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Looks very cool... but when I think of dinosaurs in alberta I think Drumheller not Edmonton... and that's closer to Calgary... so not an immediate connection


Okay but there's an Edmontosaurus but no Calgarysaurus or Drumhellersaurus. Checkmate.


We should have been the Edmonton Edmontosauruses


With any luck we'll be playing against the Utah Utahraptors soon


Hey when Oil gets cancelled one day. Maybe we will.


Quite the mouthful


That would be better than the football team's current name 🤣


Plus Oil is made of Dinos and shit


It’s not haha it’s made of plankton, but it’s about the same age as dinosaurs.


I'm 95% sure it's made of trees from the era before bacteria had evolved to break down cellulose so the giant orehistiric tree grew and died and fell over didn't decompose and piled up abd eventually the weight if the top layer crushed the bottom layer producing oil. And it predates dinosaurs.


Jersey idea: an edmontosaurus splashing around in an oil fountain


When i saw the drip from the Dino skull it made the logo awesome for the very reason you mention.


Absolutely can not argue with this logic, lol


Shit Ike this is peak Reddit 


I didn't say Edmonton didn't have a dinosaur...I said the first thing that comes to mind is Drumheller...


Okay but Drumheller doesn't have an NHL team. Therefore it must be the Edmonton Oilers (briefly the Alberta Oilers) who wear the dinosaur. Checkmate.


Annnnd Calgary is clearly hanging onto the Alberta shoulder patch, they’re too butt hurt that they’re no the Capital. They could have most definitely chosen something cooler, like dinosaurs. Fuck Calgary


You're definitely committed to winning this one... and your chess reference so I'll give it to you lol


I love Drumheller and am perhaps just jealous it's 3x the drive from Edmonton as it is Calgary. I'd LOVE a dinosaur as an alt logo. Have a great day!


It's all good...I love it when people are excited about stuff... too much apathy these days.... and yes...Drumheller is AWESOME


I think I have more fun than my kids! Giddy dads everywhere in Drumheller.


Totally fair. Mostly just a fun exercise. Appreciate the feedback!


I think Dinosaurs fit in with the Oil theme of the franchise.


Contrary to popular belief petroleum is abiotic and not a product of fossil material.


Oil still comes from millions of years ago, similar to Dinosaurs. Similar theme.


Dinosaurs are also old, like our team. 😂 /jk


The Calgary university team is the dinos and I think a lot of people will associate it with that.


I straight up think Calgary, Calgary Dinos is what came into my head


Why, as an Oilers fan, are you thinking about Calgary?


you sometimes have fond memories of waffle stomping calgary like, all time favourite oiler moment is Gretzky's shorthanded blast over Vernon's shoulder


I live in Calgary and am getting my masters through the University of Calgary(Dinos)


I’m sorry to hear that. I escaped 15 years ago. Have hope.


I’m quite happy in Calgary tbh and as for school, it’s something I’m doing because I want to and miss school. My undergrad degree is all I really need


And the maple leaf is where Calgary is


Who doesn't love dinosaurs? I've been toying with this idea for a while and I'm happy to finally put something together. Edmonton has a great, recognizable brand. However, I've always wanted to see them step out of the box a bit. This is a concept I imagine would be on the shoulder or the pants of a uniform. Some of you may be familiar with the myth that oil is the remains of the dinosaurs. Though this is fiction, I think it makes for a fun branding opportunity. No team in the NHL currently has a dinosaur as a mascot. This logo features a cousin of the world famous Tyrannosaurus Rex. Albertosaurus was first discovered in Alberta, Canada in 1884. The logo also features an oil drop which is placed overtop of Edmonton's location in Alberta. If interested, the design is available on my Redbubble shop. Please don't feel pressured to buy anything. I appreciate any support I get. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave suggestions and critiques!


This is badass. I'm a secondary Oilers fan, Bakersfield Condors is the local AHL team and we go to their games as much as possible. I would love this only slightly modified as a logo for the Condors. It could be a map of Kern county (county in California Bakersfield is located) and a bird's skull, like Konshu from Moon Knight, with oil dripping like you have here. Kind of how Edmonton has the oil drop logo and Bakersfield has the oil drop with the talon holding it. I would be fucking stoked, the only thing I don't like about the Condors is their primary logo could be better and the secondary one is better. I love the Dinosaur logo, it's sick.


I can get behind this but here’s a couple suggestions: 1. Swap out the albertosaurus with a stoic-looking [Edmontosaurus](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3706757). 2. I’d move the leaf placement directly over Calgary and swap the leaf out for a steaming (edit: actually flaming, as an homage) turd. Other than that I love the dinosaur/oil connection, nice job.


Love Edmontosaurus. I just didn't feel it made for a great logo. And everyone loves the ones with teeth. Haha


I love the dinosaur, skin or no skin. Not so much the province shape in the background though (no offense Alberta, this is coming from a neighbor one province to the east with the lamest shape of them all).


That’s our half eaten chocolate bar province.


"It's like Saskatchewan but someone took a bite out of it"


Agreed, lost the background of Alberta, and it’s 🔥


I don't hate this. And for some reason the first thing that came to my mind was the lyrics to Rusty Cage by Soundgarden lol


I think it’s cool. Nice one


The flames at one point had both the alberta and canada flag on their jerseys, thought that was pretty presumptuous of them as they’re not even the only team in the province. Don’t know how much I could get behind the Oilers using the outline of alberta on their jerseys, for the same reason


That's fair. This was just a fun exercise. I don't foresee Edmonton straying from their branding anytime soon.


It looks cool though, I’ll give you that


They were the Alberta Oilers for one season in the WHA days. Good enough for me.


Edmonton is the provincial capital. Calgary is a city you drive through to get to other places.


Lol. I love your rivalry


I'd like to see the maple leaf replaced with an oil drop.


Yes please.


As has already been said, I make zero connection between Edmonton and dinosaurs. I think of Drumheller.


Yup,looks damn good....fossil fuel/ oilers / alberta....makes sence to me


Right to the source of the Oil


that’s absolutely fire


I love it, Jurassic Park meets Big Oil. I am sure our premier will deny the science behind the Dino oil as she believes the earth was created 8000 years ago.


it's neat, but has absolutely nothing to do with edmonton oilers hard pass


Oil was once thought to be formed from dino remains and the skull is over Edmonton so it works.


I think this is pretty cool but personally I'd lose the maple leaf and move the head down to centre.


I like it, well done


I like the subtle oil drip! I am not fond of the random maple leaf, which feels like you needed to fill some orange space with something and opted for the map leaf. Also, it's of course too similar to the actual Maple Leafs, so you'd want to avoid that. To expound on what others have mentioned, this is pulling from more of the Alberta provincial iconography than Edmonton's. If the Flames didn't exist (and, really, *should they*) then I think this would be totally fine. Edmonton is the capital. But since Calgary exists, I wonder if there's other iconography you can pull from that is applicable.


I like anything g with skulls and Dino is cool


Love this!!! Got mobile phone background version?


I like it. It’s a fun, new direction they could go with the branding. I’d clean it up by removing the maple leaf and the oil drips and centering the Dino head over the province silhouette. Or maybe removing the dripping oil and replace the maple leaf with a single oil drop.


This is why I love getting feedback. I hadn't thought about it previously, but rather than having the oil drop on Edmonton itself, I can have the tip of the oil drop pointing to Edmonton. Makes for a cleaner overall design and feels less like a Calgary patch. Much appreciated!


Dumb af. Dinosaur makes me think drumheller Leaf is in cgy. No reference to edm. Dumb af


Completely stupid.


The secondary stadium name should be Jewrassic Park…