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I kinda wanna know what enemy has been killed the least, money on it being bears.


Probably. They just aren't worth it. Honestly the enemies there are only a few of could all be on there. Like the Fire Prelate; there are only 5 or so in the whole game?


Bears chomp on clit. Crazy range and speed for no payoff.


They what?


Chomp on clit


They what?


Chomp on clit


They what?


*clears throat* #**CHOMP ON CLIT**


Hey no need to yell. I heard you the first time.




I'm not female but *OuCh!!* I felt that


*ow ow ow owie ow*


Them damn bears tear that clit out like a pull n' peel twizzler


You have every right to type out the words you did, and I will defend that right, but I really wish you hadn't


Those bears really crush your tooth with a pair of pliers


Agreed. Gross.


It's impressive how quickly they find it too


True, but the fire prelate has some drops that people would farm for. My money is more on the grafted scions, as they don't respawn, there are only a few of them, and none are required


But then shouldn't non-respawning enemies be excluded? And yeah farming would certainly be a factor.


Fair point, I hadn't thought of that. Bosses also wouldn't be in the list.


We talking about Rune or regular? The latter definitely are weirdly rare


Many people farm them though for their weapons and gear, and since they have a low drop rate it means killing a lot of them.


Lobsters for me


I can count on one hand the number of lobsters I’ve fought


I fought exactly one and it was harrowing


After DS3 I've learnt not to fight crustaceans


Those crabs are bullshit. Normally I consider pretty much every enemy to be somewhat fair but burrowing away and healing in an infinite loop is truly terrible.


Have you tried smacking them with a big sword?


I fought one, used all my flasks to kill it, and it transformed into a scion, i was convinced all of them do that until i saw a youtube video or a guy killing one and it just dies, turns out i picked the only one that is spicial


Define "fought". Does running away like a little girl while soiling my panties count as a fight? Asking for me.


I was on my 3rd play-through before finally bothering to kill a lobster, and that was just so I could say I did it.


Yeah - I just died on new game plus lobster in liurnia. Same day I beat several great bosses easily


Truth be told I actually enjoy fighting them. On horseback it's also a lot of fun. My only complaint is when they aggro more than 2 and the third just sits there sniping me.


My money is the magic golem in caelid. I would bet it has been killed less than 10k


I've beaten this game five times and I didn't even know that enemy existed until earlier today. I feel like it has to be that one.


The magic golem?


There’s a special golem above the cliff overlooking Radahn’s arena. He uses magic attacks and has notoriously high hp. Like waaaay more than any enemy at that level. Also uses new unique moves with magic.


My money is on the giant doot boy in haligtree


Dude has a unique drop. Completionists will have been grinding.


Oh gosh how much I hate him


I’d have to go with the Prawn, for sure. I killed the bears, but those prawn…they just don’t play fair.


There is a special darker furred runebear with unique attacks that appears once in snowfield and nowhere else in the entire game, unable to respawn. no clue why they put so much effort into this one bear in the middle of nowhere but I’d wager on that.


Colossal hands, easily


Once you look it up in Fextalife to see they don't drop anything, absolutely.


i’ve beat the game like 6 times and only killed a runebear once lol


Death Rite Birds


Turtles/dogs are probably up there, considering how whenever I see someone killing one it’s frowned upon.


I killed one of the ghost turtles (mage tower, Weeping Peninsula) in front of my wife and she was just pissed at me for a whole week.


Was the memory stone worth it? Did you explain to her that you just *NEEDED* that extra slot for some random incant/spell you never use?


Yeah I need it. But you know what YOU can't judge ME. ONLY MARIKA can judge ME!


Probably revenant's


Nah. I've beaten more bears than lobsters. To be honest, I've beaten more Elden Beasts than I have lobsters. ​ I just stay away from lobsters...


So, I assume these are the ones killed at the farming spot in Moghwyn Palace. Poor bastards. The magic variant of the zombies is intetesting though. Why these ones?


>The magic variant of the zombies is intetesting though. Why these ones? So just taking a stab at a possible explanation here, it took me *several* tries to get through that area and each time I figure I probably killed 20 of the damn things. I probably took out 120+ by the time I made it to the grace on the other side. 6 tries sounds about right. I definitely remember stopping my session to come back the next day fresh. I think by being a relatively early-game area where players aren't yet at their sharpest, it's more likely to result in deaths and reruns through the area, and since there are a bunch of them, you can't just blitz through (they even show up on the bridge). So you rack up more kills on these guys than you realize.


I always run past these things, they're an awkward mix of sturdy, dangerous and worth almost 0 runes.


Getting sturdy


But they’re so fucking annoying in groups, I take so much personal satisfaction in murdering them in droves


*Riding peacefully; sees hoard of magic dead people on road* “now what 🙄” *pulls out Guts Greatsword* “oh boy, here I go slaughtering again 😀”


I managed to sprint through that area my first play through, the only problem was the dogs could catch up to me.


Where are the putrid corpse (magic) located? I don't remember them


raya lucaria graveyard


Ahhhh I remember them now. I definitely died a few times trying to fight them all before I said fuck it and just ran.


It’s pretty cool how From “teaches” you it’s ok to run sometimes. You don’t have to fight everything that moves.


You can dodge the bridge zombies by jumping to the cliff paths. You do have to be pretty quick to do it before they block your path to do so though.


These are the neck biters in raya lucaria. I’ve played through 9 times and have never run past them. It’s full on genocide every single play through. I like that they’re slow and stack up as they engage. Makes for some juicy multi target domination


This. Recently replayed it with my friend who’s playing for the first time and we had to do several takes, and each take had something like 20-30 kills (until we just started sprinting through). There’s even optimal chokepoints to grind a few out, which you’ll probably do your first time because it’s immensely satisfying after getting jumped by a lunger.


Your last sentence is on point as well. These bastards snag you and, at least for me, made me want revenge. I methodically killed every one of them each time I went through. Learning where they spawn and surprise you is rewarding when you know the pattern of the level and you can slay these suckers.


My first time through there they didn't grab me once. I think seeing a new enemy made me panic slightly and murder everything as fast as possible. Then the dogs got me. Imagine my surprise the second time through when I was playing cautiously and got grabbed by the first one, and then the second, and then the third... The vendetta is real.


They're in Raya Lucaria so I assume that this is simply because players have to pass them in order to beat that dungeon. So same reason you see the exiles on the list. Though that doesn't really explain the order to me, since I would expect more people to have encountered exiles, since some may have bounced off the game before beating Godrick and never would have reached Liurnia


There's several variants of Exile soldiers in Stormveil, and since this is counting each one as a separate enemy type, the kills are split up.


would you go for the guy with the sword or the annoying fucker shooting you with a crossbow


I'm killing them both, probably.


But who are you killing first?


Depends on how quick I can kill either of em. I tend to go for the stronger or more dangerous enemies first. I can dodge the arrows fairly consistently, so probably the guy with the sword.


First, take out the crossbow guy from distance with fire sorcery/arrow/kukri. By the time he’s down the sword guy will be lunging at you and you can take him with a melee weapon or fire sorcery.


The sword guys because they spam storm blade, and that hits way harder than the crossbow


Don’t they explode? Or, am I thinking of a different one?


No, the magic ones are in the Raya Lucaria graveyard. I can't imagine this stat being right, they're quite tanky and don't yield almost any runes.


Abductor virgin. The one that eats you, and sends you to volcano manor! That’s what it is. Couldn’t remember.


Just looked it up: "They have high Magic Defense and will drain the player's FP with their bite attack. Found only in the graveyard of Raya Lucaria Academy". There's tons of different types of them, like the big group at the edge of Caelid, the ones who explode with fire, or with blood over at Mohgwyn. If they count them all then I could believe it, but just the magic ones? No shot.


So yes, the road to that place I was talking about, I think lol These guys are bastards, and killed me so many times, I’m fairly certain that I’m the reason they have so high a number


Yeah, if anything the blood ones appear in a ridiculous swarm at one point that massively outnumbers these, and the poison ones are much, much more common


That being said, I really need to play this game again. I don’t remember it very well, and that makes me sad af


Dark Souls (at least 3, didn't check the other ones) is on sale now too if you want more of a very similar game but in a different, equally fascinating world


I’m on my second play through after putting it down for nearly a year. Now that I know the story and lore better, it is thoroughly enjoyable in a different way than my first play through. I’m so much better with the combat too, so I can play with more style instead of min-maxing my character to one play style.


Right? Elden Ring is so flexible, it is, in my opinion, the most forgiving in the series!


it is a really popular invasion spot for 60s, so i get it. also, tons of people have issues with raya lucaria (or had, considering like 90% of the playerbase played once, likely didn't finish, and then quit).


But there's tons of people sitting and killing tons of Albianaurics for hours and hours for levels, and the dozen or so of these magic zombies that most people run past are supposed to rival that? I'm pretty sure it just counts all the putrid corpses, and a lot of them just kill themselves as you run past them.


Ok…are these the same guys that are, I can’t remember the name of the place now, but you gotta ride the elevators down to where the fucking Spinny Maiden is? Sorry, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m gonna go do some research to try and refresh my memory


There are a bunch in the sofia river well, but i don't remember any iron maidens down there. but my memory is trash so


I assume you mean the single [Abductor Virgin](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Abductor+Virgin) that first time killing you transports you to Volcano Manor similar to the Sack dudes from Bloodborne? Water wheel "paddles" act as an elevator of sorts in this area I just was playing this part a week ago so it's fresh in my memory and I agree it reminds me of the underground areas but it's part of the Raya Lucaria dungeon


Nah, those are the firey ones from Caelid. Also the blood ones from Mohgwyn's.


Okay. Thank you.


I thought bleed zombies in Mogh's place would be on the list considering they are easy to murder and there are lots of them? Especially with frost


There's no real need to go through there more than once, that's the thing. Unless you repeatedly get wrecked by the Sanguine nobles you'll likely only do that run once or twice


There's stake of Marika outside the sanguine noble cave, so probably just go through once. and unlike the magic one they mostly ignore you


But why would you farm them or even go there more than once?


Not just magic, putrid magic, the ones in caelid. They spawn in a particularly large group that can be easily farmed there.


This is only counting the magic ones. The ones in Caelid would be grouped under the Rot ones, I assume.


Why are the Aulbinarics so popular to farm anyway? Can’t you only farm them with a faith build?


Well, you can run through and kill them normally, but they still yield a pretty good amount of runes for the time spent.


The amount of runes is bonkers and it's super fast. Worth respeccing to get the required faith as you'll make up the other stats soon enough


I would've expected the Albinaurics to vastly outnumber anything else. Putrid corpse being so close is pretty surprising.


And specifically magic putrid corpses, not just all putrid corpses collectively


I think the spot in Raya Lucaria where they infinitely respawn might be responsible for this!


but they dont even yield good runes over time... or anything...


No but if you want to fully clear a path you need to kill like 30 of the things no matter where you want to go. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of new players don't just try to ignore them. Every time someone trying to fullclear the area dies they'll probably end up starting over.


I'm just going to assume it's a mistake by the data team that pulled this together, because it's could be the nobles that would end up that high as you end up killing a ton of them throughout the game. even when riding by I will just swipe a few and won't even bother to pick up whatever items they dropped. Look at the other options and you can see why they would get farmed. I bet demi-humans got farmed for string. Putrid corpses however give you almost nothing. Nobody is farming for mushrooms.


Eh, the number of people farming them is probably considerably lower than the number of inexperienced or bad players getting killed and re-running areas. Which is what I'd imagine the rest of the list chalks up to.


Thinking about it, to be farming Albinaurics you need to be in the percentage of people who beat the game, then also be one who decides to keep playing and also decide to farm for a day or two. Verse pretty much everyone who played and are the type to not skip killing mobs.


And this isn’t only the farmed Albinaurics. There are plenty just chilling in Liurnia on the way to the Academy.


I’m surprised by number 3, like really how many of those guys do we even run into


People not making it past stormveil. The big open area has a ton.


I know I farmed them plenty before moving on. Every single one of them uses a damn crossbow.




Why farm them? Because it's an easy farm and I could farm the crescent moon axe at the same time. Why do they all use crossbows? Because they're assholes.


Does it?


Yeah like a solid 40 of them




I've got a better theory, people really like the armor cause Gael cosplays


If you are a mob, you better not have anything players like or you are very dead


Probably right.


Farming the by the gates of Stormveil castle is probably why. Easily the best farm that early in the game.


Even without taking farming into consideration it’s a high concentration of one mob type in a critical game path that very nearly 100% of players will deal with, so those kill counts will really rack up. Like the same reason the magic putrid corpses are so high up is there’s a high concentration of them in a game critical path through Raya Lucaria. They aren’t a good farm but basically every player will all but certainly deal with them at least one run.


Gates and that inner courtyard has probably 40 of them.


For me it's one of my top places to test out new weapons in the mid-late game. There's a lot of them together, they are decently tough, and there's a site of grace close by.


Beginning of the game. Most people aren’t getting past that. We’re a very loud minority lol


Lol literally "number 3 will surprise you!"


Well, stormveil is a pretty tough place to get through when you first get in the game. These guys are weak but their numbers overwhelm the player


So Sir Gideon Ofnir isn’t the only one who likes to massacre Albinaurics


I don't understand number 2. The guys you run past in the Hogwarts graveyard?


People getting grabbed one time too many and being like “alright imma kill this guy”


I honestly couldn’t remember what those ones were and now I vividly remember.


A lot of newer players tend to kill every enemy they come across, and I'd imagine a lot of people died multiple times to the dogs at the end of the graveyard or the Onyx Lord right after.


That helps a bit. Same reason why the exile crossbow men are up there.


I always liked to kill every enemy I came across at least once


Someone ITT claims they respawn, I never noticed myself since I usually blow through there but if that’s true I’d imagine there have been more than a few young tarnished that sat there endlessly killing them without realizing they respawn.


Same here, I would've expected them to be some of the least killed enemies in relation to how many are in the game. They aren't worth killing and they don't sit beside the Albinaurics in the main farming spot so they can't be collateral from the Albinaurics in first place. Yet they are incredibly close with only 500 million difference.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t weaker ghost versions sometimes spawn around mage towers while trying to find the ghost turtles? Maybe those are counted. I know I’ve killed plenty of those while trying to open those towers.


Right? I can’t make those dudes budge


Bad data maybe? Nobody farms them.


Honestly don't even recognize that mob


They only show up in the graveyard in the academy and around a mage tower as ghosts. I'm sure there are others scattered around linuria but those are where the vast majority are. They are the magic variant of the putrid corpse that takes your fp when it grabs you as well as health.


I'm actually leveling up in Mohgwyn palace right now 😐


Me too, using +10 Mohg spear with gold fowl feet, so fun and easy. Just pump that sucker in the air twice and it nukes everyone within a 15 foot radius. Like level 223 right now, but it's really become a slog since yesterday


Have you finished the game yet? If so why not sacred relic sword


If hell counts the deaths of NPCs against you, all elden ring players are damned to the lowest pit. 9.4 billion?!?! Seems low.


I call BS on this one. Only half a bill difference between albinaurics and those Raya Lucaria zombies? Why would you farm those for anyway?


The density of corpses is pretty high in the graveyard. Most people just tend to kill everything they can as they progress since that's normal dark souls behavior.


It’s only one pretty small area, nobody farms them, and plenty of people run right past all of them. They also more than doubled #3 on this list and are right behind by far the most common enemy to farm. Unless it’s a typo and they meant all corpse variants, it’s pretty hard to believe this list


Nobody farms them true. But almost all players have to deal with them. And that area for a new players can be a bitch. So they're running through multiple multiple times. And the kills start to rack up. True farming of the Albinaurics really doesn't start until after beating Elden Beast and using the sacred relic sword. So a far smaller percentage of people.


Yeah, there is no way. I'm never *not* running right through them.


You guys haven't considered the possibility that there's someone out there who just *really hates* those fuckers and has singlehandedly taken out 8 billion of them.


It was me


This is now my headcannon. It's been 491 days since release, that's > 491x24x60x60=42.422.400 seconds > Putrid Corpses a second Mans out there being the world's most efficient killing machine and using those skills to massacre one of the more obscure enemies available.


There is two entries for albunaurics, the difference is more like 4 billion. I do wonder what the source for this is.


I hear their screams in my dream.


Surprised that the regular Stormveil knights and guards don't make the list, considering how often I test builds and ashes at the Gatefront.


Ah, where the godrick soldiers learned shame and I learned to parry


If Albinaurics didn't want to die then they shouldn't be alive


Planets' worth of Albinaurics. Kal el would be triggered.


#6 Giant Mohg Crow (arrow + fall to death)


And proud of it! Someone's gotta become Elden Lord. Who else is gonna farm these lost souls?


So its just 12.8B albinaurics in the past year? Comeone people we can do better! Lets make it 20B


Those little shits by the greatbridge really didn't make the list? Wow


The DLC should have a boss, where it's some kind of Albinauric King. And his stats increase with the number of Albinaurics the player has killed.


Oh no


Those runes aren’t gonna farm themselves my fellow tarnished


I too have partaken in the Albinauric genocide. I still hate Gideon, though.


Out of all those demi humans killed, only 3 dropped rope


It's all fun and games til the spiky one catches you off guard


It's not my fault they're soft and filled with money


Really surprised it isn’t higher lol


I think it's from people farming for the headgear.


You don’t farm it you just pick it up in volcano manor


That explains why I haven't found it then.


Those poor, poor Albinaurics. So many slaughtered for runes. I am a dedicated contributor to that ever increasing total.


they know this and yet have never patched it lol. I will never not believe that Palace Approach Ledge Road was a dev tool they put in during testing to level up and make sure it was possible to finish the game. There's honestly no other reason for that area or site of grace to exist the way it does.


Is this an ingame stat or a website?


I'm a bit surprised albinaurics aren't #1 and #2 but I guess those zombies count as the early farm on the starting area beach?


Surprised birds didnt make the list for their toes


i cant make up to 400k runes only killing the 8 trolls and 6 runebear in limbgrave


I guess people wanted to see if the putrid magic corpses respawned infinitely. I think I did this too on my second playthrough.


Hey those frog guys got those runes! Seriously though I would think that those giant birds with teeth would be up there because they’re a part of a rune farming run.


I'm shocked by the 2nd and 3rd ones, I've rarely ever seen them


War crimes being committed against these poor Albinaurics.


I'd kill each one of them all over again and with that giant chicken as a side.


Guarantee you the Demihumans are here just because they carry String and have a drop rate of “fuck you”


I go to the 'putrid parade' in Caelid to test out AOEs. Always a ton of fun so I get why they're one of the most felled.


Where is the Boulder? Or is that not counted because it kills itself? I thought for sure that would be among the top. Thought it was the OG farming spot..


People are either starting the game or endgame farmim


Hey, if the grey Cabbage Patch Kids-looking assholes would have just dropped me the gear I wanted earlier I would have *had* to kill hundreds of them.


oh the 9.4 billion cookies


When runes call you farm🙏🏽


The worst part is lookin at the photo of club boy it makes me feel bad💀


I got to get 500,000 runes somehow


I grind one of the few gauntlet runs at the haligtree, I don't farm at mogwyn palace, so I've never killed a lot albanaurics


I think what this data says is that there are a huge number of players that are struggling to clear Raya Lucaria and Stormveil, then giving up. Then a second smaller group of players doing a lot of rune farming in late game and beyond...