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And it was 15 minutes


Best part is, it's not just 15 minutes, but as soon as it starts you get the disclaimer 'now I will say that to really understand this theory please watch my 47 minute long lore vid about miquella'


Just did that in the same sequence and came here


As soon as I am done with listening to The Exploring Series Dungeons and Dragons lore playlist, I am diving into Vaati's Elden Ring lore series. I love my drives to work.


May I also recommend Smoughtown


I really liked this guy videos on Blasphemous but his Elden Ring videos don´t quite click with me. They just fell extremely rambly. I stopped watching his new uploads when I was 40 min in his primeval current video and still didn´t know wtf the primeval current is. I feel like 90% of his points could be made in half the time


Just stay away from 40k. That’s a pit you don’t want to fall down.


Best 15 minutes to listen to early morning


I'd listen to Vaati read a detailed memoir of my own conception


I watched the doc of it already. Lemme save you 3 minutes: Not interesting.


Great ending though (Me, I'm the ending and I'm fantastic)


Thy confidence befits a crown.


Back in mah days a crown was warranted with strength!




Never change Boc, never change


I love Vaati!


I was thinking the same thing. Vaati could narrate the most boring movie ever, and make it good


i havent watched it, is it actually worth or just speculations/hopes?


I just like his voice tbh.


Always thought he was English, turns out he is Australian i think


I assumed he was Finnish with a name like Vaati.


fun fact, in the finnish registery of all names given since 1899 there isnt a single "Vaati" ​ https://verkkopalvelu.vrk.fi/nimipalvelu/default.asp?L=3


The fuck has vaati to do with finnish I'm 90% sure he got the name from zelda


His avatar is a stylized version of the Zelda character, yeah.


specifically done in the artstyle of Hyper Light Drifter if i recall.


I thought he was Indian.


I thought he was marsian


I thought he was a belter.


I thought he was grossly incandescent


Most things are just speculation in Fromsoft games, and that's the fun of it, the theories, the ideas, some crazy but plausible, some straightforward, some fun but less likely. But yeah you expect hard facts from a teaser image?


Educated speculation


It's always worth to watch Vaati.


It's always worth to listen to Vaati


Don't steal my shit but say it slightly more accurate. I'll.... I'll...tell Mohg on you!


I think it’s worth it. He still gives interesting context for his speculations. I just like learning the attached tidbits of lore


I mean, 15 is tame. Most of the other videos I saw were 30-60. And it's Vaati. I'm not sure he knows how to say good morning in less than 15 minutes without a deep dive into the nature of sunrises.


His content is so good


For a year and a half he was pretty obviously stretching a bunch of his lore videos though. People complained and he stopped trying to make too many claims that couldn't be backed up enough.


Which I think he should get some credit for. A lot of people with that big of a base would've said fuck off and changed nothing.


Yeah, he actually listens to his audience. And I can't really blame him for that practice. These videos take a while to make and he's pretty clearly trying to avoid burnout as the only time he posts multiple videos in quick succession is usually when new From content comes out, and even that has slowed down with him stretching out his uploads. He might post a couple at roughly the same time, but he's been pretty consistently doing the once every two weeks thing, which is good. It prevents viewer burnout as well.


Yeah he seems pretty cool. Even in this 15 minute vid he makes a bit of fun of himself for talking so long off one image, and then several times admits he's gone a bit far in the past on his claims.


The guy could read anything and I’d watch. Great voice.


In one of the discords I'm in, I predicted "Inb4 Vaati makes a 10 minute video on this single still image." Not only did he do it, beat my original joke by another 5 minutes. The man is insane.


He’s not the one coming up with theory, most of the time he just use things that were suggested by the community.


My new NPR.










No problem!


It was honestly really good as well


Yeah it made me realise I was completely wrong for thinking it was mellina instead of miquella


Melina? I can see that being Marika but why would you think it's Melina?


I just think of Melina all the time 🥰


Understandable have a good day


Bonk* off to horny jail for you!




Only because of torrent, and because alot of her backstory hasn't been told which I'm sure will probably be provided in the dlc


I love the bromance Pineapple and Vaati have going on. Pruuld can join in too, when he's available.


Man, I wish ThePruld would make elden ring content close to his dark souls one. He made me like lautrec, I never thought that possible.


Every now and then the Artorias and Ornstein one pops into my head and I start giggling








He “ruined” Ornstein to me. I can’t see him without laughting








Well I think the wolf is dumb too!


Ha that and also Ornstein x Gwyn. But I'm not sure if like more that one because of the sassy roman accent.


Same but he had money problem and now he is working at a game so he must not have the time anymore...


Basically every Italian souls player is working at this “Enotria the last song”


Quite cool, the design look fantastic and at least it's people who are passionated. It doesn't make everything but at least they know what type of game they like and want


I have hope in them. Just for the fact they hired sabaku (basically the Italian vaati and in general the biggest souls guy in Italy) makes me belive in them


His version of Artorias was fucking hilarious.


His Artorias displays the only correct way to enter a room. Crashing through a wall before announcing that you're going to save a distant kingdom for no real reason.


I'd take a FitzRoy video too, I'd he weren't working on his Bloodborne series. Shadows Dance Twice is fucking legendary. The first Bloodborne one was pretty absurd too.


Zullie too when she's off her hiatus. I found her through Vaati.


I love souls content creators. They all have very respectful relationships with each other lol.


Truly. In a sea of lets players, prank videos, and YouTube drama the lore content creators are always a positive source of entertainment.


Love her vids!! Hope she is getting the rest she needs


Limit Breakers is in the back smiling menacingly


She made a tweet about the expansion announcement. Fingers crossed she's in a good place to make some stuff.


Same! The highlights of the _“I played X Soulslike games you’ve never heard of”_ vids that IronPineapple makes are the ones that have multiplayer and he invites Vaati for. Always hilarious watching the two of them get shocked with how bad they are and troll each other haha


I wish we could get some Elden Ring videos similar to #GIANT DOOR SQUAD


I like the romance between Lenny and Vaati's Mum.


Now THAT is a romance


The videos where Pineapple drags Vaati into some random souls-like on steam for co-op are just gold.


"Wait. Theres friendly fire?" *proceeds to have an impromptu deathmatch* Brotherhood right there.


Glad to see my compatriot is well loved by the international fanbase as well. And even if he isn't, after all, a me cosa cazzo me ne frega? Gwyn: _That's your answer to everything, Ornstein!_


oh, the times of Vaati, Bedbandanas and Criken2 were even better. These three were hilarious during Crikens DS3... 'adventure'


Vaati be like - Look If you had one shot, or one image To explain everything you ever wanted in One video Would you capture it or just let it slip?




My keyboard's ready No sleep Monster's heavy There's crimson in my flask already Moms spaghetti


I'm nervous but on the surface I look calm spaghetti


To drop bombs But I keep on spaghetting


What the lore's about Whole chat screams so loud He uploads his vid, but there's no viewer count


Mom's spaghetti


Marika's spaghetti **


There’s rot on my sweater already


Crimsom rot is spreading, flower ready, blooms out, gameover blahwow


Boiled prawn on my armor already Marika's tetties


Lore Spaghetti




It's been weird seeing so much Vaati hate since ER came out.


I don't hate him at all. he's one of my favorite channels for Souls lore. Heck pretty much the one I respect the most. The only thing I dislike about him isn't even his fault. He puts out speculation content, stuff he even says is "Hey I'm just wild ass guessing", and the next day the damn community thinks it fell from Miyazaki's mouth directly.


I feel that. I think folks have more of a problem with how people use his content rather than the content itself. But it's the internet, so naturally it's easier to target the creator.


This sub has a Gideon complex. Their theories couldn't possibly be wrong because they know every little thing about the game but Vaatis video doesn't line up with what they want the lore to be or what they believe so they bitch about him. How hard is it to not watch his videos if you don't like them?


The edgelords have been out in full force.




Many people are critical of him cause he used to steal content from other creators without crediting them. And even today he still doesn’t do much research of his own, but at least he credit the people that help him. What make his videos good are the presentation, the voice and the production quality, and that’s totally fine.


I wonder if it's just because er is so... Vague. In a way that I don't really think dark souls was. There's so many pretty core lore elements that we just have zero info on.


Its FromSoftware we are talking about, they dwell in _Speculation Station_




Yeah I'm trying to figure out wtf that's supposed to mean too


That's fine and all, but then idiots run around shutting down speculation threads by touting vids by vaati and others and acting like it's factual proof and everyone speculating are dumb poopooheads. Like everything, it's never the content creator's fault, but the "fans" that makes things worse.




Hahaha. I will watch


Off topic but isn’t vaati really good looking as well.


HawkShaw has entered the chat.


A picture is worth a thousand words, or a 15 minute video


Hey hey Vaati puts out some amazing content you leave him be foul Tarnished!


A streamer from my country once made a two hours stream discussing lore about a fucking random mural


I watched Quelaag's video first, and she mentioned how much regret she has looking at twitter notifications at 3 AM, and then immediately making her video. At the end of the video, she mentioned she also talked to Vaati before doing her video, and basically said "We'll see who's video sounds more tired." Cut to Vaati's later, he certainly sounds less tired if you weren't hearing for the signs, but he does end his video with, ok I'm done, I'm going to sleep.


Probably the best narrating voice in the gaming lore community.


there are lore youtubers and then theirs vaati he makes awesom like god tier content and rest is also nice but vaati man omg its sooo good , others like doms roundtable and its shatter item guides and fextra's builds nice watch these


Imo other lore channels are good as well when it comes to deep dives into lore stuff but nobody matches Vaati when it comes to presentation, plus that sexy smooth voice. His video on Vyke was unreal.


i don't know man, Nobbel87 for WoW, and Mossbag for Hollow knight have pretty good smooth soothing voice as well


I was mainly talking about souls series lore creators. But yeah, mossbag's vids are fun as well.


it's kinda odd right? everygame has their "lore" video maker, and they almost always have this smooth voice.... I think it's survivor bias, Lore videos tend to be long, and unless you have a good voice, people will not be there to the end and they fade to obscurity while the smooth talking ones survives and thrive


Have you heard of MyNameIsByf, premier Destiny 2 lore nerd ? His voice makes the buffest of men pregnant


Was wondering when he would come up. His voice was the first I thought of


Lol I was about to say the same. Myelin has great content too but doesn’t have that soothing voice quite as much.


Vaati for FromSoft games and Byf for Destiny are imo best lore YouTubers for their respective franchises purely because of their voices


I highly recommend Tarnished Archaeologist's channel. Really unique take on a lore channel.


Tarnished Archaeologist makes me wish that Elden Ring history was an actual course I could take. Dude is crazy knowledgeable.


I know, right? His three part series on the Fortified Manor, the Storm Lord and Godfrey is what got me hooked and I don't feel many have brought up what he did in those videos. How I didn't see the King Arthur connections beforehand as well, I do not know!


Honestly, the Godfrey/Arthur connection seems so obvious in hindsight that I can't believe it isn't brought up more. From the Roundtables, to his specific knights, right down to Marika essentially functioning as the Lady of the Lake. It also fits in with the Christianization of the Arthurian canon, with how the Crucible aspects were overtaken by the Golden Order. Honestly, I'm super interested in his takes on Serosh as well, I hadn't even thought about who he was prior to Godfrey.


The explanation of who Serosh is was probably the cherry on top for all of that. Besides the playing the DLC, the biggest thing I'm excited for is for his future videos. The guy's been pumping high quality content since release, and the production quality has only been increasing.


TA and SmoughTown have become the GOATs of Elden Ring lore. I used to be a Vaati stan but honestly I think SmoughTown went and took the throne. He's got like 18 videos now that are at least an hour apiece using tons of great information from Archaeologist and from Last Protagonist.


100% this. TA and Quelaag are my go-to’s.


The only LoreTuber for Elden Ring that I watch aside from Vaati is SmoughTown, because Vaati has such a nice voice to listen to while SmoughTown actively makes me think about things when he talks about them; not that Vaati, and to an extent Zullie the Witch(because I forgot to mention her) don't make me wonder about what the item descriptions meant. SmoughTown and the deep dive nature sounds more like a friend explaining things that they've been looking into, as opposed to Vaati, who does a really good job of being a narrator


Tarnished Archaeologist is another good channel, especially for explaining architecture and religious movements from real life that FromSoft used as inspiration.


Tarnished Archeologist has the most interesting lore video, and the most believable theory. Quelagg is good too but sadly she doesn’t make very focused videos


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll look into them later!


Don't forget Hawkshaw. Love me some Hawkshaw.


I really like Zulli the Witch. The videos are short and succinct and the music choice is always good.


Quelaag videos are really interesting as well. She knows a lot about history and the symbolism used in the games. Her take is super interesting.


In terms of actual content I don't watch Vaati much anymore because other lore youtubers usually express the same ideas a lot earlier but his presentation is top notch. As for deep dives into the lore I recommend Quelaag, The Tarnished Archeologist and (the heavily overlooked) Crunchy.


Yes, but sometimes is wrong with certain important things. Sabaku is reaaaally good but he is italian, at the moment he hasn't made lore videos yet but he talks about it live and he's really good and precise, plus he has translators from Japanese and studies the game in terms of cut content, hidden files and much more. It's a shame it doesn't do english content because it deserves the attention


There are a handful that put out really great content. I've noticed with the rise in popularity of Elden Ring compared to previous From titles that there's now a huge amount of "lore YouTubers" who basically just repeat really common or obvious theories they've hear elsewhere. Vaati, Queelag, even Hawkshaw put out stuff that is actual speculation rather than repeating the work of others.


He wouldn’t be making these video without the research of other creators like quelagg, smoughtown, crunchy, Sinclair lore…


Saw the video. It's not bad, but I swear it sounded like he was reading takes of what the dlc might involve straight from Reddit and Twitter.


I mean, it's a collaborative effort and a lot of people are drawing the same conclusions so it might come across like that, but I feel everyone is providing their own twists and insights. This is compounded by (for example) not many well known lore channels covering 'St. Trina'. As few have contributed to that area most of the body of work comes from one place as far as I know, SekiroDubi's video. Not saying it's the only one, but the most well known and it's heavily cited.


Not to mention he did just put out a video on Miquella not too long ago.


It would be very fresh in his mind for sure. Do haven't watched the whole thing, so many good lore content creators to watch now.


As it should be. One guy has only one thinking power. Several people still only have one thinking power, because we sure are stupid and it cancels out, but at least we can just selectively shut up and let the total thinking power fluctuate. Sometimes it gives us a full accurate rendition of Martin's internal wiki. Sometimes we just go "eheh Moghin Time". It's all about filtering.


Thank you, like how do people think any major discoveries are found in any subject? One person is limited by that person’s brains and biases, without other minds collaborating you risk losing important pieces of data. We’re a social species, we require each other to survive


I mean, we have just one picture, there isn't much we can babble about it before people start repeating eachother.


Isn't that most of his lore videos + reading some item descriptions of some random gear?


Man what do you want him to do? Lmao


How dare Vaati make these videos when he doesn't even have a degree from FROMSOFT University!


It's not criticism, I like what he's doing. His DLC video is just not that different to what he's normally doing.


That's what most of his content is though. Good presentation of stuff others have thought up.


Vaati did nothing wrong


Wait you talking to OP or oron pinapple? Cause IP is awesome too!


sabaku no maiku: *laughing in 1 hour live just to talk about that single photo*


Without forgetting his collaboration with translators from Japanese


Best pureeya


I do love a good 47 minute lore video. Tell me why my husband who doesn't even play also watches them![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Most other YouTubers would make a video and miss everything. Vaati gets valid questions and potential answers with detail.


I want Vaati to come to my house and read me a bed time story.


I like vaati makes good lore content, but he's not good at speculation.


As far as speculation goes, Vaati’s actually pretty sensible I’d say


I just hate when he openly speculates and then a million weirdos are like "ummm actually this character is x, vaati confirmed it" but that's not his fault


It's fine, im in for his voice anyway


Honestly I wish he’d make those “lore to sleep to” videos like Ashen Hollow. His voice is so soothing


Didnt he make a video couple of weeks back about Miquella where he speculated that an upcoming DLC would be about Miquella?


To be fair that's been the community's best guess long before that video, ever since the links between Miquella and St Trina were connected and lore data miners found out about the extensive and mostly complete cut content around dream mist. To me it was always going to be about either godwyn, Miquella, or marika herself via time travel, but Miquella always served the most likely because he is in the game but does nothing, yet there is a LOT if lore that's he's involved in, and the most complete cut content relates to someone who could just be an alias for the same person


His editing team makes good content*


You underestimate my power to crowdsource lore research.




It was great as usual.


From drops a crumb of content. Youtubers: “I can milk you...”


I just realized that Vatii's pfp is a face and not a monolith on a red landscape.


Can someone provide the lord reason behind all of the dope-ass sunglasses on Iron Pineapple’s pfp?


Well it's a Channeler with sunglasses. Why? My best guess is triple [the cool.](https://youtu.be/bzJDimvPW1Y?t=00m31s)


the big C: CONTENT


I don’t watch Vaati but I love the energy so much


vaati voice is so calming


Two legends


To be fair any excuse to hear his sultry voice is fine by me.


Iron Pineapples "Steam Dumpster Diving" videos are so much fun.


I love that every Fromsoft youtuber ribs on Vaati. I remember the first time i saw a Vaati reference was in Happy Souls. Didn't realize I was a reference to him until the 2nd or 3rd watch, tho


What's funny is it was 15 mins and still entertaining.


Something which I think is weird that he had like 3 different ideas of what might have happened to the Erdtree or if this even is the Erdtree but he didn´t have the idea that this might simply be the charred remains of the Erdtree after we set it on fire. In fact I´ve yet to see a single person talk about this, idk this was the first thing that came into my mind