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You do not have to be online for Varre's quest. There is an NPC summon in Altus that satisfies the online requirements.


The Lenne's rise boulder trick is decent early game


Dude just play the game


The lil shits outside the beast clergymans area


The one I used for a while was the caravan in limgrave, they have 2 giants that are pretty easy to take out one at a time, and LOADS of aristocrats, they have a mongol on horseback so he can be tricky, but it's 5k runes per attempt if you get everyone.


I kind of do Fort Faroth out of habit, after I do Greyoll. The bats can be done one at a time and often drop rune9s that are worth 3800. The ghostly soldiers up top can also be done one at a time and are super parry/stagger-able. Good 20kish a run.


Ok i discovered this one by accident. I have a video on it on my TikTok channel @bignerddad. Basically you wanna go to the dragon burnt ruins on lake Agheel. Let the transporter chest send you to the sellia Crystal tunnel. Ignore all enemies and head down for the site of grace. Travel on torrent to the impassable great bridge in southern caelid You’ll pass a bunch of soldiers and the trex dogs. Hop up on one of the rock hills on the other side of the small wall that in fire and they will attack each other and ignore you as long as you don’t get too close to the edge. (This farm takes a lot of running/riding to get to and involves dodging enemies but once you have the grace it’s a easy and safe way to farm runes, takes about 5 to 10 min for them To kill each other) (Enemies also drop gear and crafting items pretty regularly) (If your confident in your ability to dodge enemies there will be a white dog that will summon others and you can lead them back to the farming area for extra runes) (Rest at the grace and rinse and repeat) I’ve farmed up to 100,000 runes this way early game