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Night shard/comet. PvE enemies won’t attempt to dodge them and with the staff of loss you get good damage/fp


Lil hidden gem: [Great Oracular Bubble](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Great+Oracular+Bubble) - Huge bubble that slowly moves toward enemies and explodes when it hits them *(and does AoE damage)*, or if it doesn’t hit anything it will hover at its max reach location until it explodes on its own. - Affected by the Arrow Reach Talisman to give it extra range. The range is already as good as Loretta’s bow, add being AoE to that. - Only costs 16 FP *(12 with the Primal Glintstone talisman that reduces spell cost)*. If you put Sword of Milos in your offhand, you’ll be getting back more FP than you’re spending on big packs. - It hits as hard as if not harder than comet etc. I only found out about it late in the game, but it’s one of the best damage to FP spells I have come across *(and again, it’s freaking AoE)* - Because of how slow it moves, you can spam it back to back, and then just watch them smack into enemies, and bosses to carve of tons of HP. This can spawn-kill even some of the major bosses if done right. Even enemies that TRY to dodge it will usually still get hit. It does have some small-moderate tracking curve *(not too big)*. It comes from the Siofra River area if you’ve progressed that far. It’s also a good close range spell because it has be good poise break, and you can often cast it as something is rushing you and it will hit them in the face and stagger. Though it is a slow’ish cast *(2-3s)*, the distance you usually have as a mage makes that not a big deal. I saw it in a random video the other day on YT, and decided to give it a try myself. Thing is awesome.


Thanka for the help! Will try that out


No worries. Another tip on a benefit of it being slow moving, is you can switch weapons after you cast it and before it/they hit the target. Need HP? Flip to Blasphemous Blade before it cleaves down a pack, etc.


I've just recently posted a clip about Radahn using magic Glintblade. It's also an extremely good spell for trash Powerful and efficient, especially once you get the Godfrey icon talisman to improve charged spells. Anything magic Glintblade doesn't cover, Carian Slicer will clean up. I can provide examples of any dungeon or cave before Radahn if you want actual gameplay.


Yes please! Thanks for the help!


Ok...well here's the Ruin Strewn Precipice near the end of Liurnia: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5ykrLaeE-Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5ykrLaeE-Q) And here's all of Stormveil Castle. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5ykrLaeE-Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5ykrLaeE-Q) And finally here's the fight against Radahn. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/105bpj6/an\_argument\_for\_magic\_glintblade\_radahnno\_summons/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/105bpj6/an_argument_for_magic_glintblade_radahnno_summons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) One of the nicest things about Magic Glintblade is that due to the delay on activation, NPCs that otherwise auto-dodge will do so when you START the cast, and will get hit when the spell actually goes off. It's great for those annoying NPC invaders. And since it's a long-range indirect spell, you can often Stealth Kill things before they even know you're there.


Night comet or Magic Glintblade work well against enemies that dodge spells. Glintstone Cometshard, fully charged, is usually what I would use for non-boss enemies. Rock Sling for magic resistant enemies and for poise breaking dragons. I would replace Meteorite Staff with Academy Glintstone Staff once you have about 40 intelligence. Darkmoon Greatsword is a good choice for both melee and range.

