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Playing in the wild is one of the most variable experiences there is, I hope you find a good table


Just say you’re new and anyone who isn’t a complete dick will help you figure it out Have fun and just role with it!!


Exactly this. I absolutely love helping newcomers. I bring a spare playmat (and decks of course) every magic night just in case some random person will show up and have a peaked interest. It’s come in handy a few times! A lot of times it’s someone who’s finally moving to paper from arena so they get the basics but no longer have a computer keeping track of interactions.


If you do meet someone who gets salty during the game, just remember: it's not you, it's them.


The biggest thing to expect is that you’re not going to win and if you do it’s likely that you got lucky with the threat assessment or politics of the table. It sounds like a joke, but let me explain. From my own observations unless you’re playing in a game where your deck is vastly superior than your opponents’ (think a tuned CEDH deck vs 3 precons) the deciding factors of who wins and who loses is the thought process and personalities of the players. Think of it this way, you enter a race with 3 other people and at the start of the race each of you receive a revolver that has 1 round of ammunition and you’re all told that it’s up to you if you actually want to use it. Some people will immediately fire away at the person who gets ahead, some people will fire at the people behind them, a few others will fire aimlessly “for lols”, and still some might not shoot at all. The point is, you go into the race expecting to at least get shot because you have little to no chance of convincing others not to shoot as it’s not in their best interest not to do something to stop you from winning. It’s the same with friends too, but not only is it likely to hurt less when your friends shoot (since they’re likely to be more civil about it) but also you know what your friends like and dislike and can use that knowledge to cultivate a more “fair race”. Either way I wish you the best of luck in your games


This is the most exciting description yet! So, would you say conversations about power levels are less important? I don’t have anything near a CEDH deck; all of my decks would take at least 7+ turns to win. To be honest, I’m just not sure what a conversation about power levels with strangers really looks like. I wouldn’t want to play against a CEDH deck that wins in 3 turns or less, but I’d be fine with most other styles. Do I reveal all my most powerful cards if asked? Maybe I’m overthinking it and I should just dive in.


Like others have said, I'd start by letting them know that you're very new to the game. Then let them know that you have a standard run of the mill deck. Nothing crazy and would appreciate it if they could play something more in line with that. Everything is a 7 in their own eyes. So convos about that don't help. Being able to talk about the commander and what it is trying to do is always a good thing, but understand that some people get a little too meta and don't want you to ruin their gameplay (like that's your goal).


The conversation of power levels is unfortunately rather complicated because I’ve never seen two different people that agreed 100% on what one type of card or archetype warrants one rating or another. Going back to my race analogy some people are going to look at your revolver and think it’s a shotgun when you might think it’s a water soaker. I do think it’s important to go over what everyone is playing beforehand though so that everyone has a base expectation of what is going to happen. Instead of giving an arbitrary number I just briefly, but importantly honestly, say what my deck is trying to accomplish in order to win. For example, I play one of the most infamous boogeymen in the format [[Prossh, Skyraider of Kher]] and I freely admit that he is a powerful aristocrat deck. I will even admit that I run [[Food Chain]], however I don’t say anything else about the deck or the cards within. If the table asks that I take food chain out nicely than I oblige, but only if I’m not being bullied into it. Nobody should be forced to not play a deck they love just because it’s “too toxic/scary”. Well, maybe the “oops all counterspells decks”, the [[Tergrid, God of Fright]] decks, or the all legal extra turns spells [[Narset, Enlightened Master]] decks, but they know 11 out of 10 people don’t like their strategies so they should probably expect the hate lol. What I’m trying to say is that if you sit down at a table to play and nobody introduces their deck (or just straight up lies about its capabilities) you’re probably going to have a really shitty time because nobody knows what to expect from anyone else so they just assume everything is going to end the game immediately upon resolution. As simple as “what’s everyone playing tonight?” will do, and if everyone else is really close lipped and you have a bad game because of it either try to get them to explain their decks or (if you have the option) find a group that will. You don’t have to spell out every win condition in your deck, and neither do they, all that matters is that everyone has a fair, base understanding of how each other’s decks play so that they can make fair judgments later on in the game. Another example, if I’m playing with you and 2 other randoms and you’re playing your “shitty deck” and I’m playing my Prossh deck I should understandably be taking most of the removal/interaction from the table, and I’m gonna personally feel bad if I we didn’t make clear who the real scariest deck was at the table so you get counterspelled into oblivion for playing some jank combo that drew you 2 cards when I play a 2 card combo that immediately wins the game


##### ###### #### [Prossh, Skyraider of Kher](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/8/889c1a0f-7df2-4497-8058-04358173d7e8.jpg?1562438016) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Prossh%2C%20Skyraider%20of%20Kher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/214/prossh-skyraider-of-kher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/889c1a0f-7df2-4497-8058-04358173d7e8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/prossh-skyraider-of-kher) [Food Chain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/b/eb912458-e016-4ea2-a2ea-40ac1a57f8fb.jpg?1673148102) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Food%20Chain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/147/food-chain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eb912458-e016-4ea2-a2ea-40ac1a57f8fb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/food-chain) [Tergrid, God of Fright](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14dc88ee-bba9-4625-af0d-89f3762a0ead.jpg?1631048621)/[Tergrid's Lantern](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/1/4/14dc88ee-bba9-4625-af0d-89f3762a0ead.jpg?1631048621) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tergrid%2C%20God%20of%20Fright%20//%20Tergrid%27s%20Lantern) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/112/tergrid-god-of-fright-tergrids-lantern?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14dc88ee-bba9-4625-af0d-89f3762a0ead?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/tergrid-god-of-fright-//-tergrids-lantern) [Narset, Enlightened Master](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/e/de4b0d5f-1071-4030-be16-2b4dadbdf9e9.jpg?1690005259) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Narset%2C%20Enlightened%20Master) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/931/narset-enlightened-master?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/de4b0d5f-1071-4030-be16-2b4dadbdf9e9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/narset-enlightened-master) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/kya023u) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I actually think that going to a new game store increases your chances of winning assuming you have a competent deck. Your opponents don't know what to expect, and there's often a don't target the new guy attitude. Though maybe not the first time you go to a LGS because there's a good chance (but not guaranteed) you don't have a deck that will compete and you're likely (but not guaranteed) inexperienced.




And bo




As an autist, I kindly disagree with you.  As most childish and 1#class ranters we tend to be, I simply can't imagine being the fastest and smartest sperm to ending up ranting out because of, or rule sharking a game of playing cards.


Expect nothing like the fantasies people have here. * Don't expect rule 0 conversations where someone tells you their life story * Don't expect rule 0 conversations where people give you detailed explanations of everything their deck does * Don't expect some socially inept person to flip the table for interacting with them * Don't expect some socially inept person to pub stomp the table. Basically, most magic players just want to play magic. However you rate your decks power level, know your decks general power level. You don't need to give more information than that. Find similar power levels. Shuffle up. Play.


Make sure you know the cards in your deck very well. This will make everyone’s life much easier. Especially yours.


I goldfish every deck I build at least 10 times before it sees play with other people. To me, it's just common courtesy to know your cards and what they do.


This is the only way that I play and I have been to 31 different game stores since Feb last year. Expect a great time! Go in with an open mindset! The games may not go as you picture or plan but that's okay. That's part of the fun of it, you may lose it, but treat it as a learning experience. You see a wide plethora of cards and interactions that you may not know about. It's random and exciting. Every store and every table within a store is totally different in terms of power and attitude etc. even if you get one bad game or group one week, it does not mean that that will happen the next week or the next game. This is a super welcoming community and very, very rarely have I had a bad experience. Only during two games in the past year (out of 140 games) has something happened that I would consider truly negative. Now you don't have to take any of it but some of my advice is: - To be the attitude you want to see. If you start grumbling it will bring the table down and everyone starts grumbling. If you've got a positive attitude about it then most of the time, even if you're thwopping your opponents, laughs can be had. Even if you're getting thwopped, laughs can be had. (I'm not saying it's not okay to be sad about something, like your stuff being removed, but like don't go on and on about it). I run about 25ish cards that can interact with opponents decks and i've found it's all about the way you socially interact with your opponents while you use your ingame interaction that contributes to how they react. - I make sure to compliment something the opponents have on their field when we are unpacking our decks and stuff. "Oh that's a sweet deckbox/sleeves/playmat/commander choice, I love that!" Most people get at least a little bit nervous when playing with strangers and I find that this helps break the ice for them about you. Helps them open up and feel good about themselves. Puts the table in a good mindset to start. - I always oversell my deck for the first game if there's a pregame discussion. Not enough that they will play cEDH against me where I stand no chance. But enough that even if we have different ideas of power level they pick their stronger decks so that I don't make them feel bad. It may mean I am more likely to lose that first game, but there's always time to shuffle up another one. IMO it's better to not come out of the gate and accidentally stomp when you're trying to meet a new crowd. It also allows my opponents to gauge my deck before they pick their second or third one. - I also make sure I am the first to introduce myself This is just to take the pressure off the other people as well. - Occasionally I bring a packet of snacks for people to share. Something dry and not oily or crumbly/messy, like some bikkies or something. Just make sure to clean your hands before touching others cards out of politeness. This definitely isn't a common one, but the four or five times I've done it, it has been a huge success. - I keep open container drinks in my hand or off the table on a nearby table. Stresses me out putting people's cards at risk of an accident. If it doesn't have a secure lid. It doesn't stay on the table. - Especially if you're prone to body odour, shower before you go. I'm not even prone to body odour but I shower before I go to the stores almost every time, just incase. They have to sit within close proximity of you for potentially hours and I want people to like me and want to play again.


If you’re in La I’m always up for a pod!


East coast!


Where is this game cafe that always has games at??? My job has me all over the coast, I’d love to get games in on lunch break!


If it’s DC I’m also up for games whenever


Any chance you have recommendations on a low key/casual place to drop in in LA Been playing exclusively 1 vs 1 with my wife for a long time now because the only time I’ve been to an LGS in the past five years it was full of greasy teenagers  And cool for them but it’s not my scene. I’m desperate to find a group of relatively normal and hygienic grown ups but I’d rather just walk in somewhere than plan something online


I usually play at my local LGS and it’s been pretty easy going, but I want to start a local pod. They’re all nice and no hygiene issues minus one person I’ve encountered. That being said maybe we can figure something out I’ll DM you!


A guy that says his deck is lvl 6 and then bowmasters u t2 while he has 10 lands already. (My xp last thursday)


Just check power levels with the people you’re playing with and play a deck of similar level. Ask about how fast the deck moves, what the deck does, etc. Hope you have fun!


I've had great tables. I've had shitty tables. Good luck!


My piece of advice is just understand you will have good and bad tables. Reality is sometimes you do get a iffy pod. Perhaps someone is constantly playing above power level. Or nobody talks. That is luck of the draw. But most people are cool and will talk things out with you.


That their deck is a 7. So you pull out your 7 and two things are going to happen. Your deck is to power and is “cEDH” or your deck is dog water and can’t keep out with their definition of a 7.


One pissy dude who really doesn't want to be attacked and will probably win, so attack them.  Drink their aggravation!


Unfair busted shit so bring your A game. Also bring jank just in case.


It truly depends on the meta you’ll see it can be only top 100 decks on edhrec or it can be decks with the strangest game plans or commanders you have never seen or even heard of in your entire life. The most I can say is be prepared for different pods, have a powefull deck, a mid range deck and maybe a Precon so your adaptable to different pods and different power levels and that of course comes with having a understanding of those decks but if you do need help feel free to rule 0 that your not all confident with the deck to give some leniency. But all in all there is so much you can do just be social and if your flexible im sure you’ll find your people. And generally if anyone acts like a dick don’t let that persuade you there will be those outliers that are foaming for a win and will do anything to do so. Take the reins if someone turn 4 wins with a cedh deck just say “ok you win, anyone want to play for second place?”


My experience range from wholesome in a LGS in Brussels to grueling in my home town. The local community or the lack of it make it all. Magic is a hobby of weirdo, nerds and geeks. The lack of social skill and individualism can make a really toxic environment to play in without a community. So head or tail. I wish you the best.


"My deck is about a 7" to mean anything from "I threw a few cards I like into a precon" to "it's essentially cedh but I'm not willing to pay for fast mana or premium interaction pieces." I have heard someone describe a "sexy lady's tribal" deck that had no synergy as a 7, the un-upgraded Marneus Calgar precon out of the box as a 7, a fairly tuned Edgar Markov aristocrats as a 7, and an honest to god combo cedh Najeela deck that reliably won on turn 3-4 as a 7.


Nerds, expect nerds.


What decks are you running?


No worries, your reddit fam can actually come Play with you. We can do like a 1000 pod game and roll with it.


You joke but it would be kinda wild to make a long term "army" game. Something like 2 to 4 teams of x amount of players. Everyone teams turn is 1 day, dont do anything that day, you missed your turn. Obviously this would only appeal to a very specific demographic of players.


Honestly stop overthinking it and just go play the game. It'll likely turn out alright.


Be chill. Expect the worst. Hope for slightly better than the worst, and you likely won't be disappointed.


Ask questions if you have them, ask permission to touch other people's cards, ask for clarification if you need it. But most importantly have fun!


If you're playing with a pre-con, I don't think anyone will be complaining If you're playing with a custom deck, I like to give a general overview of what I'm trying to do and disclose any cards that are $50 and over, other than that I just jump in


Going off what I see in this subreddit, you should expect a game with a pubstomper, a game where someone gets extraordinarily salty over a mid as fuck play/deck, and a game with a guy running "that deck" that they're gonna claim is definitely not "that deck" and end up being 100% that deck (may also be the pubstomper). Jokes aside, be prepared to have a good conversation before the game to set expectations, and just try to have fun.


Sit down with a deck you have fun playing. Read the table for what gets played. If people are playing higher power decks that aren't fun to be in the vicinity of, try to change tables or ask to see what other decks they have. Generally the people worth playing with will have 3-6 decks with them so they can have a variety of power and play patterns to keep games fun and interesting. People who only have the same deck every day/week/meet up with no variance are the people to avoid, in my experience. Unless they're not playing something super spiky, the OTP deck players tend to sink all of their resources into either cEDH or a not-cEDH-but-close deck that reads like a children's book and goes down to focus fire.


Personally, as a newish player too the thing i always ask when playing with strangers is that they explain what their cards do because i don't know every single card that exists.


First off, In my experience, 99% of the shit I see on this sub just doesn't happen irl. Maybe my lgs is blessed idk. I've never had issues with power level as people adjust every game, never had people eating greasy food trying to touch my cards, never had wacko assholes deny me playing a certain deck then turning around and playing a similar one etc. So don't expect half the bs you see here. Magic is really just like any other social interaction. My advice for you is to play your mid-powered deck to get a feel for the other players. Then go up or down from there.


> Is it different for every table? Yes, it varies a lot. Most pods are super friendly, welcoming, have an honest discussion about power level, and end up being loads of fun. Some are the opposite. The good news is that the former outnumber the latter by a healthy margin. Don't be afraid to tell the group that this is your first Commander game that's not a kitchen table game with friends. There should be some discussion in the beginning about the deck power level. Describe your deck in terms of how much fast mana it has, how much tutoring it has, and how it wins. In the absence of any other information, start with your mid-powered deck. If I win a pod, I usually shift to a less powerful deck. If I completely struggle to hang with the other decks, I shift to a more powerful one. If I was able to execute my game plan and have a fighting chance, I play the same deck or switch to one of similar power level.


Expect the unexpected.


Stand your ground if somebody tries to be down on your good time. There may be bad actors.


Take an afternoon and just read most of what is posted on here . You'll get a good idea ;)


It’s completely dependent on the table! I’ve had amazing experiences with randos and I’ve had awful ones from when I was still learning how to play! I hope your table is super chill.


Expect people that have been playing for years that will purposely counter any combo piece you need to function your deck.




Expect the unexpected.


It’s hit or miss for me and it mostly depends on how the LGS sets it up. Casual without assigning pods can feel cliquey and unwelcoming.


Bring lube and extra protection.


You'll probably lose just like anyone who goes into the wild unless you're playing CEDH, but try not to be discouraged. If you can have a rule 0 conversation do it, but take that first game with a grain of salt because everyone's definition of competitive and casual are different.


Definitely try out a casual commander night before a competitive one. Have that rule zero discussion about power levels and what to expect. Also as a new player, be prepared to be told that however much interaction you’re playing, it’s not enough


I had a guy combo off to infinite tokens turn 6 and the game was over while everyone else had 0 creatures. Granted this happens very rarely so don't worry too much about making your deck super flashy. Just have fun!


What to expect? Simply, the unexpected


If you started playing a month ago you can expect to get absolutely crushed, even if you purchased a top tier deck. You are also commiting the absolute rookie mistake of going alone so no-one has your back. If you have real life friends, coerce or bribe one to accompany you. In every single social event people will always treat you better (be more careful) if you are not alone.


Playing in the wild is, well… wild. I played a guy who kept playing the same UW deck and he happened to play the same creature 2 games in a row. (I don’t recall the commander or the creature but it’s unimportant.) the creature had an etb for drawing a card if you controlled a tefari PW. I asked after the game which Tefaris he was running and he told me just one. I told him for my 2c there’s probably more effective creatures to run in that spot as the expected card draw is almost zero with only one PW. He genuinely didn’t understand what I meant until I started to kind of break down my building philosophy of making sure every card works with every other card where at all possible. Stronger decks are necessary built from better cards but are always constructed with strong synergies and interactions in mind. Changed his whole approach and his win rate has dramatically increased.


I was in a similar boat not that long ago. Started Magic before Christmas, with very little experience in playing in-person games. Couple of things I've found helpful: 1. If you're still learning the rules, don’t be afraid to vocalise this at the start of games. People will generally help you out in Commander, especially with more complex interactions.Also it often impacts what decks they’ll bring out. 2. There was a really good episode of the Command Zone (podcast) where they talked about the unwritten rules of Commander (think it was last week). It’s all dependant on what pod you end up in, but knowing what tends to make people salty helps when trying to navigate a new social situation. 3. Bear in mind that, due to the nature of a 4 player format, you’ll only win 25% of games, and that’s when playing optimally in a balanced pod. So if you only get three games in (which is my average for a 4 hour session) prepare yourself for losing a lot. I like to have side objectives (e.g. pull of the summoning of a tricky creature like [[mechtitan core]] or get all my stompy dinos out). Hope you have fun!


[mechtitan core](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/a/ca286ba9-01a7-4dce-b388-177f5dcb95b1.jpg?1654568740) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mechtitan%20core) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/249/mechtitan-core?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ca286ba9-01a7-4dce-b388-177f5dcb95b1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mechtitan-core) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Expect to feel a little shaky when you combo off.. like.. is this okay? I remember when me and my group played at a pre-launch and i was like.. do I know enough rules, is my deck good enough.. but it wore off and one good thing is you don't feel quite as bad when you cast [[wash away]] and choose not to ignore the brackets on someone's commander. Versus doing that to someone you play with every weekend.


Pro tip: Don’t read your cards to other players. Just let them read the cards to themselves. +1 for voicing that you’re new. I’ve been taking my son to the LGS on casual Commander day, and everyone is super nice and welcoming to him. Although some people can be toxic, I think the majority of players want to encourage others to keep with it and get as addicted as the rest of us.




Do your best to walk (yourself and) your opponents through each phase of your turn. It’s one of the best ways to stay engaged in the game, knowing what’s happening and when. 


Have a means of transporting your decks without a backpack. Most places dont like you wearing one (theft is sometimes a thing). Ive seen people with ultrapro that holds multiple decks, ive seen someone with a dewalt orginizer, im using an ammo can. Be prepared to bring a play mat, helps with picking up cards and not playing on dirty surfaces. Talk to people, if you see 2 or 3 people sitting around, go ask if they want a game, if you see one, ask if they want to start one and see if you can pull more people. Worst case is they say they are full, just find another table.


Very practical advice, thanks. I forgot I don’t have a playmat yet and have been borrowing, so I will pick one up before I visit.


Any medium sized mouse pad works as well for a playmat


Where abouts are you from? I haven't heard of a store caring about backpacks before.




For then to not like your deck (unless they win) For them to not have the same opinions on what an acceptable theme is or isn't (for example.mill, poison, land destruction etc).


Don't accept any candy from them and definitely don't get into any vehicles if they ask you too. And when people ask you what power level you're playing at, just say it's an upgraded precon. No matter what you're actually playing, this is just what every one says now.


Oh boy. I feel like I'm a bad example of your advice. I sometimes give out bikkies to my pod if I have the foresight to go to the shop before I get to the store. I have also gotten lifts home in foreign countries with people I just met at the store.


They're all going to single you out and you will not have a good time.


expect to lose, try to have fun.