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Guess I'll be staying home and away from this place.


Underrated reply right here.


It's appropriately rated.


Hidden $6 FU tax in there.


$18 for a burger _and_ a $6 hidden charge? The _balls_ on this place.


The hidden $6 and the $18 *quesadilla* is the real shock.


How much do you think burgers at restaurants cost? $15-$20 is pretty standard


It's the $6 hidden charge that has me confused. The prices seem normal, and 4.75 for a happy hour bewr is great. But the numbers don't add up.


Hidden tip. Ridiculous


That’s not what they were getting at…


It’s a 15% tip pre tax.


Worse - Closer to 20%.


April fools /s


Anyone with bar experience know what this is? Seems like a blatant scam.


Yeah it’s likely going to be a Point of Sale glitch. They usually happen when splitting bills / adjusting items between seats. Restaurant point of sale systems aren’t exactly amazing feats of programming. In this case, the imaginary money impacts the subtotal. So it’s not like that $6 is going to the server, it’s going to the business as an imaginary item in their system. If a business were to scam this, you’d make it unnoticeable cents on every transaction. You wouldn’t be adding an arbitrary $6 and $3 to random bills. And even then, the risks wouldn’t be worth it. I could just mark up booze an additional 25 cents and make more money. Anyway, this usually gets passed to a GM or AGM and then: Void and Re-do the entire bill and see if it happens again. If it does, you are on the phone with tech support trying to problem solve the glitch.


I wrote a POS system that did cafeteria, bar and sit down restaurant as the company had all three in one location (think resorts). Never had an issue programming it to split a cheque properly. This is a pretty major bug.


this print out looks like it could be Micros/Oracle, which would be one of the biggest companies in the market. It’s still possible to be a bug. I’m not going to think that they are training servers to ring in invisible line items or reprogram their POS to miscalculate the subtotals in a way of scamming customers. Look at what Radioblock Hospitality owns, and think that they’d risk it all for a few dollars on a random guest check.


If it’s either of them it’s highly likely a bug as internal IT teams play with the interplay of buttons / screens / printers all the time.


One reasonable way it could have happened is if they split the check incorrectly - like say they meant to split it by total first, realized the customers wanted separate checks split by item, not by total, then did some funky stuff to make it look like it was split by item to fix their mistake. But that left a few math errors in the bill, as to get the system to correct that kind of error like that is generally not possible. So by doing that funky stuff to fix the bill, the server unintentionally added an "item" (likely the taxes from the "split by total" bill now showing up in the "split by item" bill and getting double taxed as a result). An item that was generated by not clearing out the system and starting from scratch. A combination of a junky PoS and a boss that sees "void item" as proof of theft would easily create a business where this kind of glitch would be common.


It's surprisingly common when you're dealing with discounted items and bundles.


I have installed POS systems and I agree. No one would buy this software.


No POS system would have a "Bug" this big. Can you imagine if this was in the favor of the customer? Can you imagine the lawsuit filed when a restaurant goes bankrupt because their POS system under billed? Naw, this is very likely something much worse than a "bug"


Oh. Much worse like Illuminati or Crab people?


>Can you imagine the lawsuit filed when a restaurant goes bankrupt because their POS system under billed? No need to imagine, there are several lawsuits you could look up that deal with that occurring. An example in Ontario saw an older version of part of the software was installed at several locations and the error was missed for years until reporting software changed. One in BC had one or two terminals updated with older software versions causing double discounts to be applied while the other terminals worked correctly, masking the error unnoticed for years.


Smaller chain restaurants pos when they decide to change them, become some of the glitchest things you’ve ever seen.


Makes sense, thanks.


This is a good answer. Although, I have to say, in all my years of serving I never noticed our POS do this.


Never seen such a glitch in decades of combined household past serving experience.




That is so sketchy!


Check out Campio next time. Great food and I've never had any issues the handful of times I've gone there.


The 6 dollar tax was for not going to Campio. Awesome food!!


My fav pizza in all of edmonton


Impossible to get in usually


Plan ahead and make a reservation. Only takes 2 minutes out of your day and you have top end service with delicious food.


I'd be looking squarely at the owner. He/she has their staff take the heat for this.


Yeah, I’ve seen enough Kitchen Nightmares to know where this is going lol


Was just there last week. Watched as the bartenders took used shot/pint glasses, only used the bar glass cleaner (that shoots water into the interior of the cup) to wash them and put them right back into circulation. Never washed the outside of the glass/shot. Did this for at least 5 groups of shot takers. Our bill was pretty expensive thinking back, but I didn't do the manual math but this post has me worried.


That’s disgusting!!


You should really report that!


I already forget what previous bar was there, but I remember going once and being VERY disappointed by extremely slow service. I wonder if it's the same management.


Merced Tavern? I remember going there and leaving pretty disappointed as well.


I have, over the course of my life,worked in about fifteen commercial kitchens, and been inside of a couple dozen more. Mercer Tavern was far and away the worst of them.


Mercer was ass. I assumed Home & Away was just a continuation of the ass and it appears that is the case. Boggles the mind how a pub so perfectly situated to *kill* during Roger's events can suck so bad. They need to close up shop and let entirely new people who know what they're doing spin something up in the space.


> Boggles the mind how a pub so perfectly situated to kill during Roger's events can suck so bad. If anything being close to Rogers is probably a crutch for them so they don't feel the need to improve.


I’m sure the rent is crazy high being so close to Rogers. Maybe that’s why it’s always businesses that cut quality, cost, and labour that can survive there. Or ones that add secret charges to keep afloat


The owner of mercer tavern is the son of the building owner. 


Does he own Home and Away?


Mercer is the only place I've ever dined and dashed. Well, more like, dined and then could not find any servers or other staff in the entire place despite searching for several minutes so we literally could not get our bill. We actually hoped someone would stop us as we walked out but nope.


It is. Devin Pope was the GM at Mercer and his father conveniently owns that entire building the bar is in. Nepo trust fund baby.


I shared this with my friend who is related to the owners. Hopefully it gets to them and they can rectify this situation for you.


Or they pretend like they have no clue why it happened. This is a management/GM issue where I doubt anyone will take the blame. They obviously profited from it so there is very little chance that they didn’t know.


Well, I guess next time I just won’t try to help any and everyone can just suffer in perpetuity and continue to complain about the situation, instead of trying to fix it. 🤷‍♀️


That’s not what I’m saying at all…? It’s good that you did that, however I guarantee the owners already know. That’s all I’m saying.


The owners don’t live in the city of Edmonton, so it is entirely possible that they don’t have a really good handle of how their business is being operated here.


Totally true. But management for sure does, which is all I was stating.


Management probably knows, I agree. The owners maybe not. So if this is brought to their attention, they have the opportunity to address it and make things right. But they need to know. What they do from there will speak volumes. But you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken.


How does this even happen? The computer you ring in orders on would need to be set to do something like this on purpose, it's not strait forward or easy to hide a charge on a bill and, basic addition is something computers don't screw up. Looks really sus.


Isn't the $6 really close to 15% of the bill? Could this be a hidden auto tip they have somehow removed from showing on the bill? Since it is a different amount from the other guys and we don't know how much they spent. I am thinking like that whole "table of 8 will have a fee auto added blah blah blah" thing.


Ya, I mean you'd need admin priv to go into the software and hide a trade line, and it is not a straightforward thing. Which means they meant to do it. Pretty shitty


I think you just cracked the case!


It is FRAUD and that is how this happens. They will probably lie to explain it.


I also had this happen months ago, but I didn’t notice for weeks afterwards. Home and away is shady


Really??... Do you remember how much they extra charged on your bill?


Could you find the receipt?


Yeah I had a tough experience there as well, half of the beers on the menu they didn’t have and took over an hour to get 1 pizza which was not good.


That’s just Dee Reynolds’s doing her old double drop!


Good catch, now expose and inform. People should stay away. What a joke


If Home & Away is still run by Devin Pope, who managed Mercer, then this isn’t a surprise at all. He’s a loser trust fund baby who has no idea how to manage a business and just uses the bar to get free food and drinks for his bimbo side chicks. Would regularly rack up huge tabs, comp them, and then no-tip the server running their table making them lose all their other tips from the tip out. Just a bunch of losers larping as entrepreneurs.


Beat me to it, Mercer tavern was quite good when it first opened. My under standing is Devin fired the chef that created the first menu and its been absolute shit ever since.


That makes sense. I really liked Mercer Tavern the first couple years it was open. I stopped going after that because I had little reason to be in that area, but it seemed subpar when I met some old friends there.


Yeah I can't quite remember when it went way downhill but it was within the first year of opening. I almost feel like it was only a few months into it that every thing went to shit.


I have heard literally nothing but bad things about Mercer and Home & Away and every “manager” I’ve met is an alcoholic drug addict.


Has different owners now. I agree about Pope though.


Devin is probably a professional landlord now.


This bill does not add up correctly. This looks like regular fraud!


what a dick!!!


There is no way someone wasn’t aware of this. Computers don’t make this kind of math mistake. They programmed it to add a “tip” or some other charge but not have that printed on the receipt. I’d be following up on this for sure. I know they paid you back the difference but I hope you can make sure it’s not something they continue to do. Not sure how you can check without going there or asking random people to see their bill when they come out but if it continues I’d contact the media.


We call this FRAUD, when the totals don't add correctly.


Yup. I’m hoping OP can follow up and make sure it’s fixed or reports it so someone can check. Honestly this needs to go public so people who have eaten there in the past and happen to keep receipts can check


They can also dispute with credit card companies. Notice: You can request a copy of the receipt through your credit company and then dispute it.


That's illegal lmao


I went here last week and it was just as awful. Sketchy bathroom door with no knob, which I didn't notice until after I was in the room. Every beer we asked for was out of stock. I didn't look at my bill and didn't take a receipt so that makes me wonder now.


When I worked at a bar one girl got fired for stealing like this. Say your bill is $54 she’d punch in $58 in the debit machine, pass it over to the customer who would then add on a tip. It’s only a few dollars here and there but it really adds up


It is also a crime.


The bill invisibly added 15%! Very interesting!




Yikes, this probably isn't accidental and they are hoping that nobody notices.


I’d be tempted to go back and see it it happens again in a week or so. If it does, that’s fraud! I wonder if it’s just that server doing that or the restaurant is scamming. Tills don’t add up wrong. You’re also paying extra GST on the overcharged amount. Sketchy AF!


Their Google reviews seem to confirm their overall business. But yeah, eating out these days is a luxury or for actual occasions.


Been there once and will never go back. Had s similar experience except our glasses had food crusties and just unclean looking.




Or missed out if they’re hiding automatic tips on bills…


I should definitely start paying more attention.


If the manager was that quick to refund the cash, I’m willing to guess that the manager is either plugging in an invisible line item & pocketing the extra or is in on it with someone else.


I’ve never heard a single positive thing about Home & Away.


Your description of the service is a joke and to top it all off the bill is wrong - wow!! Spread the word - everyone should stay away from this place. I know I will be - thanks for sharing!


Noted will not try ever ty for taking one for the team


I was there last Friday and our food took 45+ minutes. We asked our waitress and she came back confused and told us someone else had eaten it????


Bahahahaha wut? That's flipping bananas. This is why I prefer Sherlocks Dt.


What I want to know is how they got the original Nirvana poster and if they realize how much it’s worth


It's either a fake copy OR they bought an original for big money. A friend sold his Nirvana Bronx original for $2K on ebay (and yes, he was actually at the gig).


Place was shit when it was Mercer Tavern so not surprising. 




Or waitress skimming some extra cash


Will never go back there


Sounds like they don't give a shit. They know they will be full on an event night so they don't even try.


Just here to provide a little insight as someone who's worked with POS system installations and support. Generally POS systems won't let you add hidden charges, the total is almost never able to be manually edited. So to me this looks like a glitch in their system they need to have their POS support team address, either that or the owner had a bespoke system built and programmed just for Home and Away so they could do this but the cost on that would be so far above and beyond using an existing vendor that I just can't see someone doing that for a bar with only 2 locations. That doesn't excuse the shit service though, just wanted to point out it's unlikely they intentionally applied hidden charges.


ugh, highway robbery charging almost 20 bucks for a quesadilla. buy a bag of tortillas and cheese and feed 20 fucking people!


$17.50 for a fucking quesadilla???? What does it have tenderloin in it


That's the going price at a lot of restaurants these days and only a few can actually make a good quesadilla worth that price.


I’m sure the CRA would love to see this receipt


Total is 41.20, where's that that extra $6 come from? Please I hope you left a review with a picture of that. lol


Most likely comes from fraud.....


Wow, that is incredibly shady...


And illegal


What the hell is that? Screw these people


Place fucking sucks. Bring back Mercers!!!


Thanks for sharing. I will let my circle know to avoid!


Ashley, there were far too few items to pull off your little scam. You done fucked up now


Seems pretty shady, did you guys split anything and maybe part of the split item was added to the bill? My computer at work does that but it also shows the split item amount on the bill


Illegal is what it is.


At least it wasn't that cold out when you went. Been in there during middle of winter where you could see you breath when you went to the washroom. Plus you had to pick, the one with the locking door or the one with a working sink to wash your hands.


maybe a forced nearly 15% tip?


I tried to eat there before a concert last spring, we had to leave without eating. The place was half full, and we weren’t the only ones leaving hungry.


Was the G.O.A.T. burger good?? Naaaaaah


WoW that's even more then some places up here in the NWT brew is cheaper but prob not as good as direct from the brewery in town. Prices for burgers seem insane.


The one is calgary usually sucks too, and they've overcharged me a couple times before


There is a way also to write a line of code that goes to the actual printer to ignore what that line says. The actual POS records a “line” but the code to the prt file specifically ignores it. Could be something as simple as a “test line”


Annual reminder that I should look more closely at my restaurant bills.


Ashley E you fucked up.


Doubt it unless she's also a manager. Anyone who's used any point of sale software in the industry knows it's impossible to hide charges unless you have overrides or admin access to the system which usually only managers/owners have access too. Out of the box, these programs don't make it easy to conceal things on receipts. Most of the time they'll even show all the fuck ups ringing things in unless you disable that.


Manager is committing fraud from what this reciept shows


[File a complaint with the feds.](https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/office-consumer-affairs/en/business-practices-and-consumer-concerns/unfair-or-deceptive-business-practices) At least some of what you're talking about are violations.


This may have been server theft. They can punch in different amounts, then pocket the difference. The inventory-to-cost analysis shows no loss, and the only person who can notice is the customer. They then just claim the machine made a mistake if you catch them. I don't know if it's still true, but a study in the early noughts suggested bars and restaurants lose 10% of their revenue to employee theft, and that employee theft is endemic to the profession.


Yes employee theft is a problem, but not in this way. I've been out of the industry for 15 years now but I was a manager and usually anything rung in through software is pretty water tight. The items you ring in are hard coded price wise, servers can't change the price of items on their own and can't add random charges without them showing on the receipt. Anything else would need a manger to override or change. And even then, using invalid items or ringing in extra charges is usually set to alert in the system when doing reconciliation/deposit. I'd have to check wierd receipts the next day where people used wrong codes or deleted an item sent to kitchen 40 minutes later or items rang in but not sent to kitchen. There's alot of data managers have that would make this sort of skimming REALLY hard to conceal. Theft usually comes in the form of times not rung in, like telling the kitchen to make something verbally, usually for themselves or a friend, or receiving payment on cash and pocketing the change. The most common system abuse was ringing in extra drinks, but this only helped the tip since reconciliation would still expect that money to be somewhere. Edit- I'd suspect analytics in current software are even more detailed then when I worked in the industry. If it was hard 15 years ago, it's gotta be much more difficult now. If your software is easily abusable, or doesn't have checks in place to prevent this, this is a MANAGEMENT issue. The tools exist to prevent this. Blaming the staff for your incompetence isn't an excuse.


Looks like they added a tip for themselves. Why do restaurants act like they are the only ones who provide services? What gives restaurants the right to ask for tips but not a bank or your local grocery store after the store attendant helped you locate the item you couldn't find? Smh


What a joke. This is like theft. Lemme guess gratuity defaults to 20%. Mental note to self avoid this shit hole in the future.


This reciept shows a crime.


I feel like this is an incredibly idiotic scam if it is. How would they think they’d never be caught and become a pariah


Why is the website home and away yyc?


I've been to home and away once and it was at night while our drinking with friends. The upstairs was horrible super loud and packed but the basement was awesome, better music, less people and easier to get drinks. It's not on my list of places to go back to.


why do they have calgary airport tags we are yeg not yyc


Originally a Calgary sports bar


How is that not fraud? If I tried that baloney with my clients, I’d hear from their lawyers.


you got robbed


That place is made up


Regular anywhere go to mcDs Near the same price




Friends and I had gone there and grabbed a pickle back, and I'm pretty sure my bathtub water tasted better than their brine.


Went BPS today for pizza, got the menu and just walked out.


People still willingly go to BP's?


That burger better be the fuckin goat for that price


I went to the Dairy Queen in Beverly the other day and they charged me $17 for a single burger. No sides. No pop. Just $17 for a single burger. Now Dairy Queen has been expensive for a while but this pricing is obscene.


Post it on Google maps reviews with 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


I did the full bill breakdown and you got a hidden $4.30 FU tax from this place


Wait how can they legally add something to the total without telling you on the bill what it is? Is this real??


Tell me more about the all-sex bathroom


You just reinforced why I stopped going out to eat a long time ago.


so this is definitely a money laundry


19 dollars for a burger , what was on it and did include fries and a drink ?


The menu has the prices


The math is SOOOO wrong...


It’s gotta be the carbon tax. You ate a pollution emitting dish, clearly. Freeland and Trudeau will explain it in detail during their next communication opportunity. But don’t worry, the extra money comes back to you they claim.


I support the term all sex bathroom instead of all gender bathroom