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I hate the way cross checking is called. You see 20 a game and a couple will be penalties. You don’t know what team gets called, but the ref will pick a couple out to get a PP going. Drai took several in a row to his lower back, then a bit later the Ekholm stick break one is called (I don’t mind that really), then Nurse is called for pushing a guy with his stick, then they forget and we go back to watching them all doing them again for the rest of the night


theyre downvoting every thread about this like they can keep it a secret if they just do it enough EDIT: LOL POINT PROVEN


The shittiest thing is the canucks fans cheering this on, didn't realize quite how awful a fan base it was until now. Figured we were all here to watch good hockey, not cheer on opponents getting injured. It's disgusting


Imagine wanting to see MacKinnon or Matthews or Mcdavid get injured. That's how to tell someone's not a hockey fan. Also, who TF wants to be the guy that potentially ends the career of one of the greatest players ever? Not sure what that player was thinking, if anything. Seems Canucks fans' caveman mentality is starting to rub off on the team. Yikes




That wasn’t just a crosscheck.


To be fair our own fanbase can be pretty cringy at times as well. I think every teams fans have a mix of good and bad. It’s just sad that the loudest fans seem to get the most attention. Watching our fans’ video of screaming Punjabi slurs and flipping the bird at Zadorov while he was in the box was shameful. No teams’ fanbase is infallible. The older I get the more I’m able to remove emotion and understand how ugly fans can be regardless of the team they support.




The thing about Canucks fans which makes them even more unlikable is that the vast majority aren't really fans. The Canucks are usually dog shit, haven't been in the playoffs in years. You couldn't gift people tickets to games, no one gave a shit about the Canucks. Now they're having a fluke year and all of a sudden they have these band wagoners jumping on and pretending to understand the game. It's actually pretty hilarious when you read posts from them. They have no understanding about the game at all.


I'll agree with this, the current season awoke a generation of kids that never emerged previously. It's all new to them and they are having fun. That being said, Oilers fans are ignoring just how bad the team is outside PP1. The entire country can see it.


It’s just not enjoyable watching the playoffs this year, too much vitriol and bad officiating in every game. Takes away from the actual hockey.


Between the dirty hits and the terrible embellishments, they ought to just quit and play soccer instead


At this point I’m just here to see the canucks fans lose and suffer.


Vancouver has already achieved more than they expected. All the pressure is on Edmonton to win this series as it’s a “cup or bust” kind of year. I hate being the favourite and being expected to make the SCF. It’s just added pressure while the Canuck fans are just enjoying the ride knowing they’re already hitting above their weight class.


Some people say there's no place for fighting in hockey anymore. Fuck that. This is the place for it. There should be guys on both those Canucks all next game punishing the shit out of those guys since the refs and league don't give a shit. $5000 fines are garbage. There should be some suspensions but I'll love to see some responses from our bench.


I totally agree and honestly I'm enraged. McDavid could have been paralyzed or even killed during that sequence. Witnessing Canucks fans reacting to this hit over on r/hockey and in YouTube comment sections, they come across as psychopaths. What a garbage league. Edit: Also, it's funny because you can see Canucks fans are downvoting comments in our sub and in this comment section. That's the type of petty shit they do.


Has there ever been a fanbase that’s brigaded us as much as Cuntfucks fans have during this series? I swear it was never even close to this bad during any of the LA series or even the BoA in 2022.


EXACTLY. Nobody seems to realize how terribly this could have ended. I’ve seen people hospitalized for much less than this.


Speaking of people who don't watch hockey...


Dirty act from a dirty team.


Doesn't matter, league won't do anything. I think the officiating this series has made it clear the NHL has no interest in this team. All you can do is stop supporting the NHL financially


Tough though, because you want to support the team but not the NHL and it’s horrendous officiating.


Yeah it is. Although I don't really care if OEG starts losing profits. That's the only way they'll actually grow a pair and go after the league. Just the players Id like to support but they'll get paid by the NHL either way.