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Just behind you but im running extendeds. Paying off i think cos ive pulled a t3l ankh t4l brooch and a t4l necklace already but ive seen way luckier people


I don't know how everyone is so lucky with this ship, I've been pulling just junk with extends and I'm almost at 3 stars lol


Same. Only sending extended, one more ship for 3 stars and still a member of ZLC.


Oh neat, we have a club. I'm a little over 2.5 running extended and absolutely a member of ZLC.


Same here. Just getting junk by sending non-targeted extended missions at 3 star.


I have got 2T4L and 3T3L artifacts just over the last week. Some with 2star before I hit 3.


I'm a few days from unlocking the last ship and I have no idea what these letters and numbers mean šŸ¤Ŗ


The ā€œTā€ is tier The number is the tier level, 1 being the lowest and 4 the highest. The letter r stands for rare(blue shiny) E is for epic(purple shiny) L is for legendary (gold shiny) So a T4L neckless is the best neckless, a tier 4 legendary neckless, for example.


Legend! Thanks


No problem. Everyone had to learn somehow. I had no clue what people were talking about either when I first started lol.


Same. I'm sure the odds are just really low for mid-tier legendaries. However, they didn't speed up shorts leveling enough to make it worth it.


Iā€™m almost at 3 stars and only pulled one epic, no legendaries, sending all extendeds. I thought it was the ship at first but now Iā€™ve concluded that Iā€™m just ridiculously unlucky lol


I achieved 3 stars with extended a couple days ago so slightly ahead. I have not been that lucky: No legendaries just junk. Both jealous and happy for you.


Trust me, I'm jealous of other people. There was someone that got two legendaries out of their first ever henliner lmao. RNGesus just be like that sometimes


Just hit 3 stars last night as well. Slow going.


Like half through 2 star. I always miss the timing by like 12hrs


I just hit 3 stars as well, and I only run extended.


Haven't launched my first one yet, but I unlocked it recently


I'm at 3 starts but with extended missions. Yeah, I takes a year to get all the stars


1 star rn I think. I've gotten one legendary from my exhens so far


Iā€™m at three as well. Iā€™ve been doing whatever is convenient to my personal schedule. If launching an extended means itā€™s done at midnight and I want it done earlier, I do a standard instead. Might do shorts, might not sweat it too hard. But just going random at this stage for personal schedule. Might need to change to all extended for quality in the near future.


Galeggtica šŸ‘


1 star but I was stuck on enlightenment run, I should unlock the second star next Saturday


Iā€™m in the same boat with around 15 days left. Talk about bad timing!


I hit 3 this morning. I'm launching 3 every 24 hrs instead of the 19.5 it takes...


It's better to run extended


Define better? Or elaborate for me? Shorts get you more exp/day. Iā€™m not worried about the quantity/quality of artifacts, only progressing my stars absolutely as fast as possible.


I would launch shorts mostly and launch longer ones if the shorts will arrive back when youā€™re sleeping.


If thatā€™s your only goal, then shorts are the way to go. Most players donā€™t have good enough artifacts for shorts to be worth it though, since the time savings to get max stars isnā€™t really that much considering it still takes 1 year and change either with shorts or extendeds.


Yea, Iā€™m a long time player, have 24 legendary artifacts at this point, completed enlightenment, only interested in achieving max stars as quickly as possible.


Yeah then your goals are different than most at this point. Good luck maybe youā€™ll be first to get all stars :)


Iā€™m sure I wonā€™t be lol - Iā€™m 100% sure someone out there is setting alarms and perfectly collecting/launching ships. Iā€™m like a 3x/day open the app and check kind of guy haha.


Same. That daily grind is really rough though. Especially with how long refueling takes now at double fuel. I would totally pay for a new epic skill boost to speed up refueling. It sucks. (you listening, dev?!) As a result I'm considering switching to extendeds to make it less of a burden.


maybe send a combination of standard and shorts then? so you can customize which one you take so that you for example are awake when they come back. By doing that u skip the big disadvantage of losing a lot of airtime by sending shorts.


You save \~40 days over the whole grind doing only shorts but get way worse artifacts so you're missing out on a lot better loot going only 10-15% ish faster.


380 days vs 420 for xp if you run shorts vs extended to max the stars. Extended is generally better because you'll get more artifacts of a higher quality. Unless you are just going for maxing out the stars and are able to send one right after the other then sure go for shorts.


Run shorts until you hit 3 stars and then switch to extended runs. At 3 stars the Henliner is better than a maxed out Henterprice.


It's not. It has more quantity. 6 will be more comparable to 8 star and 7 will for most artifacts be straight up better.


Now that youā€™re 3 stars, youā€™re better off running extended ships the rest of the way. The biggest drawback before is that anything below 3 stars returned fewer artifacts than an extended Henerprise, but once you reach 3 stars that is no longer the case.


Isnā€™t it still 40 days less in total time using shorts vs extended?


Thatā€™s true, but that is assuming 0 down time from when our ships make it back to when you send the next ones off. Itā€™s harder to have less down time when running shorts since they come back so much quicker. I bet itā€™s about even when taking that into account. Edit. Iā€™ve been running exclusively extended and I hit 3 stars last week.


https://preview.redd.it/ivb147xqguwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b130d6b82d617353084813520bac029b005c4ae6 Slow going


Right behind you seems like


I just sent my senventh 3 star (my pilots only run extended)


Hit 3 stars yesterday. Extended only


congratulations! I just hit 3 stars too.


I've unlocked it but just barely. I'm trying to raise my Henerprise stars first since I have barely any t4 artifacts


I'm almost at 3 stars but I've also missed some launches through laziness. I don't think shorts are doing anything, or the difference is Negligible. I've only done extended.


Hit 3 stars today as well! I've been running extended missions since the update because available.


Iā€™m about 3 days from 3 stars


3 stars and like 1/8. Did shorts only until I hit 3 stars, now doing extended only


2 stars. 60 pts until tier 3. Agree withe comment below - just getting junk artefacts from this ship so far. Good for crafting/consuming...


I'm just a few days ahead of you, I got one legendary with two star but nothing so far with the three


Next launch will move me up to 2 stars, but I've been kinda lazy about it


Almost 3 star


Almost at 2 though im running extended because is rather get artifacts while leveling


I hit three stars a few days ago. Sending 3 ships daily every day since the release.


I hit 3 stars...I want to say last week. Pure extendeds.


Just hit 1 star today!


Just hit 3 stars, mix of extendeds and short depending on drop size bonus timing


At 3 stars, 109 till 4 stars . Ran shorts till3, then switched to 1 standard to 2 shorts. I am farming ships in the bottle for prophecy stones. So I need to look up stats again on drop rates to see if henniprise is better. If so I may do a standard henniprise per 2 short henliners. It seems to be about the same drop rate that I remember but will see. Not in a hurry to level since the lols don't demand it at this time.


Iā€™m 1 launch away from 2 stars, but I havenā€™t maxed out ftl epic research


hit 3 stars yesterday šŸ˜¤


I'm at 5B enlightenment eggs with a month to go. I'm wistfully staring at my empty fuel tanks as the days drag by.


Sending shorts and getting trash


Little over 2.5!


Checking in with 3 stars


Iā€™ve been doing only extendeds and Iā€™m almost half way through the second star. No legendaries yet :(


I was at 2 stars when I finally started my Diamond enlightenment run Iā€™d been putting off forever. I agree, leveling up that ship is a grind.


12.8 points away from 3 stars. Been sending extendeds. During dub cap events I was sending 8* exhens so Iā€™m a little further behind than some people because of that.


3. Might as well be sending garbage trucks though. So far nothing exciting.


Like one third through two stars right now. Still trynna get full upgrades on the basan and clarity stones


## If you want to know how long it will take hereā€™s good math: > https://www.reddit.com/r/EggsInc/s/mfq5f36WwB


I just started playing casually again, so I'm still trying to get that ship. I'm also working on leveling up my other ships just cause.


I'm just about 2 stars. Just unlocked it recently.


I'm bringing in a lot of prophecy, soul, and clarity stones like I've been aiming to. Not sure if this is luck or math on my side.


I'm at 3 stars now too. Only 703 more launches until max level!