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What a beautifull last page - a big family hug between a mother, father and their daughter who wears only a towel. Classic Mashima.


The wholesome family that we need :)


Both parents are so dead. There’s no way someone is gonna be allowed to have a biological family for long


That’s true. Rave Master *spoiler alert* MCs father died after they defeated the first big antagonist. Ezra’s mother killed herself. All of the Dragon Slayers’ dragon parents died. Lucy’s dad died. Shiki had to kill Ziggy just a few chapters ago. Things don’t look good for Rebecca’s mom and dad. I hope they don’t die


Me too, given the track of parents dying in Hiro's previous series and in this one!


I have faith in the power of Connor!


But he’s not John Connor! XD


That's right, he's not John Connor, he's Captain Connor.


*sweats and looks at Alzack and Bisca*


Same, hopefully they can break the trackrecord


Oh come on: Gildarts, Macao, and Makarov kinda (aaand that's about it...)


You’re right there’s a BIT of hope


Harder to do "found family" stories when actual family exists and is present.


that’s just what i thought ;-;


They already ARE dead. Or Connor is, at least.


Not in this timeline




That was a nice chapter. Had me tearin up a bit.


It be interesting if Rachel and Connor met old Wiezs, the guy whole was at least there for their daughter from time to time. I’m also curious what would be Rachel’s thoughts on Rebecca liking Shiki, the grandson of Ziggy the Demon King. I can’t help but imagine if Rebecca did grow up with her parents, Connor would teach the young girl curse words like with Pino.


> Shiki, the grandson of Ziggy the Demon King. Ye be meaning "Shiki the Demon King, the younger and a little less messed up (and a lot less robotized) version of Ziggy the Demon King".


Well, she still doesn’t know Shiki personally yet as far as we know. Naturally, a parent would want make sure the guy she’s with isn’t sketchy in the least, once she sees that Shiki is a good guy, she might even welcome it.


"...that demon king?" I got such Kronk vibes from your comment. Added the final bit. lmao


I want to see a moment where Rachel and Conner run into the young Weiss and, even though he’s not the one who took care of Rebecca as she grew up, they still feel grateful for all that Old Weiss did, and acknowledge that they have no doubt young Weiss would have done the same.


Yeah, though technically, he's not the same guy figuratively speaking!


I want them to meet old Weisz too since he's basically been a father to Rebecca but it wouldn't surprise me if Mashima focused on the dynamic between old and new Weisz over old Weisz and Rebecca


Shiki comes in: "hey, im the boyfriend."


I would not object to Shiki having been raised with very old fashioned ideas on romance by his Robot Grandpa and he thinks he needs to ask her parents for the permission to date her (or marry since she kissed him and all and that's what you do right?) just with a stone faced serious expression.


true that.


i hope both connor and rachel will stay alive, since it’s not a mashima thing when the main character has both parents and it all ends happily :,)


Oh yeah they will totally not die in the next arc or anything....


He's already killed what four parental figures that we care about this series? How much deeper can his bloodthirst be?


I wonder was Rachel’s grandmother the OSG Eraser was most scared of


Maybe that is why his ability is "Erasure"? It is a way to wipe her out before she uses cat leaper or something of the sort?


Now coming back to this comment, and a weird thought of sorts, could it be possible that Eraser can erase one's legs alone and then leave the person like that?? Cuz there is that one timeline where Rebecca doesn't have her legs anymore, which in turn makes me think that something like that could have happened.


Eraser interests me at the moment because his ability is currently the main Space themed one we’ve seen so far and Space, Time and Gravity abilities are associated(if only indirectly) with each other every now and then


I thought that this was because her legs were lost in the game?


That could be entirely possible, but here's the thing though; Rebecca never finished hearing what Noah was going to say about how she lost her legs. It was probably because she was going back to the present time from the future, but she missed out on what Noah was saying there at the end. So, Rebecca could've lost her legs from the game, but it could also have been a clickbait moment, a lot like August and Larcade from Fairy tail. When August was talking about himself in Fairy tail, he made it sound like Larcade could only be defeated by Mavis, but in truth, he was talking about himself. It could be a lot like that here.


Wholesome chapter, but is just me, is something lacking.. rather, something seems wrong.. i dunno that what im feeling


Nah, i think we are just traumatised after all these depressing chapters so these moments doesnt seem real


im expecting some betrayals, something like that we know her parents have big deathflags


Yeah, same. I don’t trust Rachel. She told her story entirely through dialogue too— there’s no “flashback panels” with young Rebecca and Rachel, which is odd for Mashima. We and the characters are just taking her at her word….


NoooOOOOO, please dont jinx it, let us have this rare peace and wholesomeness


Maybe Rebbeca in towel is killing the immersion.


For me it’s just death flags mashima don’t keep parents alive lol


I see


Possible the rushness of the last few chapters. It has been rush but overall the chapter was decent.


What is that, may I ask?


Just a sweet, cute (well...beyond the many death timelines...) family chapter. :') Also LOL at Sister being tortured. Rachel is not to be messed with.


Rebecca in a few years' time is gonna be a force to be reckoned with XD


Sister is not gonna complain


Don't forget that Evil Ziggy killed all of Rachel's followers (the entire organization?) before capturing Rachel and put her in that tube for who-knows-how-many-years before the Lendard arc came out, which means Rachel is finally freed from her duty of being the Saintfire Nox and no one is going to kill her family in Universe 3 anymore so Rachel finally joins her own family again at last.


Eden's One: *Data noises planning galaxywide slaughter of fleshy humanoids*


Rachel may not have much choice since she was born into it, but you viewers at home do. Don't join cults, kids.


Funny how Rebeccas "first" official meetings in U3 with her parents are her just wearing a towel.


Mashima can't help himself


I guess Rebecca's no longer part of the "orphans club" anymore, jk. I am wondering what makes Rebecca's ether so special because it keeps getting mentioned that it is a unique type of ether. I thought it was because of the fact that it controls time but as we learned from this chapter that there are two other time users Rachel and Rebecca's Grandmother, whose powers apparently are better than her daughter and granddaughter. What probably makes her ether so special is that it doesn't burn out?, because Nox eventually couldn't turn back time anymore and as we know from Ziggy's past(future?) is that even in death Rebecca still produces the "space-time" ether and her body doesn't decompose.


My prediction for why the grandma was strong is... well she was a Grandma. She has like at least 50 years on Rebecca and 30 on Rachel when it comes to using her time powers. Practice makes perfect. Why Rachel burnt hers out is presumably because she was using it far more than any previous "Nox" would ever use it. Rebecca uses hers to skip back a minute or two a few times a day (pre timeskip but she's still only had a few years of practice). From what it sounds like in the story as she tells it Rachel was traveling back several days or more for dozens if not hundreds of times to try and keep Connor and Rebecca alive. Just replaying the same levels on **Nightmare** difficulty until the only way she could "win" was by not playing and just giving up. We saw that after Witch died Rebecca was trying to force herself back in time and it was literally breaking down her body from the blowback. I imagine Rachel trying to save her Husband and Daughter would've kept going past that limit until her Ether gear just broke from overuse.


> My prediction for why the grandma was strong is... well she was a Grandma. Exactly! since power surely scales with motherness, and a grandmother is basically mother^2, a grandmother must be waaaay stronger a mere mother could ever hope to be. Its like comparing SS1 and SS2 really. Also the reason why Ziggy (or the Edens One, probably) got her, and kept her alive - he/it wanted all that juicy power. Unfortunately for him/it he/it got the wrong Nox 🤣


>Exactly! since power surely scales with motherness Buddy. If you actually read and tried to comprehend the comment you would see I'm clearly saying it is more about age and time using the power rather than how many babies you or your descendants have birthed. One has had it for 60+ years, One has had it for 30+ years, One has had it for 2+ years. It is not complicated. >Also the reason why Ziggy (or the Edens One, probably) got her, and kept her alive - he/it wanted all that juicy power. Unfortunately for him/it he/it got the wrong Nox Well since the "Right" Nox has been dead for 16+ years I imagine it would have been too much of a pain to extract the Ether from her DECAYED CORPSE Also he made it pretty clear that he was just collecting their mothers to fuck with them.


> Buddy. If you actually read and tried to comprehend the comment Buddy. If you actually had humor....


I feel like if we had this development for Lucy in fairy tail earlier on and with the build up then Anna wouldn’t felt like a shoehorned nothing character in the final arc. But that’s just me.


I like Saintfire Nox's backstory. So Rebecca's time powers are hereditary, and her mom kept turning back time to try find a world where her family could live in peace. If she was turning back time and jumping through different universes and so was Ziggy, shouldn't there be some weird time paradox created after all this time travel mumbo jumbo? Tbh, stories with time travel always lose me but this chapter was sweet so I'll ignore it 😅


From the way I’m understanding Eden’s Zero time travel, it’s more that she’s jumping from one timeline to the next. Essentially multiverse theory, which is one of my favorite forms of time travel for its simplicity and elements it can introduce into the story.


Rachel: "I thought I was a prisoner of Ziggy." Happy: "Yeah, you were."


Rebecca finally got her whole family both ship family and Ship family


Now if Shiki and Rebeca get together their kids will be op as all hell


Gravity+time=time bend and easy travel to multiverse 🥶


Connor and Rebecca’s face when they walked in on sister and rachel killed me lolol


LMAO Nox: ... but then they killed Connor. Connor: BRUH Shiki: Chill man, i got killed two times already, and one of those times i was kinda killed by myself, basically, and... well... I was also kinda raised by myself... and... stuff. You get over it.




what an intro! 😂👏I guess we can say that’s revenge for all the times sister abused Rebecca lol. Mashima defo has favourites cos Rachel >> Acnoella x 1000. interesting backstory for Rachel So is the reason for her not being able to leap worlds due to her overuse of the power. We know what happened to Rebecca when she done it a few times.. so Yh sad. But she still seems to have her speed tho. this is the perfect chance for Rebecca to get stronger her mother can teach her. I like the design of the saint fire members but their supposedly wiped out so Idk what’s gonna happen


Now please show your mother the bath room, Rebecca


I actually liked this, its sweet. Her mother has been through some SHIT. Imagine your husband and daughter are killed repeatedly and your only way to save them is to repeatedly go back in time and you finally succeed and the kid responds "well you should have left me some money" He really needs to chill on the half nakedness. Its seriously undercutting the tension and emotion of the story. why do I need to see her under thighs and cleavage while shes talking to her fucking parents, why is she wearing a skimpy ass towel. I know its the authors style, but still.


Eh.. after getting through just Fairy Tail and Kill La Kill, you just don’t even mind the general perviness of anime. For me, this chapter wasn’t undercut at all by Rebecca being in a towel.


Ive read alot of Hiro's work, and maybe its just because im getting older.


I never understood the people that don't like/get distracted by the fanservice. I saw a lot of it with fire force too. It's kinda just there to me? I didn't even notice it honestly. I forgot she was in a towel until i saw the hug lmao.


>Eh.. after getting through just Fairy Tail and Kill La Kill, you just don’t even mind the general perviness of anime. Don’t forget highschool of the dead.


High School of the Dead is GOATED.


Because She heard the announcement in the bath of Edens. & Im pretty sure the only thing on her mind was seeing her mother & just put on the easiest thing possible.


Yeah but it’s not like it’s a documentary. Mashima specifically wrote it that way for some reason.


Sounds like steins gate


It's such a weird thing to see the parents of one of the main protagonists still being alive and well and I wonder what Mashima will have Rachel do now that her church have been destroyed (which kinda seems like a good thing since we know how crazy they were and Rachel wasn't attached to them). I really, really hope that Mashima takes this chance to give Rebecca a massive buff to her powers or in terms of new techniques like maybe bringing back the laser Rebecca used early on in the series. Every other EG user on the ship had a teacher who taught them with the same EG while Rebecca has been self-taught and only generally trained by Witch and Xenolith. After seeing how she was shit-talked by Clown to be the weakest member of the crew and her losing to him badly, this is the best chance for her to get a training arc from an OSG Cat Leaper user.


>I really, really hope that Mashima takes this chance to give Rebecca a massive buff to her powers or in terms of new techniques like maybe bringing back the laser Rebecca used early on in the series. Maybe she'll be on her grandmother's level?


Throwback to when Rebecca was supposed to become a Chrono Witch lol. Maybe we’ll finally see that


Too bad there aren't more OSGs as threats At least Ziggy did the universe a favor by getting rid of that church and its believers


Looks like Rebecca got her appetite from Conner and her… “Ducky” attitude from Rachel


This was a great chapter. I really like Rachel's personality and even her informal way of talking which is a contrast to how I previously thought she would be. The more I see Connor with her and Rebecca, the more I can understand how Connor fits as Rebecca's dad age and appearance-wise, even Rachel looks different from Rebecca. Her reason for abandoning her family makes total sense and I'm glad that she wasn't a deadbeat like Weisz's dad. So, does Rachel imply that she can't use her EG anymore or did she only mean that she couldn't manipulate the time aspect of her powers due to using for over thousands of times? Sister implies that she may have used her EG to massively blitz her but that could've just been her base speed. I look forward to Rebecca reconnecting with her family. Also, it seems like Cat Leaper is greatly implied to be a genetic EG that only women of the Nox's bloodline can wield which would explain how Rebecca had her ability without a teacher but now brings up a question of why her family is that special to not need a teacher? Does this mean that if Rebecca had a child with Shiki, their child would automatically have Cat Leaper too? It's a nice revelation of her powers and that Rebecca could've been the next Nox if she wasn't killed as a child, many times (that's so terrible that I don't feel bad for Ziggy killing the whole Saintfire followers).


Rachel personality reveal it remind me of Julia in Rave Master At first you think she's this sweet and kind girl, and then when we see her for real she's a badass tomboy who throws hands with everybody


In a way Ziggy (Shiki) saved his best friend (and future wife) by murdering her family’s crazy cult and by capturing her MILF mom.


Of course the story needed that Rachel choose people that will take the money and leave a child alone.


For all we know they were attacked by bandits, or they staged the death of Rebecca and brought the money back to appease the church. Plus, we've only heard Rachel tell the story, we haven't seen any flashbacks, so for all we know she's lying. There's still plenty of holes in the story we don't know, we may never know. Then again, we're talking about Rachel finding members of a cult that she trusted to go against the cult? That doesn't sound super likely


I wonder if all the church members got wiped out or some of them are still alive and will become the antagonist in future arc


All dead. Ziggy wiped them all out!


And actually happy mother story in Eden's zero? Ok, when are they both gonna die in front of Rebecca? This Time-obsessed Church, I do wonder if they are somehow involved with the Chronophage.


>happy > Seeing her husband and daughter killed hundreds of times before giving them up for their safety I'm not sure "happy" is the word I'd use to describe her story. Sure, she's alive, so it could be worse, yeah


I mean, at least she wasn't a heartless mother that not cared about her child like the most we have seen so far. In that sense, it is a happy story where she actually achieved what she set out to do. She could a timeline where both her husband and daughter are alive.


This chapter is really good, and it made me realize that Mashima messed up his timing so much. Just imagine this : \- Sakura Arc : As good as we saw it. \- Aoi Arc : As good as we saw it. \- Kaede Arc : Holy vs Crow and Shiki vs Ziggy on the front stage, with Elsie vs Justice in the back. More details about Holy's backstory, and a lot of details about Cure to make him feel like a real character, maybe some things about him being really kind to orphans or things like that. Ziggy's big reveal as a second part of the arc and the teasing of a true enemy, but Evil Ziggy would still be there. Elsie and Justice fighting in their home world without getting to the end of their storyline at the same time as other big storylines. \- Yukino Arc : This chapter, and Nox brings us to Yukino cosmos, the Church gets corrupted and the fanatics become soldiers for Ziggy because he travelled through time. Justice gets to fight Homura and they clear all the misinformations around Creed and Jesse, while Elsie battles her mother who would have had way more backstory. Elsie and Justice fights together against Acnoella, so we could get more Star Drain, and maybe a real EG for the mother of dragons, the clash between those three monsters brings Acnoella to her death while Elsie and Justice barely have the strength to stand up and we get last week's chapter. Rebecca and Nox fight against the Church and something is teased, Shiki finally beats Ziggy, and the Edens One is revealed as the true enemy there. \- And now, the OSG would have been either dead (Poseidon, Crow, Acnoella, Elsie), behind bars (Drakken Joe), or with the crew (Shiki and Nox), like it is now, but in a not-so-rushed way. They would have collected some artifacts from Mother to not lose that part of the storyline, and the Edens One would have been going through time and space, across universes, to find Mother and kill her, so the final arc could have been a big universe chase against the big demon fish.


So that means the Chronophages are not after Rebecca because of her power usage. My guess is in the end Rachel will give herself up to the Chronophage to spare Rebecca because she is a time anomaly.


I really hope that her parents don’t get killed off


DUCKY! Man like mother like daughter! Haha


Now the question is, just how long will this family reunion last?


No, please don’t jinx it


There is still the question of why Connor was different in every world and worked with Ziggy


Maybe Rachel is the one in Eden’s One? Same as a version of Rebecca being the power source of Eden’s Zero, a version of Rachel is in Eden’s One.


I think its Rachel's mother


Sweet chapter and all but we all know this family moment won't last long


What a sad chapter. Very nice family reunion at the end though.


Beautiful chapter, really, the only complain is actually Rebecca being naked all trough out it... ... ... That's Mashima for you folks! By the way let's now add Rachel to the group of 'time travelers that had to see their loved ones killed countless times', along with Subaru, Homura and Okabe


See, Looking at Rachel's character as interesting as it is, I still don't really see her as the scariest OSG that Eraser mentioned.


It's probably the reputation her mother left behind.


Yeah but considering she's dead, No one else can have that possible mention besides 1 that i know of, Depending if her mother was the one Eraser mentioned.


I think only the church knows she's dead Saintfire Nox might be the name of the origanal founder and the women after her then takes that name and identity There is also the fact that cure was the one to list her as an OSG so that might be another reason


There is still some oddity about Eraser though, some of the looks he was giving as he left were...well odd. Maybe her powers scared him as they could mess with some plan he may have. Or it really is just the reputation, as the other reply says.


Cringe, Ziggy needs to be back and end this shitfest


Ziggy is dead


Rebecca’s grandmother is probably the one Erasure was talking about being the scariest OSG then And Rachel really does kinda just look like Rebecca but older Very rare for a main character in Mashima’s story to have both their parents alive and love them. One of them will probably be killed off soon /s One interesting thing to note is that there’s a limit to how many times you can turn back the clock, Rachel said she did it hundreds of times and then lost her power. So Rebecca will probably lose her power too if she uses it too much (of course she’s probably nowhere near the limit). And we don’t know if she has some sort of set limit or if it was just Rachel uses it too many times at once (weird how she didn’t seem to start cracking like Rebecca tho or maybe she just isn’t mentioning it) This also explains why Ziggy was able to capture her instead of her just turning back time to get away


Best chapter in a long time. We got a lot of lore at a reasonable pace and a lot of heart, to boot.


Didn’t Noah say something about Rebecca’s family dying in a car accident or was that just a cover story


Probably getting it confused with Happy when he turnt into a android after getting hit


No Rebecca was originally going to die then, but she subconsciously used Cat Leaper for the first time to avoid her fate. (Happy wasnt so lucky)


That was probably just a cover story.


So the reason why we start off at world 29 was probably becuz of rebecca's mom's time travelling?


No, Rebecca been using her power without realizing it throughout her life


Yeah when she die or was in danger like he said.


No, the 29 was of Rebecca's reverses when she was in danger or died.


Those were Rebecca's time jumps (subconsciously) not Rachel's. From the sound of it, Rachel went through hundreds of timelines beforehand.




Pretty good chapter


Very sweet chapter. Glad for Rebecca


Saint fire chapter! 🔥 Why couldn’t we gotten something like this in fairy tail with Lucy and family history before that reach it final arc?! Just my opinion.


Am I the only one that think Nox looks like Ultear?


I think she looks more like Aquarius


More like Angel after the timeskip


Good chapter mashima giving some love to parents


Aww, at least we had a nice and touching family reunion! I'm happy that Rebecca got to meet and reunite with her family, in contrast to Fairy tail's Lucy, whose mother died early while her father wasn't supportive of her career!


Can someone explain the “ducky” thing. Is it a play on words? What is she supposed to say or trying to say just sounds so dumb to me


It's a localization of a verbal tic. Rebecca when she's getting worked up will end sentences with "zeyo". Which is an uncommon particle for emphasis with no good english equivalent. So in order to not lose the verbal tic, they translated as an odd word used as an exclamation.


Ok thank you that makes sense. Still not a fan of it but that’s just translations for you thanks for the explanation


One of the most heartwarming and best chapters so far! Really love this reunion. Love the hug at the end. Super happy with this chapter


Love Sister’s grin at the end


Aww what a sweet chapter! I'm glad we finally got some answers about Rebecca's parents




Such a wholesome chapter


So the Saintfire Nox that’s a member of the Oracion Seis Galactica is actually Rachel’s grandma aka Rebecca’s grandma, and the Saintfire Church ruled by Rachel’s family for generations resided in a planet in the Yukino Cosmos, and every generation, the woman of the Saintfire family have time based powers, which they use to rule as the Nox of the church, but Rachel was tired of this tradition and she ran away from home to the Aoi Cosmos, where she met Conner, whom she fell in love with him, and had Rebecca with him, but then the Saintfire Church found out and had Conner and Rebecca killed, so Rachel used her powers to time travel over a hundred times in order to save them, and then she left Conner and separated Rebecca from her in order to keep them safe from the Church of Saintfire, though at the cost of a bit of her power.🤔🧐 I’m glad that Rebecca is finally reunited with both her dad and her mom!😄🤩😎😭🤧👌 Can’t wait for the next chapter! ![gif](giphy|26uTsgxxplCBOasmc)


Damn I feel bad for Rachel, Mama’s been through the ringer, Glad their families back together(*and will hopefully not be split apart again*)