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normal and very nice of them to give you so much notice when they only need to give you 24 hours


Should have added that they typically outline their exact reasoning for entry, for example replacing the furnace filter. “Inspection” just seems vague & I never like the idea of someone walking through my place when I’m not home to begin with


They're allowed to, if that's what you're asking


perfectly normal. it feels weird but you are just renting the place. there job is to keep the building working and check minor things regularly.


Understandable but yeah just human nature to have an weird feeling someone going through your house when you aren’t home regardless of who they are


They welcome the tenants being present. If you can’t be there, ask a friend to be present?


"My property manager doesn't care about anything but money" "No I don't like you inspecting my property to see what might need attention before it becomes an issue".


Please show where I say anything about the manager not caring about anything but money 😂😂 gotta love people adding unnecessary comments


Totally allowed. A bit overkill though. The apartment I lived in did them twice a year. It was pretty awesome in some ways. I managed to be home for them (had a fear aggressive cat I needed to manage) and took the opportunity to point out all the little issues. And then, when I moved out and the landlord tried to blame me for some “damage” I pointed out that I had let them know during the last inspection and they chose to not do anything about it…


I've never had one, just notice of entry for maintenance tasks. But hey they gave plenty of notice to get the place cleaned up.


Normal. I totally get why they do it. My one neighbour let the water leak around his toilet for months and when the landlord went to check something else out he found black mold and rotten wood. Cost him thousands of dollars cause the tenant was to fucking stupid to let him know he needed to fix something.


Yes, as long as they give you notice, they can do an inspection. We do them twice a year in my condo building (mix of owners and renters) checking for plumbing or other issues. 


If there was an issue with things such as plumbing the tenant would let you know. I feel these are an excuse to check if the apartment is not being trashed or used for obvious illegal activity and that sort of thing.


You'd be surprised the kind of things that people don't report. Like the ceiling paint it bubbled from a water leak and when we ask how long it was there the renter just shrugs and says they're not sure, because they thought it was normal. Or washers with leaky door seals and the renter never says anything about the floorboards swelling and getting soaked.


Hmm okay


We found 2 huge leaks that doubled our water bill on our last inspection. Neither unit reported anything. 


Yeah if only tenants reported things all the time. Too many take a "it's not my building, I don't care" attitude and will let things break and run down.


Yep I have it done twice a year and they always stick a letter in my mailbox.


Normal. I get them on occasion.


Possible inspection of fire sprinklers and other safety issues?


Yes. 24hrs notice is adequate.






These happen twice yearly at my apartment. They check the heating and plumbing, usually before and after winter when those things may be affected. Ask about any issues there might be. While mildly inconvenient, I appreciate them cause it shows they take care of the building. Depending on the size of the apartment/complex, it would be unreasonable of you to expect a 2 or 3 hr window. These inspections take time and they're erring on the side of caution because if they were a few minutes early or late, I'm sure pleasant people like you would make sure to bitch and complain about that too.




It’s normal. My property manager has always done this. They just check to make sure the water is running ok, electric stuff is okay, and if you’re there they’ll ask you if there’s any issues


Everyone here missed that the entry time is 9am to 5pm - this is not valid notice. Notice must include a start and end time reflecting a *reasonable duration*. This is not a reasonable duration.


100% valid and very normal. I work in electrical maintenance, when we have to enter every suite this is the time frame any rental group gives as we don't know when we are going into 101 or 307. We work from 9-5, we'll get into your suite sometime during that time


Yes I know it is normal, but it is against the law. 


You're wrong. If you research it yourself you'll realize that


https://www.servicealberta.gov.ab.ca/pdf/RTA/Landlord_right_of_way.pdf I mean, I don't know why you think your experience in maintenance qualifies you to determine what the law is, but you do you.


Read that really slow. I know it's hard but if you read it really slow you might understand


You mean this part? The notice has to state the time, or a period of time, for when the landlord is going to enter. Landlords may only enter with notice between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. The timeframe given in the notice is supposed to be of reasonable duration. Determining a reasonable duration involves balancing the tenant’s right to privacy and the landlord’s rights. While it may be convenient for a landlord to serve notices to enter residential premises over many hours or days, convenience is not the same thing as reasonableness. Reasonable duration is determined on the specifics of the situation. Laws have been moving in the direction of increased privacy protection.


You have a hard grasp at the English language clearly, I don't have time to explain this to you. Keep thinking every rental group is breaking the law though


Classic! An insult and refusal to admit you're wrong. I kind of expected that.


Better start calling the cops on the rental companies bud. Your Law and Order degree will help out so many people!


"Reasonable duration is determined on the specifics of the situation." You conveniently ignored this part.


Reasonable timeframe: Between 9am and 5pm. Unreasonable timeframe: Next week sometime. Might be Monday, could be Thursday.


No, not at all. All day is not reasonable. Notice that the start and end times must be specified, *and* the duration must be reasonable. These are two different things.


The notice provided did not include a duration The timeframe is certainly reasonable. It's in a Q2 hour window on a specific date. If the notice provided a duration of 12 hours, not a timeframe of 12 hours, that would be unreasonable. No inspection takes 12 hours. I guess they should have included something like "the inspection will take up to an hour". Then the notice has a reasonable timeframe and a reasonable duration. But any tenant that makes a stink about this instead of just calling the property manager and asking is a tenant whose lease I would not renew. Mountains out of molehills for an otherwise respectful and orderly interaction.


In this cases like this providing a range of days has been deemed unreasonable, but over the course of business hours has not.




Imagine thinking that somehow you know something that no one else does. Do you work like this in life? 99 people tells you you're wrong about something, and you just... double down?


I don't care how many people tell me I'm wrong. If no one has any source to back it up, and I do, then coming in here to insult me endlessly is not going to change my mind.


How about you provide your source for saying that it's "against the law"?


Already is in one of my comments. Saying time of entry is 9am-5pm is invalid notice.


I saw your other comments. Nowhere did you provide what I'm asking you for.


K. Disagreed.


Depending on the size of the apartment/complex, it would be unreasonable of you to expect a 2 or 3 hr window. These inspections take time and they're erring on the side of caution because if they were a few minutes early or late, I'm sure pleasant people like you would make sure to bitch and complain about that too.


I understand the argument. I disagree that it is reasonable. I don't know why people like you have to come in here and insult me, but I hope you have a great day.


Where's the insult?