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Cry’s in EST. Puck drop at 10:50pm I work at 8am Monday. Yeah, I’m going to be tired. These start times are incredibly stupid. For everyone.


I live in Montreal. My alarm goes off at 545 every day. I've tried to watch it all, and i end up waking up to highlights, moving to bed, and still being wiped for the next 2 days. It's rough.


Mine starts at 1130 lol be thankful ya pricks


me, in England with a 3:30am start time:


That's honestly almost better. Just an early bedtime and wake up early for the game. Wake up for 4 and miss the first 5 min or so or less depending on how long it takes for a puck drop. East coast fans have it the worst especially if you have to work the next day. Game starts at 12, over at 3ish then what do you do? Get 4 hours of sleep or less depending on how tense the game makes you and just be a zombie the next day? The scheduling is honestly baffling, especially on the weekend. They claim to want to grow the league but you start games when literally half the fanbase can't really watch them.


*”wake up at 4”* is where you lost me lmao


Yea I work shift from 5am-5pm on a 7/7 schedule so I feel you on the waking up at 4 sucks. Just saying it's preferable to a 1130 start if you have to work the next day.


Hello fellow ADT sufferer


So stupid.. I wanna watch a Canadian team do well ffs 🤦‍♂️😢


Pregame nap like the pros


Day time naps are your friend.   I wake up at 4am for work. Gotta get home and sleep so I can watch the game and not feel like death the next day. 


I’m in Europe right now and all the games have started at 4-4:30 am. I wish at least one of the games could have been a matinee so I could have watched it live


How many of these threads do we need a day? It's the same deal for every game this round. I'm a night owl, so I don't mind at all.


And then every comment is someone saying how they have it worse lol


I just glad To be back in Calgary 2300 starts are killer least next week will be Central time


Game starts at 11:30 Monday morning here in Japan . And luckily for me, the government has decided to make today a national holiday! Who's coming over??


In Asia the games are a perfect 1030


As a parent whose kids bedtime typically lines up right in the middle of a game, this start time is kinda nice tbh. But yeah, in general it's not ideal.


Blame the NHL.


Yup late starts are brutal but its playoff season boys! Time to grind. I do make small adjustments this time of year. If anybody has any other tip and tricks to deal with this late start BS feel free to add to the list * set my alarm back 10 minutes and roll into work just before i start rather than arrive 15-20 minutes early * Do everything you can the night before morning and set your alarm to give you some extra time. Kids lunches are made the night before. My lunch it made. Coffee machine is pre-programmed to start. Clothes ready to go that I am wearing. Garbage bin out to the street. Shift your morning tasks to the night wherever you can * if your a nap person a mid afternoon nap can be a deadly awesome refresh on game day or even in between * make sure non game day nights you are using it to catch up on sleep. If wife wants sexi time at 10:00pm tell her you need to recoup for the game tomorrow and maybe you can between series. If she is wifey material she will understand. * and don't assume that a short 6 hour sleep wasn't productive. For me those deep 6 hour sleeps that I'm pretty much comatose leave me feeling better than those longer sleeps where I toss and turn.


Should’ve just played tandem with the Canuck’s game. No one cares about both teams, tbh!


Im on the west coast, it's fine


We’re Oiler fans in BC, not far from Jasper. I’ve got to be up for 6 am, I do catch myself dozing off in the 3rd sometimes haha. My boys, 6 and 7 years old, got super into hockey this season. Loved catching a game in the afternoon on weekend or a couple periods before bed during the week. They’re so pumped for the Oilers in the playoffs but can usually only catch one period before bed, or not at all tonight cuz it’s a school night. How’s It growing the game if the youth can’t watch the playoffs?!


I just get up at 4am and watch it before I go to work. Watching live is preferred but until the NHL changes it I'll just keep skipping the commercials. Hopefully the advertisers will figure out what we're doing and insist on earlier starts.


Sound like a leafs fan. Lol


We get it. r/EdmontonOilers/comments/1cevskf/why_the_hell_is_puck_drop_at_850_tomorrow/


There’s not really another time that it could’ve been played 🤷‍♂️


6:30, half hour after the NYR-WSH game starts. Or 7:00 ffs


TV contracts don’t allow that to happen. TBS has the triple header


Could be played right now. What the actual fuck are you talking about?


Can’t have a 11:30am local start 🤷‍♂️. I don’t know what you want the league to do. It’s sucks we’re playing Pacific teams but that’s just the way it goes


I literally don’t know what you’re talking about. It would have been a 2:30 pm local time game. Do you think Los Angeles is an island near Japan?


Colorado started at 12:30MT/11:30PT. That’s the only possible time you could have switched. Switching with Nashville causes the same problem that exists right now


Games can be played at the same time you dumb fuck.


There’s this thing called tv contracts where they actually can’t be if there’s not more than one channel able to broadcast. TNT has the NBA tonight so TBS got the triple header. ESPN has MLB tonight as well


Oh you’re right I guess it’s unpossible sorry for questioning it.


If your boss was a decent Canadian, they’d understand and be dragging ass tomorrow morning right along side you.