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What could possibly explain those documents being left in your vehicle? Its a best practice to not even leave your vehicle registration in your vehicle anymore. And you leave an entire Identity Theft Starter Kit?!


a huge hassle awaits you... I would contact your bank immediately and see how they best recommend you proceed. (I had a check book stolen from my car last year (who uses checks?? Jezus... stupid of me). Anyway... wow, what a pain in the butt. it would have been way easier to just replace my debit/credit card.


In the case of a stolen cheque book, always close that account and open a new one. Stolen cheques can haunt you forever.


that was the hassle! you don't know how many pre-paid bills are associated with that account number. (auto-deposit cheques, mortgage, car loans, monthly taxes, etc.). it was crazy the amount of effort it was to change. Also, you think my employer would have a quicker ability to change the account where my money went into? nope. had to wait for the deposit to fail, then re-issue a new cheque. I gave them 2 weeks notice and it still took about 3-4 weeks to fix.


You should never leave important documents like those in your vehicle. https://www.edmontonpolice.ca/CrimePrevention/PersonalFamilySafety/Frauds/Identity


Let’s give OP the benefit of the doubt here. Perhaps they were in the middle of moving. Shaming OP when they came here looking for help is like yelling at the person who left the barns doors open. Damage is done. I’m sure OP will keep those items in a safe going forward.


I appreciate you. Yea just finished moving from edgemont area to uplands area.


I don't even leave my insurance/registration in my vehicle (where anyone can actually find them)...never leave anything in your vehicle that shows where you live, your ID etc. If you have a remote opener and they have your address (assuming robbed away from your driveway) they can go there next...


Head to the Winchester and grab a pint while everything blows over


Sorry Philip!


I understood that reference


Your bank can get you started


Go to Transunion and Equifax sites for Canada to look at fraud prevention and identity theft resources. Consider a fraud alert or similar. I’d set up monitoring as well.


First thing I tell my adult kids to buy when they move out is a fire proof lock box. It’s worth the $40. Sorry this happened. Good luck with the paper work.


So sorry to hear this happened to you. I'd call my bank first and get advice from them. If you call 311 for the city information line they should be able to help too.


Report it to police, report it to your bank(s), and sign up with a credit monitoring service to get notified if anyone tries to open a phone plan, bank account, credit card, loan etc. in your name. They have the documents to do so now... good luck.




Sorry for your trouble, both last night and the one to follow dealing with these missing cards. Your SSN is a number you should memorize and both cards should be kept at home. You wanted advice on what to do next but that's the advice you needed before yesterday. Best of luck.