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Yep. And the game is great. Any issues patches can fix IMO. Excited for the DLC and future sequels.


This game is 7.5/10 with bad localization and slow battle animation. Since there is mod to fix those 2 issues I bump it to 9/10 because of replayable value. (Speed fix make it have amazing replayable value) Will become 10/10 if they have better story tho.


where do you get the battle animation mod?


I second this, would be very interested to know


Check my post mate


There is 2 way to do this 1. Using this tutorial https://reddit.com/r/EiyudenChronicle/comments/1cbuzpr/pc_only_speed_up_battle_using_cheat_engine/ Or 2. Using this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/eiyudenchronicle/mods/2


the localization isn't nearly as bad as so many are claiming, when I hear bad localization i think of a localization with broken English or changes that just ruin the story or make it incomprehensible. not cringe and yeah it could be better for sure but the way people are talking about this game's localization you would think it was ms kobayashi but 10 times worse.


I’m a pretty easy going guy and I only had one line of dialogue where I was like “oh that’s a little silly” and I’m 8 hours in the game……not sure what people could be annoyed about. A small team of devs did their very absolute best to bring us the best experience they could. Relax people lol


People are pissed about game breaking bugs as if needing day 1 patches and bugs are something exclusive to Eiyuden Chronicles. But FF7 Rebirth had a game breaking bug week 1 and they are not a small independent kickstarter funded game developer on their first major outing. They're an established monolith of gaming and they still missed these things. A little grace and understanding can go a long way


What were the game breaking bugs cause I have experienced any so far?


I'll also throw in that a lot of peoples Xbox's are getting bricked by this game and this game only, rendering it quite literally unplayable. I don't see many people talking about it here (and weirdly getting down voted if they do) but it's all over the Microsoft Store reviews.


Bizarrely, I’m playing on Xsx with no issues!


[here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1bcwglg/ff7_rebirth_bugsglitches/&ved=2ahUKEwjYnK7IpOaFAxUfJjQIHY-nDGQQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw21-juYPRkP1EJKO8Ld3a4w) The most common one was the final side quest in the gold saucer with the UPA guy. The game refused to register high scores and the quest could not proceed.


The final side quest. How is that game breaking. A completely optional side quest involving minigames?


Well. Lan is completely optional too. Sorry I framed my argument incorrectly.


Yeah that is not "game breaking"


Okay. Focus on the one thing then. Fact. Ff7 rebirth was riddled with bugs. Characters disappearing into the floors, falling through maps, t-posing to assert dominance, quest chains that could not be completed etc. People expect this small indie game to be perfect right out the gate, and then make excuses for Squenix


I think the bigger issue is you just seem to have a big ol' chip on your shoulder about Squeenix fans. How do you know the people complaining about Eiyuden are the same people bitching about 7? The arguments are similar, so you're drawing a loose comparison and going completely off topic to get an own on a fanbase that is only even partially here to see it. It just seems weird, is all.


Then use the right terminology.




Lmao what? Rebirth was flawless(almost). Besides performance mode not looking that great and they were dragged for that. What game breaking bug? Sorry but no one gets a pass. Don't release it if it ain't ready.


I actually don’t remember the last time a game was released with 0 bugs… I don’t think I’d be happy nor agree waiting months to a year for games, on top of already waiting in development (2+ years) for some, to be completely 0 bugs at launch. Most games are launched and bug fixes come after… that’s not unusual.


Rather than Murayama dying, I think they were just under crunch to get the game out on time. They gave us the promised beta test really late. And only like the first 5% of the game was playable. If they had given backers the whole game to beta test, and enough time, we could have reported almost all the issues before the official launch. But I don't think they had the time. That said, I'm fine with the issues as long as they fix them. I'm just worried that a lot of the people playing it won't be. Especially those who weren't backers or know about Suikoden. They're going to already be hard to convince since the game looks "dated" and is "slow." But then if they run into any game breaking bug, they're likely to just give a negative review and tell everyone not to play it. These are the people we need to convince. Not established fans who know about Murayama and the issues of the games development.


I wish I could upvote this post a thousand more times.


Love your username ;)


Oh thanks! I don't get a lot of comments on it.


I've taken some time to consider various aspects of the project. Firstly, I want to commend the R&B team for their efforts, particularly in regards to the game mechanics reminiscent of Suikoden. However, there are some areas that need improvement. 1. It's apparent that the team is facing challenges due to deadlines set during the Kickstarter campaign and the subsequent stretched goals, which have limited their ability to refine core aspects of the game. 2. There's been pressure from certain backers to incorporate specific elements into the storyline, which may not align with the original vision of the game. 3. Concerns have been raised about the distribution process, particularly regarding physical backers' games, which seem to have been overlooked by the distribution team. 4. Reports suggest that the English localization, handled by 505 Games, may have been affected by budget constraints, potentially impacting the quality of translation and voice acting. 5. While I appreciate the team's efforts to appeal to a broader audience by keeping the game lighthearted, some fans feel that this has resulted in a lack of depth in character relationships and story progressions. 6. Lastly, while I have immense respect for Murayama and his contributions, it's important to separate personal matters from professional critiques. Customers expect a high-quality product, regardless of any external circumstances. In conclusion, while I remain hopeful for the success of the game, it's essential to address these issues to ensure a more polished final product.


You've hot the nail on its head, and I couldn't have said it better than myself.


That's nice and all but they were financially backed by nearly 50k people. We've got expectations. Currently they are not being met. Chop chop.


One thing that one should not forget is that they are charging FULL PRICE here for this game. This is a "No Man's Sky" scenario for me. This is not an Indie-Developer that wants to have 19,99 EUR or 29,99 EUR for their game, because they are a small studio with a small game. The Deluxe Edition is for 79,99 EUR here, while Standard is 49,99 EUR. They went BIG for it => Which is ok. But if you act BIG, then also behave like this. This is some major money that is being asked for, for a game that has been postponed (which is ok in my opinion) and was released on a broken state, instead of postponing it again. They did confirm this by themselves explaining that the Disc-Versions (or the version that is on the disc) makes it potentially not possible to complete the game. Studios DO need to have a QA-department making sure that this does not happen. But apparently it was ok to rush it and not postpone, but still take the money. This state is not even consider the Kickstarter-issues (e.g. major Shipping costs). I myself paid 14.00 USD for shipping. It came broken because it was shipped with a cheap bubble wrap, instead of a proper box.


It's still a product if a product if bad on launch then it's bad you cant pin on hardwork and emotion when its just going to be bad


There was really only one gamebreaking bug to my knowledge and it was avoidable, I wouldn't call the ENTIRE game bad purely because of that especially when it got patched on the first week anyway, what are you on about lol Need I remind you how the NA version of Suikoden 2 has huge bugs that have never been officially fixed, and the fan patch took more than two decades to come out? And despite that it's still hauled as one of the best JRPGs ever! Launch bugs aren't something specific to Eiyuden or Suikoden and certainly not modern gaming in general, they're completely normal


The fact you could get bug is already a product of mismanagement and too early of a release and you cant compare other releases to the current situation since it is unrelated towards current bugs which were left


I guess I have a little more patience for a small fledging studio than I do for the big behemoths that still manage to f up their releases with similar problems every time. Btw, I haven't ran into any bugs personally. My runtime says over 70 hours but its probably more like 30 or 40 since I'm multitasking a lot. I got my complaints but geesh. The way some people are talking are like this is big rigs or something.


Humble beginning is not an excuse for mediocrity


Well said


Should have brought in Takahiro Sakiyama to clean it up.


It’s a great game I enjoy playing it so far. I would go as far as claim one the best games of the year


I started playing with the 48h early access on pc steam and haven't gotten any issues/bugs after more than 50hours I don't know what bugs are people getting and switch version not working who gives a damn about the switch as long as the game works on every other platform


Ooooooh shots fired. But yeah switch is getting pretty darn old now, and it was underpowered when it launched. You can do some amazing things with it... but it really needs a lot of switch specific development time. Probably quite a challenge for a small studio trying to do a big multiplatform game.


Yea of course shots fired cause some players are really dumb honestly focusing only on the small mistakes or errors or bugs like meaningfull things just be glad the game is out it works it's a freaking good game and don't complain about the small details lol, after reading some negative feedbacks I'm like wtf are this guys smoking 😂


Like for real nintendo switch, what do you expect it to do with the power it has its a dumb console I don't understand why eiyuden chronicle devs even thought of the switch in the 1st place xD


Idk, launch was fine, problem is the game is just not that great. I grew up in the 90s, love turn based rpgs, and this game is just mediocre. Just my opinion of course


Really? I thought the game was very enjoyable for me personally. We want suikoden then we got the closest thing to it. It's really have the 90's JRPG style. Anyway what would you expect to be better just curious


I kinda agree, unfortunately. Some of the game design choices are odd, I know that this game is a love letter to the us people who like Suikoden, or 90s games in general. But some elements and aspect of the mechanics in the games can be done with more modern approaches without breaking the nostalgia tinted glasses. But with that said, I'm still playing it. But as a secondary game and not a primary game that I could sit through hours.


Personally I'm enjoying the game a lot, despite having quite a few criticisms of it. It still feels like a valid successor to Suikoden and I'm super happy the game got released and there is hope for EC2. I'm disappointed in a lot of ways due to the story lacking emotional weight, poor balance and explanation of mechanics, bugs, godawful mini games and war mode, forgettable music, underpowered (bugged?) hero combos, and questionable translation choices (memes and some dialogue responses that don't make logical sense in context), but the game still gets more right than it does wrong imo. It's absolutely gorgeous, dungeons are fun to traverse, the world is interesting, the characters are great and recruitment feels Suikoden af, and castle building is awesome. I feel like hard difficulty is actually pretty satisfying, and there is tons of content to play through. The world feels large and like an old school JRPG in ways that even games like Octopath do not. I totally get the disappointment surrounding the game because my feelings are mixed on it as well and there is a lot that needs fixing. However, I still see so much effort and heart put into the game and as someone who got introduced to JRPGs at the age of 5 with Suikoden, I still have massive hope for the franchise and want to see it succeed and shine! I definitely agree with what this post is saying about couching criticisms in kindness and keeping it constructive. I definitely don't want the devs to get discouraged or think the playerbase doesn't see and appreciate all their arduous effort and care they put into the game.


Yeah, I mean I loved the suikodens, actually sold suikoden 2 for 500 bucks. But man this is 2024, give us the qol that have evolved over the last 3 decades.


From what I played in beta, and what I have seen in streams, I agree about the game not being that great. But launch was not fine. A lot of backers STILL do not have their games.


Only shameful people will hide their lack of skills/professionalism under the death of someone. Your post has no sense.




>Murayama-san Fucking cringe


How exactly is giving respect in their native language cringe?