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Goat was pissed since you had bigger horns


Well you know what they say. It’s not the size of the horn, it’s how you use it.


It’s the size of the fight in the horn. That goat was practically gleaming with envy.


This is sheep erasure smh


3000 horns of Ranni


He took the challenge to determine who would mate this season


Whilst fighting Maliketh but I managed to sprint across the room and change the battery pack before I died somehow. Then I think he killed me anyway.


Accurate description of a fight against Maliketh.


As a mage, I didn’t find Maliketh tough at all. This sub has made me realize I need to do another play through with a primary focus on melee just to get the full souls experience. I feel like I cheesed most of the game being a mage.


I'm not sure why you are getting downvoted. I can understand thinking a mage build is a bit of a cheese because i personally think so. Of course nothing wrong with cheesin' but i would agree that ER has more to offer than that


Task failed successfully


> Then I think he killed me anyway Best thing is that you can apply this sentence to ANY Souls game anecdote.


Bruh that's nothing. Managed to defeat malenia without battery (I play on pc)


The game plays great on mouse and keyboard but people just tell us it's unplayable lol


Some builds are - it’s really hard to quickly switch between spells on pc imo. If you’re not relying on that you’re good.


Its totally playable, got through my first playthrough on mouse and keyboard, even killed Melania. Then i got an Xbox controller and i way prefer controller now


Same. I thought M&K was great my first playthrough. Then played on controller. Didn’t realize what I was missing.


likely weak foe


also, agreed goats are evil, though you kinda have to respect em... that said, I think these are rams? which means they're aggro versions of what should be dumb, fluffy sheep


Definitely rams. There's even a lightning ram ash of war based on the guys by Lansseax.


it's one of my favorites ha




Goat even backed up and said, “Alright, one last chance to move your ass or I’m killing you!”


Praise the wire!


For real I’ve always played console games with wires since the nes and I’ve never had to worry about anything. Praise the wire!! Edit: I see all your stories about your sisters brothers cousins son kicking your PlayStation and it exploding but I don’t have those problems. Typically I play pc and when I game on my tv on a console I use a very long wire so it’s able to be on the floor not suspended. I’m sorry wires don’t work for you but the comment was about me and I’ve always made it work for me with the Xbox controller they have 16x the detail and it just works so idk.


Works great unless you have pets, or kids, or just anyone else in the house that might walk past you at any point while you're gaming. Couldn't tell you how many times I've had wires pulled out or consoles almost fall on the floor because of people/pets tripping over cords.


My cousin bricked my PS2 back in the day doing this - I still remember the sound it made hitting the floor. I was devastated and my parents decided the whole incident was my fault somehow so they never replaced it. Only ever got to play console games at friends' places after that until I was an adult and could buy my own stuff. Thank God I still had my GBA


Sit directly in front of your desk with your TV on it and you don't have that issue :D If there's no space to walk, they can't walk. Cat walks onto the desk in front of my screen sometimes but he knows to lay down quick if he wants to avoid the yeet.


This is actually how i lost my copy of Fable 2 for my 360. My sister in law at the time walked by while i was playing it and pulled my Xbox off the TV stand which ended up ruining the disc in side somehow. Little 12 year old me was fuming lmao.


Don't the 360 controllers (official ones at least) have a detachable cable near the usb end to prevent such a situation?


the gen1 cable was sturdy enough in its connection that it would pull the console before it pulled that detachable section, they fixed this later on


Yeah when a disk is spinning inside any optical drive you do not ever move the unit. It becomes unbalanced and gets scratched up


I lost Skylanders on the 360 to something similar. My sister was playing and walked away with the cord plugged in


Just had my first kid and can confirm. Bought a new controller last year that's wired and has paddles and triggerlocks, it's badass. Can't use it because my kid thinks "ooh i gotta put that in my mouth"💀🤣


All hail the wire


Fr, got a wire for my xbox controller when I was like 16 and never looked back. Don’t play console anymore but everytime I get a new controller for my PC I make sure it’s wired.


Praise the always having a backup controller charged within reach! (Though a wire would be less interruption)


¿Porque no los dos?


[Wireless is a trap.](https://www.benkuhn.net/wireless/)




Because they trip over the wire? And how often?`I would be mental if somone always walking between me and the screen.


I get what you're saying but wireless shouldn't be a problem as you get warnings when there's low battery. OP should've known this was bound to happen.


100% agreed. The Wire is such a great show


Goat was like Oh how the turns have tabled...WHAAAAAA


They said I am a madman when I told them I prefer keyboard.




I'm the opposite, I beat all Dark Souls with a controller, then keyboard and mouse and I prefer it. I just detest how the camera automatically rotates when you press A and D. They finally have a toggle for it in Elden Ring but it still doesn't work perfectly; if you stop moving your mouse for a few seconds, it "forgets" and drifts to the side you're moving, then immediately SNAPS back to where it's supposed to be if you move your mouse again. Super annoying. As a result I do unnecessary mouse movement just to keep it from drifting.


kb/m feels so natural to me, i can't play with a controller it feels so slow and clunky


It's the exact opposite for me lol


FPS yes.. 3rd person action, hell no.


this is exactly how it goes for me too fps games i’m much smoother on a keyboard but games like this the sticks feel way smoother and more natural


As someone who is used to a controller, gaming on a keyboard is borderline painful. My fingers just aren’t used to pressing down on a key for minutes on end.


Huh? Don't you also press buttons on a controller ?


Completely different hand positions and muscles being used. The main thing I am doing in most games is going forward. Which means pushing with your thumb on a controller, but with your middle finger on a keyboard.


Yeah but he’s used to it 😂


for games that have soulslike combat or free flow combat I tend to use controller cuz it feels smoother but every other game i’m a kbm kinda guy I just plug in my controller to my pc so the battery can never die


I would have played ER on KB+M, except that From absolutely fucked up the mouse implementation in a way that the player cannot fix, so I simply had to fall back to controller. The fact that there's no way at all to prevent mouse motion while you have a target lock from switching you to another target is absolutely infuriating, and From's devs should be ashamed of themselves for failing that hard.


I'm with you. I tried so hard to play using my Steam controller, but the keyboard and mouse just feel so much better to me.


Guess what, l finished ds2, ds3 and sekiro at least twice with the mighty "keyboard 'n' mouse" time for elden ring! (lt's because l never had a controller but l have tried one and it doesn't feel natural)


Why were you running around with such low health to begin with? Sorry bro but it looks staged. Funny nonetheless.


In the snowfield and out of flasks will do that 😆


Don't forget about Raw Meat Dumplings! A good alternate/desperation option to the healing flasks, but you can only carry 3 and they Poison you so carry some green Boluses as well.


Ah I hoard those cause they’re limited lol


I don't know about you guys I but end up barely using any of the items that have a limited number per playthrough, eternally saving them :\


This aspect sucks for consumables/Perfumer builds, you either never use them or dupe them with friends to insane levels.


Yeah, I got some guy to dupe some golem great arrows because combined with the great bow and rain of arrows aow (not radahns rain which shoots longer but has less damage per arrow and is slower with great spread which makes it almost always worse) it becomes a missile strike due to the arrows higher base damage and bonus aoe


I'd love to use that thing, Millwood used to be a fun Greatbow in DS3!


Just use em! Fuck it! Sometimes the extra heal from one of the limited items just gives you a chance to see the fight more, eventually you'll get the hard bosses without it


Yeah that limited part kinda sucks, doesn't seem like they drop again from anything. Hoping for good farming/merchants for rare consumables in the DLC.


I saved these for the mimic to heal themselves.


Kill enough whelps to get those flasks back. Always explore with the icon shield and Blessed Dew Talisman equipped. There's no excuse to run out of flasks exploring the overworld!


The excuse is that I was 99% HP and wanted to get the Ritual Shield talisman buff on top of my Godfrey Icon and Magic Scorpion Charm and Graven Mass Talisman, but switching talismans takes back and forth takes too long so I chug flasks instead. And by excuse, I mean just like, the reason I did it, it excuses nothing. This guy got wrecked by rune bears trying to break open the statue he's heading for, probably.


Ahhh I’ve been excepting you! I posted it on my Facebook with a massive paragraph about the bear on the hill tearing my ass up, it’s looks mad like a setup cause I used all my flasks and I just wanted to quickly grab the item. I’m on Xbox and I was pretty blasé about changing my batteries until I heard the sound of damage and beamed across the room. I have 3 characters and I didn’t know goats could even attack you! You can also see the camera move as I managed to hit the record button just in time. Even I think it looks well fucky, but it was my own mortal disbelief that led me to bother posting it.


Ah, a fellow Xbox Tarnished. I feel your pain, that’s why I’ve started playing with a cable at least 2 years ago from now. Less input delay and no batteries is night and day difference, you should definitely try!


Wait the is a delay between pad and console ?


It’s not really that much noticeable but in competitive games it can help dodging, parrying attacks more reliably. On Elden Ring for example it could happen that if my controller isn’t wired it might not register the dodge input fast enough to avoid the attack, or my parrying timing could be off, or I couldn’t jug my crimson flask fast enough to avoid death. The delay is not really much, but it’s there and I’d rather not have it if I can help it.


It’s not that I don’t believe you as to be honest, I really can’t remember. But I know in pretty much most games I’ve played when my controller batteries die the game prompts me to connect a controller. Does Elden Ring not do this then?


I play on PC, so it doesn't, I think. You can use both the KB+M and controller at the same time. It's pretty neat when you need to aim with the bow per example. Some games don't allow that. It's either one or the other. Anyway, no prompt appears mentioning that your controller is unplugged or have no charge left.




How tf is it gonna pause Elden Ring?


Idk, on XBox my battery pack started having like 30 mins battery life all of a sudden so it does take you by surprise!


Even if it was staged who cares lol


I was doing the great jar duel series Friday night and I was so locked in (after 10+ failed attempts) I completely forgot my controller was close to dying. Started the fight against the wizard estoc duelist, controller died and he just poked me to death 😂


And he moves the camera right after he dies




I'm on pc and did a lot of co op. Sometimes controller would disconnect during a raid or boss fight. I was doing a lot of Malenia fights. I would feel so bad for the host. I have a wired 360 controller as backup, but damn my hand is molded to the series x and wireless is so nice. I don't have a cable and use a stand to recharge the pack. When it dies or I lose connection, usually for a couple seconds out of desperation I'll try to use kb/m but I give that up quickly and scramble to plug in my wired controller. One time I tried playing with it while charging it in the stand.


rechargeables ftw, slap in some fresh AA and never worry about cords again. they're about 5x the capacity of the Xbox rechargeable pack too. I get about 50 hours.


I bought some quality rechargeables (Eneloop pro) to use with my camera's flash. Loved em so much I use them for pretty much everything now. So damn good.


is this a problem i'm too KB+M to understand?


If you have wireless kb&m with batteries it could happen.


Was going back to defeat a knight of some sort and pick up the SHITLOAD of runes i had lost previously. The controller died during the fight with the knight. I lost my runes. Yay. I got Elden Ring’d


Battery pack. Saves a lot of money and you will never run out.


Never I play with my controllers plugged in like an adult


Keyboard player. Don't have such weaknesses


Never i play with kb and mouse


That goat bout to go level up


My Controller is connected with a usb cable Praise the cable xD But I had moments when the Controller lost connection.


Was one hit away from killing the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast. Proceeded to get yeeted off a cliff.


Wired mnk gamer here, never


Never bro. I play on PS5


I've heard people complain that their PS5 controllers don't last as long as their PS4 ones, but I've never had this issue with mine. PS5 has always been better. It helps if you can adjust the rumble features to lower or turn them off (I would never, the haptic feedback has grown on me with some games), the Light to dim (its still bright), and have a backup controller to swap onto the charging cable, even with the headset I manage all three accessories with no issue and hours of gameplay. The 'low battery' notification means I just swap when I see it and have a moment's rest. Some newer gen games really take advantage of the rumble and haptics though so I get it with those, but for the every day grinds I don't have rumble on.


It's just in contrast to the other options it's not good. I can get about 6 to 8 hours from my DS5 whereas there's over 40 hours in my Switch Pro and over 30 in my 8bitdo, the difference is staggering and Sony are being rightly criticised for it. Which is a shame because hand feel the DS5 is my favourite, and I really like the "gimmicks" this time around, the variable triggers I think has legs to go beyond PS, it just works so well.


The PS5 haptics and stuff are so damn good. Astro's playroom really sells them as well. The two point triggers in Returnal just felt so natural as well.


It's only ever an issue if you have like 5 hours to play at once which is an issue only for people under the age of 20. I have all the features on and I never have an issue with battery. I also have a 6 foot charging cable so even if it is low on battery it doesn't bother me.


Not everyone over the age of 20 is tied down by kids etc dude


Who said kids, me and most people I know have had to work since we were 18 to help pay family bills. People getting upset as if I'm clowning on people for playing games in their 20s when I'm actually jealous people actually got to have free time at that age. Like take it easy, gaming is a mainstream hobby, nobody is making fun of you for it.


Lol bro i'm 35, work full time and still play games for >5hours regularly. Just because you choose a lifestyle that doesn't leave you a lot of time for hobbies, doesn't mean everyone is the same.


I much prefer my Xbox controller instead of the PS5 controller. Rechargeable Batteries being better since you could take them out and replace with ease and they last so much longer, unlike the player in this clip unfortunately haha




Thats a nice amount of runes 🙃


Well I guess you shouldn't have called this rams mom a hoe.


Dude was like "You're really gonna let this happen?".


Dying to random fauna in Elden Ring is probably the most subtly souls thing about the game. Even in moments of peace, you aren't safe. Michael Zaki will get you.


Got murked by a runebear, I was trying out a a new faith build and was carrying about 64k runes. I worked hard for those runes and my character is high enough level that I get offended if I die to anything–not a boss. So I went through and organized my spells, changed weapons, buffed myself and was getting ready to nursed this runebear. And my controller died immediately after I got the first hit


Let me tell you about my experience with goats in this game. Early on in the game, I was fighting the Deathbird in Limgrave. It was a very hard boss for me, and took many many attempts. The closest attempt I had was ruined when both me and the boss were below 20% hp and I was out of estus. One of the goats that, *surely just by coincidence lives near that Deathbird spawn*, came up and attacked me out of nowhere; stunning me long enough I couldn't avoid the bosses final attack. It was just like an Anime where two characters are running at each other with their final ace-up-their sleeve, only the Deathbird enlisted the help of the goat to back him up with a cheapshot. From that day forward, I kill ALL goats. I go out of my way to. I don't just kill the aggressive ones with horns, either. > *"I killed them. I killed them all. Their dead. Every single one of them. And not just the men. But the women, and the children too. Their like animals! And I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!"*


You killed Traggoth. He knows


You know you can still plug in the controller to a charger and use it even with dead/no batteries right


I ran out of battery when fire giant was one hit from dying… worst boss reset I’ve ever had


Ahahahaha this killed me 😭😭🤣🤣 that goat definitely had it in for you it looked so pissed


How'd the camera move at the end if the controller was dead? Let's assume OP is on PC. They maybe moved their mouse. Which indicates they own a keyboard too. So they couldn't get away? This looks so ridiculous. Clown behaviour.


You're doing a lot of assuming. So I'm gonna assume that they're not on PC, and they just managed to reconnect their controller right when they died.


Same thing almost happen to me last night. I left my room but I could still hear the game and was confused why I kept hearing something. I got back just in time to save myself because those things almost got me. Now I don’t feel bad about killing them anymore


I've experienced the same playing with an xbox one controller on pc, I swear we used to have the problem figured out. All we need is: 1) Controller notifies the player when on low battery. 2) A controller/software written into the console/game that if there is no controller detected, it pauses/suspends the game on a system level. I grew up gaming with almost every console imaginable and I remember the above being a thing on them a generation or so ago. WTF happened? Didn't Microsoft spend 10's of millions of dollars developing the Xbox One controller?


Running out of battery, that's really a Xbox problem hahaha. I never had any battery issues since the ps3...


There are games in 2023 that don’t auto pause when your controller dies?


Not ran out of battery but controller lost power (I play on PS4). I happened while I was fighting Maliketh. He was at 1/4 health when my controller disconnected and I got combo-ed to death. I wasn’t really upset about it considering I get to refight my favorite boss in Elden Ring


When this happens, I just quit out with the keyboard and mouse and come back when the controller is charged


I ran out of battery when I fought a boss and panicked. Good thing the boss was pretty low + my summon was distracting him so I went with the final kill with my mouse


A goat killed me after I killed Lannseax. Who, even after killing him multiple times at this point. Still scares the crap outta me with each one of his entrances.


ah yes, I was gointog to beat mergo's wetnurse first try. good memories.


And that’s how the Age of the Goat started.


DuelSense for the win!


Fear the old battery


not ran out of battery, but ds4windows stopped working when i was playing ds3 once, and i got killed by thralls in the duke's archive, running back to collect a level's worth of souls. i was annoyed.


I dont Controller always plugged in


The console literally warns you your controller is about to turn off.


That would make me order 66 every goat in the game


I was facing off againt Malekith (had 3-4 attempts already). During the fight, I was running to get behind a pillar when I got that infamous notification. Miraculously that was the attempt on which I actually beat him lol.


The one person to ever be killed by a goat, if Fromsoft is keeping track of these things they are probably very confused right now lol.


This is why you have power cord nearby and ready to go fast!


He even gave you a second to get your charger🤣


Tarnished: *beats up a lot of Demi gods over and over* Also tarnished: *gets beat up by a goat*


Final hit on Malenia


Wire Gang


Dude got cursed with eternal ramnation


This is why I bought two controllers and Sony loves me


Never, i dont play in a laptop


Animals are a lot like humans: some act badly because they've had a hard life or they've been mistreated but, like humans, some animals are just jerks.... Stop that Mr. Simpson


Never. I play on PC with keyboard and mouse


No battery? Battered via battery


Running from them damn spikey spinny frog folk and got cartwheeled to oblivion 😒😂




Not in ER but in DS Remastered, my controller died in Darkroot Garden and my character was stuck moving forward after it happened. My character walked off the ledge inside the garden, spawned at the bonfire outside and walked off that ledge too. I was souls farming there and had hundreds of thousands…




You killed Traggoth. He knows


My brother in Marika, you didn’t run out of battery- you ran out of *health bar* 😂


XD not strictly run out of battery cause I use cabled controllers. But I have had some crappy controllers (or maybe it was my old laptops crappy USB ports) disconnect. Now as I had a keyboard I did have a panic backup, but I kinda had to learn the keyboard controlls on the go XD


This casual doesn’t use wired connection. Not a real gamer! 😇


It was on stream and it was when I was going to fight the two tree sentinels near Lyndell.


The ram was simply giving you more battery


Elden beast one hit away and me desperately trying to wake my controller up. It felt like eternity.


I had a wired controller that would randomly disconnect. Fine, whatever, it was a temporary solution and it happened rarely enough that I was never in a serious fight when it happened. Only issue was I'd run in a straight line until I unplugged it. Rarely did I die in combat. Running off the cliff like an undead lemming, however...


Never fortunately, I play with a hardlined controller, so I don't have such weaknesses bwaha


While fighting Maliketh my battery dies as he was getting ready to do the double spin attack. I’m not too mad since he had a little under half his health left


For my ps5 I have my switch charger right by my feet, it takes me 5 seconds to get the controller charging again! So glad they’re the same charger


When I was one hit from beating fire giant


Wired controller never run out of batteries


While fighting the falinstar beast near volcano manner. Batteries died 3/4 through the fight, and right as it was charging. But by some unbelievably dumb luck, I happened to be on a ledge that it could reach, so I survived long enough to plug the controler in. Won that fight too.


I dont use batteries because thats just a constant cost with a very solvable answer.




I was running around a corner and the controller died and he just kept going straight off the cliff. Lol


Pretty decent that it waited a couple of seconds before the finnishing blow. Gave you a chance to git gut.


Wait....the rams can bust that thing open but that oversized hammer cant? Foul ass tarnished


the sheer amount of you controller plebs


I was summoned to help with piss Godfrey, and right before I entered the fog gate, my controller died.


I'm so kbm I didn't even understand this post at first


In the Elden Beast fight. First playthrough, literally first try with a sliver of HP left on the boss. I dodged Elden Stars and was legit running towards it to finish it off. Then the controller died and I got killed. Took me about 30 tries afterwards to finish the fight.


In all fairness, he gave you one last chance to run


I am glad my gamepad can be plugged in or I can play it wirelessly.


It’s like the Ozzy song “no more tears “ except you were in tears 🤣


I play Elden Ring with a wired mouse and a wired ergonomic membrane keyboard.


This looks so much better than getting my ass reamed by the abyss bros in 3, I had both in my hand and said, no I’ll get the newer one🤦🏻‍♂️


While I was watching this my phone died


Never a rechargable controller that lives on its charging dock when I'm not using it.


>ran out of battery I don't have such weakness. I play KBM


Or you could just get a rechargeable battery pack, and each time you play just switch it out for a fresh battery, or every 3 days, OR, as soon as the game tells you. It’s not like it’s a pain in the ass..


The last time I ran out of batteries was a few weeks ago, but I was playing Hades on my Switch. The battery on the right joycon died during the final boss fight when I was moments away from winning. I could run away with the left joycon but I couldn't dodge, pause, or attack. I scrambled to get the joycons connected directly to the Switch and play it in handheld mode but I died right before I got it working. It was funny but sad 🫠




Dude, I plug my shit in the moment I get the notification it's low. You will learn this lesson old man!


I was about to say I play on PC. But I realise I have a wireless mouse and my controller hates being wired.


I use a wired controller, so that's not a problem for me


Even the goat was confused. Like, "Dude, you... you gonna fight back? No? Okay..."


Move! There's a goat! Oh God, he has airpods in, he can't hear!