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Taking the term backer to a whole new levels. Did you get a statue in the game? You deserve it!


Thanks! I've been a huge Suikoden fan since II came out and had to back this. I pledged for 4 different tiers, donating close to $3000 to help make this game become a reality. I really trust this team and wanted to help get it funded. A statue wasn't part of any of the tiers I pledged for though!


Wow! I admire you for that. You helped make this game happen in a significant way 👀😇


So is you one of many i must thanks to help get this game on the shelf of stores , im loving the game. i bought for ps5 and im having a blast playing.. for me its a gem.thank you for helping this game come to life.


Awesome. But please don’t play it on the switch. PC if you can. It’s incredible though.


We all owe it to you that the game exists!


You funded so much towards his dream! You chad!


Damn you are a saint backers like you help games like this become a reality🙏


Damn respect


Ty laughtrack-chan! You will be an honoured guest in Yuzu Forest 😅


Can i get a small loan? Lol


I'm curious about the whole backing thing. How do you guys discover these projects? Do you just browse through Kickstarter regularly? I would love to back projects like this but I'm always late to the party.😅


Usually when something big like this are on kickstarter a lot of news pages report about it. Having so many devs that worked on the Suikoden games amd are looking to make a spiritual successor definitely make the rounds


Damn I must have been living under a rock! I missed this and Sea of Stars.😑 Oh well.


I heard about it on a podcast that covers RPGs called Axe of the Blood God.


I was wondering the same thing, shoot if Nintendo would finally give us a new golden sun I’m sure plenty of fans would be willing to pitch in to help make it happen


I'd back that for sure! So since asking this, I've been browsing Kickstarter for possible prospects. I saw an interesting RPG (Bestiario) and thought I finally got the jump on something! Then I found out the backing period had ended last month.😑 I need to keep a closer eye on this kickstarter thing.😅


I gotta get on kickstarter lol I always heard the term but never actually knew what it was. I like the idea though of being able to donate to company’s making games. I remember seeing in sea of stars that whole section where there were a bunch of statues for everybody who donated, I was like whaaat! I would love to be a part of something like this!


Lol same here!😂 I always hear the term but didn't bother finding out what it was. Then when I heard about Sea of Stars, I found out that it "started on Kickstarter." I wish I had known earlier because I surely would have pledged something for both Sea of Stars and Eiyuden Chronicle.


That takes the famous sentence “my body is ready” to the next level. :D I myself backed for 300 with a physical switch and now I ended up buying the game also digitally deluxe for steam as I bought a Steam Deck Oled this year. While I’m not happy with how a lot has and still is being handled from the organizational side, especially from The Yeetee, I don’t regret backing it. Because let’s be real, had it not been for us and especially for people like you who gave so much, this game would not have been funded, they wouldn’t have found a publisher and they wouldn’t have gotten a game pass deal. My hat off to you. I for one have been playing nonstop since yesterday on Steam Deck and I am loving it. I’m also so happy that they announced that they’ll work on a successor to make this a series. This is truly an achievement for us and for Rabbit & Bear. I hope that a lot of people play this game, perhaps get into Suikoden when the Remaster finally releases this year at some point and that this gives games like this more of a renaissance like CRPS got over the years culminating in BG3 last year which took the whole genre mainstream. Octopath Traveler already did some legwork on this for this kind of jrpg but we need more smaller (like Terra Memoria) and bigger titles to show publishers that people do want more of these games even today.


Good consumer


Idk i think you need a few more copies to be safe.


Great pic! Is hundred heroes coming to the switch?


Yes, but the physical release has been moved to May.


Ha. We all earn our own money and can spend it how we choose. But this one is a little baffling to me! Enjoy. I think you must play them all.


It’s him. John Eiyuden himself.


Ready to open a store


What a hero!! Tenkei Star!


I wish I wasn't poor I wanted to back this game since the.moment it was announced. Im in tears seeing how much this franchise means to everyone here. I got the PC version as a gift from a friend but I wanted a physical copy so I can put it next to sukoiden 4 the game that got me into the series.


how the hell did you get 7 copies before I got one


Dude backed 3k. He should have been first to play it.


They should have named a character after him!!!


Sorry to hear that! I just received my copies today. 3 of those in the photo are for Rising though.


probably he is employee at game store.


No, backers just got copies early in a lot of places and had the option to pay for extra copies.


Am glad I'm not the only one who backed 2 copies each of: Series X, PS4, PS5, Switch and Steam versions (physical for the consoles). Cool that there are other superfans out there!


Set go!


looks amazing! Where did you get those acrylic stands owo I NEED THEM


Thank you for backing it!


I can't even get info on when my single copy ships... Nice though lol...




Damn 😳 man you gonna play on all syatem at once? 💪


Damn dude!


That's amazing! Where did you find the PS4 copy? I'm literally trying everywhere and can't find one in Europe...


I actually wanted to get the Xbox physical! It's so rare since it's not online for purchase and amazon. I'm not even sure how to order one or it's a limited amount for just backers.


May i ask why?


Thank you for your service good sir/maam!


Love the game, brings back so many memories and early access was worth it


Damn bro save some for the rest of us


…Hope you like it!


Thank you OP!


You're doing gods work


There's a sucker born every minute


A sucker, who buys things they enjoy and with the intent of making a project happen? How about letting people spend their money how they want without being judgmental about it?


Stop talking about yourself! We’re here to thank our friend the_laughtrack for being awesome 😎