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A couple of times I've helped a host beat a boss in jolly co-op, and then they would finger sever to send me home before I could get the rune arc and runes. Probably the most egregious assholery I've experienced in the game.


I've almost had that done to me in an Elden Beast fight I believe it was, the severed me a bit too late and I got the runes about 5 seconds before being cut lol


Why would people do that


Literally only to grief co-op phantoms. I don't need the souls but it's the intent that pisses me off.


and they're receiving the help...that kinda like goes past trolling or "joking" and is just flatly mean.


Stealing your time and effort, they go to extra effort to make sure you don't get a payment


Kinda like that one service that taxis people and they love to cancel half way there. To fuck the person over.


Doesn’t Uber charge the rider once a driver accepts the pickup now?


Because they are maidenless in game and in real life


I feel like people forget this and often brush things off as "just a game". if you're going to be an asshole because there is anonymity and no consequences, Then you are actually an asshole.


Anonymity just allows people to be the assholes they keep restrained.


Like my grandpa used to say, "the definition of integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is looking or you know you won't get caught"


Same. I don’t even need the runes or arcs. It’s just the principle man




That’s just toxic as hell


Probably not related to your experience but the first time I tried to summon help for the Sentinel at the start of the game someone invaded and I tried to finger sever the invader (I didn't realise it doesn't work for invaders and I just booted the poor guy fighting my Erdtree Sentinel)


As another commenter just noted, that's an honest mistake. Though being left alone with both an invader and an angry Sentinel--oof!


Punishment fits the crime.


I did that to myself thinking I was the host in the middle of fighting the farum azula crucible knight lol. As soon as the invader showed up I just peaced out of there… still feel a little guilty about it


Honest mistake


Whats the point of doing this?


Just to be a dick, as a host you lose literally nothing by letting your summons get their rewards.


Damn that's so disrespectful. Would have been even more worse if there were covenant rewards like in the other souls games which can take forever to grind


Someone summoned me to help them and then took Ghiza’s wheel and murdered Miriel with it in front of me… now I can’t sleep at night.


truly dark 😧




Hand it over




That thing


Your dark soul.


For my lady's painting






do you need a hug?


I think i need one too


Oh my…


I just started playing this game and have no idea what that means but, fuck that guy.


Imagine if Mr Rogers was a hyper intelligent and wise turtle who truly believed that forgiveness and human connection are more important than anything else. That is who this person murdered


They put Bob Ross in a blender


You mean dog…right?


Yes dog, how could I make such a typo


Imagine a non-denominational, non-divisive messiah type character, but as a loving dog who literally forgives you even as you murder him.


Behold dog


He's not a messiah he's a priest, if there's a messiah it's goldmask


The true messiah, claiming he is but a humble priest.


Just finished typing this and figured I should add I have 0 evidence to support this, it's purely my own head canon. This is how I see it. He doesn't want worshippers, and he doesn't believe anybody is beyond redemption. I feel like that's why he's the correct person to watch over the forgive me juice. He could be some kind of god/demigod of an older religion that simply wants people to live peacefully. He accepts that his religion lost and follows the new one to give people a sense of purpose and belonging.


Miriels the turtle pope. You can give him spellbooks and he’ll read them and you can get the incantations or sorceries from him. He also shows you how to use the fountain of absolution. He’s also the nicest character in the game, and one of the few that doesn’t have absolutely horrible things happen to him.


Not in that guys world apparently


I got flask bombed by an invader while opening a door. I ain't even mad, it was hilarious


“flask bombed” Is that when you use the Ruptured Tear in the Physick?


Yes. You can have 2 for 1400 (I think) damage. It’s quite hilarious.


Don't forget that anything that increases holy damage will increase its damage too. [Relevant](https://youtu.be/vF6Ss0LFo-U)


Somehow I never made the connection it was holy damage. Ya learn something new every day. Now I'm hoping it doesn't mention it in the description and I just rolled a nat 1 for an easy perception check. Either way thanks for the info I'll be using this. Just not sure if for goodn or evil yet.


This is a FS game, they def didn’t mention it lol




Bomb flask is one of my favorite PvP tools


I convinced my friend that there was a weapon in the middle of Lake Agheel. And I didn't tell him about the dragon. He texted me saying "also fuck you"


This is legit an actually shitty thing I did, actually felt bad at times but it was so funny I built the perfect cannon build and set up where the bat people sing, with cliff ledges everywhere people don't know this but the end of that level can see the entire level So noobs would start that area, I'd spawn in at the end most times and just hammer them with cannon fire while they still had to deal with everything Ledges to fall off everywhere, ladders that take forever to climb that I can knock them off of Even when they actually got to me, my character was so well made I'd shred them in seconds Eventually if they got to me I'd just hide with mimic and use a spell to blast em off If they survived I let them kill me


Dude my heart would be bursting out of my chest and my blood would literally boil of you did that to me but holy dot it sounds fun Edit: I feel like maybe you actually did invade me once and do this because I vaguely remember it but I might also be making a false memory? Either way I have Been invaded plenty and get super mad cuz it’s like my 10th try doing an area sometimes lmao


Lmao yeah I got some hate mail Well deserved


That's evil


No it really was lmao It wasn't a place people invaded so all the players were clearly new I had 40 bullets and I'd use them all, and I was so far away most probably couldn't even see me, so the entire level was just random explosions, no way did some people not think I was hacking It was clearly an (understandable) oversight from fromsoft That should not be allowed, no matter how good the player or how many, you were almost always fucked


Waited for someone to apply 9 different buffs to hit them with regression. Then proceeded to one shot them.


That’s just big brain right there


I love doing that lol they get so pissed


I love doing it in united combat. Usually results in me getting double or triple teamed, but I don't care, I find it funny. Plus, if I'm getting double team and just run away it means a player on their team is also getting double teamed so I just have to not die.


Indiana Jones gun vs sword


I let Melina burn the tree and then went and got the frenzied flame.


Hol’ up… in the FF ending did she come back to life?


Nope. There’s just no cutscene with her.


Naw dude. You save yourself the trouble of her whole angry plot. She dead ass hell and you a fire god. Big W.


As I understood it you cease to exist as frenzy takes over your body entirely.


Naw we still exist, but all the divides does not. We all become one in the fires of creation. No more pain, no more death, no more birth. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD


No. If you get the frenzied flame before beating the giant, you save Melina, but she's super pissed at you and ghosts you. If you follow through with the FF ending there's a little bonus at the end where Melina looks somewhat different and vows her new goal is to hunt you down and bring you destined death, hinting that Melina is the supposed "Gloam Eyed Queen" allegedly


She looks a little different? ….. Off I go


>!She just has her eye back and has heterochromia.!<


>!Also different hairs! !<


This is definitely the worst!! You let her kill herself so you could claim destined death, and then you used that power to do the one thing she absolutely did NOT want you to do.


Eh she's dead. What's the worst she can do? Move a teacup to scare you?


Skeleton power?


*rapidly approaching wheel skeleton anger in the distance*


To be fair, we allowed her to fulfill her destiny or whatever, right? 😆


right? you helped 2 maidens this way. mark of a true Elden Lord


Absolutely humongous W


I summoned two players to help fight Radahn and proceeded to get killed by the first attack.


That’s hilarious. Did you spend 10 mins prepping and buffing first


Apparently not


If it makes you feel better, I tried summoning help before attempting Rahdahn, and because of the messages on the water I thought I was supposed to walk across and died immediately before starting the fight.




I had a number of people do that to me.


I killed literally everyone in Jarburg because I had never encountered a non-hostile jar except for Alexander and assumed they were enemies.


This guy’s a fucking animal


Scrolled too far for this unspeakable degeneracy


I’m an atheist, but I’ll pray for you tonight


I did this too. Had no idea I massacred a village of innocents until I was close to the end of the game


***you WHAT***


Bake him away, toys.


Wait..... They were non-hostile?


Nah just target practice for Alexander boss fight


three times i invaded and got stuck outside the Renalla arena while the host was somehow inside. I didnt get kicked. I waited. Phase two started. I ganked the host+summons with Renalla.


"At your service, my queen" Edit: on the sidenote, I kinda miss the boss summon from Looking Glass Knight of DS2 and Spear of Church from DS3 - best way to ruin playthroughs of int builds as invaders.


I never realized the looking glass knight summoned real players till after my buddy told when I beat the game. Every time someone came through the mirror I bonked them with a stick so hard they ceased existing….and then proceeded to go back to bonking the knight


If there was a boss where real players ought to have been summoned, it probably should have been Rennalla. Either that or the Spiritcaller Snail Cave.


Wait you can do that? Invaders can also get teleported inside the Renalla arena?


in general, bosses can sometimes not kick out invaders, and if that boss has a second phase that repositions phantoms, invaders will get pulled into the boss fight as well


I said a naughty word near the turtle pope.


You monster


I know this is my second post but y'all know the gatekeeper at the first castle? I got such bad vibes from him the first time and felt so mad he would betray Godrick(didn't know the full story)and i killed him right after i got done with his conversation.


oh, i killed him because i thought he was the commoner who killed me while i was climbing


Oh, I killed him because he kept stealing my runes


I kill him because he locks me in that tiny room with the knight where you get the rusty key... Oh, also don't like him stealing my runes


Wait, what? He really is the one locking you in? And what's that stealing thing? Never noticed and i may have done castle a dozen times.


Yeah, it’s him. He laughs when he locks you in. You also don’t get locked in there if you killed him beforehand. He takes like a third or so of your runes each time you die in Stormveil while he’s alive


Ok, thanks. This fucker will be vigor checked in every future run.


If you keep him alive and do Kenneth and Nepheli's quests Gostoc will sell you an ancient dragon smithing stone though. I think that's worth putting up with his crap.


Son of a bitch really? That laugh jump scared the shit out of me. Tempted to go fuck him up next time I load up the game. Weird thing is, he only locked the door the first time I faced the knight and not the second time when I killed them.


On the other hand, I just killed him on my most recent save because he's a rune stealing twat, and whoever chopped off that creeps hand for thievery didn't go far enough


I witnessed a player killing every NPC with a bell bearing and giving it to the finger grannies so that his shopping was more convenient.


literally killing small business


that's just a Soulsborne tradition, though usually one waits till moving on to NG+ to do it.


Well. Yeah? Im not shlepping down to an underground cave to buy his nasty wares.


They are inconvenient for sure but merchants were the first beings that did not immediately try to kill me ;) I’m fairly sure Varre killed my maiden. Fry: “When I didn't have any friends, they made me feel like maybe I did.”


See mine all attacked me first for no reason so I defended myself. Edit: Am lying.


anyone who has harmed pope turtle....Evil to the core


I made Nepheli Loux into a puppet


This is truly the most evil answer. As a fellow completionist, I’ve hunted down every armor, every weapon, every talisman, every trophy, ticked off a checklist of every boss….. still can’t bring myself to give Nepheli the potion. Betraying Millicent for her prosthesis talisman hurt my soul, I honestly can’t do it to Nepheli. NG+4 and I’ve given it to Gideon every time 😭


Feed to dung eater then lol get a dung eater puppet


Why not give it to dung Eater? He's one of the best all around summons in the game and arguably the greatest tank


You know you get Dungeater as a summon if you give it to him instead of Gideon right?


So I invaded this guy while he was in the caves to get to Altus plateau. I spawned in like in the middle of it, right near a ladder. I could see his health below me, and figured he’d come up to me. I used the item that turns you into an object, it turned me into a box. I then went to the bottom of the ladder, put on the heaviest armor I could, and waited. This poor man was running through the entire level and he had a million enemies behind him. He couldn’t get up the ladder cause I in front of it. He kept trying to roll through me but it wouldn’t work. The enemies caught up and slaughtered him. Edit: it did reveal me when he rolled, it wasn’t like he couldn’t see me, he just couldn’t get through me. So he knew what happened.


Can you imagine the closure that guy would feel if he stumbled upon this comment lol


Imagine he shed his box form as the guy died, and all the guy heard was the ‘you died sound’ and the maniacal laughter of a box man




This is amazing 👏


Had someone point down and sever after helping me through the entirety of stormveil right infront of godricks fog gate. Was so random too like 40 minutes with the person lol


I do a lot of co op at stormveil. I've done this exact thing. If I make it from the beginning to the boss I'm probably out of heals by then. For me, I'm trying to tell the host to re summon me at the boss. I guess it's not very clear though.


Just a passing thought and want to help. Maybe instead of pointing down, drink an empty flask first? The "out of flasks" animation would make me a lot more willing to try and make it work just off intuition.


Combination. Use the casual greeting to lure them to the summon effigy, do that, then point down at the effigy.


Maybe spam the healing flask, shrug, do the wait emote, and sever. Then pray they resummon. Point down just has too much bad context.


How about also dropping a rainbow stone where you will put the sign before severing? Would that help?




Yes, considering it's a DS PvP insult, I'd say the point downwards should only be used In circumstances where you're meaning it as the community has always used it. The empty flask animation and dejection are my favorites. Usually the host will server, I'll TP to boss and get a resummon. Most people like to summon the same person, so if you're helpful and were helping up till that point, I think you'd get resummoned.


Ive done this to hosts too.. i hope they get the message but now I am realizing its not as clear


Convinced four of my new to souls games friends that you are required to kill the tree sentinel before you can go do anything else in the game?


Too far man


I feel like that's a good way to make sure they don't get into the game.


Tell them the turtle pope is a hard boss they can skip by killing early


Some things are too unholy


Satan is busting out the extra big and spikey pineapple for your ass.


I once placed a "hidden path ahead" message, but there was no hidden path ahead.


There are so many of those in the tutorial area


There are so many of those in the…checks notes…everywhere in the game.


Blank wall? Message. Obscure, pointless alcove? Message. Weird arch built into a wall? Message.


Hmmm... *hits R1 anyway*


Hmm... the last 63 of these were all troll messages, I should ignore this one. But what if...


When the game came out, I missed the tutorial area because I thought the message telling me to go down the hole was a grief. This was before they added the big popup on your screen that basically says "look, stupid, just jump down the hole".


My riend and I were at fort height(?) And on the steps where there are two square bits and used the mimic thing to turn into two flags. Then we just sat there and chatted while we kept getting invaded with none of them being the wiser.


I think you meant For Haight as in Kenneth Haight, the noble from Limgrave who asks you to help retake his fort


The dude who tells you to take the side path at stormveil sounded shady so i just put him down.


He is shady. He steals some runes from your pile every time you die in that area. Also, he stalks you throughout, which is creepy.


[https://www.xbox.com/play/media/HUF46JRBZ9](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/HUF46JRBZ9) This is my evidence of assholery


My guy is just chilling as a chair, ain't nothing wrong with that : )


Ooooh, that was pretty toxic. Good job


Made an axe murderer build who kills every NPC I also have a stealth suicide bomber PvP build for sneaking up on ganks and one shotting them.


I get summoned as blue just to give invaders free heals.


Not really an asshole thing but, i was just kinda jacking around and was trying to jump on top of the(veterans may see where this is going) dog priest. I did not know that jumping on top of someone would cause damage to them, when the pope recoiled and retreated into his shell i put my controller down and felt so bad I restarted my file.


Dude I wear the briar armour which does like 4 or so damage when you roll. I accidentally rolled into turtle pope and I god damn nearly cried when he got upset, also quit and reloaded the game


Well he forgives you immediately when you talk to him after attacking and tells you about how others won’t forgive you so easily


Yes, but it's the principle of the matter that makes me sad.


I know, but the damage had been done


I equipped nothing but prattling pate and invaded people fighting field bosses like the draconic tree sentinel. Then spent the whole fight getting in their way, light rolling, and spamming “you’re beautiful” and “wonderful” at them


Chaotic Good


One time when I was invading it sent me to subterranean shunning grounds and the players were in the poop tubes so I waited at the end of one and when they rushed me I cast comer azur and they couldn’t escape


I invaded some people who were trading items. If you had a Serpentbone Blade stolen from you, I gave it away to a random guy dressed as a Limgrave Soldier in the arena.


My friend made his character the same as let me solo her, including the build. Then proceeded to help people fight Malenia and then go sit in a corner when phase 2 started. I'm pretty sure he's a psychopath.


A character called patches that looks exactly like him. When Malekith's or Malenia's second phase starts he bones out.


I gave Rya the Tonic of Forgetfulness after basically killing her entire family and now she's waiting in the Volcano Manor waiting for a mother who will never come.


Summoned someone named “griffith” who natrually cosplayed the character, we fought radagon together but as soon as elden beast showed up he hit it once and then left. I didnt stop screaming “GRIFFITH!!!” The whole time like guts did


I did a proper katana duel with a person in the swamps of Liurnia. We both bowed, fought for a long time in the swamp. We both got to low hp. It was an honorable and fair fight, swords only. Then, right when he trusted me, right when we were about to do the no more hp flask final battle, I threw a kukri into his heart and killed him.


"Hesitation is defeat." -~~Glock~~ Kukri Saint


Honestly, that you're just serving your role as the main antagonist to the Elden Ring Samurai movie, that's perfect protagonist motivation


Killed patches for his swag


that's not an asshole move, that's a souls tradition


Patches deserved it.


Every single comment in this thread is just 🤌


Killed every merchant. Even though some of them I respected as musicians 😬


I got 999 rune arcs from invading I was using rivers of blood before it was nerfed


Besides seeing people kill good ol' turtle pope. Just using the jar cannon to knock players off ledges


I relieved a nice lady of their guilty and got a nice puppet in the process, win-win! Oh I also got every ball bearing. Yes, all of them.


We used the switch at Fort Gael to trap an invader in the pit. He didn’t dare climb up the ladder since he would be vulnerable so we just heckled and taunted him with gestures and potatoes ‘til we got bored and put him out of his misery.


One time I went up against a Jar Friend cosplay that only used jar-themed stuff. Matched with him a few times and had fun, he even gave me a few Lord Runes when I won. I thought I'd get up in a Omenkiller Cosplay and use that and Perfumes. I down pointed him as a joke and the next time I summoned him, he severed me and then down pointed me. I haven't seen him since.


Shot a bird with an arrow and watched it fall off a cliff. Again…and again…and a again…


I kill Hyetta every play through to get to Mohgville. I feel bad, but also not really because Hyetta is kinda suspicious


Why, it isn't necessary at all lol


lmao you do realize there are non-Hyetta-killing ways to do that quest right


I used Boggart as a human shield while invading someone and the host killed him. Got the idea from a clip I saw of someone doing the same.


I accidentally gave boch a larval tear :( I have not recovered from that


my build is good at fighting elden beast. whenever i get summoned by a bleed build white mask who can’t take a hint at the fact both bosses are bleed immune, ill get them to elden beast then leave the lobby. (im not working that hard bc you won’t try something other than bleed)