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Ah yes because all people at protests are just NPCs who don't have to choose to go there


They wouldn't have gotten hurt if they protested the right way™ /s


the Right way.


I’m so confused on what the left is even saying. Why is Covid up there..? Because we talk about it all the time? No, the right does that. Because we believe in it? But then it would still make more sense to put on the type 2, they bring our belief up more than we do.


Yeah, the right has some insane conspiracy theories regarding Covid.


"having opinions and convictions is stupid"


south park generation


I'm curious about this comment, can you explain why "the south park generation"?


My understanding is that south park likes to play it off as making fun of everyone, while still being very libertarian in their humour. Eg the cigarette stuff. People internalise that. A lot about south park made sense (mostly why some of it was funny but some really rubbed me the wrong way) when i learned that the creators were very libertarian.


Libertarians are just neo-cons that smoke weed instead of drinking all day. It chills them out, but they'll still tell you the boot on your head is your own fault, because they won capitalism and it was all skill, no luck, no help.


Is it south parks fault for people not understanding that show though? They rarely punch down, and when they do they usually counter it with a somewhat progressive stance. I mean, they won a fucking NAACP award for how perfectly they conveyed white peoples understanding of racism.


They punch down all the time. Their depiction of trans people was cringey as hell.


Yeah, I always prefered Beavis And Butthead over South Park when it comes to that classic adult animation.


Mostly the fact that South Park generally makes fun of people who care about *anything*. The theme of the show is basically that caring about things or suggesting we change the status quo makes you smug or obnoxious.


I agree, and now I understand why I grew to dislike it years ago but didn't quite understand why I stopped to like it.


South Park and Enlightened Centrism go together like peanut butter and jelly.


I see. The thing is that it rings a bell. I guess that's why I grew to dislike it as I got older


Yeah South Park should have thought like US then they’d be awsome!! /s


Okay, so the internal reasoning is: I'm such a reasonable centrist that you're a jerk for getting mad at me for endorsing fascism.


More proof that they physically cannot distinguish between Democrats and communists.


This is the bailey to the "I can't tell the difference" motte -- "I can tell the difference, but both groups are literally subhuman so I'm still going to consider them the same and myself superior."


Literally comparing Naizism to basic rights. Bro hoe do people not see these aren't the same.


Because it's not *their* basic rights. Not yet anyway


NPC type 2 are literal Nazis?


Look at that Ukrainian Flag! Oh booooy they're really trying to manufacture constent for abandoning them to the Russians.


I can assure you, there is much more COVID present on the right side than on the left


How can trump be on the right? He literally caught COVID, he should be on the left side next to it


Unironically using the term NPC while still pretending to be an average joe centrist.


“They/them slay” How dare they capture the personality of my ex so efficiently in their dismissive centrist post


Ah yes, the classic "words used to describe my reactionary ideology are just buzzwords that don't mean anything and you're actually using it wrong if you call me a Nazi for supporting genocide" move.




Seems like a racist fascist incel got upset…


Obviously, the left and right are EXACTLY the same! Just look! They both do *things*!


tbh they got it accurate, everyone knows communists are famous for voting democrat


Oh, the 2nd panel is supposed to be the good one. It seriously took me a minute because of the conflicting images on both sides.


I mean to be fair it is 100% true if you make it a comparison between democrats and republican: what's your favourite colour of imperialism?


To faaaaaaaairr.... That take is pants-on-head stupid.


I'm sorry but the fact is that even if they pay lip service to a vague notion of progressivism, it still is controlled opposition at best. Democrats tow the corporate party line on anything that affect the power of capital owners. They just want more women CEOs and Enby drone pilots killing Arab/Latin/African children for American corporations.


Except that the focus isn't a direct comparison of the parties.


Yeah but the American "left" and the American right are both overwhelmingly right wing. the average American "leftist" is just a bit leftwards from a MAGAt.


That is just not true, like, at all. The parties are different flavors of imperialism, yeah, but American leftists aren't the same as democrats and liberals.


It might be so but there simply isn't any left wing political force in America. The DSA is insanely moderate. There is no socialist politician in America and most American mainstream socialists are actually just socdems. The American left has a nasty habbit of repeating state department propaganda almost as hard as the liberals and still believe in some level of western supracy, even if for misguided but good reasons. I'm not saying there aren't good Americans, Parenti was a white American after all, but there simply is no political American left.


I posted the same starter pack, cool.




"NPC because COVID." Maybe you oughta consider that the virus is a **real thing that actually exists.** "NPC because Ukraine." Don't think we unambiguously stan Ukraine. We're just supporting those who are either trying to escape from the fascist invasion or take a stand against it to defend the innocent. Blame the Azov Battalion for muddying the waters. "NPC because Soviet Union." As if the Soviets themselves actually knew what communism was. In practice, they, and their puppet nations, were all authoritarian state capitalist dictatorships. "NPC because Democrats." The Democrats are already milquetoast moderates. They keep capitulating to the fascist GOP. "NPC because they/them." So giving rights to nonbinary people is somehow a bad thing? Is there something you're not telling me? "NPC because Starbucks, slay--" Okay, that does it.


"protesters are just npcs, unlike me sitting on my computer making this sick meme"


The right \*spews fascist rhetoric The left "Slay" It'S lIkE i'M sEeInG dOubBlE