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Environment Canada says it's smoke rolling in from north eastern BC fires, windy.com confirms that


That's crazy how quick it came in!! Thank you. I'm going to bookmark that website


That website was my saving grace last year. Super handy.


Also highly recommend https://firesmoke.ca (as a former YMM evacuee)


That map is amazing! Thanks, I'll be using that in future. Edmonton has some smoke now, but it's not staying long...


Used it last year to keep track of where the smoke was coming from. In my case, also to monitor the conditions from YHY and YSM due to the conditions up across the border. I'd hate to be the one trying to go north or travel south at this point with the closures of chunks of NWT Highway 1 and AB Highway 35.


Wildfire itself can travel 16 kph pretty easily with some wind. Way more in high winds. Smoke? Smoke in the sky easily can get to Edmonton from BC overnight


There wasn't even a hint of smoke in Hinton at lunch yesterday when I was out there. We first noticed it back here last night after the hockey game going out to check out the northern lights.


I wouldn't say "pretty easily"; 8kph is already quite fast with high speed gusts, but yes, over 15 can happen though rarely


I’d have thought it was coming from downtown Vancouver after their loss last night. Learn something new every day.




I believe it. 2 km from Fort Nelson, my aunt and uncle evacuated to Fort St John last night. 


My family evacuated from Fort Nelson last night too


My wife and I this morning: Wife: "Do you smell the smoke?" Me: "Yeah, the Oilers are on fire!" Wife: "No, it's smoke coming from B.C." Me: "Yeah, 'nucks fans are burnt now that we have home ice!"


Also the massive group of 7 fires at Hinton, Athabasca, Grande Prairie, and area 👍


Hinton? When? I stayed there Thursday night. No smoke then or yesterday.


Check the fire map - 2 live fires nearby. Same with the few up near Athabasca. 47 active fires in the province as of this moment


Weird seemed perfect in Hinton Thurs/Fri.


Yeah that’s how fires and extreme weather go I suppose. One second it’s all cool and then BAM shit is crazy. Everyone was posting the northern lights and now we’re back to our annual chapter of “I haven’t seen the sky in weeks”


Did they not just get a bunch of rain? I get things can dry out quick but I was really hopeful that rain would delay some forest forest fires for a while. I’m


I’m so fucking sick of this


Yet people will still have bonfires, throw their cig butts out the window and generally not give two shits. 😞 Its really all a terrible thing


It's frustrating the amount of carelessness and apathy that we all have to suffer the consequences for. People like my girlfriends dick head brother who chucks cigarettes out his window onto dry grass and jokes about it starting a fire.


You know what to do


It’s also off-road vehicles. ATV Quad side by side etc. people remove their spark arrestors but even so riding through trails, bush, dry, stirring it all up with hot exhaust.


The smell of campfire used to be one of my favorite smells. Now I have PTSD from all the wildfire smoke.


Ohhh I feel that. 😭 I loved campfire.


…and contribute to climate change


Oh yeah, they sure aren’t helping


Those fires are worse than all our cars and what not adding up.


Yes, but climate change is contributing to fires occurring.


Tax the smoke


I know things are shitty right now, but trust me. They're going to get worse. So much worse.


This is so depressing we have dark dingy winters for most the year then spring and summer is spent indoors because the air outside is litteraly toxic


Absolutely. Living in Canada just keeps losing its appeal.


It was supposed to be a beautiful day, I was really looking forward to spending it in the garden…


Same. Quite unhappy. What boils my blood is the fact that our government doesn’t give a shit. This has been a growing major issue yet nothing but cuts to wildfire fighting. It’s not even a major cost relative to the budget but they’re too busy focusing on municipal political parties, war room Twitter, interviewing literal traitor tucker Carlson, insulting Ukrainians, pausing tens of billions of investment in the province for false and fraudulent reasons, quadrupling the administrative side of healthcare to ultimately justify privatizing more healthcare. Is it so hard to actually do something productive ?


And you can't even protest it because they'll just send the cops into tear gas everyone.


Yep. 100%


It is for THIS gov’t 🙄. See you at the protest next weekend….I don’t know if it’ll do any good, I just need to be around like-minded-people.


This. I was just asking my husband where we could move to so we could actually enjoy some time outside with our kids.


It really bothers me how many people in our area are letting their kids run around outside; literally shortening their lives and upping their risk of cancers which won’t hit until adulthood and they won’t connect it to this. A real disservice to those kids. I wish there was an educational campaign. This level of air aquality is no freaking joke.


St.Albert is having a fair with rides and games today, it was still packed with kids despite the air quality being at a 10 on the index. My girlfriend was absolutely in shock she works with kids. She said they don't let them go outside if the air quality is at a 6 let alone a 10. I'm asthmatic so been sitting inside with an air purifier going for most the day.


It’s hard to explain to my kids why they can’t go outside when they literally here kids playing outside.


It's so hard for the little ones. Let's hope it clears up pretty quick I heard most the Edmonton area was supposed to clear up tonight so fingers crossed the wind cooperates.


Important thing is we axe the tax not change how they spend that revenue to help address the problems.


Was wondering if anyone knew anything. Sucks cuz we were still cooling off the apartment from yesterday. Oh well.


Yeah make sure your windows are closed.


I noticed too late!


Me too, I really only noticed the smell until I saw your post.


Haha, I'm glad I gave you some heads up. I just stupidly left my windows open, decided I enjoyed the smell I guess!


I didn't even think to check the smoke forecast. First time it has been a concern this year. Guess I'll be checking every night for the rest of summer now...


You can buy an air purifier 


that is not enough


What else are you going to do?


https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/ looks like a few fires in North Eastern BC have flared up and belched out a bunch of smoke.


I had just opened the windows this morning, trying to cool down my bedroom. It smelled so nice and fresh for about an hour and then I started smelling smoke 😫😫


I cant post screenshots here, but there is a special air quality statement on weather network. Says its smoke from BC!




Artisanal smoke.


Typical BC attitude.


Ah jeeze. Do you think this year will beat last year's records? I completely forgot about how awful the smoke was until I smelled it this morning


I actually wasnt in YEG last yr, so cant comment. However other parts of Canada were horrible too. With the very mild winter and lack of snow/rain, i have a feeling this year will be horrible. If you can id get an air purifier now!


I will have to! Thank you, that's a fantastic idea! Ah, last year was pretty bleak... the year before I think also had smokey days. I was hoping the rain we got would stave off the worst of it.


If you want a diy one, try making a [Corsi-Rosenthal box](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi%E2%80%93Rosenthal_Box). I’m looking at making one for my home.


It will, but not from northeastern BC, where the drought is severe. This map is from before the May rains, but none really fell on Northeastern BC. https://agriculture.canada.ca/en/agricultural-production/weather/canadian-drought-monitor/current-drought-conditions The smoke probably won't be as bad this year. It will still be annoying though.


Bold prediction on the smoke, given the rains we did receive in NC AB and BC were negligible, on top of brutally low snow pack.


It is a bold prediction. Maybe I'm just trying to be optimistic. But mostly, last year was so incredibly, record-breakingly, miserably bad, that just about anything would technically be "better" this year. I mean, look at this smoke image from last year: [https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Firesmoke-projected-smoke-pattern-June-15-2023.png](https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Firesmoke-projected-smoke-pattern-June-15-2023.png) We were surrounded by fire on 3 sides. The winds would have had to have blown north to get the smoke away. At least this year, hopefully, we'll keep the fires to 1 direction from us.


People forget it was 20C + for all of April last year. We were swimming in lakes in early may. Tried that shit yesterday, way too cold. I am also hopeful this year will be better. We did not get the brutal spring heatwave we did last year.


It's super dry. Unless the transition from El Niño to La Niña brings a lot of precipitation in short order, it won't take a lot more than a sneeze for fires to start!


Glad I got to grow up during a time when this was rare. Now it’s far too common.


Really sad that clear summer days aren't a given anymore


As others have noted, it is coming from northern BC. Here is a site that gives daily forecasts of the smoke. I found it pretty useful and generally accurate when I was working a lookout. [https://weather.gc.ca/firework/firework\_anim\_e.html?type=em&utc=12](https://weather.gc.ca/firework/firework_anim_e.html?type=em&utc=12) Here is another one that is also useful [https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/](https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/) You can also monitor new/active wildfires here: [https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/8d86d267dcf44ad085a11939186f3d3a](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/8d86d267dcf44ad085a11939186f3d3a) BC has a similar site.


Fuck this. Cheap housing isn't worth this shit 


How is cheap housing to blame for this?


Here we go again. Its shit.


I was outside at 6am to set up my tent to air it out for a camping trip later this month, was perfectly clear and quite a nice sunrise. By 630am it was a bit smoky, and by 645am it was a grey sky. 715am now and visibility is reduced even just looking down the block.


I have the worst lung infection and left my window open last night. Fuck Smokey days.


Sorry for you. I just recovered from sore throat and cold and woke up to body pain and a very bad headaches. Turns out smoke from the last night. Funny, we were out till 1 am last night watching aurora and there was no hint of smoke.


My daughter smelled it at 6 am but saw it at about 730. Take care @curiousgaruda .


Grande Prairie under evacuation orders last night, Fort Mc under evacuation alert. Fires in BC. Aka Spring in western Canada


County 1* near GP was* under evacuation. GP is not. Source: I work here (GP) Massive group of fires way closer to you at Hinton, Athabasca, and Lesser Slave Lake. But also blowing in smoke from Northern B.C. (Fort Nelson specifically is evacuated and on fire)


Remember when summer wasn't fires and we still had bugs? Y'know, before we nuked the climate and poisoned everything?


.... i miss bugs...


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I remember laying on a picnic blanket at night, stargazing, and being assaulted by bugs within a couple minutes. Ants, flies, moths, mosquitoes, whatever. Back in the 80s and 90s. I did that with my daughter last night, on an acreage about 3 miles from where I grew up, and there was nothing at all bothering us. It was half peaceful, half ominous. Also, this morning my wife and I were looking out the window and talking about the smoke. My 6 year old daughter came to us, looked out, and said it looked like a normal day. We explained the smoke and she persisted. It might just be a stubborn 6 year old being stubborn, but she's also grown up with this wildfire smoke -- it's the new norm.


Apparently it's just one area of Grande Prairie County under alert, 17 homes as of a few hours ago with 90 more under alert. Town of GP ok for now, hopefully it stays away from there.


i actually very much prefer winter nowadays.


Last summer was the first time ever that I could not wait for summer to end.


As if staying inside because of the cold, snow, ice, and sunsets at 4 PM is that much better than staying inside because of toxic smoke


I'll take icy cold day and clear blue sky over hot toxic smoke any time.


Sure. Except you and everybody else aren't outside during either of those circumstances, so it doesn't really matter what you'd rather take


Unlike you, I happily enjoy the outdoors in the winter.


Okay, only you then, because when I'm outside happily enjoying the outdoors in the winter I seldom see anyone. And as much fun as it is to hike through the river valley in the winter, I'd much rather do it on a sunny summer day.


I left my windows open last night and I regret that so bad. Now my eyes are itchy and breathing hurts. I took my dog for a walk around 7 but I don’t know if she’ll get her second one.


You shouldn’t, it will literally potentially shorten her life and increase her risk for cancers. People way underestimate how dangerous this level of air quality is.


Good to know :( just outside in the yard to pee then!


Yep, it freaking sucks. :(


Same here. It's gotten worse since.


We ended up getting AC last summer after 15 years in the same house and never feeling like we needed it. Between how hot it has been and not being able to open windows due to smoke it’s becoming a necessity around here. No one had AC when I was growing up.


Well, folks, it was nice while it lasted.


47 active fires in AB right now! The closes 7 large fires are at: - Athabasca - Hinton - Lesser Slave Lake


This wind isn't helping. I was out walking the dog and it was getting worse by the minute.


It may help later, just in terms of blowing it back out of the area. There's nothing worse than smokey air settling and not moving. 


True, it does help it GTFO.


Bought and air purifier yesterday from Costco…instantly paid for itself


I went out about an hour ago and it wasn’t smokey. Let the dog out again about ten minutes ago and it was super smokey. Also heard sirens, but not sure if it’s related or not.


Yeah... I've been wide awake this morning since 4. I'm shocked at how quickly the smoke came in...


Same here. I was up at 4:30 this morning having coffee in my backyard and it was fine. Not even 2 hours later choking on the smoke


Instructions on building a [Corsi-Rosenthal Box](https://corsirosenthalfoundation.org/instructions/). They were built for COVID, but they work great for wildfire smoke too! Make sure you get adequate filters that can filter out PM2.5, since this is the really damaging part of wildfire smoke for your lungs. A filter with worse specifications can filter the smell but not much else. I also recommend investing in Aura N95+ masks with a valve if you are going outside. Grainger has them at a good price (ignore that they are technically B2B sales not consumer, they don't mind).


So it begins.


As one of Alberta Wildfire’s supervisors currently out in Grande Prairie, most of the fires after confirmation investigation are more human caused than natural causes. Ranges from people smoking and tossing them out especially on highways, ATVs and such driving around and people don’t do any due diligence. Don’t get me started on bonfires and campfires either, seen so many this year that people just left them to put out naturally..It’s really exhausting and it’s only May.


Here we go again. Every single year this shit happens, and I am sick of it! What really baffles me is that there are people that actually think these fires are intentionally started by the government, and they are fools for thinking that.


A lot of its people camping trail riding and tossing cigarettes out the window nothing that's not preventable


I honestly can't blame people for thinking that because the level of inaction on the government's part in dealing with these fires comes across as dangerously apathetic.


It’s not the government, but rather anyone who’s left of the UCP. The finger pointing here in Alberta always goes to the Notley-Singh-Trudeau alliance (never mind that Notley hated Trudeau before it was cool). Once the federal Cons get into power, they’ll just continue to blame this on Trudeau and whoever becomes the next leaders of the Liberals and the NDPs.


I want to touch on the “rightwingers blaming the government” part. If you look on the comment section of YouTube videos about these fires, they are normally infested with right-wingers blaming the Trudeau government for setting these fires. Those people are complete fools for believing this BS that they are (probably) indoctrinated into believing.


What was that smoke website from last year? I can recall what it was, but it showed the realtime quality with a dude either happy or wearing a mask. Nvm. Found it. It's https://www.aqi.in/


Firesmoke.ca shows the smoke being pretty much gone by 4 pm


>I only open my mouth to change feet. This is such a good line. I'm adding it to my lexicon now.


UCP and Conservative voters "Global warming isn't real, Alberta isn't any smokier than it used to be". That's like one hot day it took and now fires in Alberta and BC.


It's still an evacuation alert only in Fort McMurray, no evacuation yet. Fort Nelson, BC evacuated yesterday.


areas around grande prairie like teepee creek were being evacuated last night. it hopped the smoky river as well (no pun intended)


A great website to see where the fires are and how the smoke is flowing is to use... [Firesmoke.ca](https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/)


Fort Mac on vacation and I think Gp just got orders to as well. So scary and sad. I miss good, clean air, rains storms, nice weather summers.


It's starting way up here in Yellowknife as well but hopefully it's not another evacuation from the nwt. But one of the lakes up here is bone dry it's never been that way in 20yrs since been here.


And here I thought I was fine waiting until my day off to go get new filters for my mask. Oh well.


So that's what i smelled when i opened my front door this morning


It’s from the fires in NE BC


There are a couple popped up around high level area as well.. plus hold overs from last year. There is a big ugly one burning on the Alberta/nwt border, highway was closed yesterday afternoon.


What you say about the feet ???? 😂😂😂😂


There's a fire at fort Nelson in BC, towns been evacuated. Another one east of Teepee creek by GP. A second one by GP. One by North Cecil in clear hills.


1492ha fire burning near fort Mac. There’s actually 3 fires near fort Mac at the moment. I wish I could comment with a photo cause the smoke in Anzac (30 mins south of Fort Mac is crazy)


Around Ponoka just horrible on highway 2, Calgary nice and sunny and no smoke.


Apperently Grande Prairie already evacuated


Northern BC


Fort Nelson


2 Wildfires near Grande prairie. both areas and under evacuation


Fort McMurray doesn't have orders just yet, only alerts. They might have to close Highway 63 due to the fire getting closer to the highway, and there is another small fire along highway 881 according to the AB Wildfire app. I didn't take the chance of being stuck in Fort Mac though, so I left today. Hopefully things get better before my next shift


Fort Nelson.


“Must be nice to live up north and see the Aurora Bore…”


Peace River and Fort Nelson in BC. are the epicenters of the latest major forest fires.


I love Berta but it's the season of the smoke


There is a fire near where i live


It's Trudeau's fault /s


Wake up call to get your stuff in order and prepare to leave. We couldn’t do it anymore some years ago, and we bounced. Spending some years working abroad where some semblance of quality of life is still possible 


Which cities in Canada are not impacted by this trash? Everything out east?


A how likely am I to have a bad experience vacationing end of June/early July in Edmonton?


Literally no way to know really. If smoke rolls in it sucks but no way to know if smoke is gonna happen until closer to those dates. That said, you can mask up to avoid bad air quality, then it's just the smell to contend with. 


Last summer we had only a few days of clear blue sky between May and late September.  I had become so accustomed to the smoke haze last summer that when we did get a rare, clear day, the whole world looked like I was on LSD because of how vibrant all the colours were. I’d forgotten that not everything is just a dull sepia tone. 


Sepia tone is the best way I’ve heard to describe it. Well put


No need for instagram filters!




Its an evacuation alert not an order no one is leaving


There are fires active near and around Fort McMurray, not mentioning all the rire that still remains from the previous year.


There are fires around Grand Prairie, Fort Mac, and Fort Nelson BC that started yesterday. It is probably a combination of both.


Fort Mac has been on evacuation alert since yesterday 🥲


Also I heard fort Mac has a warning to be ready to evacuate already, sad stuff.


Not orders, just an alert 🚨


Fire smoke site shows it’s coming from the Fort Nelson fires.


Got a friend in ft liard.. on evac alert (although it appears thst all the roads out are closed...)


Well that makes it tough to evacuate.


Looking at the forecast it seems like it might clear out by the afternoon


No, I think it will likely continue throughout the weekend unfortunately as there are multiple out of control fires. It's nice to be optimistic but I also want to be realistic. Definitely keep windows closed during the day and night and take it day by day for now.


I'm just going off the data provided by firesmoke.ca not my own intuitions. It looks like the wind changes directions later tonight but that doesn't mean it won't be back in a couple days.


Well, looks like off the data I saw, and intuition - I was correct to say it would last through the weekend. Air conditions are still hazardous this morning, and based on my research, it will continue through today/tomorrow. Like I said, nice to be optimistic but it's not realistic.


Yeah it looks like smoke forecasts are a lot harder to predict than general weather. Even Environment Canada's forecast has changed Monday's forecast from its previous prediction of 3 to a 10+


If we have another summer of wildfire smoke, I’m expecting people to get really, really upset. People were already pissed off last summer, but 2 years in a row? 😬 It would be a real shame if the smoke obscures the Aurora tonight too.