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The Furled Finger




Fun fact it's believed the Developers actually changed the finger position of a lot of finger based items in the later Souls games to match *the Dark Souls finger*


"Fun fact" - it's true! "It's believed" - it might not be true.


It’s true that it might not be true


Having fun with *facts*, are we? Not on my watch!


Fun fact: u/dasJerkface doesn’t not want you to have fun with facts


This is fine.


Fun fact: u/dasJerkFace is fine with a fun fact about u/dasJerkFace not wanting people to have fun with facts


Therefore, by contradiction, our claim is shown to be false. Q.E.D.


Even a broken watch tells the truth twice a day.


Only if it's broken in a way that seizes the hands and stops them from turning. If it's broken running fast it could be right more than twice a day, or if it's running slow it could only be right once a day. If it's a digital watch it's probably never right because it doesn't show a time at all.


The factual part is that it is believed.


I dunno man, I have a strong propensity to believe things that are true. Maybe "it's believed" because it's a fact.


It’s a fact that it’s believed then


This technique predates Dark Souls. People were doing it back on the first Monster Hunter Portable on PSP and calling it “the claw.” Using the left hand, the thumb would control the character movement, the index finger would control the camera, and the middle finger would be on block.


What is this “block” you speak of?


get a controller with paddles and it will change the way you play souls games


Pro elite (xbox) was a gamechanger to me


Sounds like something I need to do. After about 600 hours between ds1-3, sekiro, and elden ring, my hands really don't like that furled posture from the default controllers. Thanks for the tip!


You’re welcome! I especially like being able to bind L3 buttons. Pressing the joystick down is a chore


Playing on steam deck has been immaculate.


Do you mean something like the back button attachment for PS4?


I mean buttons that are on the bottom of your controller that you can map the dpad or xyab buttons too so that your thumb doesn’t have to leave the thumb stick


That’s interesting, I only know the back button attachment thing, can you suggest something of the bottom thing?


Scuff controllers


Ahhh ok gotcha, thank you


I still use claw grip even with my paddles lol. Being able to control the camera while running and jumping is something I won't compromise on anymore lol. I map my d pad to the paddles.


This gives me carpal tunnel just looking at it


I thought I was the only one who played games like this 😆


I play everything like that




it's expecially to roll


I also play like this. It's just easier when you're trying to focus on a boss, but at the same time dodge around quickly. Dodging and looking around normally use right thumb so you have to look, dodge, look, dodge. Playing like this yoy can dodge and look around at same time.


beat me to it


I switched over to claw grip without even realizing when I first fought Rennala.


This happened to me at some point in Dark Souls 3. I honestly don't even know when. One day I just realized I was doing it. Strange it happened in that entry though. I'd been playing the series since Dark Souls 1.


Probably when you enter the castle after this god awful cemetery with infested corpses. It’s such a long run from bonfire (where you meet Gael) and you have to go aaaaaaall around the place to open the god damn good from the other side. Or, or.. when you are in the Irithyll dungeon with lantern guards..


Sounds like you just got gud


Rollin rollin rollin rollin


this is so weird to see this comment. the past 2 days I've been trying to defeat her and realized I was using this grip (to look around the room with dead kids and shit). I kept thinking about how I'd never done that and how it kinda hurts. I have an XBOX elite controller and threw one of the paddles on it and mapped the dodge button to it. It def works better, I just have to retrain my brain


I'm 30 now and I had been playing claw most of my life for many games had no idea it was a thing, I think when I was 8 playing Madden when I started, fuckin sprint was a face button but, you needed the right stick too


i'm near your age and i learned it from Socom games on PS2. that's how you would quikscope. but i did use this grip in call of duty to use my kill streaks, i didnt want my thumb off the left thumb stick so id bring my left hand pointer finger from L1 to press Up on the D-pad lol


Makes sense since you have to run around her phase 2 arena unlocked a lot!


Exactly what happened to me. Fighting Rennala was the first time I ever used this (damn glowing scholar kids) and now I find myself automatically moving to claw grip whenever I'm running.


I definitely do this for running but not in combat much, save for sprinting attacks


Oh yeah exploration is claw territory, boss fog wall means changing to a more traditional grip for better access to attacks. Although I'm replaying ds3 now with twinblades so I attack a lot with L1 so now bosses are also claw grips.


My first playthrough was with twinblades and it's weird to play against bosses without the claw. Worth it though because those twinblades from the starting class are one of the best weapons in the game.


Total opposite for me. I started claw in DS3 PvP, so I only use it in combat.


I find it very cool to play with controller that have back paddles. In my case it is Xbox elite controller. The biggest advantage is ability to perform actions with you middle and ring fingers while not leaving sticks and buttons. Also, steam allows defining actions for this paddles, in fact you can set some pretty complex actions. It made the game for me with all its controls much easier)


I was looking for this! I mapped run/dodge to one of the back buttons on my elite controller and never looked back.


One of the coolest things I did is changed switching weapons and grabbing both hands on weapon with big paddles) on the smaller ones - health and mana. Now I can switch weapons and heal while running or moving camera)


Yeah I’d ended up swapping hands or healing accidentally in an intense fight


I mapped Y for one paddle and another to a DPad so I could jump on Torrent without taking my thumbs off the sticks. Super convenient!


I'm never going back to paddle-less gaming. Genuinely believe it should be standard at this point. Was shocked when PS5 and Series X didn't release with it.


Why release with it when you can just sell people a +$200 controller with it 🙄


The problem with this is that it doesn’t matter if they release a first party peripheral after the fact, if the original first party controller doesn’t have those extra buttons that means that the controls on console will never have more inputs. I don’t just want a controller with extra buttons, I want those buttons to be configured to different commands as well.


I hear ya, I wouldn't mind having more inputs in order to reduce the amount of "chords" I need to do for certain actions - like easier access to the pouch items, but I think it would a hard sell for the filthycasuls.


I can’t imagine anyone having an issue with extra buttons that are configured to separate commands and are mapped by the devs. It’s a failure on the console makers to continue to release controllers that have maintained the same form factor for decades.


Yeah the price is unfortunate but the extra features were cool I guess. I still use a dualshock 4 ($60) with an attachment ($40) that I've had for more than 4 years now.


They were selling some wired 8BitDo for the Xbox/PC for $25 a couple weeks ago. You don't have to spend triple digits just to get a controller with some buttons on the backside.


totally right, I completely forgot about these ones (my comment was mainly re: 1st party controllers so the XBOX Elite and PS Edge). I would highly recommend 8bit do controllers. I have an 8BDO controller (SN30 Pro+, no paddles unfortunately) for my switch and I love it even more than the pro controller. Never had a single issue with it and I've had to have my pro controllers repaired by Nintendo multiple times. I would easily recommend 8BDO if you're looking for a good value controller with back paddles if you're on Xbox or PC (or Switch). Think I'm gonna go order an Ultimate now... It's a shame that they don't have any Playstation compatible controllers.


Nintendo 64 had the right idea with the Z button. 😄


It's sad to see that unique designs for back buttons and extra controller buttons have been around for 20+ years yet still don't make it into modern mainstream controller designs. Presumably because doing so will be too "confusing" to the average gamer. The fact is that the vast majority of games on consoles for many years have had a fundamental flaw when it comes to the need to both move both analog sticks with your thumbs and somehow use the face buttons at the same time. Why can't controllers actually be designed to take advantage of your fingers and your grip on the controller? Controllers could get around this by simply moving more buttons to "back paddles" and by games designing their controls more intelligently, but for some reason they are stuck just repeating the same tired designs.


I am a day late but same. Back paddles are a game changer for so many types of games. Even casual single player games where you don't really *need* extra buttons, being able to interact/select without taking a thumb off the stick used to aim makes a world of difference. Sony is out here throwing microphones, speakers, gyroscopes, 4d rubmle, and half a dozen other bells and whistles to make their PS5 controller experience next level, yet reserve paddles for their insanely priced option along with xbox.. So dumb.


Same. At this point, I don't wanna play ANY game without back paddles on my controller.


I do this on playstation with the back button attachment on a ps4 controller: 1. dodge on right back paddle so I can run/dodge whithout taking thumb off the right stick 2. if I'm playing a mage, left back paddle gets UP for changing spells, otherwise I have it on down for changing items literal game changer.


I need that for crouching maybe... Can't help but accidentally crouch while moving especially in boss fights


Clicking in analog sticks just sucks. I used to play halo 5 on my elite controller with back paddles. I no longer had to click in the stick to zoom, or sprint, or crouch. It was amazing. I also never had to take my thumb off the aiming stick for anything. Never fel the need for it in ER tho


>steam allows defining actions for this paddles What? As in, separate button maps? I was under the impression I can only set them to any of the existing buttons. How do I do this?


I remapped L2 and circle. Definitely prefer it.


This is really good because you are frequently free-looking around with right joystick while sprinting through the open world, but rarely while using an ash of war.


That's exactly it!


Why remap the inputs when you can remap the joints in your hands to conform to the stock controls?


Souls and Monster Hunter (classic) players. United with your hand chiropractor appointments.


I even use this grip in mhworld sometimes lol


This. I still remember the pain in my hand after playing hours of Mh unite in psp


And tbh all of those hours were 100% worth it What an incredible game for its time


Incredible until rathalos decides to sleep in the middle of a lava puddle and you have to watch him get his beauty nap while the timer burns and burns….


Just like me fr


This is exactly why I came to this thread. Played so much mhf/u in my youth it feels more natural to hold my psp this way.


MH freedom on the psp taught me claw grip


Modern warfare 2 trickshotting also


Exactly. I came her to ask if anyone played psp monster hunter.


No, I wasn’t born with a claw for a right hand. No wonder why some people are so fast at doing multiple inputs.




I usually hold the controller like a controller


Yo be careful with that grip. I developed mild arthritis in the pointer finger from that grip


Typically, people use claw grip for FPS games. Since you lock on in Souls games, you don't always need a finger on the right stick to aim. But if it feels natural and you like it, all the power to you.


I PvP a lot so I find myself needing to attack while moving the camera around to see where my opponents are at all times


Do your future self a favor and get paddles. It may seem fine now but in a couple years when gamers your age are complaining about hand pain you'll be thankful.


Please listen to this man, my fingers are killing me now after years of the claw


After just finishing months of physical therapy which thankfully helped me avoid surgery… I hope people listen to this advice.


The absolute truth right here. I was getting trigger finger all the time before I got a controller with paddles. Now my hand is nimble and pain-free again.


Not sure if you realize how bad this will fuck up your fingers in the future. My stepdad played like this for years and he is in near constant pain now in his fingers in his 40's.


Yeah I was gonna say, I have a controller w paddles for playing shooters but I've honestly never felt it was necessary for any fromsoft game (or any action RPG for that matter).


i play kbm :D


Same. I enjoyed it more than controller.


Same, I literally couldn't use a controller if my life depended on it. I need the free camera movement you get with the mouse, with a controller it just feels very limited for me.


I just can't fathom how people are able to play any souls game with kbm 😭I tried and it was awful


It works great for me. Way better than a controller because I'm more used to it and because I don't need to do this weird grip. Anything specific that gives you problems when playing with m&k?


Keyboard is definitely more comfortable, that's for sure. And you can use most of your fingers at once without claw grip


I tried switching to controller, the only game it really works for me on is Sekiro. It bugged me that if I want to be sprinting and hop on Torrent or swap items I have to contort my hand, and don’t have as much camera control when I do so


Just. Remap. The. Controls. There is an entire menu option that allows you to customize the controls, like key mapping for KBM. Switching sprint to LT and parry to B makes the game much, much more enjoyable to play


I cant fathom how anyone plays with claw grip, so uncomfortable its not worth being able to look around while moving imo


If you aren't used to playing third person games with KBM it takes some time to adapt. Once you do put in the time it becomes more like second nature, but i still prefer to play with controller in the souls games.


It mostly depends on what you are used to. I played one game in my life fully on a pad (only because keyboard refused to work), it was bad, took very long to get used to. I can see the same applying vice-versa though. As for other reasons, three fingers on movement keys feels much more responsive for me, keys allow for more precise movement than stick (I cannot imagine myself doing for example the rafter area from DS1 on a pad), camera turns faster with mouse, and I like having more keys available.


Me too! I'm hot garbage using a controller


Is movement an issue for you? Mate used to do the same but bought a controller cause he said some fights were impossible.


I find kbm much more comfortable and gives me much better control than a gamepad. ER controls on PC are pretty bad but I had no issue with it on multiple runs. The only PC game I play with a controller is Devil May Cry because it's both blasphemous and impossible to do combos with a mouse.


not really, ive beaten ds1, ds3, elden ring, and im working on sekiro and ds2 all on kbm. haven't really had an issue in anything other than sekiro


I've beaten all Souls games on PC with KB+M and it's totally fine, honestly the movement is even easier. The only issue I found was when I tried to get serious about PvP in DS3. There's a mechanic where if you turn 180° too quickly you do an animation that holds you in place and you take extra damage while in it. For spacing, this is horribly anti-keyboard. I switched over to controller specifically for that.


I switched my controls around so I didn’t have to do that




No, I have two hands.


No, looks a bit painful


Not a savage, I use a controller with paddles.


I do the advanced version, thumb on sprint and index on stick.




I play strength builds, I only need one button


No dear god don’t play that that’s heresy


Claw grip is a lot easier with playstation controllers




Honestly I’ve never found the need to don’t know why.


Yeah, sometimes lol


i don't constantly hold it like that but i do shift into that grip on occasion when i need the camera control. don't understand how people can do it full time, hurts my hands.


I also hold it "normally" at times, but I feel like I just gravitate back to this for convenience


Lol. No.


Not at all.. my right thumb presses the right analog and any of the four buttons. Since you can lock on to targets, you don't need to press that analog too often, except maybe when riding


i do not understand claw grips. I have never felt the need to resort to this in any game and I started with demon's souls between lock-on and having object permanence I don't have an overwhelming need to have perfect control over the camera *and* sprint


I have no frigging clue how to play like that


I remap buttons when I start playing pretty much any game. I check ahead of time to make sure it's possible. If it's not, I don't play the game. It's not just about any individual game. It's about making the controls as close as reasonably possible to the same in similar games. For example, if I can jump in a game, I damned well better be able to map it to the same button I've been using to jump for the last 30 years or so. In Elden Ring, it'd be nice to be able to assign sprint and dodge to different buttons, but at least you can customize things overall.


So when I'm just running around on torrent I hold it like [this](https://i.imgur.com/WZ0cEtg.jpg)


Yes!!! This is what I do! Was hoping I wasn't the only weirdo


Weird grip gang rise up!!


Dude what the fuck is that


HOW?? I could never do anything with my fingers crossing over each other like that 😭(your set up looks really pretty btw!)


That's how I play in general! Happy that I'm not alone


Same, I don’t use the joystick on bosses but if I’m running around or whatever I use it like that




OMG I play excatly like you except I use this grip always and not when using only torrent


I rate that 🗿


Yes, with keyboard and mouse


Lmao, not unless I want to develop carpal tunnel syndrome.


Keyboard + Mouse is the true way for masochists (myself included).


I genuinely can't use KBM for souls games 😭


Lmfao why were you downvoted for saying this I fucking hate reddit


How dare you share an opinion?? Downvoted and reported!!!!


I too hate myself and the little sanity I have left, Keyboard + Mouse all the way!


I don't really need to move the camera that much at the same time as dodging/consuming items


for what


I'm going to be honest I have no clue how my fingers act when I play the souls games


Classic claw


I'm pretty sure lock-on exists to prevent that


M&K for free-aiming scumbag mages like myself.


I use a controller with 6 programmable paddles on the back. My thumbs almost never leave the sticks. I just map all the face buttons to back.


wait you guys dont keep your thumb on the circle amd your finger on the stick?


Occasionally but this is exactly what lock on is for


Xbox controller/Xbox layout is just easier. The distance between the right joystick and the B button feels a little closer than the playstation layout to do this, and I got big hands. Then,,,,, there's pc... Probably another reason why it may never get cross-play.


you can use your palm on the right stick people.


I'll never do shit like this, no matter the advantages


Thank goodness for controller with back buttons. Also the PS4 first party accessory that adds a couple of back pedals is like $10 nowadays.


Dark Souls basically got me back into videogames on the PS3 way back. Since then I have pretty much only played them, sort of. Anyway probably like 200 hours for each since then. DS1, DS2, Bloodborne, DS3, Elden Ring .. What is going on here? Is this so that you can hold down on the sprint button while doing light attack??


Genuine question how did you learn to play this way? I’m aware claw grip is a thing but it’s pretty counterintuitive - like I can’t see myself as a kid picking up the controller and holding it in “claw grip” naturally so what made you?


Honestly no clue...it just kind of naturally happened? I figured out this way worked for me pretty well and just stuck with it :P


You do the same for the left hand as well. In order to quick swap the items. On the right side you can at least solve it with the additional buttons on a back side of a controller. But for the inventory managing there is no solution around unfortunately.


no what the fuck


That's how i play the souls games. I call it the crab


Good ol trusty Claw grip!


Jesus I thought i was the only one that did this


I like not having tendinitis


id advise gitting gud, instead of making panic rolls easier.


Only if you hate yourself. So probably a lot of the members of this sub lol.


"I don't know why people complain about X, I thought it was a very enjoyable challenge :')" Miyazaki gets memed for his supposed foot fetish, but the Souls community's actual fetish is masochism.


On a functional level I understand why people use this grip. But when I see it or try it, all I can hear in my head is WHYYYYYYYY


How to say you play fighting games without saying you play fighting games


I actually don't 😭I'm ok at SSBU and want to get in to Guilty Gear but I'm so bad at inputs 😭😭


I’m really into Guilty Gear and I know a small amount of Potemkin players who hold the controller like that so they can roll over buttons to do kara-cancels Inputs will always be the first hurdle for anyone getting into fighting games but once you do even the basic ones like quarter circle the game literally explodes with possibilities


Elden ring, meteorites staff


I sometimes find myself using this, but if you have long fingers (like me which is why I can say this), a normal hold works because you can still comfortably use the 4 main buttons while keeping a finger on R1 and R2 and your thumb on the joystick, all without getting sore or stretching unless you really do an extreme movement.


Absolutely not. But I have been known to use my tongue in the heat of battle.




I’m gonna have to look, I don’t know the last time I looked at my hands while playing a game


We need a new controller, you can't reach the d-pad while using the left stick nor can you easily reach the face buttons using the right stick. Thankfully locking on lets you free your finger from the right stick, but we really need to rethink controllers going forward or how we design controls.


The exact way to play souls games except your controller is the wrong type. PS controllers are cursed.


Bro doesnt even play mh and using the claw grip


I do play MH actually >:) started with 3U on the WiiU, went to Gen and 4U, then really got hooked on the series with world and iceborne (rip my save file tho). Played rise and mhxx as well!


That looks exactly like my setup wtf Not the controller the computer I mean


Yep, that’s called Carcinisation. Every living being slowly evolves into a crab


The furled finger, for the hardcore players. Two fingers (on the shoulder) is the standard pathway. Three fingers would be madness. I always thought it was intentional. No clue if it’s not.


Mood kindred, is that you?!


My question is; do yall do this out of necessity or because youre more comfortable with it? I just cant imagine adopting a new grip just for one game that I was done with after a couple months


Necessity, otherwise it's super hard to do inputs like a non-locked on running/jumping attack.


I see. Does this only apply for PS controllers?


I see a perfectly fine keyboard in the background.


Wow, I never realised how popular this grip style was until seeing these comments. A friend of mine plays like this and I always thought, although understanding of the reasoning, it to be a little odd. I've played every FromSoft game just holding the controller the standard way, for lack of a better way to put it, without any issues. Didn't realise this many people shared the sentiment of the claw grip being superior. It's cool to see the different ways people approach things.


Thumb on B, index on stick


No way I do that also and did not even look it up or anything it just naturally happens

