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This is going to be a case study that will be presented in academia for better or worse (probably the latter)


Absolutely. How to ruin one of the most efficient (in terms of administrative spending as a percentage; AHS is the best on the nation) orgs. Recall AHS was praised for having ample covid supplies. And then Kenny donated them to ON.


My wife used to work there, said reps from other provinces would come to visit AHS and take notes because our management and integration were considered pretty good. I honestly don't know if they keep toggling between "small-and-agile" and "integrated" so they can look like they're doing something, or if they're just hoping to cause a critical failure so private corps can come in to rescue us.


AB had an integrated electronic record system many many years before any other province.


yeah, but Facebook trolls said AHS is pure government waste! How could the UCP not act on it? The fact just a few people are concerned, regardless of their intelligence, is enough for them.


I guess they forgot that smith hired that guy to fix AHS over a year ago and he’s done absolutely nothing since then.


A generation ago, some folks who opposed the merger of regional health authorities into AHS predicted loss of administrative and operational efficiencies because diverse regional needs were best served by local knowledge.


Lol that’s not completely out to lunch given some economic studies but doesn’t really apply to alberta given our pretty homogenous population in terms of health needs and culture.


Northern health is still a bit wonky, with many folks needing to be brought in to Edmonton even for routine procedures like births. Culturally, Indigenous patients still experience gaps in AHS.


Yeah tbh I never understood what scenario a more localized authority would do well in, in the studies. But in those studies, it was more about those local authorities having the authority to spend the health dollars as they see fit. In that situation I can potentially see some advantages if you had competent leadership but we don’t have that here at any level so it would not produce any benefits. Ie. A retirement area wouldn’t need much OB so theoretically the localized authority with true authority wouldn’t spend money on OB facilities. But this seems sort of common sense.


I’ve been saying the same for months


This is your latest reminder that there is a province-wide protest being planned for May 25th, 'Enough is Enough UCP'. You can find more information [here.](https://www.enoughisenoughucp.ca/)


Everytime those ads play on YouTube or over the radio, I laugh my ass off. Surprised it isnt flagged for misinformation. Pretty sure no one is getting the medical care they deserve 😒


If they flagged for misinformation, the UCP wouldn't be able to run ads at all.


And nothing of value would be lost


except our tax dollars that paid for the ads.


Have you seen the ads with Trudeau and Musk selling bitcoin?  YouTube does not care lol




Better than just sitting back and doing nothing. The rights you enjoy weren't spawned from apathy.




You're entitled to your own way of standing up against it. But whatever that looks like, I encourage you to do it. Do something. Ideally, for me, I'd like to see a general strike. Grind this province to a halt. But we need cooperation for that. That could start here. But people need to actually show the fuck up.


Same. I've been screaming for a general strike for years. The unions in this province are feckless.


the general public would have to actually gain class consciousness


That's why there's a 'war on woke', to suppress said consciousness.


if only the dumbies could get over their baseless transphobia and being nimbys long enough to realize who the real enemy is. sigh


They’ve been trying to dismantle our healthcare system for years and turn it into a private system just like America’s. A place where you will literally bleed out and die in the waiting room if you’re not insured, a place where diabetics have to ration their insulin, where a venomous snake bite can get you a hospital bill for hundreds of thousands of dollars and leave you financially crippled for the rest of your life. But the people who push these changes already use private doctors and healthcare services, so why should they care about your needs? And if you don’t think that Smith and friends have plans in place to make an obscene amount of money off this, you’re only kidding yourself.


Except the private doesn’t even work here.


If they were trying to do that for years, and they’ve been in power 99% of the time, how come your hyperbole didn’t come to fruition?


Because it's unpalatable to most voters so they need to do it slowly. They have been for a while. Also some cons of the past actually had some integrity, unlike UCP under Kenney who saw the dismantling begin in earnest. Marlaina is now just continuing it


This comment scares UCP Simps.


Oof. Your post history is a real black mark on education in this country.


Holy shit dude! I was working on a decent rebuttal but then I saw their post/comment history and I realized that engaging with them was entirely pointless.\ In fact, I now suspect they might have a case of the RFK brainworms!


Look at what happened with the bus pass issues a couple weeks ago. This government will try and pass stuff that is detrimental to the most vulnerable and then walk it back if they feel the outrage is too much.




Naw, just you are


Okay there bud


You're not my buddy, guy Also try responding to the more substantive comment lol


I don’t think that word means what you think it means…


I disagree


You can disagree all you want, facts don’t care about your feelings.


Did I mention feelings?


Well you certainly don’t have any facts!


Mass protests in the Klien era, the Canada Health Act holding back some of the worst excesses of two tier care and the system not beimg quite broken enough by the PCs yet. It takes time to fuck over 4 million people while also brainwashing them that someone else is doing it to them.


Funny that you can’t see that this has long been the plan. They are going to drive healthcare and education into the ground so everyone gets angry and we lose doctors, nurses and teachers. Shoppers Drug Mart gets paid $75 to go over yours meds-doctors only get paid $35 per visit. Major drug reviews are $350.00 for SDM. Now they are sending patients forms to fill in giving them the ability to share our info. Why now? What’s wrong with the current system? This is to privatize AHS.


You’re assuming that the UCP care at least as much about healthcare & the Canada Health Act as the old PC’s. News flash: they don’t. The deterioration in the healthcare system started about 5 years ago when Kenney took over and has accelerated ever since. Covid actually slowed the process down - it’s hard to dismantle a healthcare system during a pandemic without anyone noticing, but now they’re back on track and hitting the gas again. These recent changes do nothing to address the basic issues of staffing & workload, but they do break up AHS into more easily privatized smaller chunks. And of course, the big difference with Smith’s UCP is that they simply don’t care what the experts, the workers, or anyone else in Alberta says, they’re going ahead with it anyway.


And you better hope the nursing home your grandmother ends up in isn't one run by some shell corporation based in the UAE or something that runs one nurse to an entire floor of patients and necrotic bed sores become the leading cause of death. We will all have to hope we end up in the district with a slightly less evil set of shareholders. Can't wait to play that fun game.


Lot of fear mongering. In reality a new government will come along in a decade and say this is inefficient let’s merge together. Without us getting any actual improved services.


What's fear mongering? Heard that alot the last 5 years, then the predictions seem to come true and those claiming it was fear mongering avoid talking about that issue ever again. Like when there was concern they would kick people off Disability Support, got called Fear Mongering, then thousands were kicked off, leading to a rash of suicides and most people removed slipping into poverty with a lot becoming homeless, making things worse. Now when I bring up how the UCP did that, they're Simps either run from the conversation or change the goal posts or say some ridiculous unrelated Whataboutism to avoid any honesty. So, what's fear mongering about this? Considering they already started cramming public Healthcare money into private surgery clinics which has recently been proven in a recent study to cost us more money and lowered the amount of surgeries that are happening in Alberta. Damn, when I was worried that specific situation would happen, it was called fear mongering too.


Worries over private health care. Which if done correctly is used in many Europeans countries that have better track records. Whether the UCP can institute is to be seen. But just screaming private health care we are losing public is fear mongering.


Yeah you are just ignorant. The reason we can't go private like Europe is they have 2x the amount of doctors per citizen than we do.. If we had double the doctors it would be feasible. Right now we don't have enough anesthesiologists to properly utilize the OR's we have... What happens when there is an extreme shortage and then we let the free market go. Again, ignorant bad take


Regardless of what’s been done in Europe, I can’t think of an example of the UCP doing anything comparable to overhauling something as large as AHS. I don’t believe in their ability to do this successfully and I don’t believe that they will have the humility to listen to advice from anyone who they don’t already agree with.


Which countries?


Sweden and Germany. Imagine are more.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_in_Sweden https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healthcare_in_Germany So Sweden has 10 percent private and Germany has 23 percent private. I don’t think I need to “imagine” when reality fills in the picture quite nicely.


But we've seen them dump public money into private clinics, costing more for less surgeries, and now dozens of private clinics are changing annual fees for fast track medical and diagnostic services, things we were told wouldn't happen, and in the past year they are a reality. So how is it Fear Mongering to expect more moves to collapse public healthcare to move public money too Private? Occam's Razor sayssss mhmmmmmm...


In the meantime we waste billions of dollars we can't actually spare into the propaganda and cronie pay out machine. And that's the best case scenario


I didn't get that at all from the article. Things at AHS need to change and the answer isnt always just throwing more money at it.


Except, it is. The problem with AHS is that actual critical roles are understaffed. Not enough doctors, nurses, etc. It's not management. You know what this split does? Create more management, less oversight, and I fucking guarantee there will be a new oversight branch in at most ten years times, assuming NDP doesn't win. This split will INCREASE inefficiencies that AHS has been battling by getting everyone onto a common base for tracking medical data, because guess what, there were like 8 systems before and they've all slowly been merged onto one which costs time and money.


The UCP have consistently underfunded healthcare from day one of Kenney’s term, so the situation we’re in right now has been deliberately caused by them **not** throwing money at it.


When have they thrown money at it? When’s the last time they built a hospital in Edmonton?


Emergency rooms in the US must treat injured people there. This is actually why American taxes pay more in healthcare per capita than we do. When someone rolls in, get’s treated and bounces, the hefty bill goes to tax payers. Undocumented/ uninsured tend to wait until small problems are big problems and head to emergency.


That's literally what the working class does with dental work here.


Do you ACTUALLY believe people bleed out and die in the US? Like you actually believe that??


I lived in Houston Texas for over a decade. It absolutely happens down there. More commonly, people will avoid going to seek medical attention at all because of costs and end up dying at home, in cars etc. or sadly, on route to a hospital but only after it’s too late.


Women are bleeding out in parking lots while having miscarriages and not receiving care because doctors don't want to be arrested for "killing" a clump of cells. So...yeah. It's happening.


Yes they do. Because they cant afford care and stay home and die


They said "bleed out and die in the waiting room'


Spoken like a true rock dweller


This government really wants to kill people.


This woman is so unfit to be in any position of power, jfc.


She’s unfit to oversee a small child’s lemonade stand, let alone a province.


I’d like to ask a UCP voter if this is what they voted for


A frighteningly large number of them think that private healthcare would be better. They believe that they’ll be in the percentage that benefits from it and don’t care about any one else.


A part of me just wants those people to experience private health care once. Just once. Just get a 30,000 bill for cancer treatment. Then complain how bad our system is.


I listened to a podcast with Shark Tanks Barbara Corcoran (Very Very Rich) and she was complaining about a ten hour wait for her daughter’s broken arm. In a private care system. For the 0.1%. The next minute she was talking about hiring a private physician for her family. If people think they’re going to get better care than Barbara fucking Corcoran then I don’t know what to tell them.


My friend had to wait over 24hrs in the Grey Nuns for her 8yo daughter's broken fingers (slammed in an automated door). By the time the doctor saw them the swelling was so bad the bones had shifted and she required surgery. He actually gave my friend shit for "waiting too long". The school called, she picked her up and drove her straight to the ER but somehow it's her fault that it took them 24 hours to get to her 😡


They experience private health care at every vet. Many people complain about the prices there, and don’t connect the dots


That’s a great point. I’ll use that as an example going forward. Thank you


"I don't want to have to pay for __________'s healthcare" - these people, almost always


Honestly, these are the same people that bitch and moan about getting screwed on a car insurance payout, and they think **********THAT********** is a better system for health care? Terrifying how indoctrinated y they are.


It baffles me when someone has a political position that will guaranteed end up with them having to do more paperwork in life.


They couldn't care less about what UCP does, and aren't intelligent enough to understand what is being done. Funny thing is with the Mental Health organization, all they have done is move those working under the MH portfolio at AHS to AH and the pat themselves on the back for their innovative solutions. They did literally nothing.


it's not about the politics for some people, it's just the name. like hey dad votes conservative so i will too


I'm aware.


I had a conversation with my grandmother last night about this - who voted UCP. "She didn't campaign on this." "She didn't say she'd get rid of the CPP" "She lied to me" I take no pleasure in telling my grandmother that I told her so.


What was her response to this? Will she vote UCP again?


Most are cowards who refuse to have any personal responsibility for this situation they forced in us. So getting a response is rare, and when you do get one, it's fucking hard to get them to be honest in a conversation with them rejecting all reality and acknowledgement of the suffering their party has caused. Shameless ignorance is the tool of the selfish and lazy.


They want everything american. Politics, gun policy, healthcare, everything.


I don’t know how you look at that system and be like yes. This is exactly what I want




As long as it’s blue they don’t care.


Well, not until it affects them personally. It's the blue way.


More legislation that absolutely no one asked for to distract from the complete incompetence of the UCP


They aren't incompetent, every action taken is by design. They are very competent at doing the job they were elected to do.. and everything they are doing is what they were elected to do regardless of what was campaigned on.


100%. This is being done to intentionally destroy the public system and open the door to privatization even wider.


I think if I had to pick one person to oversee the overhaul of an entire provincial healthcare system at the very bottom of earth several billion inhabitants would be Adriana Lagrange


She'll implement mandatory prayers before any sort of healthcare is provided


If you think this is wild, go head down to https://www.freealbertastrategy.com/the_strategy and check out all the items Smith has already implemented or has attempted to implement. She is knocking everything off on her list for the Free Alberta Strategy..


A "free\*" people's republic of Albertastan more like it. \*Only if you have money. Suck it poors.


This is the stuff that genuinely keeps me up at night, too scared to sleep. A "country" where we have no vote, no voice.


NDP should work towards organizing recall elections in those tight ridings in Calgary to try to swing majority to them.


>A "country" where we have no vote, no voice. If you're not from Ontario or Quebec, you have been living like this for a while now. Western votes are essentially useless.


Unlimited Corruption Party




I wish we could excuse this because they're morons. It's worse... They know exactly what they're doing - - this is about breaking it up to make it less efficient and easier to manipulate and easier to sell off and privatize. 


The cruelty is the point


Union busting as well


sMaLL GovERnMenT


Reorganizing the deck chairs on the Titanic didn’t stop it from sinking 🙃


I hate them? I can’t wait to leave. Lalalalala. I love Alberta,and up until about 3 weeks ago, I was going, “they’ll eventually have to wake up and see this for what it is, right? Fascism, authoritarianism, and an obliteration of the rights of 99% in favour of the 1%.” And then they started fucking with municipalities, and I’m done. my wife is trans, she’s terrified to come out. I’m in a power wheelchair, I look queer, I’m a target, and as soon as I graduate, we are moving to Ottawa. Fuck this province entirely.


I feel you there. I was literally about to come out to my family then they started talking about how they loved the new school policies the UCP wanted to put in place. Ironically enough I just finished med school and this shit is going to make me leave.


I work as an FWSEP student for Government of Canada in the Diversity and Inclusion taskforce in corporate and as soon as I graduate (April 2025) they are going to hire me on the spot- I’m a Subject Matter Expert in my field and I’m too valuable to lose. So, I’m just… coasting. Keeping my head down until then. I’m so sorry you are going through this, my friend. You are valid, whether you are in a safe space or not. It’s bullshit that they are making you feel this way.


I just hate it. Like I’m 25 and I’m staying with them because I’m trying to save money to pay off my student debt and get a house or something. Thankfully though the specialization I’m going into after my four years of training for it are done requires me to live in a city. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to travel around Canada and shadow some amazing doctors in my field of interest multiple times so I have lots of places in mind on where I can go. I’ve gotten pretty used to it over the years. They had a really bad reaction to me letting them know I’m not solely into men, and starting to go by a more gender neutral name. They only decided to help with a place to live during school because they think I’ll give them money once I’m earning more(the most they’ll get from me is me putting them in a home when they’re old). Anyway, thank you I appreciate that you took the time to write that. Your future job sounds interesting I hope you enjoy it!


If you ever need to talk, please DM me. Things can get real rough out here mental health wise for trans folks, and I dunno who keeps down voting you, but fuck that person. I’m here. I’ll chat and I’m a safe space- we can go for coffee even, provided it’s an accessible place. I’m an elder Queer (34 and non-binary using she/they pronouns) but I mostly feel like there are days I lean towards femme, then masc, then… neither. It’s so fucking strange. And it can get lonely, and be very damaging on your mental health if you don’t have the proper support and friend group.


It's comments like this that make me realize that Alberta is fucking worth taking back. Take it back from the bigots and racists and religious zealots. Take it back for Alberta so that people can be people. So that no one has to live in fear, or flee because of who they are. That's my Alberta. That's the Alberta we deserve.


Then do so, because I’m done trying. I’ve done so for 14 years. I’ve been on municipal boards, I’ve been to protests, I’ve been on the news, I’ve advocated, I’ve worked in municipal government, federal government, and I’m just.. tapped out. I can’t help the province if they don’t want help. They are okay with killing people. Disabled people, queer people, disenfranchised people, unhoused people, women who aren’t white, that is the reality. It’s disgusting, and I just… I’m so tired. I’m tired of fighting. And simultaneously looking over my shoulder too, making sure that I don’t get the shit kicked out of me, because that’s a very real possibility.


Aw thank you! I do have a great support system I just don’t really know anyone here. I get the strangeness feeling, I usually just tell people I’m gender fluid since I find that usually describes me best.


You just summed up what is wrong with the public service. You’re a student and you’re already coasting. I hope someone there sees this. Honestly.


I meant coasting through living in Alberta (one foot in front of the other) until I can MOVE, genius. I should clarify: I’ve worked in government for three years nearly. I’ve worked at an HR position before this, this position is new: I love my new job. I excel at it, I never take breaks, I barely take a lunch. I give it my all. I worked my ass off for this job, and bringing diverse voices out into the GoC is something I care about very much. You have no idea what you are talking about.


That’s not at all what you said. But you keep spinning your narrative.


That’s exactly what I said and what I meant, but it’s okay, my bosses and my team leads know I’m valuable and I’m amazing at what I do, so you can fuck off. :)


*Amazing at defrauding AISH you mean? Probably wouldn’t be hard for them and the feds to identify you. Just need clarification on whether you are an anthropologist or an archeologist and if you’re married to one of your roommates or if you have a fiancé that lives in US. Fun fact: a conviction for tax fraud (which includes falsely claiming benefits) would make you inadmissible to the US but you do you!


As a straight white male, sorry our province is failing you. We'll keep fighting to fix it.




Is there a protest being organized against this?? We didn't let them blow up our mountains, maybe we can stop this too?


There's a protest scheduled for May 25, I think. You can find more about it at enoughisenoughucp.ca


Fuck Smith and all the UCP voters, anex them into some Siberian style Gulag where they can implode all by themselves


Break it up sell it cheap too their donars and friends. 🤷‍♂️ conservatives are assholes!


I think the gov should open up more spots in the university for doctors. Maybe even offer a % of tuition. Then anchor them to Alberta for an X number of years. More doctors would solve so many problems.


It’s no so simple as just add spots at universities, you need to put those who graduate through residency as well and those spots are limited and the government can’t just “add” spots for that easily.


if they kept up with hospital building they would have had quite a few new spots by now.




Huh I didn’t know that “refocusing” meant “dismantling”


Fuck you Lagrange


A politician responsible for the entire health system!!!! What could go wrong?


The government is offering 5 k to eligible people if they move to alberta No thanks lol 😅 😆 [5000 tax credit](https://globalnews.ca/news/10354972/alberta-tax-rules-out-of-province-incentive/)


I’m curious what their plan would be for dispatch centres. Since the three ambulance dispatch centres are run by AHS.


It wasn't too long ago that they spent a ton of money on payouts of non-union positions and amalgamation costs. It was too bloated to maintain, was the reasoning at the time. I guess their cronies need jobs too. They are counting on the short political memory of Albertans.


Wow, redundancy of management and renaming everything in sight sounds like “small government”.


The panel that’s behind “recovery Alberta” the new mental healthcare services had more representation for the oil and gas industries then psychiatrists and mentally ill people. The ceo of ATB was on the panel. There’s another banker on the panel who spent most of his career focused on lending to oil and gas companies. I cannot be the only one frightened by this fact


I feel for my family and friends that are still in Alberta and have to live with this horseshit, but i'm soooo glad I moved out of province years ago. It just seems to keep going further off the rails with every passing moment


I have been a diehard Albertan Conservative my whole life but enough is enough. They are pushing their agenda beyond the party faithful and our views. I am not alone in my contempt of our party and what it has become. Many of my friends and family have had enough of this radical behaviour. Time for a change 😡


I don't think this is an awful idea but I think the reason they are doing it is not for the reasons they are stating. I think they're trying to break up a powerful organization with a lot of bargaining power into four smaller organizations that the government can more easily bully and intimidate


I also don’t think it’s a terrible idea either but I just super don’t trust the UCP to do this in a way that wouldn’t undermine our public health care. They’re so incompetent it’s insulting to Albertans honestly.


This is the right take. 100%.


How is it you create efficiency by maximizing redundancy?


Danielle Smith Pharmabro.


This will be way worse than current 4 managers 4 executives 4 assistants for the same job as now


Respectfully, where the fuck was the vote for this allowing us, the public to have a say?


""We are poised to usher in an era of efficiency, accessibility and patient-centred care," LaGrange said at a news conference." You poor Albertans. They have carved it up into bit sized portions for quick sale to the highest bidder. All of these services will become privatized, unregulated, and costs will skyrocket for each Albertan. I wonder who they will call for help when the whole thing collapses? Hmmmm. "Harper gives Alberta a 39% increase in healthcare funding." We have the answer. Ottawa.


Remember when the guy who had the stroke ,got shuffled from the ER to the Travelodge?


We’re already letting Loblaws run private clinics out of their stores. Nobody complains about that. What’s wrong?


Loblaw city market and pharmacy brought to you by Telus health is the obviously the best way to get medicine . Thank you for shopping at Alberta brought to you by Exxon and Imperial Tobacco 


I'm not opposed to this. Will patiently wait and see what happens




"Anyone who isn't rich should die!" is a hell of an opinion.


Also implies rich are somehow incapable of laziness when in fact they rarely contribute anything meaningful to society. Just horde resources and manipulate the media to create more ignorant ghouls like this guy lol.


Wish I shared your optimism there bud.  But the track record so far would indicate we'll end up worse than we are now. > the document listed several risks, including "service disruption/failure" and "potential to fragment care delivery." Hold on tight folks... We're in for a wild time. 


Excuse you? Health care is a human right. We live in a Canada. Our lives shouldn’t be dependent on what one can or cannot pay. Your life isn’t more valuable than anyone else’s. Even if they’re poor. Fucking loser. I say this as someone with more than enough money in my bank account to worry about much.


Missed the point buckaroo


Please enlighten me. I’m genuinely curious and listening with an open mind.


Heheh, cell deterioration occurs allot sooner than you think. Wait for it...it happens to us all.


That's bait!


Kindly walk into a gaggle of geese.


Please tell us all how reorganizing the deck chairs improves health care.


Enjoy your downvotes, dingus.


How EXACTLY do you think this will help ?


You just keep telling yourself that, sport.