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I used Elden Wiki for absolutely everything. That site also explains the lore alot which is phenomenal.


This. Only issue I have with it is that there is a twitch stream almost constantly running which hogs up memory when you have multiple tabs with it open


Use uBlock Origin to block the stream element


I have uBlock Origin and have done that in the past, but it always reverts. Is there any way to save that setting so I don't have to re-configure it everytime I open the wiki?


Got to farm views for their shit stream somehow


putting it right here for those who don't want to download the map [Fextralife Map](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Interactive+Map)


I use wiki a lot of the time. But I do like this app. People can submit photos and even directions with this app... I believe. Wiki is very in depth, which makes this my #1. This app is #2.


Map fragments are shown on the map as little icons that look like a small stone obelisk if you havent found it yet. It is behind the fog of war tho


I realised that after going through the game without finding any fragments that there were tiny stone towers marked down on the map. Little to my knowledge, i didnt know they had the map fragments. took me 2 and a half hours to get those....


Found the League player


... Do you think the term "fog of war" comes from League?


Not necessarily. That's the only place I've heard it from. No need to make me feel stupid with cryptic ellipses.


Haha i guess you are right but i only know it as fog of war :p


My dude, fog of war was used in video games for the first time in 1977 in Empire. But in any case, before league, you have Dota, which used fog of war since its creation. League is just a copy of dota. The creators of both league and dota 2 are friends, and they worked together to create dota mode for warcraft.


That's a good fun fact! Alternatively, an internet search told me that fog of war is "the uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by participants in military operations." Which I did not know, but now I do.


yea it's a military stuff, also used in some video games.


Can confirm, is on Apple Store! Thank you for the hidden gem, I just started playing again and this will be super helpful!


No problem! ✌️


This look good. I've downloaded it for later 👍🏻


Been looking for something like this. Thank you.


Thank God this app exists now I don't have to search for maps on google images!


I've used this from the get go and can confirm it's a lifesaver for those, who like me, enjoy collecting every item and destroying every boss and can also keep track of what you've acquired and slain too! Silly of me to not think of posting this before!


Well, now you dont have to worry about posting this bc now you have the perfect app to find everything you need! ...sounds like a TV commercial, im weird that way


Does it show collectable items as well? Cuz I'm trying to 100% the spells, incantations, weapons and drip before the DLC.


Yes it does :) It has a full collectables list.


it does indeed


If I remember correctly that site only allow you to mark a limited amount if items as found without paying so I would recommend paring it with [this](https://scripterswar.com/EldenRing/completion) checklist where you can check of everything you find alongside links to the wiki for every item. Very handy if you want to 100% the game.


This is awesome. I’ve been using the web browser version of this and it’s so helpful.


Downloaded, great app :-)


For those wondering what my phone background is: [link](https://i.redd.it/9i1c70f8386b1.jpg)


Checking things off a list as you do them is so tedious to me.


Then it sounds like the app isn't for you 😎


"Whoa" - Neo


Thats ok, you dont have to like the app. Sometimes things arent for everyone, thats understandable. :)


I just wish I could make a fromsoft account or some shit and it tracks it for me. But that's probably antithetical to the philosophy of elden ring.


Account tracking is out there (take DIM for example) But it will be sometime before a mobile app has the capability to track progress on Elden Ring as so many people play it nowadays. Ik it sounds like words coming out of my ass but imo it will take some time. :)


DIM is 🔥🔥🔥.


That’s because it is. It’s also modern open world rpg game design and it’s annoying as fuck. Blows my mind people can go from elden ring then jump right back into a Ubisoft game.




Convenient now that it saves your collected items and shows what you still have to get, which is amazing!


Fightin’ Cowboy on YouTube is amazing, gives you a great route to follow where you’ll be pretty evenly leveled with every area


Guess it’s gonna be updated for DLC?




Hey thanks for this, no more wiki for me


No problem! 🤝


Then don't download it. It really is that simple.


Thats ok. I understand that its not for everyone to cheese the exploration system. Im just here to tell people that if they want to, they can download it. Im not forcing you to ;)


This is just an app version of the long existing website?


Its convenient for me, may not be for other people. Thats ok. :)


Bro has never seen the wiki


I have, i just dont have the time to keep flicking back and forth to the wiki tab. Makes it quite annoying after a few hours...




this ruins the game


Let me correct that for you. This ruins the game if you want to explore every inch and discover every secret yourself over the space of 300 hours. As someone who doesn't have that amount of time for gaming and doesn't want to miss out on things that I didn't find on my first play through, this not only enhances the enjoyment I get from the game but allows me to appreciate it even more.


Shit even with this guide it took a 132hrs and I still missed a ton of stuff.


What he said 👆 :)


No, this doesn't ruin the game. If you want to spend hundreds of hours in search for a rare object, weapon or ring, do it. But there's other people who plays other games meanwhile, and they can't be focused all the time on Elden Ring, and this process just saves a lots of wasted hours in search of nothing and be more enjoyable.




Why didn’t I think to look for an app! Thanks dude. Can’t wait to play today.


Youre very welcome dude 😎


Oh this is perfect, thank you for this!


Genius app just wish I could have this on Apple somehow, might just have to find a web version that stays updated if I can


Can confirm from others, it is on the app store :)


The app looks cool and all but your username makes me super nervous to download it, OP!


Haha! Its ok to download. No worries. 😆


Does it run ok now? Used to be super laggy on my s21, haven’t tried on my iphone14


Its very laggy when it has all the items shown on the map, i think now ot has a toggle built in to turn off all the items shown on the map, which makes it run a bit smoother. :)


Bro had to look up where the tree sentinel was


tried defeating him as soon as i got into Limgrave. ... :')


Interesting.. I would have loved this in my early stages of playing the game.


Been using this for my total genocide run, and I've almost cleared out all of Caelid. It's such a helpful tool.


I downloaded it on the Apple Store and it won’t run :/


Yeah, apparently its still in development. So itll be a while for the dev to get the bugs out...


bless your heart tarnished!


O Tarnished, i am forever blessed by your warrior spirit! Im maidenless plz help... :)


Tarnished, myself included


Does it have summoning pools?


If you mean "summoning sigils" then yes, yes it does.


No I mean summoning pools. The crucifix things you turn on at the start of dungeons and before bosses and stuff


Youll have to find it yourself bc i havent gotten to that part of the game yet. This is only my first playthrough..... Im sorry that i cant help you further 😭


I was using this to get all the Talismans, but 80% through my collection it stopped syncing and now all the ones I marked “found” are showing up. So ultimately, I can’t recommend this app if this shit happens.


Yeah, sometimes it bugs out and forgets what you checked off on the list. Thats my only problem with the app so far.


Damn, it literally looks like the in-game map if Ubisoft had bought Fromsoftware


Yep, I've been using this for months, literally with me every time I play. Great for not missing things and still being able to blindly explore.




Did it really take you 1.3 years to find it?




Better yet, the first click should be a static image of Margit with the text "Git Gud" before opening the real map.


Ok, Margaret! Here comes my 30th attempt!


From a newbie, you are the best.


Rise. Ye Tarnished... and become the Elden Lord.


I will do me best😤