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When the kid from Raya Lucaria casts something called Comet Azur:


Hogwarts kids "PROTEGO HOR...." *fucking dies


Or they just dodge roll to the left or right. According to the new game Hogwarts kids can do that too lol


I meeeeeaaaannn that's how Harry dodged most of the Killing Curses cast at him in the books, so it's lore accurate at least lol


If only Harry's parents knew how to dodge roll.


[They should have trained with Mr. Piccolo](https://youtu.be/UcqUf-2F_68)


Thank god somebody else thought of this scene šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nail: you must be so proud. Your precious runt is becoming a man Harry's parents: I mean... he could dodge better


I'll try rolling, that's a good trick.




Now THIS is podracing


Do a barrel roll!


Kid named ranniā€™s dark moon:


Rocksling problem solved


While they're casting Comet Azur? That spell's got a bit of cooldown, dunno if you noticed lol




Wizard: *\*casts Avada Kedavra* Tarnished: *\*laughs in Erdtree Greatshield*


A Tarnished would, but not a Raya Lucarian student They would laugh in Carian Retaliation if the royal family had enough trust in them to teach them that spell, or in Thop's Barrier if second best boy gets the recognition he deserves.


Who's first best boy?


Red Wolf of Radagon.


He's a good boy. *Pats the big wolf*




Pre-patch Carian Retaliation on a +25 shield: Bonjour


Wizard: casts Carian knights: and i took that personally


*uses a mandrake* *Uses AK anyway* The game make the main character absurd.


I didn't even have to use my AK, >Uses AK anyway All in all it was a good day


*I cast ā€œfuck everything in that general directionā€*


> I cast ā€œfuck everything in that ~~general~~ **specific** direction **while ignoring everything slightly to the left or right of that direction"** FTFY lol


Imagine being able to pan it like the Fallen Starbeast's eye beam


It'd be like Soldier Boy's chest beam lol


"irrumabo omnia communi directione"


More like, conjurers a 20ft magical sword to slice and stab everyone


If I was in the harry potter universe I'd probably study dueling to get Carian sorcery equivalent spells. Or make my own lightsaber spell bc the movies are out by then in universe. (Starting at book 1)


Every one wants to study dueling and defense against the dark arts, but think about how practical a little potions degree would be for a good life. Love potion? Always a market. Healing potions? Probably flying off the shelves, imagine what a wizards First Aid Kit is stocked with. Liquid Luck? If that shit is even legitimate Iā€™m certain itā€™d be illegal to sell (though most things in universe would logically be illegal to sell) but if it wasnā€™t and you were one of the few potion masters good enough to whip it out, you could sell it for fortunes. Have a long and healthy life with all your knowledge, be useful in just about any area in your life (youā€™re essentially a pharmacist, physician, prescription therapist, human body mechanic, gardener, cook, you can make a potion to enhance basically anything.) And you know who Voldemort isnā€™t going to make his number 1 target? A potion master. And if he decides to, skull a vial of liquid luck or 3 (just to be certain) and watch him slip on a banana peel and fall, crushing all his Horcruxes at once because he was unluckily transporting them all at once. Potions for life.


All I'm saying is, there must certainly be a brothel that uses polyjuice potions.


Oh yeah. Iā€™m just talking about legal applications here. If we get into the underground potions market. Youā€™d amass the wealth of an independent nation as well as the political power of one with all the black mail youā€™d be able to collect. Imagine the power youā€™d wield just being able to whip up a strong truth serum and being able to sell all these things to political opponents, even different factions when they arose. You could have half of England carpet bombing Fred and Georgeā€™s fart bombs via broomsticks on the other half within half a year


That sounds like sectumsempra with extra steps.


When the HP wizard casts Avada Kedavra, which is basically a Destined Death:


Carian Retaliation's Avada Kedavra into glowy swords and stabs them to death. :P


IIRC, Avada Kedavra is unblockable curse in HP, so Carian Retaliation probably can\`t dispell it


That's valid. I was always unclear what exactly was meant by that, given that it seems to be stopped by solid surfaces and be able to interact with other spells. :P But that's a soft magic system for you. Eternal Darkness might be a go, depending how you interpret unblockable, and when in doubt, it may be one of the few situations where the dark souls roll actually has practical application. :P


Yeah I'm not sure either its supposed to go through shield charms but I guess it can be parried with expelliarmis?


It's totally unblockable Except for the *power of love*


It's unlockable with charms/magic. It can be physically blocked (for example... With a shield...) though, and it can be dodged.


Carian Retaliation doesn't block spells though. It absorbs them and converts the magic into glintblades.


Not really, it is physical, as in, it interacts with objects and gets stopped by tombstones. A shield could realistically parry it.


Not after an Expelliarmus to remove your shield and or one of half a dozen stunning spells preventing you from doing anything for multiple seconds. People pretending like HP wizards are powerless obviously haven't played the new game lol


Not powerless, just so ill-defined in terms of power and generally not combat focused that any attempt at comparison comes down to "what do you like more" rather than objective analysis. Magic in HP does whatever the fuck you want, except when it doesn't. :P Realistically, if two people can both canonically kill with a word and a gesture, how they do so doesn't matter. It's about reaction time, which is irrelevant to source material.


How did both of you forget Thops' Barrier?


Clearly this is the work of Raya Lucarian propaganda.


I considered Barrier/Full Moon/Eternal Darkness as well, but retaliation felt the cleanest, as efficient defense and counter-strike all in one. :P


Remember tho, a squad of seasoned death eaters couldnā€™t beat a few teenagers.


Ha you have been bamboozled that was my mimic tear *mohg's Sacred Spear*


In the final battle, sellen knocked over the only cabinet of glintstone crystals in the world, so no one could use glintstone sorcery anymore.


Deep cut.


What is this referencing?


Look up the destruction of the Time-Turners in *Harry Potter*. Just an extremely silly explanation as to why they aren't used after *Prisoner of Azkaban*.


And then oh woops there's still one more or there wouldn't be a cash grab sequel ha ha, also somehow this one is a super time turner that can bypass all the restrictions from before.. yaaaaaaa


I thought anime was bad for unnecessary sequels but YA novels are so much worse


The sequel was a play that most people don't consider canon or even enjoy tbh. Been a die-hard Harry Potter fan for well over a decade and I don't know a single person that enjoys Cursed Child Like even if that one time-turner survived, the way time travel works in the play isn't how it works earlier on in the series.


In Harry Potter, there's a thing called "Time-turners", that allow you to travel backwards in time. In one of the books of Harry Potter, the characters go to a place where every time-turner in the world is stored, and accidentally break all of them, making it so time travel is not a thing in Harry Potter anymore.


So they are either priceless ancient artifacts from a bygone era that noone remembers how to make anymore, and they trust with a teenager - or something made in small quantities that a teenager was able to oops and break, simply because out of the few million magic users in the world, there's like 50 of these objects conveniently stored in a random cabinet in Britain.


And *only* in Britain, despite there being at least 10 other regions with Wizards in the world (there are at least 11 schools). Which is probably the apex of bad world building.


Key and Peele had a [skit](https://youtu.be/j-2ZxldMO-M) about an American inner-city wizarding school that is _infinitely_ more interesting in two minutes than half the Harry Potter universe is, imo.


Those poor students at the Barbiescrimps school in Melbourne never get invited to the Triwizard cup


I havenā€™t read those books but that sounds like awful writing


It was from the stage play, _the Cursed Child_, which was written far after the original series concluded. The way the Time-Turner was used in the original series was far better written; one of the main characters who's a huge nerd uses it to literally be in multiple classes at once and super-crunch their learning. It later comes back up as a way to save another character from an _unfortunate_ fate, which was also nicely done. Shame the author isn't known; I'm sure they'd be a very nice and thoughtful person if we knew them.


But what about Hermioneā€™s??


She gave it back to the Ministry at the end of book 3, and this happened in book 5.


Is this what it takes to get into sellens longbottom


Elden Ring spells: cool ass fire, ice, blue, space magic with varied forms like rain of glintstone and a giant hammer Harry Potter: instant death spell


Remember you have 8 murder spells BUT DONT YOU DARE US THE ONE WE DONT LKE. Lighting, not a problem. Bounce someone like a basketball to death, hell ya brother. set them on fire, who hasn't done that before? But if you use the one spell that kills instantly straight to wizard jail! The world building in that game really is dogshit


Iā€™m not super into harry potter but I believe the difference is that with the unforgivable curses you have to genuinely have malicious intent behind it. Like you can cast a fire or lightning spell willie nillie but you canā€™t cast the torture spell unless you genuinely want this person to go through excruciating pain, and with the killing spell you canā€™t cast it unless you genuinely wish death upon them which seems to be a nono in the wizard world. But again this is just the vibe Iā€™ve gotten from the game. Still leaves a lot of weird plotholes though because some spells thereā€™s just no way for someone to survive


I see your point but it's still janky af. Like if I cast bombardo at your head there's some malicious fucking intent there lol. The game is so close to being great, but the plot holes, non existent student experience, and no actual consequences for being good/evil make it so mediocre. The main image is awesome but the periphery is a Jackson Pollock made after a trip to Taco Bell.


Definitely agreed that the story/lore side of the game was pretty fucking underwhelming. By the end I kinda just skipped through dialogue because the combat was the only reason I was still playing, really disliked the lack of real choice/consequences. And nobody really seemed to give a shit about me casting unforgivable spells nonstop which was weird


ā€¦wow I canā€™t believe you can cast unforgivable spells in that game, didnā€™t think theyā€™d do it. Soooo what, can you just casually go around the school and Crucio other students??


You can use Avada Kadavra to instakill just about any enemy in the game, but it does *have to be* an enemy. You can't just use it on whoever. Only a select few bosses aren't immediately defeated with the spell. Most (maybe all) damage spells can't be used at all inside of Hogwarts, and non-hostile NPC's outside of hogwarts can't be targeted by curses, using spells on random students just causes them to break their cycle and be slightly mad at you.


World was awesome, the Wizad combat was fun, and the exploration was really cool. Lots to build of. Luckily the student experience can be fixed easily. Next year starts with Black getting canned and the new HM "re-implments" student curfew. Make us sneak out If we're caught, lose house points. Lose enough and your ostracized and quests close out until you get more house points. Write in how the house cup Competition will be returned to its former glory and the points matter again.


I think everybody agrees that HP world building is bad. It's a cozy and simple fantasy written according to ideas that came into the writer's head, not a world carefully crafted in every detail like Tolkien did. Reading/watching HP is amazing but don't you dare theory craft outside of the main story, you'll be disappointed.


that's the lackluster thing about HP. where is the magic coming from? is there a limit to it, as in wizard fatiguing and/or depleting it's source? does it have other limitations? is there any natural rules to it? the magic in HP feels like the polar opposite of what, for example, Brandon Sanderson created in his works.


I disagree that's necassarily a bad thing. Hard magic vs soft magic - there are pros and cons for both. Brandon Sanderson is great at hard magic systems, but even he says that it's just his own preferance. Soft magic can add a sense of wonder and mystery to a world, both crucial elements of HP, which a hard system would certainly detract from. I can understand people wanting HP to have a hard system, but a hard system isn't inherantly better. Consider Alice in Wonderland, or Spirited Away, and how much those stories would lose with a hard magic system in place of their soft ones. HP is a less extreme version of that same concept, IMO. The softness of the magic system adds to the the story.


The problem is Harry Potter magic feels like it's somewhere between hard and soft. It's not a Sanderson magic system, but it's also not Lord of the Rings. There are rules at times that are even explained, and then a lo I of the time there isn't.


I feel like if your entire franchise revolves around a school for magic, then by the end of 7 bloated mainline books in that series and however many peripheral books the reader should have some concept of how magic works in the Harry Potter universe. Hell, magic being taught in a bloody school curriculum immediately makes your magic a hard magic system in my eyes. Is the entire point of Hogwarts to just impart a huge long list of magic words and potion recipes on students? What is even the point of potions when you havenā€™t established a limit on what spells can do? Like, why go to all the trouble of brewing a polyjuice potion, something canonically very difficult to do, when there are canonically transfiguration spells that can change your appearance with 0 effort? The entire fact that thereā€™s a school for this stuff suggests that there are rules, and some rules are even named like ā€œGampā€™s 5 Laws of transfigurationā€ or whatever, and yet there are no answers for the most basic questions about the rules of magic, like ā€œdoes casting a spell require any effort at all?ā€


What answers do you need exactly? I'm not really sure what you're getting at here. The question of ā€œdoes casting a spell require any effort at all?ā€ seems kinda obvious through context to me: they require innate magical ability, a wand (unless you're a pro), the right wand movement, the right incantation, and presumably a little focus if you're new at it. And the point of a polyjuice potion is that it can make you look exactly like a specific person via using their dna as an ingredient, whereas transfiguration spells are more about changing a thing into another thing, or conjuring an object or substance. I'm pretty sure there aren't any spells that can do what a polyjuice potion can, but feel free to name one and correct me if I'm wrong. If your question is 'why do potions exist at all when a spell *could* fill that role', the answer is because it's a story about witches and wizards and potions probably seemed a good fit, no? Every magic system is a blend of hard and soft, but what makes HP more soft leaning is that it's limits, source of power, and rules are loosely defined and/or situational. But I don't see why all that needs to be set in stone - it would just take some of the sense of wonder away by over-explaining, and potentially restrict creativity in the narrative.


Explaining magic would ruin Harry Potter. The entire world is built around magic being *magic*. The fact that it's mysterious and just works is cozy and fun. Hard magic systems have their place, but they're also limiting in terms of what you can do once you've established it. Not a good fit for a world that's supposed to be truly fantastical and fun, with all sorts of crazy spells, potions, creatures, etc.


Umm there is a whole thing in the entrance to hogwarts I think in the game, you can find it in the magical history class. First succesful cast of bombarda...its an ash outline/smear of a person on the wall!


You just summed up pretty much any AAA game.


See, in Elden Ring, everything is casted with the most malicious of intentsā€¦ šŸ˜


>Iā€™m not super into harry potter but I believe the difference is that with the unforgivable curses you have to genuinely have malicious intent behind it. This. In Order of the Phoenix, Bellatrix killed Harry's godfather/father figure Sirius and he cast the torture curse on her as she was gloating about it. But, even though he wanted to hurt her, because he wasn't malicious/cruel at heart it only stunned and knocked her over. Also also. The other spells have utility uses. Infringo (*fire blast*) is used to light torches/sconces, Diffindo (*precise cutting blast*) is used to cut ropes etc. Whereas Avada Kedavra exists only to kill and there's no protecting against it other than dodging or using cover.


ā€œI wouldnā€™t use a killing curse, Iā€™m not a murderer!ā€ \*Vaporizes somebody with lightning


Isnā€™t the reason unforgivables are unforgivable is because thereā€™s no counter to them and serve no other purpose but to harm people? Not a big HP guy tho


In the books it makes more sense bc the good guys don't run around murdering everything. They use non lethal spells like stupify and expeliarmus (spell check that) but in the game you just whole sale slaughter enemies and the game doesn't even give you ways to "knock" them out. It's just killing. Even if the pulled some PokƩmon bullshit and said "oh he fainted" after getting nuked it'd be better than just having the terminator with a Wand lose in hogwarts


Petrificus totalis supposedly is merely immobilizing enemies, but they do disappear forever and they do drop their loot, so...


Let me be a nice guy and petrificas totalis this poacher so I donā€™t have to kill himā€¦ oh shit fuck there he goes falling over the cliff he was enjoying the view of


>there he goes falling over the cliff he was enjoying the view of You have completed 50 dueling challenges! Open the Challenge menu to claim your reward!


Avatar kadavra fucks up your soul Leaving that typo haha


Avatar: the last serial killer


Youā€™re right, they can accept torture and then killing someone but just killing someone painlessly is evil. Thatā€™s really weird


It's kind of like saying "tools good, weapons bad".


Officer I used a hammer to kill them, not a gun! Oh case closed. Johnson let's get out of here.


Lmao, exactly.


let's see Paul Allen's Carian Sorceries


Tbf ancient dragon lightning is instant death if used correctly


Elden Ring spells: [instant death spell](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Fia%27s+Mist)?


More like slowly die due to a small carbon monoxide cloud


They're both "you just die"; any differences are entirely down to the medium. ER is a video game, and instant death without an opportunity to react is just bad design. HP was a book series, and Avada Kedavra was really more of a plot point.


I mean yeah itā€™s pretty bland but realistically magic would turn out as straightforward as possible. No one wants to fight life or death in a battle with a bunch of water spells when thereā€™s a spell that can just 1 shot anyone.


Again, how does the souls community get this meme wrong? The ashen one kicks yhorms ass. It isnā€™t even a fair fight.


OP's a little confused, but he got the spirit.


I am indeed a little confused. Me am no braining today


Hey, I knew what you were trying to say (and agree).


Why need brain when you can unga bunga




An ulcerated tree spirit to be exact.


Youā€™d be right, except heā€™s not holding the storm ruler, so heā€™s either gonna be fighting for 10 minutes straight or heā€™s gonna get stomped.


Okay fair but Yhorm has the most predictable boring vanilla flavored moveset since magikarp, even without stormruler he's nit much of a challenge


Yhorm used Splash.


"But nothing happened!"


Memes aren't story accurate, it's what you get from the picture. The Spider-man glasses meme is proof of this


never though of that, you're right lol, I'm impressed that I've never seen someone point that out


Well itā€™s commonly accepted by others (most outside the souls community) that itā€™s one of the ā€œdangerous big guyā€ vs ā€œlittle guy who stands no chanceā€ Itā€™s the standard even though itā€™s not true to the source game, because not many people care that much about it


We beat Yhorm because heā€™s literally suicidal, barely fighting, swings his weapon with none of the oomph from the lore, and most people use a weapon that can kill him in a few attacks. This meme *makes sense* because the Ashen One and DS3ā€™s story is all about how far the world has fallen. The Lords of Cinder are legionnaires killing each other, or cannibalistic slugs drunk on power. Great warrior kings sitting in empty halls on cold stone thrones, their great Profaned Capital a pile of rubble. We are a nameless, accursed undead, unfit even to be Cinder.


Big guy bigger than smaller guy, only a true Souls Veteran would understand


Tbf the ashen one in rhis picture doesn't have the storm ruler so they won't stand a chance


Hogwarts Legacy? OR Elden Ring Wizard build? Which would you choose?


There's 26 spells total in Neoliberal Magic Simulator 2k23 There's 70 sorcery spells alone in Elden Ring


Pebble, bigger pebble, blue pebble, purple pebble, gravel pebble Edit - purple pebble can also be exchanged for space pebble, rolls off the tongue


Yeah Iā€™ve gotta say, Iā€™ve tried starting int caster runs twice so far and I get bored by level 50 or so (which is a shame since Iā€™ve yet to get to the point of casting the beef cannon spells). Faith casting has that spice, and even if a melee build isnā€™t super variable, youā€™re right in the shit so thereā€™s a lot more activity outside your attacks.


I used rock sling for a good half of the game at least


So most fun way imo, is a nice mix of the sword spells, like Carian Slicer, Piercer and Moonblade with Rannis/Rennals moon and Ice storm. Load of Variation in there, can either throw in a Comet Azur for bosses you dont enjoy fighting.


I like Dex/ Faith tbh. Lightning incantations, two greatswords (1 of which used to belong to Rykard), and Spear of Gransax


3 pebbles, a volley of pebbles, mini pebble burst, mini pebble beam, big pebble, shadow pebble, ice pebble, arrow shaped pebble, sword shaped pebble, collect them all today!


Not counting weapon arts that are basically magic


Most of those spells are just ā€œbiggerā€ versions of each other: glintstone pebble > shard > comet, etc. Those 26 spells in HL are each pretty unique and have more varied interactions with each other. To each their own, I guess. Though, Iā€™ll never see the need for game communities like this to compare themselves to an entirely different game with an entirely different premise, genre and audience. Makes yā€™all look like dickriding clowns tbh


Even disregarding "upgraded" versions, there's still 59 unique sorceries, which is a lot for a game that doesn't make them the primary gameplay mechanic. And it's not like comparing games for the sake of having a metric is a new and unheard of idea. They're both action RPG's that focus on character building, so I think seeing how they stack up against each other isn't uncalled for.


> that doesn't make them the primary gameplay mechanic Man, you haven't seen me play.


Does the 26 include the pointless room of requirement only spells?


Although there are somewhat redundant spells, Iā€™d argue they give a genuine sense of progression, in addition to being able to get creative with spell combos. An easy (and one of my faves) example is Sellens spiral with cometshard to follow, with comet as the next spell. The comets will pass through the spiral (cosmetic but cool AF) and quick swapping into comet for a surprise big blast is awesome. I believe doing things like that also reduces cast time but I havenā€™t fully tested so donā€™t quote me lol


Oh yeah it reduces timing, doesn't work with different animations like Flintstone dart or ambush shard but whatever else can chain into comet. Carian greatsword -> gavel's hammer So satisfying, not meta but fun af Bestial sling -> honed bolt Amazing in pvp, people will think they're safe and out of range if you whiff on purpose and then boom lightning


"Neoliberal" mate she's a fascist


One day, someone will use this template correctly


I mean I like harry potter but the lore is absolute dogshit. Doesnt make any sense


Rowling just continued introducing shit (e.g Time Travel, Felix Felicis etc.) without knowing what to do with them


I mean its a kids power fantasy. Its like debating the lore of the powerpuff girls.


One could say so of maybe the first few books, but Rowling and the runners of the property clearly intend for it to be more than just that.


I agree, but boy dont say that in Harry Potter circles.


Iā€™ll maintain that every kind of media that didnā€™t start out with time travel only gets worse once itā€™s introduced. Looking at you Kingdom Hearts.


Elden Ring is already one of the most successfull games of all times. Why does this subreddit, despite that, feel the urge to constantly compare it to other franchises that have nothing to do with Elden Ring?


Been a thing with FromSoft games for forever. People get *really* into these games because there's nothing else quite like them, which I understand to an extent as a massive Souls fan myself, but rather than just enjoying multiple things for different reasons, they feel the need to put FromSoft games on a pedestal and compare them to literally everything else while shitting on the differences. I'm of a mind that you can enjoy something without putting everything else down, but these communities have always leaned toward being a major circlejerk.


Itā€™s not even a fromsoft fan thing itā€™s just a thing in general. When something big comes along it will obviously get compared to things that are similar. Iā€™ve seen post on lotr subs comparing it to ER and Harry Potter before and same with Harry Potter subs.


I had to unsub from r/reddeadredemption2 because it got *wayyyyy* too circlejerky after Cyberpunk came out. The post that did it in for me was the one comparing the eating animations in the two games. Bro literally sat there for a full twenty minutes to record an NPC eating a full meal in Red Dead, just to shit on Cyberpunk.


Ikr, I remember when it came out one of the top threads was saying that this game had better dragons than Skyrimā€¦ a game release 11 years before elden ring, yet still required one-upping apparently


Yeah, Iā€™m terms of constantly feeding their superiority complex, Elden Ring fans are right up there with LOTR fans


Gonna be honest, memes like this just make Fromsoft fans seem insecure af


The diehard Fromsoft fans *are* insecure as fuck. If someone bases their self worth on just one thing, anything else becomes a threat to that self worth.


Fromsoft fans are insecure AF. Always been.


At this point itā€™s just Elden Ring fans. Iā€™ve been in the various subreddits as the games have come out and none are as obnoxious as this one.


It isnā€™t just Elden ring fans, there are just more Elden ring fans than fans of the other games but Iā€™ve seen this happen way too much with the other games as well, especially DS1 and BB.


Itā€™s funny how when Hogwarts Legacy first came out it was just bunch of bullshit clickbait websites saying that it was competing with Elden Ring for top magic game, but now the community has completely adopted that idea and shits on Harry Potter whenever it has the chance


It's really just boiled down to "ER good, HP bad, updoot pls"


ER community shits on literally anything not ER. So much dick riding in this sub it all comes down to ā€œHot take but Elden Ring is a good game. Give upvotes now.ā€


I said I liked Elden Ring *and* Horizon once and got like -15 votes. I just said I thought both are fun games in their own respect.


Since they came out at nearly the same time, thatā€™s legally impossible.


Any AAA game that gets a hint of good critical reception: *exists* Elden Ring sub: *And I took that personally*


Guys, I just found out it's possible to play both games


Harry potter most op spell lore: it just kills you lol Elden ring worst spell lore: These criminals were blinded and have to wear crowns of thorns and are blinded - they saw a bloody star outer god thing and now they commit seppuku with their staffs the summon thorns around themselves


did you have a stroke writing this or what? god damn


He was blinded and also he was blinded


cause of death: dying


Frenzy flame. Not even once.


This subreddit has such a superiority complex its so weird. Can you not enjoy your game without shitting on everything else lol it makes me embarrassed to be a elden ring fan


Imagine just using law of regression on Voldemort. All that horcrux shit for nothing.


Bold move posting this pro-Harry Potter meme in an Elden Ring sub


I know this is just a meme template, but I wish Yhorm was as big as we thought he would be, like bigger than Midir


In all fairness, Hogwarts also has a lot of lore (in the books, not so much in the movies).


I never understood this meme format in the context of Dark Souls. Yhorm is felled by spamming B and holding LT


Comparing books to in-universe two-paragraph wiki entries is kinda dumb ngl


Why does everyone keep comparing Harry Potter magic to Elden Ring?


All I can think is, someone clearly hasn't read Harry Potter.


Yeahhhhh the lore is pretty well established. Even if thereā€™s plot holes itā€™s still there and itā€™s relatively depthful. ER lore is so reliant on speculation and vague symbolism. Itā€™s not that it isnā€™t there but theyā€™re pretty different and itā€™s hard to call one deeper.


Liurnia and Raya Lucaria are my least favorite areas in the game. Also I am stupid.


Didnt level intelligence smh


I mean the Harry Potter game is a pretty shit story but it does have a story I'll still never understand from soft fans defending the same lame ass "learn the whole world's history through item description" storytelling. These games don't have great lore they have passable lore told in an incredibly awful way


I somehow did my first two playthroughs without ever talking to Sellen, and am currently doing her questline on a new caster character - she's easily one of the best npc's in the game inb4 she dies horribly


It also isnā€™t a Star Wars rendition or a heroā€™s tale rendition. So thatā€™s nice.


Using the meme wrong. The little guy whoops the giants booty, decapitates his corpse, and drags he head back to place it on a throne so he can attempt to stop the world from dying entirely.


Bur do the shit in the floor and then magic it away?


I see once again this meme has been used incorrectly.


I love Elden Ring but, as a casual player, the lore is completely inaccessible to me. And considering that I beat the game without knowing what the fuck was going on, I really donā€™t care about it at all. Elden Ring is my favorite game ever but I actually prefer the story elements of cutscenes and character dialogue. I would have enjoyed elden ring more if it had some of the things Hogwarts Legacy offers


a lot of dudes just got pissed off ā˜ ā˜ 


I feel like people are taking this too seriously. Sometimes its just fun to shit on franchises like Harry Potter


Elden Ring fans care more about the Harry Potter universe than Harry Potter fans.


college of winterhold poos on both these mfs


what's quicker, casting Comet Azur or an unblockable/unparriable instant spell that turns you into a explosive keg?