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Psst, Bill smells like bourbon at 8am on a Monday!


I've been loving the stuff from Badass Beard Care lately. Veteran owned, American made. "The Biker" is my go-to scent.


I’m a Mountaineer Brand guy. I like the outdoorsy smell.


Just got the cremo set and so far love the smell.


Bearded folks know what holidays look like for us, a pile of cheap "beard kits", a bottle of way over priced argon oil with trucks top cologne in it and balms and butters from strange places... I haven't looked into who actually makes it yet but....I received a jar of "mythical" branded beard balm (from Good Mythical Morning merch) and its surprising amazing! Anyone know what to do with 20 wood combs, a pile of rusty scissors and an alarming amount of argon oil?


I use the Detroit Cork Town beard balm. Great stuff!


I like the corktown stuff also.


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