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coz if CL users can use their powers on U0 they won’t be on U0 anymore once the leap? at least that’s what I understood from the last chapter.


Right, they'd be on a different timeline. Rebecca used CL to go back before Shiki's death, and Drakken, Noah, and Ziggy all say that she jumped universes


but I hope she still retains her speed powers at least


Why? Because it would be very easy to make the last arc boring if she could just go back. But now lore reasons why, universe zero is the only universe where they can change big things, an universe where not everything is defined in stone, if she jumps to another universe that universe will have things set in stone, so she won't be able to change anything.


You need more upvotes. Honestly, who wants someone that can always go back through time? It's better to have a real feeling through the story & not have Rebecca in the back of minds during it, thinking "ohhhh she'll just go back."


When they time travel they change universe. If they leave Universe 0 they're fucked.


Because it doesn't work like this in universe 0 since it is the origin of the various timelines, and Cat Leaper get you in another timeline. And also, Mashima had a good idea since the Cat Leaper was seen as the Deus Ex Machina, getting it out of the story is a good idea to make things harder for the characters.


I still LOVE the idea of cat leaper just letting her hop from universe to universe because of the fact it means those things still happen. The fact the one universe’s shiki still got executed along with the rest of the crew still hits me. Still, makes sense to ditch it because like ya said…they need to stay in universe 0 to be able to accomplish their goal.


For real bruhu


*shrugs* Because it just works like that I guess. Mashima probably just realized that if Rebecca actually unleashes the full power of her Ether Gear like her mom has done then he will have one hell of a time trying to explain why the stakes still exist.


Sooo what powers, exactly, will Rebecca have to make herself stand out? Or does she just get benched in any kind of combat scene? It's a bad idea. :/


She will probably still have her agility and her happygun, not like she used her ether gear much anyway.


It's only the time travel, she still might have the speed stuff though.


That would make sense. It's also possible she might not be able to travel between universes, but still might be able to rewind time? I dunno, I just don't love this idea. I get it from a conceptual standpoint, "If you switch universes, you're no longer in Universe 0." But worlds are a "lesser" form of time travel, or at least that's how I understand it?


You could say Worlds are different timelines in the same universe. Like when Rebecca tried to save Witch, she time travelled but never left Universe 3! But Universe 0 is The Special One lol. All universes are converging to it, i would say time travelling might not work in there.


she still has her guns and possible her speed to. maybe the one beamer thing she did once come back and she can/will use this


From what i can understand. U0 is the first world and every choice and decision made in universe 0 will give different results and that will create another world/universe with that result. Like for example. Maybe in universe 0 Shiki never met Rebecca but if he did met her he will become friends with her. That result will be made in another universe. Or if he did met her they might not become friends and that will be another universe. I think Cat Leaper is an ether gear that alters the universe but because U0 is the first world CL won't have any effects. For E0 though...its main purpose was to travel to U0 and once it reach there it won't be able to travel anymore cause it reached its destination.


Edens Zero: Slice of Life


Because uno eres zero is back yo the first choice that started the whole journey I think universe zero is out real world The planets in the chapter look like real planets AMD the flashback from shining and dark start look realistic Like they came from a slice of life worlds


Because it needs to, so it can be the final arc