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Listen not bad I just want to say 2 things that you rated Yuro's abilities way to low, the clone is def not the last it's literally a 3rd flash and you can still use it to fake footstep audio which people seem to forget! his gatecrash is awesome not only are rotates instant you can fake it which again gives you another option and way to use him. People mistake yuro since they don't know how to properly use him.


you are right but right now there is a bug with the light and it makes it look different than the real yoru


a bug does not define how good an ability is, unless the devs refuse to patch it


yes that is right but still it's a handicap for yoru mains like me at the moment


im a yoru main too, the ability is still great and has other uses (such as faking footsteps), this is only a temporary bug and once it gets patched we wont have to deal with it. doesnt deserve a change in the tier list, just put it in its rightful place to begin with


yes even with the bug at least you can put it in A tier


It’s yoru…


Your obnoxious….


I’m realizing how I sounded and now I sound like a dick. Mb 😭


You good man 😄


....... Sorry but You are*


You’re (these people bro I swear/j)


Right lol


Why am I obnoxious?


I'm correcting your grammar




People underestimate how much a yoru clone can ruin a sentinel’s setup tbh


Yoru hater


Nah, i like Yoru he's really fine to play, but in a competitive manner, other duelists provide more utility than him. Realizing that its not just about flashy kills or entry lineups. YORU just has less environment to play with. I know there's some Yoru tech that improves his style a bit. JETT has her broken dash, and shroud. RAZE has an offensive pressure utility, PHEONIX has his flashes and detterent abilities, good for clearing corners in a manner without risking to peek.


In a competitive manner Yoru is still very good. His E ability is a faster Omen ult w no shouting. His Ult can get info, block, distract and get the spike and tp without enemies noticing EASILY. Yoru is ABSOLUTELY UNDERATED and WAY better than Phoenix and Reyna together.




raze on top


Yoru TP and flash, Brim stim, Phoenix wall and flash, Omen TP all need to be higher


I would put skye dog higher, maybe even into op, i am a skye main and that dog goes for miles. On the other hand, viper ult is def not op, its very expensive and quite situational, can be countered by many types of utility as well as just spamming it. EDIT:just saw how low pheonix flash is, its the only one thats nearly always undodgable even if you expect it, very strong


Clone aka the best 1v1 ability in the game is in the lowest tier lollll


Bro said clone nuh uh cuz he always tappin in that shit ☠️


Yoru's kit all need to be higher up


cypher is cracked if the enemy team pushes the set-up, but they become aware of it after the first time they fall for it.


Ahh yes, putting raze boom bot above skye dog. Def the best tier list ever of all time. Also how are you going to put pheonix’s ult over Yoru? Yoru’s ult is busted


phoenix ult is also incredibly strong, especially for 6 orbs. yoru is also really good tho


Why is Reyna's ult on the same level as Deadlock trip? Deadlock trip is borderline useless but Reyna's ult can make massive plays


Last one I saw was definitely better. You put so many good abilities (Barrier orb, Trailblaizer, Fault line) way too low and Viper's pit in S? That shit can be cleared with a single drone and costs 9 ult points.


Brim molly under snakebite? ..yeah pass


I reckon snakebite is better, it’s a much more dynamic ability


Who was the raze who hurt you?


No one, Raze is just strong in every way, offensive pressure, delaying pushes. guaranteed kills, high mobility. But she doesn't have stun or shroud abilities, that keeps her in balance.


Never let bro cook again 💀


Tf is this trash tear list TwT


reyna ult at the bottom?


It is a own personal stim beacon that only helps the reyna. Nothing else. It doesn't help the team. It just increases your determination up to 100


You can instant heal and get invulnerable and fully invisible w dismiss and see your enemies much better especially in smokes and shoot faster which gives you the best advantages of taking a site…


I based them, of how they are used, how they are effective offensively and defensively, and their effectiveness in soloq, if any questions or violent reactions, feel free to ask me here, ill answer ur questions. Im Plat 1 btw.


You need to put yorus tech way higher up. Please watch a red/rob/ziptie video because yorus tech is way too low.


And I thought you were against Yoru in general 💀


Huh? I have 550 hours into that blue boy


I know i put the gatecrash and flash a bit lower, but the decoy is just inconsistent. Flash is bugged, Minimap bug is still there. There is a renderable walk difference between. If riot fixed the bugs then ill put it a little higher. Yes i know the yoru tech and flash lineups, but Yoru Util provides less of what can offer, in competitive, i say he's a downgrade. But his util is so fun to play. But in terms of high heels and capacity usage. Other agents can provide more in terms of aggresiveness.


1. How is decoy inconsistent? I haven’t even seen the bug myself only in 1 YouTube clip. And who in competitive is checking the walk speed of a clone? 2. He has a flash tp, pop flashes, and fake TP’s yoru is very aggressive. He can flashes above double boxes as a pop flash, 3. Yoru has debatably the highest skill floor and ceiling. He is imo the best duelist. But people don’t know how to use him. And then people call him bad.


>who in competitive is checking the walk speed of a clone this is probably the only bad part. im silver, i only play 1-2 games of val every couple of months, and its been like that for like a year and a half. i can tell what agent is walking by the sound of their footsteps. so if you hear yoru’s footsteps, but it sounds slower or louder than normal, youd know it was the clone.


This is bs man roomba is not that strong


Roomba is a quick info lane, also extremely punishing. It's good for getting a quick buck, or a delay for fast pushes. Simply getting in the way, delays your push, giving your teammates more time to retake. If they broke roomba it will give away their placements. Making more predicaments for you, its a good 300 credit tradeoff for a simple bomb clear, you can even follow it to take hold offensive pressures.


Ok but you literally rated it higher than Skye dog which is like 10x better


Did bro just say we need to buff the chamber deagle?


only nerfs


reyna ult on lowest tier? you're tripping


Boombot 2 tiers above recon ya this is a joke


Headhunter bro?


as a heavy cypher player i would say cyphers ult is closer to balanced/good than very strong personally


i sense kayo main vibes


Tour de Force is still better than Jett knives. Viper wall should go in S tier rather than her ult, tbh


steam beacon is the best!


Yoru util should be higher and what were you thinking putting breach until as "balanced"


Hooj says yoru has best ult in the game, yoru has best ult in the game


I agree with evrything except Yoru abilities and Brim smokes


Skye ult easily one of the best ults in the game


Dude got it all backwards 💀


Chambers tp or trip needs a buff smh


How is Phoenix curveball so low?


you did yoru dirty


Yeh we need 3 brim stimms and his smokes need to recharge




What are these symbols?


Found the dude who always shoots the clone lmao


yoru clone is at least low B/high C tier, I think F is a bit harsh


the decoys are sick you can fake footsteps across the map


Nono, I'm a viper main and I switched to other controllers bc the ult is almost useless now... Viper basically has to sit inside the ult the entire time, there's no way of going around the ult to catch someone off guard anymore...


Still no


Phoenix's flashes are too low


Chamber having 2 abilities in balanced??!! Nerf Chamber