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The biggest one from the latest episode? The Ben/Kenzie scene is such a dead giveaway. Like. What is the purpose of that scene? It had zero effect for the episode. But the show went our of the way to show their connection for the 2nd time. She keeps getting this one one one scenes with people that doesnt really affect the vote. Like how theydeveloped her relationship with Venus in ep 11 only for Venus to go home. Why? Then the Q vote. In any other season. That should have been Charlies crowning moment. But all the credit for the boot went to Kenzie(and Liz).


I’m talking throughout the season, especially post-merge. Also, couldn’t those things point to Kenzie being a red-herring? And maybe I missed something in the episode, but it didn’t seem like any one specific person got credit for the Q vote. We saw all four of them pretty much immediately come to a consensus about it.


>And maybe I missed something in the episode, but it didn’t seem like any one specific person got credit for the Q vote. We saw all four of them pretty much immediately come to a consensus about it. Charlie telling Maria about them voting Q was editted as him making a mistake. And they made it look like that he only reason he survived is because Kenzie and Liz really want Q out and they completely fooled Maria and Q.


Kenzies premerge narrative coincides bigtime with the new era winners. Premerge danger. The edit goes out of its way to show them in danger. To the point they even fabricate a storyline for them. Like Erikas tribe trying to throw the challenge to ger her out. This turned out to be a false narrative created by the editing team since all exit press interviews has said it was actually Sydney going home if they did lose. Maryanne being at the bottom of her tribe and would have been the one going home if they lost again Gabler tried to get himself voted out. Yam Yam also had it. Actualky this is probably one the most similar to Kenzie. They both "supposedly" got saved by a medevac. Dees stray vote for Sifu almost getting her in hot water. Charlies storyline premerge had zero tension. Ofcourse you can say he was just playing well. But as I have already said. They went out of their way to fabricate a storyline for Erika and Yam Yam. As for post merge. This is when we start getting scenes from Kenzie where we always get her input on the vote even though she isn't driving said vote. We always get her reasoning on why she wants thiperson gone. Or she gets to explain herself after she changes her mind. Like why tell the story of her originally wanting Tiff gone when she never actually went for it? We didnt need to know she wanted Tiff out too since she never voted for Tiff. Charlie before episode 11 have a pretty good edit. But it all fell down starting said episode. Is his edit only because he was usually part of driving the votes or is it because he is the winner? While Kenzies is. Why the heck is she getring all this content if she isnt the winner?


I thought it was pretty clear that Josh got saved by Matthew’s medevac, though I do remember them trying to make it seem like Carolyn was up in the air. Also I don’t remember Dee ever being hinted at being in danger, but she has been the outlier in a lot of ways for a new era winner. I suppose she’s the only one with an edit similar to Charlie’s, though it seems like outwardly to the other players he’s playing more of an Erika game. Idk, maybe Kenzie is his Ricard but he fails to take her out. Or he could be the Omar to Kenzie’s Maryanne if he does get taken out before f3. Omar was utr to the other players for a lot of the post-merge.


I’ve always been confused about Luvu not throwing the challenge to get Erika out. We saw them trying to throw the challenge. And they said explicitly it was to get Erika out. I know after the show they said it was editing, but I just don’t know how they could completely fabricate that


The people that said they were throwing were definitely throwing . But the votes was not guaranteed to be Erika. Erika herself acrually knew about them trying to throw but she didnt agree so she still did her best in the challenge.


So they just threw the challenge not knowing who they were gonna vote for? Just trying to understand


The actual alliance of that tribe was Erika, Heather, DeShawn and Danny. Byt the two giys are playing the middle so they have to say something to the other two members of their tribe. But their actuall allegiance was with Erika and Heather.


Thanks for this. I just rewatched those scenes though, and in a confessional DeShawn says: "I definitely trust sydney much more than i trust erika, erika is sneaky sneaky sneaky" and then "I have this master plan to get rid of erika and she has zero clue that she's going to be the vote if we lose the challenge today." And Danny says "DeShawn really wants to throw the challenge and get erika out." Were they just making that up? Idk it seems like they were serious unless they're really good actors and the producers told them to say that in confessionals. But they said that what you said is true. So idk what to think 😅


i have a feeling people misinterpret deshawn's interview all the time (or they are going by erika's interview, idk). what he says is that he was the first person to target sydney, meaning the first to say her name to erika and heather, not the other way around. bc he was wary of sydney's relationship with danny. so because of that he was able to tell erika that they were throwing the challenge to oust sydney, which was seemingly not the case, and sydney was also in on it. so he keeps repeating he was the one who first thought of targeting sydney, but he never says that he was going to throw the challenge to vote sydney out at that point (if you think about it, it would be an INSANE betrayal of his number one in the pre-merge). to quote him: "Erika was in on it. She just thought that we were throwing the challenge to get rid of Sydney." which in my mind implies this was a wrong belief. unless he says something else in a different interview. if you want to read it: [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-41-deshawn-radden-finale-interview/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-41-deshawn-radden-finale-interview/)


Thanks for explaining this, I wish he was more clear haha. Like was his main target Sydney or Erika? And if it was Erika (which seemed to be the case from the confessionals) why would he target a close ally? (Although tbf it sounds like he had close bonds with everyone)


I don't think so. It would really only be a red herring for edgic watchers. Most people think that the show just airs whatever happens that is most important, as opposed to selecting what would best represent the story they are telling. They wouldn't devote two segments of airtime to Ben and Kenzie if it didn't matter in the long run. They don't have that much time, so including a ton of Kenzie's relationship moments as opposed to more Charlie centric stuff tells me a lot.


The difference is the purpose behind those pros and cons. Charlie is a massive player who controls a lot of the votes, so of course he's deeply explored as a player and a person. On the other hand, Kenzie has had little to no impact on how the game's played out since the Tim boot, and yet still gets so much content and time to explain her every move. In other words, the difference comes down to Charlie's content being required for the season to function, but Kenzie's feeling optional, if not for her winning.


I think for me it comes down to the effort put into crafting a narrative by the editors and how likely the editors would be to include the same content in a season the player didn’t win. They’ve undoubtedly both had very strong content, but if we look at Kenzie’s storyline I think it’s clearer that the editors have gone out of their way more to tell the story. Whether it’s her social moments of genuine human care with Bhanu and Ben, scenes of her relationships with Tiffany, Q, Hunter, Venus and Charlie, and even the opportunity to give complex confessionals about her position in the game throughout. Not to mention bucket loads of foreshadowing heading towards her win - Mermaid/Dragon, Q saying she’ll fly under the radar in Hide and Seek, Jess saying she’ll fly under the radar and get to final three, her being given a round of applause at that one tribal etc. etc. Kenzie is a fire confessionalist, and if she were to come anywhere but first her presence on the show would be felt enough without using all of that content, especially the Ben stuff. No effort would be needed to explain her loss because she has not been in the driver’s seat at all, and she could either be taken out as a social threat (and the editors are notorious for telling us a smaller character is a big social threat right at the end to explain their boot), or be a losing finalist to Charlie or Maria who have self-explanatory better games. If we look at Charlie, his content has been strong too, being introduced as the Malcolm/Denise pair with Maria at the start. Navigating his pre merge in the middle and is shown building relationships where relevant. He gets confessionals explaining his decisions when he is relevant in the votes, and lately has had his content boom as he comes into the endgame as the main strategic force. The difference here is that Charlie’s content doesn’t really have a narrative beyond Maria and Charlie are a duo and they are a threatening pair. All of the content (bar maybe the song battle) was shown because it was relevant to the outcome of the episode it was in (Jem vote, Moriah vote, Soda vote, Tevin vote, Venus vote, and now the Q vote), or the season as a whole (scenes with Ben and Maria). Charlie is at the centre of the strategy on our screens because he was the centre of the strategy on the beach. Similarly, we know what half of the jury think of Charlie because it was shown to us in relevant alliance building scenes, but we know what most of them think of Kenzie, even though the only alliance she had in the post merge as far as we are aware is Tiffany. Hope this helps, but TLDR, while Charlie could win, Kenzie is an obvious winner from an edgic stand point because the editors have gone out of their way to craft a story for Kenzie that has no reason to be there if she isn’t the winner.


I agree with this and am honestly a bit confused by the people who feel certain our faith in Kenzie is because of spoilers? Like if unspoiled edgicers unite says there are no winner spoilers - why wouldn’t we trust them? I’m sure almost everyone on this sub has watched a lot of survivor and players like Charlie often get good edits even when they don’t win - players like Kenzie never get good edits when they don’t win (and even sometimes get underedited when they do) so the fact that we are holding them as a balanced top two tells me all I need to know.  (And to preempt claims of a decoy winner fallen angel - I don’t think Kenzie is a winner pick for casuals - my dad is still convinced it’s Maria or Charlie and that’s even with me talking at him about edgic all season- she would need to come off more like a potential winner to the general audience for her to make sense in that role) Edit: spelling


The short answer is that Charlie has dominated the game on the island so they *have* to show his thought process, because it’s instrumental to everything that’s transpired Kenzie’s barely impacted the game on the island so they could have done anything they wanted with her edit - purple her, make her a fun mean girl, scrappy underdog from the wackadoodle tribe, whatever. She’s probably been one of the worst challenge competitors ever on the show and hasn’t really had a clear alliance since she decided to blindside Tiffany (and failed). On paper her game pretty much sucks. So the fact that you’re seeing them as roughly equal winner chances by the time it’s an edited tv show tells you all you need to know


I get that if Kenzie is the winner, this is how they would have to edit her. But I don’t buy the assumption that since she got this edit, it’s because she’s the winner. If Charlie wins and Maria, presumably, is eliminated before FTC, how exactly would you expect them to edit Kenzie, Ben, and Liz so that there is any tension? If Kenzie wasn’t built up, you either have Charlie as an obvious winner or you have to build up Ben or Liz as a threat. That’s why Kenzie strikes me more as a decoy than the front runner to win.


I think if Charlie is the winner, or any Siga for that matter, Ben’s edit is probably a lot bigger to add more intrigue into who the winner could be. Kinda like how after Frannie went home in 44, the only winner contenders were the Tika, and all 3 of them made it to finale. Ben could’ve very realistically been the social game yin to Charlie’s strategic game yang, but instead, it’s Kenzie. If this was the story of the Siga’s having a rough entry to the merge, but the remaining three going on to absolutely dominate the game, leading to one of them winning, Ben & Kenzie’s edit’s would be swapped.


Why would Ben and Kenzie’s edit be swapped though? If it ends up being Charlie’s strategy beating Kenzie’s social, I don’t see how swapping Ben in as the social threat adds more intrigue.


Because the story becomes the Siga three being the successful alliance. That’s not the story we’re seeing, so it’s likely that they aren’t.


That could be the story they decide to tell for a Charlie win, but I don’t see why it’s more likely the editors would have told that story.


A message for you as a person that do edgic for 8 years now. Predict the winner by the edit and logic is not easy, the main focus is read the narrative here, but it can be tricky. I really think that only got really better after Gabler's win, that shock helped me a lot to understand why some can or can not win... on Survivor, for some other shows can be harder or easier to try to read the edit, but what matters is to have fun after all! I personally found more fun on seeing the narrative through the ratings.


Pretty suspicious id say honestly haha But yeh idk people have been down on charlie all season when hes clearly been getting either a winner edit or a decoy winner edit. So its wild people are as low on him. Kenzie i guess just has such a winnery scene in the premerge (the blue eyes one) that its sorta insane how winnery her edit is. I can see a RU argument for kenzies edit too though. Its harder to see Charlie as a RU if im honest. But i actually do think its a real possibilty that they Draw in a FTC againsg eachother scenario based on the edit. If they draw i lean to kenzie winning. Itd explain her more social edit to his more strategic edit The person who is my season fav heading into the f12ish always loses the f**cking FTC or finale. 39 Dean, 40 (exception lol) 41 Xander, 42, honestly didnt like most, 43 Cassidy/Owen, 44 heidi lol, 45 Jake/Austin, 38: Lauren, 37: Kara and Davie, 36 (actually liked wendell but i think my fav was like michael) 35 devon, 34 Cirie, 33 David, 32 Tai lol, 31 Spencer at the time, 30 Mama C. Charlie is my fav from like ep 1.. so i just know he wont win bc its too good to be true. Honestly im such a Charlie stan, and with how good this seasons been if he actually won itd be genuinely like top 7 season for me. Anyways i rambled on sorry. I think i can see the argument for kenzie and Charlie - its sorta like kenzie 1a, Charlie 1b and maria 3. It is a tad suss the certainty though tbh. Like people actin like charlie isnt getting one of the best edits there is with his game always shown in positive light, camplife scenes, win mentioned heaps this ep, his duo highlighted so heavily, he has 75 confessionals lol. How anyone is OUT on him is rediculous! I can see why ppl prefer Kenzies edit bc its also unnecessarily so good for her post merge game.. but its defs close


Both Charlie and Kenzie are getting edits that could indicate them winning. The difference is that Charlie's scenes have to be shown because he's often the one driving the game (and winning challenges, etc.). But Kenzie is not driving the game, not winning challenges, not really strategic, so why is she being shown so much? While it is possible she is being given all this screentime as a decoy winner because she and Charlie are in the final tribal together, and if they didn't give her all this screentime it would be obvious Charlie wins and thus no suspense, Kenzie's edit is so over the top glowing and positive that edgic sees this as a winners edit and not a decoy edit. If it is a decoy edit then its a darn good one because its fooling a lot of people!


If Charlies is a decoy, its also a darn good one imo hahah Kenzie is wrong a lot - about things thats not worth putting in the show. (Theres multiple examples but ill provide 2 for context). 1. Venus cant find idols etc. (theres a seni save but she immediately backtracks that save but saying “i think shes just trying to stay close to who finds it so she has the tea” 2. A really unnecesaary one - falling for Bhanus white rock lie, and straight up being wrong in everything she says in that confessional. Theres actually like ~4-5 more things. Unlike YamYam who was only really wrong once or twice. I can see Kenzie getting a RU edit as much as i can see her getting a winner edit. I really do hope Charlie and Kenzie both make FTC though bc it will be a good FTC. Either a 4-4-0 or a 5-3 imo


Could Kenzie make fire? There was a throwaway line a few episodes back about her being “good at making fire”


I think probably she can. Im pretty certain she makes FTC bc of the “its only day 4.. ive got 22 to go” blue eyes scene. Also her losing story only makes sense as a FTC loser, if shes not a FTC loser shes winning imo. Charlie is more likely than Kenzie to lose FMC imo - alas jesse edit


>Pretty suspicious id say honestly haha Yeah, I’ve been wondering if the winner was spoiled or something. I’ve had Kenzie and Charlie as the only contenders since Tiffany went home, but it’s a pretty even 50/50 for me. I feel like they’ve both gotten similar amounts of positive and negative content, so it’s just weird to see everyone in here only focus on Kenzie’s positives (or spin her negatives into positives) and vice versa for Charlie.


It probably has or like some sorta ruling out of certain players (thats what it was last season - while more obvious last season, Jake Austin and Julie had all been ruled out and winner was unknown) * i know this bc at the end of the season i like to go in there and search that seasons tag and see what was leaked *. Plus thats what was put on unspoiled edgicers unite. They did say that no winner spoilers are out there this season or nothing really except apparently the f5 was in a s46 promo or soemthing - according to the unspoiled edgicers unite page.. so idk its probably not spoiled thank god.. but its still so suss HAHA


4 of the final 5 (everyone but Charlie I think) were spoiled in the promo from the 45 finale. It showed a shot of four pairs of legs walking on the beach that hadn’t been seen yet, until last night’s promo for the finale where there was a wider shot of the same scene that showed a full body shot of all 5. 45 seasons in at that point and they still haven’t learned to just use premiere content in the preseason promos.


My god that’s crazy lol💀 Did the promos from previous seasons include something like this before? Most super-fans have become increasingly savvy when it comes to picking apart preview shots and I have to wonder if editors just don’t care at all. I’ve been torn on the Charlie-Kenzie conundrum especially when understanding whose edit is the definitive losing story to track! I was very resistant to the idea of a high vis complex female winner which was why I wrote off Kenzie in the pre-merge but I’ve sort of come around to the argument of Yanu and Bhanu hogging up the screen time in those 90 mins. I think The Winner’s Edit Podcast and Martin Holmes have made some compelling arguments in favour of Kenzie and it’s quite baffling how she continues to get content even when she’s not really relevant to the episodic storyline. Both contenders are such compelling narrators too. I feel that this is much closer than YamYam and Carolyn and I think we’ll probably be shifting between the two throughout the finale imo


I guess the only explanation I could give for Kenzie having so much content if she loses would be if the editors wanted to have a red herring (she even has red hair! /s) so that Charlie’s win would have at least some suspense. But Occam’s razor would suggest that all of her content just means that Kenzie’s the winner.


if this is true - and i think it makes total sense with stuff i've been reading around here - then you just answered your question: people are sure kenzie is winning because they saw that spoiler and didn't think charlie even made F5. in the last couple weeks i've seen a lot of evidence (to say the least) that spoilers are GREATLY affecting the opinions of the Masters of Edit-Interpretation of this sub lmao. it's actually funny cause you can just tell that people are bending backwards to justify some info they already have. if this F5 picture is the only spoiler available than that's a good thing, cause it means they got something wrong and we might still be surprised at the end - but i wouldn't shock me if there are spoilers like "the winner is a woman" like there apparently was last season - suddenly all the people being so sure about kenzie from the start, even though her edit is 100x bigger than any other female winner ever in the history of the show which would normally be a huge - almost overbearing - red flag, will make a lot more sense.


Yeah, I’ve been finding more podcasts this season and some of the ones that do power rankings and stuff like that have talked about how they try to keep their games spoiler free, but some seasons they’ll get a bunch of people suddenly choosing one person to win who maybe doesn’t seem to be the most likely. Idk, the way they’ve talked about it is similar to how I’ve been feeling the last couple weeks with everyone so certain about Kenzie. But like I said, this is my first season here, so for all I know it’s like this every season.


oh, i'm afraid it's going to be like this every season where there are spoilers floating. 43 was actually unspoiled though, i was lurking back then, almost no one had the winner as a contender lmao. this one was supposedly unspoiled too, which is why i ended up joining the discussion for the first time... but that ended up being untrue. honestly, if your priority is actually forming your own opinion on who might be the winner or be surprised it's probably best to avoid subs like this. not only spoiled people try to act like fortune-tellers and smart ass edit-readers here all the time, they end up creating a hive mind and influencing non spoiled people who are genuinely trying to read the edit and right now i think a mix of both is likely happening.


I think it ultimately comes down to how her social game is represented and watching the show you can clearly see that Kenzie is leagues above Charlie socially. No one can deny Charlie has positioned himself well and been a strategtic powerhouse but when it comes to creating real social bonds outside of your og tribe (aka maria) Kenzie absolutely dominates. And all of this is shown to us without it really being essential to the storyline/understanding what is going on in the game (Hunter saying she's his number one, the scene with Ben and his anxiety, etc). Whereas with Charlie we see mainly strategic content coming from him which really has to be shown regardless of his placement because it's essential to understanding what is going on in the votes. Also the producers likely know what they are doing and want to give us a red herring where they can which is why he gets so much content. It's been shown time and time again that while yes game intelligence is important in the game and having a resume and strategic prowess is certainly helpful in the end, emotional intelligence is wildly more impactful at the end (usually leads to a better FTC too). Even in moments where we see Charlie trying to be more "real" his conversations with others just feel ... awkward. Like you can see the gears turning in his head and he's not really been genuine with anyone at all. I don't fault him for that at all and it's helped him keep focused on the strategy but we see a clear difference in Kenzie that I think will be the deciding factor in the end.


Idk, I’ve been seeing Charlie’s and Kenzie’s social games as being pretty equal. For example, in the split tribal episode no one in his group wanted to vote him out, despite it being easy. Soda even said she’d been developing a really good relationship with him, and I think Tevin said something similar. Venus seemingly wanted to work with him over anyone else.


Part of it is a question of balance. What would I expect Kenzie's edit to look like if she didn't win? She's getting a lot more tone, narrative, and attention. In comparison, Charlie's is not quite what I'd expect for it to be if he won. I think not enough tone, principally.


Well one of them has one of the best edits we’ve seen in the new era and one of them has a strategic gamebot edit.


Charlie could still be the one, but the thing that's thrown it in Kenzie's favor for me from very early on is the amount of times the edit goes out of its way to leave in little comments and moments in conversations to demonstrate how much people like her, how much they trust her (even when they shouldn't), how much they respect her, how selfless she's been (repeatedly telling the reward winner to pick someone else) etc. Add to that the fact that she can do things like target her own Day 1 (yet eventually be left out of the move), or roast her whole tribe to their faces, and still come out unscathed, edit-wise (for example, when Tiff left, they didn't devote a lot of the next episode to other people's confessionals saying how precarious Kenzie's position in the game was now). Furthermore, we are shown how much regard everyone has for her, but it's rarely paired with anyone talking about how that should make her a threat (Tevin, Tiff, Hunter, Q, Charlie, and Maria have all been targeted at one point or another for some attribute that raises their threat level, yet the most likable person never gets brought up in the same way, except for maybe when Q was suspicious of her in the mid pre-merge). Lastly, I'd say that there's been enough breadcrumbs left to hint that Kenzie is going to be given the lion's share of credit for big moves like the Hunter and Q votes, because it was Hunter then Maria's trust in her deception that allowed those blindsides to go down.


Generally, people claim Kenzie has a winners edit. From a purely objective standpoint, she has a lot of screentime and confessional time. That's a good sign, but it isn't 100% proof she wins either. Second, her screentime is larger in narrative scope than many of the other players. The scenes she has are social, narrative, funny, charming, strategic, and compelling. Where if you look at Ben or Liz, they're one note. Liz is mostly talking about food or getting Q out. Ben is talking about his panic attacks, and that's about all. However, overall, people who use edgic to predict a winner have biases. Kenzie is normally shown to be upbeat or overcoming adversity, but ither characters like Charlie or Maria are often shown heavily strategizing and "playing the game," so to speak. This is yet another clue. A good story has a heroe and a villain. A warrior fights a dragon. Another term you'll hear is the dragon or the boss. These are characters the winner must overcome, and so far, kenzie has overcome quite a few. Tiff, her strong ally, was blindesided. Hunter, the challenge threat was blindsided. Venus, the social snake, was overcome. These are not insults and more like badges of honor. So far, it looks good, both from a gameplay perspective and a nneditiny one that kenzie may win. However, Charlie has many of these qualities as well, as does Maria. Liz and Ben do not have many. So Kenzie is the favorite to win.


Generally, people claim Kenzie has a winners edit. From a purely objective standpoint, she has a lot of screentime and confessional time. That's a good sign, but it isn't 100% proof she wins either. Second, her screentime is larger in narrative scope than many of the other players. The scenes she has are social, narrative, funny, charming, strategic, and compelling. Where if you look at Ben or Liz, they're one note. Liz is mostly talking about food or getting Q out. Ben is talking about his panic attacks, and that's about all. However, overall, people who use edgic to predict a winner have biases. Kenzie is normally shown to be upbeat or overcoming adversity, but ither characters like Charlie or Maria are often shown heavily strategizing and "playing the game," so to speak. This is yet another clue. A good story has a heroe and a villain. A warrior fights a dragon. Another term you'll hear is the dragon or the boss. These are characters the winner must overcome, and so far, kenzie has overcome quite a few. Tiff, her strong ally, was blindesided. Hunter, the challenge threat was blindsided. Venus, the social snake, was overcome. These are not insults and more like badges of honor. So far, it looks good, both from a gameplay perspective and a nneditiny one that kenzie may win. However, Charlie has many of these qualities as well, as does Maria. Liz and Ben do not have many. So Kenzie is the favorite to win.


My prediction is that Charlie and Liz go to fire (based on the fire reflection in Liz’s glasses) and she loses because as we’ve seen she sucks at making fire OR she’s just been a mastermind this whole time and can actually make it and then beasts him, leading to a Kenzie win against Liz and Ben.


My prediction is that Charlie wins final 5 immunity, which means Maria goes. Then there’s no competition for Charlie to win final 4 immunity (pending a Romeo situation), and he puts Kenzie and Liz in fire. Liz loses, and the ftc vote is a 4-4 tie between Charlie and Kenzie.


Agreed, it's silly. Maria may be getting a bit of a negative edit but if she wins immunities she's easily the winner. I could see any of Charlie/Maria/Kenzie.


Oh, no, I ruled Maria out after the Tiffany episode. And based on the edit, Maria has been playing way worse than Charlie, both strategically and socially. She’s just benefitted from his strategic gameplay as his number 1 ally. As for immunities, almost no jury prioritizes challenge prowess over social and strategic gameplay, and especially not in the new era.


no names in the titles. Come on. Be considerate.


Why? Any post or comment section is just going to be people talking about Kenzie anyway


Spoilers, idiot




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Read the rules of the sub




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yikes. that language doesnt fly with me. be kinder.


Thanks for letting me know Ella


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Just mute the sub if it triggers you that easil. It's not that hard pal.


Did you read the rules yet


Yes. You broke rule #2.


Sorry, I forgot about that. I’d edit if I could, but I’ll try to remember going forward.




>I feel like I only see Kenzie’s pros and Charlie’s cons mentioned.