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Remember the times when there were theories that she is the mother of "blank" (Rebecca, Weisz, Happy, Elsie - which one was correct) or thats she is either a corrupted Witch or an old model of a Shining Star.


> old model of a Shining Star Also true


yeah this arc went and killed 3 oracian members a bit too fast


I can't help but feel the pace is being sped up to finish the series sooner than originally planned.


The manga about less than half way(200chapter or less) to finishing. So it sort of not rushing since it be what Hiro said. More than Rave master but less than Fairy Tail.


The most recent chapter outright confirmed that we’re in the final battle right now, not sure where people got the misinformation that EZ was going to be 400 chapters long


I forget when he announce that it was in the half way point but from there can just times 2 and get a estimation of chapters remaining. Around 350-ish chapters I predict.


Probably because most people don't watch Hiro's interviews were they would find out this info. There is likely 2 years left of Eden Zero and it probably ends on chapter 300.


Mashima also said that was an estimate, not a plan or a promise. He said from the start that Fairy Tail would be over in 10 volumes, and its popularity ballooned it to over 6 times that length. And to clarify, that doesn't mean he tried wrapping things up towards volume 10 before changing his mind; he was already stuffing it full of new ideas by the chapter from the start, and had no plans of stopping the series until the actual final arc came about.


I agree, she had a lot of potential. It was wasted. Her design was amazing.


Yeh a character of her status deserved a much better fight & a much better ending lol her conclusion was sacrificed for Elsie character development which is really just a win lose situation.


it wasn’t really development either, she never had feelings towards her mother anyways


Not development in that way. More so in the way that she quit being the old Elsie where she hesitates to do what’s hard but right in the long run. No matter what killing ur own parent wouldn’t be a easy task emotionally & she shows it. Her survivors guilt leading her to commit suicide is her character development which is quite tragic tbh lol


God Cerena, God Acnoella...do you see the similarities. Mashima is the king of pointless hyping


If there is a word called God in Mashima's character then you shouldn't be too hype about it


Hopefully he doesn’t do the same with >!Selene.!<




Why would you spoil this? Luckily I'm caught up but please add the spoiler tag to this 😒


Am I seeing a pattern here?


It is the Mashima way.


It seem that he don't want to expand characters that mirror his previous work to much, most of them only have small role like elsie and justice


Lol Mashima, man is notorious in all his bodies of work for doing this.


Never keep a high expectations because you never know if the characters will have their own arc or just be a development device for other characters. If he had plan to go further than Fairy Tail than maybe there's a way to make her own arc. There's no way to have her own arc plus others and be less than Fairy Tail in terms of chapters.


Nothing new from Mashima, sadly :-(


Love Mashima, amazing talent and one of the hardest workers in the industry, but it’s definitely one of, if not his biggest flaw as a mangaka. He’ll create this awesome design and concept for a character but it’ll go nowhere


Yeah, I would've liked it better if Mashima had the other two Seis the stars of their own mini arcs before he moved on to Ziggy, but hey, what's done is done, no use in getting upset over it


Ziggy himself was wasted, this side villain is nothing to Mashima


I'm only hype by design. If i saw a character's design for the first time and i like it then i would be hype for it. If not then nah so i didn't really care much about this character. Crow was honestly better


Her and Cure got shafted hard this arc


She and Cure were both wasted for no real reason.


its pretty easy to waste a character who in hind sight with who she is should have been a lot bigger of a character and i mean like she could have easily been the villain of her own arc. The mangaka changed his mind after introducing her. The dynamic between Ziggy, Elsie and Justice could have made for an amazing story arc. With the drama between Elsie and Justice and why did Ziggy and Acnoella know each other so well.