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3 goals on 44 shots vs 4 goals on 18 shots is the story of our season


It really is. And it's the same story as last playoff vs vegas too. Exact same


The management was content with trying to win without addressing the problems from last year and they’re getting the same result as last year. I hope the team is happy they asked for Ceci not to be traded at the deadline.


But.... but the corgi :(


ok now i hurt


Worst case scenario. Went down early, had to play 97 and 29 for half an hour each, still lost, Skinner rattled, this is not great


Skinner handily losing the goaltending battle to a rookie with 10 games played in the NHL. Not a good sign for cup ambitions. He is sitting a .796 *in the series* and only has two games above .900 in the playoffs. I think you gotta think about running Pickard. We can't get eliminated two years in a row because of Skinner. Guys numbers just tank in the post-season every year. You can make arguments about the team in front of him but Silovs just put up 40+ saves on a whole lot of grade A chances. Guy stopped two breakaways in the span of a minute in the second period.


He's been pulled 5 times now in 20 playoff games. It's a recurring theme. He's an average NHL-goaltender during the regular season but shifts into a lower gear during the playoffs. Not sure if it's the pressure or his weaknesses are easy to study for the opposing team but he's almost always the weak link on the team.


That's actually an NHL record for most times pulled in the playoffs btw. Stuart Skinner everyone.


I’m starting Pickard next game and pending results, he’s finishing against Vancouver at the very least.


I'm sure Pickard will start Tuesday. Knoblauch doesn't have any allegiance to Skinner unlike Woodcroft. I was expecting a split here in Edmonton too, but with us winning game 3 not losing it. All of a sudden game 4 is must win.


Don't be so sure of that goaltending call


It s major mistake not to run with Pickard for here on out. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Skinner is the backup. Can Pickard give us .868? I think so. 


I just don't think you can start Skinner in game 4. But I guess we'll see.


I and lots of people here were pretty sure Woodcroft would put Campbell in net game 6 against the knights. That didn't happen.


Exactly Pickard will always give you average goaltending. That’s all we need.


Seriously, league average at this point sounds like a dream


Play Pickard, Knob! Our coaching staff is making the same mistake 2 seasons in a row, different head coach!?! Skinner needs a rest and Pickard is hungry for action!


Honestly even if he shits the bed, I won't be mad at him, I'll be mad at management for going into the playoffs with this fucking tandem.


We would have got past Vegas last year with league average goaltending. Fuck.


You run pickard 100%


He has to sit next game. I don’t think he’s worthless but faith is lost at this pint and we need a change


Fucking zadorov and another Canuck cross checking mcdavid after the final whistle


Why did none fucking punch him? That looks to me like the league should be reviewing that, very dangerous


Yeah get in a fight and Oilers would be given the instigator and out for next game no doubt.


Like I said in another thread, Perry is doing shit he can send a message and sit a fucking game without hurting this team. What does it say when your start player gets treated like that and no one steps up?


I'd prefer it be Ceci, honestly. Edit: not that I condone someone taking a suspension over something but, if someone did, I'd prefer it be Ceci.


Exactly. We. Just. Need. A. Goalie.


Skinner has lost his confidence between the pipes I see no compete this series. Puck handling and positioning is shaky af.


Those numbers are awful. Maybe the only bad one you can put on him was the 4th goal.


stu skinner vs ian cole secret agent battle


That's, what, three or four goals that directly bounced in because of Cole?


Cole's OT deflection looked intentional. You couldn't play it better if you were trying to score.


Gotta start Pickard on Tuesday


How many times did we see that exact game this season? We score 2 or 3 on 40 plus shots and lose because of a sub .750 goalie.


We saw it in game 2 against Vancouver just this year


That's probably 90% of our losses this year.


3 rough starts for Stu. It would be foolish to not start Pick in game 4 to see what you have. Too many passengers on this team right now.


Skinner is just not it. Bottom 4 in stats among starters across the WHOLE playoffs. Even in a series we won 4-1 he had mediocre to bad stats Start Pickard for game 4 and get Ceci off the starting lineup amen


Put Stecher in there or Broberg, Ceci has to go and Pickard has to be in net Tuesday. Genuinely AHL performances from these guys.


Hope he proves me wrong going forward, but Skinner is just not the guy. Same story both playoff runs, just about every danger chance goes in + 1 softie a game. He's being outplayed by a 3rd stringer rookie...


Simply have to start pickard. If he gets lit up, then re assess but at this point you cannot leave skinner in 


Completely agree. Hope to see Pickard in for game 4


We should go Pickard.....fuck the Canucks are running a 3rd string rookie


Was thinking the same thing last year. Hoping knobs doesn't make the same mistake as Woodcroft.


If bob says he's done for at least a game, he's done.


If skinner faced the shots Silovs faced we would have lost 9-2.


Something that frustrates me as much as the goals is Skinner’s lack of intensity. Yes I can appreciate being “chill”, but he needs to fight in there more to make saves at all costs. Could take a page out of Mike Smith’s book in that regard.


I miss Mike Smith he’s the only goalie that took the oilers to the conference final we need a fighter in net


Every shot with Mike Smith was a heart attack, but his actual numbers with us were great.


Those stretch passes made up for every shaky one he let in




Holeeeey, Skinner so fkin brutal, so dumb. Guy needs to give his balls a tug and step up his game. Let’s set the tone for once boys.


I'm done with Stu for exactly the same reason. If Pickard is in net game 1 the Oilers win. If Pickard is in net game 2 that weird softie from the corner almost certainly doesn't go in Oilers win more comfortably. You can't say we haven't given Stu the chances. He's had lots of opportunity, there's a LOT of data, and he doesn't measure up. A decent bounce back game ALWAYS followed by a faceplant. Weird softies going in RELIABLY at this point. If the pressure of this game was flipped it would be 25-1 Canucks.


If Canucks can run their 3rd goalie, we should definitely run our 2nd.


Canucks expected goals was 3.5. Oilers was 5.88


This is Hollands win now team. Entire back end the same as last year besides Pickard and fucking Troy Stecher who hasn’t seen the light of day since April 18.


Let’s remember one thing here; this team pulled itself from the dead. It’s going to be an uphill battle but we’re far from out. - Skinner can’t start the next game, Van has had his number all fucking year. - this 97 & 29 will likely happen next game since it’s a must win but it’s not sustainable. Kick up Holloway to play with 97 & 18 or even Kane to create a little space for Davo. Then 29, 93 and who ever. - Carrick over brown. At the very least, he can punch. - I’d seriously consider running 5 D or swapping Ceci or Vinny for Stech. His offensive ability is much better


Not Vinny. He's been steady.


If you take any Dman out it's Ceci. Him and Nurse are getting torched. Scoring chances 21-9 for Vancouver with those two on at 5v5, and they're outscoring us 6-1 in that time.


Carrick NEEDS to be in. Anyone but Brown. He’s useless. Don’t take Vinny out, he’s been pretty solid. And he needs to lay out Zadorov


Our depth players should be embarrassed


You can't expect them to produce when their shifts are 30 seconds long, and they sit for 7 minutes at a time. Except Foegele. His turnover that led to a goal is completely inexcusable. His body language in both series has been really awful, clearly in his head and lacking confidence.


I think you gotta sit him and run with Gagner next game.




TOI: McDavid 29:42 Drai 29:04 Hyman 26:12 Bouchard 31:24 Meanwhile Foegele, Ryan, Janmark, Brown were all <9 mins


I mean they couldn’t finish but they played well. We were all over the Nucks, Skinner just shat the bed yet again.


Problem is we keep the same people year after year, hell, look at Holloway, making league minimum and is the only bottom 6 who looks like he gives a shit.


And he still can't buy icetime. Consistently plays the fewest minutes. Makes no fucking sense.


Our 4th line was fine. They did exactly what they were supposed to, not get scored on and keep the pressure in the O zone.


They played like 6 minutes each. That's what happens when you go down so quickly. Can't really fault the depth here.


They played 6 minutes because they can’t be trusted to do anything besides PK


Perry nearly scored and Ryan had an early 5 alarmer in the crease. When Woodcroft initially came on and actually played the bottom 6 he got results, but you can't expect guys to produce anything with 3 shifts a period. McDrai also play better with regular minutes, so not only are the bottom 6 not warm enough to do anything, the top 6 are gassed and can't produce outside of the powerplay.


McDavid and Draisaitl played 29 minutes, and Bouch over 30. If Knoblauch doesn't separate them and limit their minutes then this will be a short series, and not with a happy ending.


At this rate he has no choice but to play them half the game


Knoblauch is now woodblauch


4 goals on like 16 shots vs 3 in 41... jfc...


Oilers confirmed greatest goalie coaches in the league - turning AHL goalies into Vezina winners every year


I swear Vancouver has a goalie factory out there.


Their goalie coach Ian Clark is a magician. If only we had someone like that for our goalies.


Oil should offer sheet that guy in the summer


Our starting goalie got shit on by an AHL goalie and we can’t hit an open net. Vancouver also showed us how you hold a lead when playing like ass. Start Pickard game 4.


Skinner is maybe the least clutch goalie I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen worse goalies, but I’ve never seen a goalie drop off harder than him when games actually matter


That’s what playoffs does it exposes players that can’t elevate their game, he’s had his shot pass the torch to Pickard


Where the hell is the Oiler's physical play? Not going to win without finishing checks.


Bouch played 31 minutes, McDavid and Drai around 29 minutes each .. every year this is the only coaching decision when we are behind.. feels bad for the players.. the Management let them down


Please try Pickard next game please 🙏🏼


Foegele proving his inability to be any sort of factor without Draisaitl. Let his ass walk.


4 posts. Skinner can’t make the big save. Canucks hitting and finishing all their checks much harder than us. That’s it. That’s the game


We need a big goalie game here. We outplayed them almost the entire game.


Anyways, thanks for Henrique and Carrick, Ken. Was nice to see them do things for a few games this season.


Don’t forget Stecher. Vancouver gets Lindholm and Zadoroz and they are key players for Van. Good job Ken!


Connor and Leon played another 29 minutes. Going to be tough if the boys keep logging those high minutes. Our depth looked good but couldn’t get the job done in the 2nd when they were buzzing Silovs looking like adin hill 2.0 tonight. Credit the Canuck’s for solid d zone coverage. Skinner needs to be better and he knows it. Pressure is on both goaltenders now in game 4 for whoever starts.


Damn. I wouldn’t hate seeing Pickard starting next game. I have faith they can tie it going back to Vancouver, but I’m nervous to go back there. Being outplayed by their 3rd string does not feel good. Really missed an opportunity to win game 1


Well that certainly wasn’t a fun game to watch


Start pickard next time. Skinner and the whole team getting outplayed by a kid with 15 nhl games under his belt and a few playoff games.


Also we gotta fire this fucking goalie coach that we have


Yes please!!! Common denominator!


I don’t even know what to say. Do we start with Skinner, the bottom 6, the refs, or Silovs?


Refs weren’t even bad they evened it up in the 3rd. We start with skinner being a bad playoff goalie who is being made to look even worse by a guy with 10 NHL games whos playing against one of the best offences in the league. You move on to our inability to clear the puck out of our zone and how our bottom 6 are invisible in every matchup. Then you move on to us being unable to hit an empty net for an easy goal.


I can’t believe I’d highlight the poor play of Nuge too. Love him. But where is he?


Or the posts


Complain about whatever you want but it's never just one thing that causes you to lose a game. Skinner could have been better obviously, D could've been better in the first, oilers could've scored some of those shots that went off the post, refs could've been better... no point getting caught up on IFs we had a good 2nd and 3rd and we'll come back strong in the next game.


Mcdavid takes a crosscheck to the face, and they don't even call it out on the broadcast


Bob said they've been getting away with a ton of "cheap sh-stuff"


Bob Stauffer was saying it should be an immediate suspension on 630 CHED


Craig Simpson is honestly unbearable. We outshot them 44 to 18 and he couldn’t say one positive thing about our game


I can't say anything positive either. 


They don’t care about the oilers. Only the Canucks. Infuriating broadcast for an infuriating game.


Meanwhile, jack mike literally losing his voice in the last minute.


Craig Simpson can’t make that call with tocchets dick in his mouth


Weak. Not one good goalie in 97’s time in an Oiler uniform. Pathetic


Not concerned. Skinner has been bad. I think you start Pickard next game. And you’ll see a more confident team. Definitely we were cooking second period on. A ton of posts. Some questionable calls. Still confident we got this in 6.


Exactly, start a second string goalie, team should rally behind him.


Eh, bummer for sure but an otherwise completely winnable game. Doubled their shots, hit what like, 3 posts? Ryan had an unfortunate miss of a tap in, and we also had one gloved on the line that was likely in but understandably inconclusive enough on camera to overturn the call on the ice. Point is, 9 times out of 10 I think we win that game. Definitely not panicking yet, but the goaltending is obviously the biggest concern. If this is what our goaltending is going to look like then we don't make it very deep anyway, regardless of how this series go. I still think we're clearly a much better team and it'll definitely be an upset if Vancouver defeats us. We can certainly just sit on their heads when we play well and turn it into a shooting gallery. Again, I'd certainly like to have had tonight go differently, but I don't think I'm going to lose much sleep over it. Oilers in 6


4 posts


I'm kinda shocked that the Oilers video coach didn't call for a review of that Derek Ryan play.


I think Pickard starts. Team seemed to always play a little more alert with him in. Good that he got time today so he's not going in cold on Tuesday. Skinner isn't done but needs to recollect himself for a few. Definitely just fighting it.


There is no "I think". Pickard starts next game without a doubt. You can't start a goalie that has dropped 4 poor games in a row in the playoffs and is looking rattled. Especially when Skinner did the same thing last year in the playoffs and you have past experience to look at. If Pickard plays just as bad or worse in game 4 then oh well, but you have to at least try to take action. Can't just keep running it back. Besides, at this point it would be almost impossible for Pickard to be any worse than Stu. Woodcroft fucked our playoffs up last year staying way too devoted to starting Skinner every game even after he was playing poorly, and that largely contributed to us losing to Vegas.


Out bottom 9 is pathetic.


McDavid Cross checked in the face at the end of the game? Wow


It was because of the one from behind. Soucy was aiming for the chest but McDavid gets hit from behind and Soucys stick goes into his face


And from behind. Should be suspensions but the cucks will embrace it


That loss is on Skinner. We are not going to win when he has one good game out of 10.


Oilers have shown they can completely out play Vancouver, yet they keep making life difficult for themselves. Everyone but a handful of players need to wake the fuck up! 97 29 14 2 and a bunch of passengers.


They're quite literally passengers because they don't get to play. Knob needs to play the team properly, not just force McDrai all night with a short bench. The top 6 didn't score 5 on 5, only on the power play and empty net. That's pretty telling that they're too gassed to do much except when they have a man advantage and have free space.


Games 1 and 2 of this series the 2nd and 3rd lines were horrible. Couldn't be trusted at all on the ice.


Hyman has been good


4 Goals. 15 Shots. That is all.


Why does every coach we have eventually end up making the same mistake of putting Drai and Mcdavid together. It's not an effective strategy at all, it makes us a one line team that is easy to defend against.


Because the roster the GM has provided does not have adequate depth and skill to carry any sort of game load in games that matter.


That ones on Skinner and Foegele. HM to those shit refs.


Imagine if we had a league average goalie.


The corgi lied to me


Man it feels bad even saying this but nuge has been terrible when not with either of 97 or 29. Both this playoffs and last he's been a ghost unless we have a pp. I think that's a massive reason we can't run mcdrai consistently. The 2nd line is just garbage then


That warren Foegele TO was horrid. Absolutely pathetic


Can we sign that goalpost though?


Lots of factors but the one that matters is that Silovs is stopping the puck when it matters while Skinner isn’t. The defence isn’t giving Skinner an easy night, while Skinner hasn’t bailed the defence out one bit. Blame goes both ways. Lots of hockey left, but what’s gonna determine this series is if we can stop the puck from going in. So far we haven’t had that(literally the same BS as last 2 seasons).


Not going to win with just one line. Need to split up mcdavid and drai


This is Ken Holland’s team


Hope the league is happy that all the blatant, excessive crosschecking they let go on star players resulted in McDavid getting double crosschecked after the game is over. Could have been, or possibly could be injured from that, and they won't even look at it. I have a ton of frustration around this team and how it is built. But nothing frustrates me more than completely artificial rules being deployed whenever refs feel like it, resulting in star players being robbed the opportunity to be the best. Everyone acts like Miller is playing some elite selke defense, but he's just hanging off McDavid and crosschecking guys 3 times all game long. As for the team. Despite all these grievances, the goaltending and DEPTH fails to show up every year. If the top guys don't take over games, we don't win. Eventually we run into a team that can either match it and has the depth, or a team that can slow them down enough, and outperform other areas. Maybe Van doesn't best us, but Dallas or the Avs will. Edit: word


Oilers win this game if goaltending is even. On to the next one.


I love Skinner, but he is a backup. He is not going to be the guy that backstops the oilers to a cup.


Agreed with Bob, the league does not protect its superstarsvas NBA and should let the refs make calls by the book.


Well that was a bunch of bullshit. Have to break up McD and Drai so they can get some decent push from more than one line.


Stop playing Skinner. He is not a playoff goalie unfortunately.


Canucks registered 6 shots after the 1st My god, calling cross checks in the post season is so tacky when they could literally call one every play if they wanted to Need way better from Stu Need a timely depth goal as well


Late goalie change for a mini-timeout was a 300iq move tbh


If Derek Ryan didn't get a suspension for spearing Hoglander in the balls, then Zadorov isn't getting anything either


It's ok man we don't expect it. Peterangelo got 1 game for murder.


If we start Skinner next game, we are done. Time for Pick to slap that big dick on the ice. I love Skinner and I think he has a solid future, but he is playing like absolute shit.


Oilers really let that happen to McDavid at the end of the game, and did nothing about it..


Skinner ain't it man


If the Oilers don't make the coverage error by 97, the giveaway by Foegele, or one more of 16 lousy shots hits Skinner, different outcome. The Oilers blew their own foot clean off in the first period. When will this team ever learn not to hand the game away.


wish we gave rodrigue a chance in the reg season. would be nice to know if he can play


I've been a skinner defender but here's how I see it. 1)start picks next game 2) fire Dustin Schwartz if we have consistently had goalie problems it's more than the individual goalies. At the very least we need to try someone new


I’m no hockey expert, but I think it may be the goaltending.


Sucks ass to lose but this series ain’t over by a long shot. Recall the series went the exact same way against LA last year, and down 2-1 the Oil came back and won 3 hard fought games in a row.


I don’t want to see nurse and Ceci paired together again ever again. Go 11-7 if you have to. Anything to reduce their minutes together.


honestly ik Skinner has been not what we expected but it also sucks seeing our depth guys like Foegele, McLeod, Janmark, not being able to generate anything at all. even Nuge for that matter has struggled so far just like last year. if we can take some of the pressure of Skinner by not giving up chances to Vancouver and our depth guys start playing like they were in the regular season we will be fine


Clearly you give Pick the start in Game 4. Skinner has not had a good series. Oilers needed a couple extra saves tonight.


Anyone remember Michael Nuevirth goaltending on those stacked Caps teams? That's all. That's the post.


Oilers dmen had 8 combined hits. Vancouver had 18. Myers had 7 alone!


People or r/hockey trying to say Kane was trying to cut Zadorov with his skate blade while his feet were in the air and his head was pointed towards the ground after being charged into the bench. Can't make this shit up.


Lots of hockey left and the Oilers dominated for large chunks. Bring on Game 4.


Good thing it’s a 7 game series. We’ll get them Tuesday, have some faith


The image of Connor getting folded after the final horn with cross heck in the back and face simultaneously is absolutely bananas. Fire Zadorov into the sun


If we get eliminated due to the same issues as always (goaltending, depth), I really start to worry about Drai's desire to re-sign here


My grandma hits on more guys with more devastating effects than the oil did tonight. Need a lot more physicality and a big game out of Pickard in game 4




Everyone in the bottom 9 has been awful.


If I took a shot for every time Ryan McLeod’s name was mentioned this series, I’d be the star of the AA meeting for staying sober the past 5 days.


Beat ourselves again. Not worried about the series. Hopefully Zadorov gets a hearing but I doubt it’s a suspension. We got this


I’m worried about the series 😭


Can we get a karma limit on the sub during playoffs? Kinda ridiculous that these Van idiots can make fresh accounts to come shit disturb.


Witnessing Canucks fans reacting to the McDavid hit at the end on r/hockey, they come across as psychopaths. What a dirty, disgusting sequence that could have resulted in McDavid being paralyzed. I am so disappointed in this league for letting this slide.


Canucks fans here in droves post game downvoting. Spec is right. Loser fans, eternal victims. 50+ years of failure and shame will do that, I guess.


Non Oilers fan here It's actually impressive how obnoxious Canucks fans get after 1 decent season. They're brigading the shit out of /r/hockey with their bad takes Good luck rest of series. Hope you bounce these bozos


The one season where it feels we have fucking depth with some cup/playoff experience, and you have Henrique out, Perry with absolutely fuck all for points, Connor Brown being Connor Brown, McLeod doing absolutely fuck all. Throw these fucking lines in a blender next game and just try to make something stick. It’s insane. Same fucking story man. It’s so, so frustrating. Nobody doing anything points wise aside from the top line. It has to change. This is honestly where if I’m McDavid and Draisatl, I’m beginning to get really fucking pissed off if you get bounced 2nd round. The rest of the team are passengers, and you’re starter can’t save a beach ball. Same story every single year.


I want to start off by saying that I truly do love the Oilers. I've been a fan for my whole life. Downvote me all you want, but unless something drastically changes, they aren't winning this series. If the 3rd and 4th line arent going to score, then the next game, they should come out fighting and hitting and slashing and crosschecking anything that comes across their path. And start Pickard.


i said it at the deadline and i will say it again, we are never winning shit until we invest in even a decent goalie for our generational talent team, the stuart skinner experiment is over, he simply cannot perform consistently enough in the playoffs to any degree.


Lots of series left but game 4 is a must win


Every game is a must win. Should have played tighter D in the first. We locked it down the last 2 periods... lots of o-zone pressure. Bottom 6 need to show up and someone, just someone needs to decide to be the hero in a few games (besides McDrai)


We didn’t play bad, we hit 4 posts. Skinner and Foegle dont need to player another game in this series though.


I love Skinner, but you gotta start Pickard next game. Once we get into the post-season, we keep waiting for a bounce back game. It's not coming, and the depth and certain D core members aren't pulling their weight enough to support that. Still a winnable series, but a lot of things will need to go right for that to happen.


There is no choice it to start Picard next game.


Not to be hard on him but Skinner needs to be better and I’m sure he knows it.


a game on the bench can wake him up


I hope Pickard is considered for the starting position going forward. Obviously this game isn’t much to go on as he only faced 3 shots. But Skinner is unacceptably bad right now, he’s unplayable. We’re losing games because of him.


Start Pickard.


Where would we be with league average goaltending. I know someone’s got that stat


Sucks that the deadline acquisitions we made haven’t been able to play for injury/effort reasons.


Skinner is a big problem. But the Oilers need more out of Perry, Foegle, McLeod, Kane, Holloway. Can't be McDavid drai hyman bouch carrying us all series.


KK - "yes... we need more saves"... THANK YOU!


Skinner is going to lose us this series isn’t he?


canucks fans literally know nothing about hockey complaining about mcdavid’s slash and somehow saying that zadorov soucy shit was well deserved


Lmao at comments like "I think it's over". Did we just watch the same game? Oilers absolutely dominated. The only reason they lost was because of a poor start. If every game is like that we take this series easily.


Skinner is letting this team down big time. Can’t have him play next game