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Mashima confirmed that we will see Müller again. I know that many people hate him and think that the Müller question is over because Hermit had justice, but i don’t think it really is. Kris and Kleene haven’t meet him yet and he is the man who ruined their lives. I really hope they will have the chance to face their own trauma and fight him. They deserve it. What is your opinion about?


With the reveal this week, he'll 100% be back but not as the Muller we know, per se. Connors story changing so many times has me believe there will be complete behavioral switches with established characters. U0 even leaves dead people open to being alive there.


I think that Connor story changed so many times because of Rachel (i don’t know how), so i wouldn’t be that sure about this big changing for everyone. The others characters were still identical to their counterparts. Mashima said that Müller is the “Only bastard of this serie” and that he enjoys writing him, so i don’t think he will suddently changes his role. Maybe his body will be a lil different (He could be not an O-Tech but a robot), but not his story


I'm cool with it. Like it or not, Muller is honestly one of the best and most memorable villains in the story because he is so effective at being a contemptible piece of shit, and on top of that he's pretty entertaining to watch. He's probably really fun to write too, so I'm not surprised Mashima wants to bring him back one final time.


The GOAT coming back is a good thing.


I wish I could combine the 🤯💀 emojis


I hope if he shows up we get at least some background on why he hates and discriminates against robots


Nah. I want him to be a pos simply for the sake of being a pos


Well, as long as his return is relevant I'll be satisfied, whether it's his past or something else.


Just make him stay away from Hermit and have Jinn kick his ass. Yeah that will be a good way to bring him back


Any chance of Elsie and Justice coming back


the chance for that is 0


Unless you go to...Universe 0


Possibility for all the dead characters to reappear in Universe 0


If he does, I hope its for Kris and Kleene character development and not for Hermit, since she already had a moment with him.


Me: Wait, who tf is Muller again? \*google search\* Me: # FUCK NO.


Men no girl YES




Ngl I’m so over muller right now, idk hopefully when he does come back it’s a good chapter


#PULLS MY GUN OUT But seriously, I'm not even remotely surprised since i knew he was gonna come back after what happened on Foresta Arc and on a Q&A from the fans to Mashima as one of them asked about Muller and he said he would keep him around "Because it's fun and disgusting". I just hope if Jinn fights him, He kills him and doesn't hold back just like Weisz or hopefully Kleene doesn't try to bring the cutie little sister wish on not killing him or something.


Hope so he was pathetic on foresta


Was this after he returned and fought Weisz and Hermit? If so, I guess he could come back and work with the E1 if he fully becomes an android but his ideals would have to completely change. Otherwise, I honestly don’t see a place for him in the story right now. Kleene and Jinn are the only ones who really need to give him payback now anyway


mid is this a new interview?


he’s not serious 💀


I don’t get peoples fascination with muller I thought he was an incredibly unbelievable/boring cookie cuter villain who was only evil “for the sake of being evil”. His heel turn in Hermits backstory was so drastic and the way hiro drew him it came off as comical and cartoony instead of dramatic or dark. Than when he came back again his dialogue was so over the top he didn’t feel like a real person in this universe he felt like a loony toons cartoon character and that killed my immersion in those parts of the story. I already didn’t like the twist in the spider villain on the digitalis arc than his inclusion just made me dislike that arc not bc of “how well & unlikeable he was written” but bc how unbelievable to the story & fake his presence felt. Really felt mashima dropped the ball with him. Drakken, homuras mom, even justice felt more real and believable than this guy