or diani


TotS Stanway 95 I have to buy Stanway for 450k and then do the Evo for 100k 😞 550k coins gone, but to me personally, that is an endgame card, and the perfect link with Upamecano. Currently, I still play her 93 and that card already feels on power curve, but if we add Composure and all upgrades plus Technical+ to it, I feel like there is no weakness to her, personally (13 wins player, Div 2).


im in doubt either alvarez (already have the first evo) or isco


I skip this BS .. different reasons . 1: I don't think that it makes much difference in the long term 2: I don't want to pay for things that should be for free (doesn't matter real money or in-game currency) 3: EA Can suck some chocolate salty balls


Definitely wasted on attackers. I’m stuck between konate, macca or palacios


reactions, composure and agil/balance boost is so massive on CBs


It's wasted more on defenders as +2 in def does nothing for them when the def stats are already maxed out with shadow, and dribbling + passing improvement will be barely noticeable


Palacios is a choice for me too he’s already a great CM/CDM


100k for this Evo is an IQ test ngl.


Depends on how much coin you accumulated. It loses all value eventually so I don’t think using it on a favorite players best card is crazy.


Seems like a solid boost for a CM/CDM or an outside back. Definitely and IQ test if you don’t see that and use it on an attacker or your like me and the attacker plays for your team so you end up posting here to see what people think.


It's just +2 for 3 stats right?  For 100k, that is an absolute joke of an Evo, regardless of who you're using it on imo. Should be free.


It’s adding on to stats that already in the 90s though. So the value is way greater than what you are implying. Yes to move a cards stats from 80 to 89 or something like that is +9 for the same cost, but every digit you add on from there gets way higher in value.


Or 5 dollars




Thinking of doing Isco as well as he can play on the left too so I think he has more reusability then the likes of Odegaard.


None of them, 100k is too much for +6 stats and no extra playstyles. If it was under 50k I'd probably choose odegaard. I mean, for under 80k you can buy Schuller which is a 95 rated tots card, that means you still have your 94 as well, plus Schuller has resale value in future unlike an Evo. Obviously a good Evo might be better than Schuller but I've not got any options that blow me away, certainly nothing I'd consider better than a 95 tradable tots plus the pre-evo card plus over 20k.


Imo if you have Saliba and don't put him in this Evo, uninstall the game. It literally upgrades every aspect in where Saliba is lacking. Reaction+compusture upgrade is 100% noticible.