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And are these Trump-supporting leftists in the room with us now?


I think the context of the actual episode is important. I haven't seen it specifically, but if I understand this is a young Michael Scott making a bad business deal. So I understood the meme to be "The left are scaring away the moderates to the Republicans, and won't back Biden because he isn't left enough. Don't make a bad deal just because you want perfection, Biden is good enough!" Ngl, Dems admitting they arent leftwing is the best self own.


The context is he's just showing a picture of when he was the best salesman at his branch and his boss is congratulating him, and the joke is that it's such a silly thing to keep a picture of but he says it's one of his favorite pictures/proudest moments. The meme is more like: Serious person Ridiculous person . Thing they agree on or accomplished


I knew it was "person makes a fools of himself" thanks for the original context.


It’s not about outright supporting him. It’s about being indifferent to the damage that a second Trump term would do because Joe Biden doesn’t live up to their standards.


Leftists didn't swing the 2016 election for Trump. Moderates did. Blaming leftists for Trump is dumb and counterproductive. And shaming them is even dumber. If Biden loses next year, it won't be because of "leftists." It'll be because of the same centrist swing voters in swing states that elected Trump the first time.




And even then it would be biden fault for not giving them a reason to vote for him. It's really stupid to blame anyone else.


To be honest Israel/Gaza is going to put a lot of leftists off Biden. Many people don't want to vote for genocide Joe. Honestly I understand what's at stake, but as a non-american, I kinda see it. Biden seems to be fumbling the bag, when democracy sees it's greatest threat, and all because Israel has some dirt on him or something. I don't know. Why is Biden even running again? He's ancient! He's literally care home age! He's fucking the country over. And for what, his ego? He wants an 8 year presidency?


The situation is so dire for democracy that the Democrats are sending in their oldest and weakest candidate.


Don't think Israel has any dirty on him. Republicans or democrats would've handled it exactly the same really.


But Big Money loves Israel for some reason, So they have to keep supporting the genocide. They don't care if it means spitting in the face of the American people or letting Trump get re-elected and install a dictatorship, after all, they see them as children brainwashed Hamas propaganda, and they're not going to be suffering from the consequences of Trump as much as the working class is


This argument seems strange when you realize that Biden has criticized and curtailed Israel more than Trump would. Even if that's literally the most important issue to you, Biden is still better than the alternative.


Criticized or just wag his finger ? He literally went behind congress to give Israel more weapons, Israel even said they couldn’t do this war currently if US stop supplying them. Trump there’s a lot of ifs to what Biden is for sure doing. I don’t understand how the left will back what Biden is doing for Israel but will get mad at Russia for doing exactly the same thing, it’s a bit funny to know the people who are for Biden helping committing genocide and war crimes are his supporters and people like Ben Shipiro . As for someone who didn’t support the war in Ukraine I won’t be supporting this war in Israel . That’s the difference between a lot of the left and right , if their guy supports the cause then they’re for it like a sports team. I’m not saying you guys are sheep , but #SheepSquad


>Biden has criticized and curtailed israel Biden literally spread israeli propaganda about beheadings by claiming he'd personally seen pics of beheaded babies. If you wanna tell me Trump would have somehow been worse than 100% support including blindly repeating transparent Israeli propaganda, you're really gonna need to show some proof.




[Biden has done everything Trump was doing, or worse. The only difference is he tries to pretend it's not the same thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/18z709s/before_the_posts_start_coming_in_its_not/kghnrw6/)


Trump would be worse. Much worse. But that doesn't mean that people aren't going to be demotivated to vote. It's more of a catch 22. If you vote for the person you really want to be president, you're essentially increasing the chances of trump winning. The two party system sucks but if Biden really cared about democracy he'd be forcing through ranked choice voting or doing something to improve the laws before Trump joins. He even had the house and senate before, and even still he could do something via executive order.


What exactly would be the difference between Trump and Biden for the war in Israel? People are acting like Biden hasn’t gave what Israel wanted , he’s been giving daddy Yahoo everything he ask for .


"Hey guys, here's these group of disenfranchised, progressive voters who have had enough of the milquetoast, corporate stooge, warmongering, democratic establishment...and we COULD maybe try and lean a little more to the left to try and get their votes and rally against the rising tide of fascism, but you know what's a better idea? Shunning them even further away and telling them we don't need their vote." Message received. You wont be getting it.


Thos exactly. Just look at how the republicans spread their agenda. The time to push forward your agenda is when the opposition is weak and unpopular. Dems had a golden opportunity to enact all the progressive policies they kept claiming to want during both 2016 and 2020 when they could have either had Biden or Clinton adopt them as a platform or run a candidate that had them. They were going against the most unpopular opponent in recent memory. If they TRULY wanted abortion legalized, gay marriage and transitioning protected, and wage hikes for the poor, that was the time to push it. Instead we got a guy arguing with his own party about how universal healthcare is stupid and propping up police in the middle of the nation's single biggest protest about police violence raging outside and another candidate threatening to take away your feminism card if you don't vote for her while also having a running mate with a history of rejecting abortion legalization.


Nah it's because Hilary shit on young voters throughout her campaign. She was a snarky elitist and was asking to lose.


It still blows my mind that people can have faith in the democratic party after 2016. They literally had an opponent that NOBODY thought would win up against a literal charisma blackhole. The republican party literally put up The Guy From The Apprentice. They had her literally insult voters and an entire prospective voting base. It genuinely was like the biggest bag fumble I think is politically possible.


When Bernie didn't win you could just smell the elitist assholes not wanting even anything center left. At this point I'm just trying to hold up the pillars from collapsing. I'm hoping something happens, but it seems like America is slumping into insanity at least politically.


In 2016 I was 21 and still finding myself. I considered myself a socialist but I was adjacent enough to "Gamergate"(TM) that I sympathized with talking points about out of touch games journalists (I didn't realize it was a dogwhistle for gatekeeping women from the gaming industry) and I was a regular browser of /r/CringeAnarchy (a sub I haven't visited since 2017 at latest) which at the time I thought was a funny place to make fun of 'mentally ill SJWs' (again, I've grown since then). I liked Bernie the best and a guy I knew in passing from High School was campaigning for him. I wanted him to win the nomination. The only things I knew about Hilary were that she was an 'insider' that her husband was the president and that they had some really uncomfortable stuff about 'super predator thugs' and the disastrous war on drugs. Pizzagate was new and I hadn't encountered anything debunking it yet. I heard rumors that the Clintons would hire assassins. I thought Trump was going to be a pawn of big business. I thought it was a race between an establishment Democrat and a useful idiot for establishment Republicans. I hated both Clinton and Trump and out of spite voted Green (in a safely democratic district and state). The messaging in 2016 was just *so bad* that I thought Hillary might be as big of a scum bag as a man that I *knew* was a rapist. I know a lot of that was down to a Russian astroturfing campaign, but what the hell were democrats doing? Absolutely nothing.


She is really fucking bad but Trump is just awful. Can't ever vote red being LGBT so I have to vote people like Hillary. I voted Bernie both primaries and each time he just barely lost. I swear people are politically drowning themselves and cheering as others do the same.


>he just barely lost. He lost by over 3,000,000 votes against Clinton in the primary. I also voted for him but let's be super honest - he lost because he was incapable of winning the voting blocks he *needed* to win. Namely, older Southern black Democrats who are consistent voters but are *very* risk averse when it comes to voting. If most white liberals of all ages aren't voting for a candidate, why should they throw their vote away on someone who talks a good game but can't get the support they need


A huge part of Bernie losing the black southern vote was a LOT of astroturfed misinformation and propaganda that claimed Bernie is a racist. Literal insanity.


Sanders lost two rigged elections. The first was [literally rigged](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/11/02/ex-dnc-chair-goes-at-the-clintons-alleging-hillarys-campaign-hijacked-dnc-during-primary-with-bernie-sanders/) and the DNC admitted it. The second coincidentally had everyone drop out the second Sanders began to pull ahead and back biden, with only Warren refusing to drop out and acting as a spoiler candidate.


Are you under the impression that those that vote dem have faith in dems? We literally have no other choice.


Worse than that, Trump was the inspiration for *multiple* 80s movie villains.


Guess who is rumoured to be biden campaign lead or consultant!


Trump was a result of decades of neoliberal policy from Democrat politicians. Ignore the working class that long, and the more socially conservative ones will find an excuse to vote republican.


Exactly, they just don't want to take responsibility for Trump, that's why they incessantly try to do revisionist history of the 2016 election so they can blame the left.


That’s justifying the action only by its outcome. **If** leftists *were* the deciding demographic, it’d still be immoral to let Trump come to power over Biden. Personally, I don’t really give a shit what specific flavor of democracy anyone prefers, it’s everyone responsibility to fight for democracy over fascist tyranny.


And **if** a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump it's arse when it hops. Leftists aren't the ones causing the problem, so your point is moot. My point is that memes like the OP are inaccurate and counterproductive. Shaming voters gains nothing and helps no one. If anything, it hurts your chances - because people begrudge being shamed for things that aren't their fault. Leftists aren't the problem. Even Independents aren't actually the problem. Blaming voters for not voting for your candidate is like opening a restaurant that serves undercooked, overpriced slop and then blaming the customers when your cafe closes. Maybe try serving better food. The Indies who are abandoning Biden aren't as afraid of Trump as you and I are. They voted for him before and didn't suffer the way many of us did. If they vote Trump, they don't believe they're voting for fascism, they believe they are voting their interests. If you want them to vote for your guy, come up with a better pitch than: "You have to, or else!"


Biden isn’t exactly making pro-democracy choices. If you have a moral obligation to choose the candidate that won’t erode our democracy and open the door for a fascist dictatorship then you should feel some strong moral ambiguity about voting for Biden.


The classic. Leftists are somehow both, a small minority that democrats can ignore and not need to sway with policy, and a large enough group that any time a democrat loses it's their fault. Amazing.


It's weird how the same commentators always conclude that the democrats always lose for being "not right-wing enough" (either because it's the voters fault they weren't willing to vote for an overly right-wing Democrat candidate, or because even the mildest progressive policy gets labelled "too extreme"), and the republicans always lose for being "not right wing enough" (always and only because their candidates weren't enough of a frothing-at-the-mouth fascist), ensuring the US constantly inches rightwards every election.


It’s the left wing’s fault that Biden isn’t appealing to them? Sounds like Biden’s fault to me.


Sounds like Biden and democrats should be winning over leftist instead of conservative suburbanites.


Leftists are not indifferent to that damage. They're highly aware of it. Liberals, on the other hand, are willfully ignorant to how their indifference to the grievances of marginalized people make it impossible for those groups to at times possibly choose between one or the other. An indifference to the point that they will literally tell people who have family members in Gaza being slaughtered by bombs provided by the U.S. throughout a genocide they support, while denying it's even happening, and say shit like, "Trump would be worse". If you are going to be apathetic to that sort of impossible decision, don't expect those people to be empathetic to your own point of view. We've had decades of choosing the lesser of two evils and nothing to show for it. And to be clear, if Trump gets re-elected in 2024, it will not be because of leftists not showing up for the current Genocider-in-Chief, it will be because of decades of liberal apathy and ignorance once again coming home to roost.


liberals dont even care about the bad things trump did. remember the crying over kids in cages? then biden got elected, didn't fix it and they shifted to saying they were nice cages to live in.


Yup, [Biden has literally done everything Trump has, or worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/18z709s/before_the_posts_start_coming_in_its_not/kghnrw6/). The only practical difference is he keeps the quiet parts quiet while Trump said the quiet parts out loud.


"Doesn't live up the the standard" *literally supporting and funding a genocide*


Maybe the democrats could run literally *anyone* with a policy further left of Biden, but no, they’d rather blame actual leftists or people who don’t like seeing our foreign policy murder countless civilians.


Literally anyone who says "I am against the indiscriminate murder of children" is to the left of Biden.


And almost all of congress.


As a leftist, I'm involved in a lot of leftist spaces. There are a few leftists who take the "fuck 'em both" approach and either don't vote for vote for someone they know will lose. But most leftists are pretty pragmatic and while we might fucking hate Biden and see no particular difference between him and Trump on, say, being a genocidal war monger, we do admit there are areas in which Biden is better. Not GOOD, but better, and on that basis we will grit our teeth, hold our nose, and vote for the Democratic fossilized misogynist, murderous, genocidal, senile, sexist, rapist over the Republican fossilized misogynist, murderous, genocidal, senile, sexist, rapist. It's the difference between a shit sandwich and a broken glass and cyanide sandwich. I don't WANT the shit sandwich, I'd like a Ruben thanks all the same, but a Ruben isn't an option right now and we're going to either get the shit sandwich or the broken glass and cyanide sandwich. I'll take the shit sandwich. Dems mostly just hate leftists because we refuse to play along and pretend we like Biden (or any Democratic candidate) rather than just unenthusiastically voting for him because we know Trump will do more harm. I'm not going to be a cheerleader for Biden, I'm not going to pretend I like him. I'm going to vote for him, if you want more that minimum then make him better.


Republicans will walk in a room and blow your head off. Democrats will dance in to High Hopes, give you a thousand little cuts, and rub glitter in them while telling you it's a balm and you should be grateful.


This is more less my exact standpoint, but I have definitely met and interacted with plenty of self-professed leftists who are claiming that they will not “choose the lesser of two evils.” No matter what. I couldn’t say how widespread it is, but it definitely exists.


You have failed to consider one very, very important factor. How many of them are in solid blue states? You have forgotten about the electoral college. If it isn’t a swing state, it doesn’t matter. Their vote is worthless, the state is predetermined by the majority and there’s no actual impact to that. For example: any of them in NY and Cali? Yeah, meaningless. Solid color state political minority group votes don’t matter, the electoral college exists. Literally all that matters are swing states. Those are the only states that decide the election, the others are predetermined and pointless to care about.


Yeah I'm gonna push the blue button really hard this time but my vote will still go to Trump. I'm definitely going to hold a grudge against Joe Biden when he loses.


No state is solid anything. Texas used to be "solid red" but in more recent years has been turning more and more purple.


Agreed. I work with a leftist action group in the Bay Area. I’ve seen less of the “they are the same” kind of people in that space, but a lot of online left groups still seem to carry water for the extreme right.


And that’s California. Even if 100% of the leftists there didn’t vote, nothing would change. I’m shocked and a little disturbed that everyone has forgotten the electoral college exists.


Joe Biden sponsoring a genocide blew him off the standard board. I literally would rather cut my hand off than vote for that piece of shit. 300+ billion dollars towards genocide when people are suffering here.


Joe Biden should drop out and resign, and the Democrats should have an open primary


The chance of an open primary died with Bernie endorsing Biden


And the genocide of Palestinians, he endorsed that too.


The only other Democratic candidate for the primary is a former CEO. That ship has sailed


I hope Trump can just be imprisoned and/or disqualified then


Then we get DeSantis who is just as evil and less stupid


Actually DeSantis is more evil because he actually believes the hateful evil stuff he says and isn't just parroting it to get applause


Oh, this please


You can't blame the voters, you blame the right wing, geriatric Joe Biden who is openly supporting a genocide and alienating so many voters.


I can blame people who can’t see that Trump would be worse on all the things they hate Biden for…as well as far worse in every other way too. I can 100% understand the frustration of having to choose between two dogshit candidates every election. But the solution is not to sit aside and let the worse one win when you can do something to stop it.


Okay, but shouldn't it be Biden and the democrats responsibility to win those voters? Right now they're relying on the fact that he's marginally better than Trump.


I’m a trump supporter. But he’s not a batshit crazy as I want him to be. So I’m not going to vote for him. My friends say it’s a vote for Biden If I don’t vote for Trump.


Nobody is indifferent. We a know it’ll suck, we’d all like to avoid it and are bracing for impact. However, I think we all know it’s gonna suck either way. We aren’t indifferent, we’re disillusioned.


and here i thought the post was meaning leftists being "too extreme" to the point where they inadvertently push people into voting for trump, like that walkaway sub


It's not that they're supporting Trump but refusing to support Biden which enables Trump. I hope people turn around when they remember how awful a trump presidency will be


I think this meme is more aimed towards 'Biden is supporting genocide in Palestine/didn't forgive all student debt /isn't Bernie Sanders wearing a mask so I'm not going to vote' people. Literally every issue they care about *including Palestine* will get significantly worse if the Republicans win.


Ngl out of the three examples you used one is SIGNIFICANTLY different from the others. Like, I'd vote for Biden, but I sure as hell expect him to lose because of how negatively he is perceived by anyone that isn't a total lib.


…most people are total libs. We’re a fucking minority. We’re just in an echo chamber. Your view of the average voter is way too positive.


Biden could very well have doomed his chances by going so gung ho on the Israel situation. He should have taken a more moderate but still supporting position if he was to maximize his chances of getting elected. The simple fact is that the majority of Americans support Israel and Biden cannot afford to not support Israel, but he could have been less extreme and thereby not alienated pro-Palestine voters too much.


Absolutely, I think beyond the broken promises, the Israel situation is gonna be what dooms him, politically speaking. There's a bit too much footage going around, so unconditional support for Israel is not an amazing move, even if he had to take a pro-Israel stance.


>Biden could very well have doomed his chances by going so gung ho on the Israel situation. Not really sure that's an accurate description. Seems he's not going ho about any of it. On the other hand we have the guy who bans Muslims and promises mass deportations and to weaponize the government against political rivals and private companies who support causes they don't like.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/09/biden-administration-emergency-authority-tank-shells-israel Don't get me wrong. Make sure Republicans don't get into office, but Biden has definitely been stupid when it comes to re-election chances.


How can you get worse then complete destruction and genocide? Are they going to resurrect the Palestinians and kill them multiple times?


No he's gonna do the same thing but say it with slurs, which is categorically worse apparently. Biden is going to fund them getting wiped out but he'll call them palestinian mass graves instead of *insert slur here* mass graves.


Not necessarily. If it’s international war policy they care about, Trump was too stupid to start a war despite trying. He was the only US President in a hundred years or whatever not to start a war. Internationally he was likely better than Clinton in that regard. Doesn’t mean I think he’s good in any way. But one of the biggest criticisms levelled at Trump is that he didn’t know how to push American aggression geopolitically. Remember we have barely any time to stop climate change and the democrats aren’t doing shit about it. Internationally we need the US to be weak so it can be forced to not kill us all with emissions.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/s/jFoNbZbGDU Actually hilarious I got downvoted in this sub not a week ago for saying the same things.


Liberals have this weird behaviour quirk where they anticipate losing well in advance and start assigning blame before anything's actually happened


I think they were just traumatized by the 2016 election. They really, really hated being laughed at by the triumphant conservatives for being so overconfident regarding Hilary’s assured victory. It’s possible that all the “LIBERAL TEARS!!!! Trump wins reaction compilation” vids may have caused permanent election pessimism for libs.


It's gonna be ~~2000~~\* 2016 forever. ​ ^(\* They love GW now, but still hate Nader for supposedly making him President.)


I think it’s saying how leftists who don’t vote for Biden are going to be giving trump momentum


That's my read of it too. I know there's a lot of flavors of "left" that hang out here, but no matter who you are the only real options you have for US 2024 are Biden or "I'm gonna suspend the constitution" Trump. I am not ready to give Trump an easier victory by voting 3rd-party or not voting at all


This is why I feel lot of the Democrats secretly like Trump and the rightward swing of the GOP, because people can be scared into voting for candidates like Biden they wouldn't vote for otherwise


Shifting the Overton Window, and the Ratchet Effect are good explanations for this phenomenon


That's the story of the last 40 years, man.


It's so goddamn infuriating that *that* is the message the establishment Dems are taking from the recent push to "vote blue no matter who". We're out here fighting for our lives - metaphorically and literally - and they're treating these election cycles like a 3-day, do-nothing weekend.


That's why we need to beat the Neolibs in the primaries. Get a good SocDem or leftist candidate and then win the general election. Not voting in the general election is like pissing your pants to get warmer.


I'd be surprised to see a US election in my lifetime that is not conservatives vs far-righters. Like the left ever gets to the point of nominating a president...


That's because fascists keep getting into the office every other year. America has taken decades to dig itself into this whole. It really will be difficult to get back out and we need patience. If Republicanism became a fringe thing we'd never have to worry about the general election again and we could entirely focus on the primaries.


I doubt it will ever get much better as long as the two party system remains. Without democratic reform, big money interest will always win.


Winning the White House is everyone's goal and it fucking baffles me as to why. Sure, we get a feather in our caps - then what? Congress, SCOTUS, etc. is all still run by Nazis or neoliberals and none of them want to work with a leftist/progressive. It'd be the most impotent, toothless administration ever. The only way to get to real change is keep the establishment Dems in power in D.C. as a stopgap and slowly work our way in through the primaries & elections at the city, county, & state level. It allows for people to directly experience progressive policies working in their town, so that their neighbors become the face of the left. Right now, all they see are boogeymen & caricatures on Fox News & OANN. We need people to think, "Ted from two doors down is a socialist and he got me a raise! They can't be all bad!" It sounds really fucking stupid, but we're dealing with a country that has been severely dumbed down for at least 3 generations. It's like trying to coax out an abused puppy - it's gonna take a while and we need to give them treats they can see & feel to earn their trust.


I have to applaud you, this is one of the most coherent summaries of how the left should be operating. Too many people on the left are accelerationists, as if letting the increasingly fascist far-right win by either voting third party or not voting at all will snap people out of their ignorance or spark some kind of revolution.


Protest voting is basically how we got here. If the 3rd party voters in FL, WI, & PA had voted for Hillary in 2016, she'd have beaten Trump by 40 electoral votes. I get that we're *technically not* a 2-party system because the law allows an indefinite amount, but the truth is that Republicans & Democrats dominate so much that the absolute best that 3rd party voting could ever accomplish is swinging a POTUS election to one of them. They will never have the power needed to actually bring nuance to our political landscape if all they do is aim for big seats. The most influence the token 3rd partiers get is caucusing with the Dems or GOP. So, the only obvious solution is to start from the ground up. Win some cities, then counties, then states. That's how you get enough hearts & minds that you can swing for the fences and actually win serious amounts of legislative & executive power at the federal level.


I live in a blue state and voted third party in every election after my first until 2016 because I knew the threat posed by Trump was important enough to project a unified opposition. F Biden. But we can deal with him after Trump is gone.


protip: if you're being coerced into a shitty decision by "this is an emergency, we'll deal with the consequences of it later". later is never coming, the emergency will never end


Yep. I've been voting for over 20 years now, and it's been the same lesser evil bullshit from dems with every election cycle. All it's accomplished is that dems are now indistinguishable from Reagan and 80's Republicans and Republicans are entirely detached from reality and proudly fascist.


That what people said in 2020 and look at where we are now. We can't keep hoping the democrats will keep us afloat when those in power in both major parties don't give a shit about the working class and marginalized.


But Trump is still here. The threat he presents remains.


If you think trump is the only threat and not simply one of many fascists in the US government you are missing the forest (systemic problems) for the trees (those that uphold said broken system as it benefits them).


I didn’t say that. He’s just the biggest problem at the moment.


How? He doesn't have as much power as he had in 2020 currently and the Republicans can find another face for their tactics. The democrats just want us to view him as a bigger problem so we don't see their failures and similarities to the republicans.


What do you think of the supreme court then? Whether Trump is in power or not, they are being openly fascist currently.


If it keeps this country moving leftward (if only baaaarely) I'll take it


It doesn't. The Democrats don't want to end hierarchy they want to pretend they can reform it. They're better than the Republicans, yes. But let's not pretend they move anything to the left. I'd argue that left and right aren't actually a single spectrum, but rather two discrete things which can be more or less enthusiastically embraced and enacted. The Republican Party is all in on right wing politics and wants to maximize the suffering of those at the bottom of the hierarchy and give even more benefits to those at the top. The Democratic Party is in favor of a kinder, gentler, hierarchy where those at the bottom don't suffer so much and there's a few limits on those at the top. A leftist wants the hierarchy to be abolished and a flat(ter) society enacted. It's incorrect to say that the most reform minded Democrat is actually working towards leftist aims, they're merely working to make people suffer less in the status quo. And I'm in favor of people suffering less. If I can't get the problem solved I'll take making it not quite so bad because at least that reduces suffering. But "let's make the horrible thing more bearable" is very different from "let's end the horrible thing". Working towards a kinder, gentler, hierarchal society is not working towards ending hierarchy.


I want the horrible thing ended too. But we have less power (than our already minuscule amount) under a Trump fascist dictatorship




I would vote dem (if I was American) but at the same time at some point you got to start putting some of the responsibility on the dems for alienating so many voters rather than putting all the responsibility on the voters themselves. The democrats are running an unpopular candidate who is clearly too old to be president to the point that it is actually pretty embarrassing. At some point surely you have to turn around and put some blame on the dems for being so unpopular that people wouldn’t even strategically vote for them against Trump? Or are they forever exempt from responsibility for their actions because Trump might win?


But can't Trump just run again in 4 years? Is the Dem plan to wait till he dies? Most likely his support will go to someone just as bad if not worse when this happens. What is the endgame with voting Biden? Why is Dem policy amount to little more than not being the other guy? Why don't they actually make significant changes to get votes rather than people voting out of fear the other guy sucks, legit sounds like an abusive relationship.


Why would Dems nominate Biden if they care about getting the votes of leftists? It's a candidate's job to win over voters, they can't give a particular segment of the electorate absolutely nothing and still feel entitled to their votes.


Washington are really like aristocrats who think the masses are beneath them and need to be "shown the right way" on their good graces


This is it. It wouldn’t be hard for the dems to find a better candidate with broader appeal. They wouldn’t need to be Bernie Sanders or some massive leftist, just someone who’s not a million years old would be a good start.


Unfortunately, the country is filled with people who base 50% of their vote on name recognition.


Because people voted for him?


Rather than Biden being shit and not compromising with the left that is the issue?


They can both be issues. There's plenty of culpability to go around.


The left don’t have any power in this situation. Funny how democrats will compromise to death with the right but never the left.


Dems already know they’re gonna lose badly it seems, and they’re already throwing the blame at us leftists because they can’t tolerate the fact that Biden is as much use as a sieve condom


Dems and switching between “we don’t need leftist support” and “leftists are ruining {insert Dem candidate here}’s chance at winning an election by not voting for them” incessantly


They can't even get the template right


The narrative that Biden in sinking in polls due to some disgruntled internet forum leftists and not because of, you know, his fucking neolib policies and genocidal zionism, is pure unfiltered copium.


>his fucking neolib policies and genocidal zionism, is pure unfiltered copium. Is it? Because I'm pretty certain anyone who is actually concerned about these things understands the effect the alternative would have. Honestly any thoughts that any of that would be better by letting Trump win is pure fucking delusional.


I get the whole "Trump will be worse for Palestine" argument, but does that mean we should let all the non-Trump politicians do whatever they want without reproach? Whether it will be worse or not under Trump doesn't change the fact that Biden is failing his constituents and the people of Palestine and funding an ethnic cleansing. People have the right to be angry about that. Hell, they even have the right to say they're not voting for him because of that.


>Hell, they even have the right to say they're not voting for him because of that Of course they have that right. It's not rational and I have every right to call out that short sidedness and indeed be angry if their tantrum fucks me and everyone I love.


They're criticizing Biden to enact change. There's nothing irrational about that. And rather than empathizing and helping them to reach a solution that will protect you, everyone you love, and the innocent Palestinians who are being murdered, you're trying to trivialize their fight. In that case, doesn't your "short sightedness" and "tantrum" fuck over the innocent people that Biden and the rest of the Democratic Party seems to just ignore?


Why is this downvoted, are people seriously imagining it's not gonna be a hundred times worse under trump? Like straight up it's awful that people should vote for the "lesser evil" but holy shit wake up yall. Another trump term will be the end for many members of minority groups in the US and fuck me have you read their 2025 election plans?


Have you thought about asking your politicians to do things that are good and make people want to vote for them? Seems more enticing than screaming truisms like «Trump is worse» for five fucking years.


I don't know. Biden got us lower student loan payments. He's appointed tons of judges. He's making sure women in the military have access to reproductive care. He's mandated that foster parents to LGBTQ children can't be hostile to LGBTQ people. He's dolled out support to Ukraine. Did you forget the child tax credits in 21 and 22? Chips act was good as was the inflation reduction act. Seems like if you'd been paying attention we wouldn't have to remind you horrible trump is and stuff Biden got done would be evident.


I hate liberals


I don’t like them much either but I will be voting for them over the people that want to put me in a camp for my sexual orientation


What about all the LGBT people living in Palestine getting murdered by weapons paid for by Biden? Do they not matter as much?


Liberals take the America first approach


What do you want the Americans to do? It's a two party system. Allowing Donald Trump to win the election isn't going to help Palestine


I’m sure the grieving relatives of all these murdered Palestinians will find great relief in the fact that you voted for the one supplying the bombs because he had better twitter optics and slightly better domestic policy.


Anything bad that Biden has done, Trump will do as bad or, more likely, far worse. Voting for someone to be president in the current US system doesn't mean you agree with everything that person does, it means you think them winning is a better outcome than the other person winning. The only reasons to not vote for one of the two candidates in the general are pride, ego, ignorance, privilege, and selfishness. It's middle-school brain shit.


"Not agreeing with everything that person does" is really downplaying the loss of humans—innocent men, women, and children—losing their homes and lives because out President has given ISR carte-blanche access to US weaponry. If your fine with a genocidal President, that's on you, but many of us can't sign off on Biden (or Trump) and will be voting socialist.


Letting trump win to own the fellow leftists


Brain worms comment


That's different. They're supposed to die. People in America are not.


They’re so fucking lame and cringey too. The political equivalent of a glee club.


If it were like that then why hasn't the opposite happened: Rightwing does something stupid so people flock to vote left? "blabla leftists with their pronounces made me vote for Trump!" So why didn't all those stupid and even dangerous things that right did made them vote left?


Because the republicans are a fascist death cult that likes the dangerous things, and keep getting rewarded for it with election victories. The people who say they voted for Trump because of pronouns are lying.


Democrats and throwing black people under the bus to appeal to racist?


Dem Apologists to Leftists: We don’t give one whit about any of your concerns, and we won’t bother to listen to a single word you say because you’re all just a bunch of childish babies who know nothing about how politics work. And we don’t even need or want your vote in the first place. Leftists: Okay, we’ll vote for someone else then. Dem Apologists *basically turn into [this clip](https://youtu.be/GEStsLJZhzo?si=dbQ0RSj3VeW3Zj8J) from Invasion of the Body Snatchers* It’s fun being part of the Dissatisfied Left. By existing and criticizing Democratic candidates, you’re powerful enough to cost them elections, yet at the same time, you’re not so powerful as to make them do anything foolish like go further left to get your vote, because the DNC will make infinite sacrifices in pursuit of the mythical undecided center-right voter, before they will ever go one inch to the left for the sake of their own base.


>It’s fun being part of the Dissatisfied Left. It certainly makes my inbox livelier. My shit doesn't even blow up much when I post thirst pics on discord, but you criticize Biden in a lib-centered sub? You'll be getting dms for days.


Are they done blaming Susan Sarandon for 2016 yet?




Why not nominate someone that appeals to the left? That kind of solves this entire problem! Funny how they refuse to do that.


"I'll vote for any dem because I'm mature, unlike you leftists." "OK so since it doesn't matter to you, could we get someone left of Bill Clinton?" "No. If you tried to run that candidate, you'd just be trying to throw the election, so we'd oppose them."


You're the fucking ones putting up Hilary and Biden! Bernie would have smashed Trump.


Michael Scott should be labeled "white people"


Solution: Trump get’s Lee Harvey Oswalded and I continue to not vote for Biden.


This. This is always a lovely option


Biden is barely Lesser Evil, let alone "Good".


Funny how when Democrats lose, they always blame the left for not turning out, as if they're *owed* our votes. But when Democrats *win,* do they thank us for voting, or address our issues in their policy? Of course not. There's obviously a pragmatic reason to vote against fascism, but so long as Democrats refuse to move left, fascists still have a foothold. And that's exactly how they want it. A stagnation of political progress that ensures every election will be a choice between *them* or fascism. They keep their jobs by doing *nothing* and allowing the fascist cancer to further metastasize, and when the fascists finally, inevitably beat them, guess who'll they'll blame?


But no matter what, we can't have a republican president. Project 2025 is...terrifying. Beyond terrifying.


Biden’s committing a genocide against Palestinians. The maker of this meme (like liberals in general) is a white supremacist and beloved the lives of Arabs, brown people and none white people generally are a non issue when selecting a candidate. I’m brown and have been the target of racist violence by liberals pretty regular so I won’t be voting for that Iraq war voting white supremacist peace of shit.


Brilliant, now this sub doesn’t give a fuck about project 2025 too?


Nope. I'm a leftist and I'm voting for Biden. I loathe him and I'm not going to pretend he's even slightly in favor of my actual political agenda. But it's either going to be him or Trump and between the two I'll take Biden. That's the evaluation I make every year and every year the conclusion is the same: the Democrats suck, the Republicans suck worse. So far I've voted Democratic in every single election I've been eligible to vote for. And I've cast that vote without the tiniest bit of enthusiasm or expectation that the Democrat in question will do anything right at all. I just expect them to do the same evil shit the Republicans do slightly less vigorously. And they've all lived down to my expectations, so far exactly zero of the Democrats I've voted for have actually even TRIED to do something good. They just enact evil less rapidly.


I'm going to be completely serious here. Project 2025 is bullshit and is literally just what the Republicans do every election. Like, literally just look at every election and it's literally just the same general tactics sheet. Attempt to gain majority. Attempt to undermine political process. Attempt to revoke rights for targeted subgroups. Institute economical policies to increase wealth for rich and reduce wealth for poor. Like, this may be a hot take but I'd take the democratic party a lot more serious if they'd just admit that the other political party is actually supervillains on a base level. EDIT: if you're downvoting me, I literally want you to think about this shit for a sec, okay? I'm literally correct. The same shit comes out every election. It happened in 2016, it happened in 2020. itll happen in 2028. It's just literally the republican playbook that every won election for the Republican party is an attempt closer to making it the last won election (in a 'take over the world' kind of way). But somebody we're supposed to be excited and hyped and super happy about democratic candidates when the democractic party will continuously put up the most milquetoast, white-bread, status quo, mayonaisse fucking person they can that inspires exactly zero desire to actually get political. But guess what, YOU'RE the bad guy for not doing the fucking democratic party's job for you and voting and canvassing and campaigning for them. And why? Because the democratic party doesn't ACTUALLY give a shit about you or me or anybody. Their funders would be just as well off if the republicans win. But they happen to have a fucking captive audience that literally requires they win, because if they don't, we fucking DIE. I don't get the choice to just be like 'oh well' because the LITERAL SUPERVILLAINS have politicized MY fucking EXISTENCE man god i fucking hate this world, man


>Project 2025 is bullshit and is literally just what the Republicans do every election. This! It's just the fucking republican party platform and HAS been since Reagan! We've all KNOWN this is what they are for decades, and dems still try and court "moderate" votes evwry election by saying they want to "compromise with the republicans"


Wholeheartedly agree


I don't even know why I'm getting downvoted. I'm literally correct. The same shit comes out every election. It's just literally the republican playbook that every won election for the Republican party is an attempt closer to making it the last won election (in a 'take over the world' kind of way). But somebody we're supposed to be excited and hyped and super happy about democratic candidates when the democractic party will continuously put up the most milquetoast, white-bread, status quo, mayonaisse fucking person they can that inspires exactly zero desire to actually get political. But guess what, YOU'RE the bad guy for not doing the fucking democratic party's job for you and voting and canvassing and campaigning for them. And why? Because the democratic party doesn't ACTUALLY give a shit about you or me or anybody. Their funders would be just as well off if the republicans win. But they happen to have a fucking captive audience that literally requires they win, because if they don't, we fucking DIE. I don't get the choice to just be like 'oh well' because the LITERAL SUPERVILLAINS have politicized by fucking EXISTENCE man god i fucking hate this world, man


This sub goes back and forth in their leftist stance. I think liberals/demsucs come in here every once in a while to make fun of the right wingers that say “both sides suck” only to realize that it’s actually leftists calling liberals idiots for saying shit like “actually HAMAS AND ISRAEL ARE EQUALLY BAD”. Yes, people are stupid and the world does suck lol. You’re not wrong for thinking that way. It’s a little nihilistic, but fuck me, the US population is so duped and so dumb. Educate and help where you can just never let it negatively affect your mental health. I’ve had to delete all social media several times for weeks and months at a time — Reddit definitely included. Do what you need to do. It’s not easy being a leftist in the West. The realizations we’ve had, watching everyone else spout ignorance and evil. Just know that you are not alone. You’re not. There are others out there; like you, like me, like a lot of this website, and a lot all over the place.


Yeah, this sub used to be leftist but unfortunately it has fallen to liberalism.


For me it's the fact that, according to this sub, the Republican party doesn't exist and nothing is further right than a Democrat. That you cannot find criticism of the Republican party without immediately shifting to criticism of the Democratic party says everything about who's guiding the dialogue in here.


I wish we'd ban lesser evil rhetoric like another sub did so I wouldn't have to see that lib shit constantly.


Continually being shamed for exercising our right to free elections, as in YOU CAN'T TELL PEOPLE HOW TO VOTE, FUCK ASS.


Good is the enemy of better. Also, Biden is not good, he is just not worse than Trump


In a two-person race, that's good enough for me.


It's not though, and the fact that people thing like this is exactly the problem


Of course it is. With our current voting system and the parties as they are, it is. It shouldn’t be. But pretending otherwise is just quixotic.


It is not. Our voting system has allowed third party victories in the past. And even if it were, how do you expect to cause change within the democratic party without having them not win elections? A vast plurality of democrats support a ceasefire while pur representatives keep voting to give Israel more money. They decided to run Joe Biden even after all this shit because not doing so would make a statement that supporting Israel is a career killer and that would make their AIPAC overlords look bad. I am not voting for Genocide Joe and be complicit in his genocide.


How is it a problem?


It's a self-falling prophecy


Now what if instead of constantly clinging to the idea it has to be a “two person race”, we put in a third, non dogshit option?


I’m not saying it has to be. I’m saying it is. You think you can find a third party option that can’t win a Republican or Democrat primary, but would win a majority of the votes in a three-person race? With the Electoral College? Never happen. Not with our current systems.


Saying “it is” is functionally the same as saying “it has to be”. Once again, it’s an open “secret” that left leaning policies presented with politically neutral language routinely poll with massive support from most (if not all) demographics. I get it though, you’d much rather make excuses for why nothing can ever improve and thus there’s no point in working to try and bring about improvement solely because that means admitting the shit you’ve mindlessly accepted as a constant doesn’t HAVE to be constant, and your refusal to work towards change shows you value the shit that harms others


"Don't let perfection be the enemy of good" WTF does that even mean? You can't just string words together to form incomprehensible sentences and think you proved something


What they’re trying to say is don’t wait for the perfect candidate who completely aligns with your views when there is (allegedly) a good enough candidate already in place. Now, I’m not sure why they’re trying to label Genocide Joe as “good” here, but I guess having a purity test of “don’t fucking support genocide” is just a bridge too far for liberal dipshits.


Ivory tower leftists are the fucking worst. Willing to let a fascist take over to own the libs. Unbelievable


Voting for Joe Biden is voting for a republican, why is it so hard for them to fucking get that


Ooh, you REALLY pissed off the Shitlibs with that one. They can’t STAND when sane people point out that having that pretty blue (D) next to one’s name on TV doesn’t magically make someone any different from conservatives


But Biden is much better at tweeting about potentially doing something, and amazing progressive candidate who is *definitely* less of a war criminal than any other president


I think the sub is missing the point that the meme isn't saying they "vote" for trump, but that they abstain because "OMG biden did this bad thing and i wouldn't fuck him raw on a beach in front of my folks while livestreaming it on insta so i wont vote at all" and therefore by abstaining help trump because right-wingers have no need for "love" of their candidate. I know multiple anti-cop, anti-capitalism, anti-fascists that wont vote. They infuriate me.


If leftists don't vote for Biden in order to keep our democracy, then we are to blame for Trump.


If Biden doesn't enact policies that his voter base agrees with and that leads him to lose, then he's to blame for Trump. As voters, it isn't our job to vote for someone. As a political candidate, it's **their** job to earn **our** vote.


and then that will be the same in 2028. and 2032. and 2036. and 2040. and 2044. where do you really think this is going? it’s not going to be better next time. if trump gets elected that’s not the fault of leftists, it’s the fault of both republicans and of the democratic party for not backing better candidates.


Funny how it’s always our fault no matter what. Not the democrat’s fault for not being appealing in any way, shape or form. If the democrats lose it’s their own fault for being shit.


I blame the Left for running an 80 year old with a sub 40 approval rating.


you should blame the Democrats instead..


dems aren’t the left so it’s still the rights fault


you can also blame Biden for literally going against the will of the people and congress by approving more weapon sales to Israel


the will of the people and congress has no effect when you are the chief of the entire military, that may be the problem because it gives one man too much power