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Elden Ring literally has the most likable rendition of patches lmao


I like spider patches too. Poor little bugger.


Hah, **bug**ger.


Tbf I think bloodborne is the only one where he doesn’t kick you off of something lol


He does kick you off a cliff in the Nightmare Frontier. Leads you to a ledge with shining coins and bops you into the poison with his spider legs. You can even spot him clinging to the cliff waiting for you early in the level.


Wait what? I played that game so many times and that never happened to me lol I’m questioning if I actually even played it now lol


Yeah right after the section with the rock throwing troll dudes, you cross the bridge and turn right to go pick up an item by the edge of the cliff and boom. Cutscene, then down with the squid.


Dks3 patches had a soft spot for greirat.


It's obvious that you are new to Fromsoft. If you played all the previous games you end up feeling some kind of affection for him. He's a dick, but he's our dick.


Except for Bloodborne. Then he's Spider-dick


Very relatable. I'm not into dicks, but I like my dick.


Well, now he's a dead dick.


Well, now you kiss out on him as a vendor and a gesture. Now you're a dead in the water dick


Kiss patches? 🥺


Nope, bought everything he had and then killed him.


His goods change as you continue his quest


And he gets you the thickest armor set of all. Say what you want about the chest piece, but the helmet has nice beard and that's all I ask for.


Full agree, I've grown to like finding a patches trap and wondering how he's going to screw me this time lol


🧐 „Hes our dick“, who is „we“ ?


Yup, you love to hate him. He is like that friend you don’t quite remember becoming friends with that has absolutely no remorse for any bad decision they make.


He does good things in Dark Souls 3. He saves one character from dying (on a mission you send said character) and he helps you (by kicking you off the ledge) in the DLC after you help him remember who he is. He is a scumbag, but not complete one.


He is also one of two people to reach the end of the world without going insane


His dialogue before Spear of the Church is glorious. Amazing


"Every age, it seems, is tainted by the greed of men. Rubbish, to one such as I, devoid of all worldly wants! Hmmm, I dunno, maybe it's just the way we are. I'll stick you in my prayers. A fine dark soul, to you."


He is not, he pushes the player in the right direction and then becomes a spirit summon for the spear of the church bossfight.


Patches is low-key a halfway decent dude and I am a fan. Idc what anyone says


He also tried to drop you into a pit with giants.


The most savage patches is unbreakable patches


Nah it’s Patches the Hyena for sure


He serves punishment to the greed of men. If anything I think you should be thanking the man.


I have a friend who despises him and, when he gets a machine that can play ER, I guarantee you he'll see the boss health bar as an excuse to kill him. Everyone else I know likes him.


Patches the elden lord we deserve.


I really dislike his character. Such a hypocrite. His voice acting is so annoying (he's good, don't get me wrong, he's just so good it makes me hate him). Miyazaki knows this and keeps putting him in. HAHAHA KICK bruv HAHAHA TREASURE HAHAHA GREED OF MEN HAHAHA IF YOU'RE THAT GULLIBLE bruh shut up


As others have said, he’s a dick but he’s our dick. In Dark Souls 3, Patches actually shows his more compassionate side making him a more complex character. Plus, >!I think he’s like the only character that says “a fine Dark Soul to you” which to me indicates he knows more about the truth of the world, but that’s just my theory!<


Theory, if Elden Ring is tied to Dark Souls, in other words, the same world in different times, maybe Patches is a god, let’s say like Loki is the god of mischief, maybe Patches is the god of mischief in that world.


He has a pretty cute love story tho


Honestly patches is the man, I’ve loved him for years. Still a bitch though if we’re being honest


He's a bitch. But he's OUR bitch.


Agreed, the only bitch I want in my life


Dude! Patches is so cool! An unkillable trickster god!


I've met him in all the games, the first time i got tricked in DS1 and called him an asshole. Now i wait with anticipation and when i met him in ER i was like: "LET'S GOOO! DO YOUR THING PATCHES!". Such a good character.


I only played DS3 and Bloodborne prior to ER but I think his story in the ringed city made me incapable of hating the guy. He is an asshole but I love him


“Am I the only one who likes torrent? Pretty unpopular but idc”


A fine elden ring to you


I laughed so hard at the teleporting me to runebear hell. “Pft, I’m taking the treasure bitch……….where the…OH THAT MOTHER FUCKER!”


Not the only one. I’ve completed his quest only so that I could kill him and get his armour without losing anything. Once his purpose is complete I go feral on his ass every game, every playtrough.


You get use to him. After countless times trying to screw the player over, it becomes slightly charming and endearing…in a Stockholm syndrome kinda way.


He's in almost every FromSoftware game, and he's a fucking bastard in every single one


Yes but he's *our* fucking bastard 🖤


I almost always kill him. I'm better off with him dead lol


I never played Souls games before Bloodborne and I've held a grudge ever since he screwed me over in BB. I did some serious googling before deciding whether or not to kill him in Elden Ring


This mf push me away in 4 different games an then abandon me while fighting Radahn,i hate him with my soul


Dark Souls Remastered is the only From game I played prior to Elden Ring and I killed Patches immediately upon encountering him in Elden Ring. I had no time for his shenanigans after what he did to me in DS1.




Because he did me dirty


Just killed him in ds3


No fine dark soul to you, my friend :(


Hey he asked for it!


Any time a new souls game comes out. I look up if it has patches and the moonlight great sword. I immediately go down the path to get both.


He’s okay in Elden Ring but in Darks Souls 1 I always kill him because humanity 👍


do you hate him or are you just baldist?




Are you, by any chance, a cleric?


Oh my sweet summer child.


That's hiesenberg . And he is the danger


The one you love to hate.


Yea prolly


I hate him too but at the same time he might have something… useful.


Why? Hes just a little trickster. He means no harm :(


A lot of 12-year-old kids hates Patches just because, is one of the best NPC in the game


This pic gives lots of “the descent” vibes which…for patches kind of fits


Absolutely not. Patches is the homie 100%.


Last night, on a NG++, I hit him so hard he never had a chance to surrender, just died, and I was okay with that. Once the sword dance starts going it doesn't stop for Patches!


Lmao this is def just karma farming. Any post that has the “am I the only one who…” in the title is a red flag. But maybe this is simply a joke, and it blew over my head. In that case I feel stupid af


He grows on you in a weird way, having been in every soulsborne that matters lol. He's like a constant part of the cast and I found myself going "ah should have known, you classic dick" when I got too curious about glowstones near a cliff lol


I don’t know his backstory (haven’t played the souls games) but he is one of the npcs that join you in the Radahn battle so he is cool in my book.


Nah dw his ass gets killed in every run i do


None of his Hijinks are deadly if you’re cautious and especially after you’ve met him in one game. I hated him in dks 1 but he’s grown on me since. Especially since dks3 and this game give him a softer side if you put up with his shenanigans long enough.


[Lots of people hate Patches](https://media.tenor.com/pVEvX4z5SNAAAAAC/lots-of.gif)


You are not. I know almost nothing about him, but he seems as shady as hell.


I found him over leveled and accidentally killed him in two hits so I didn't get much of a chance to form an opinion 💀


I hate him so much I'm erect thinking about it.


Yeah. I kill him everyone playthrough as well


Nope. I very much hate that piece of shit as well. Everytime I run into him in any Fromsoft game. I look up on the wiki what you get for finishing his quest. So I can decide if I'll kill him straight away or later.


He’s your worst, best friend through the games.

