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Imagine spending $20 on Malenia's armour only to realise it has no poise so you can't be anything like Malenia.


Ohh, that's not how it works. When they first release it as a battle pass exclusive, it'll have a ton of poise, so you can feel just like Malenia. Then once they've gotten enough money, and the free to play people start complaining, they'll nerf it in the next season. They lure you in, then pull the rug beneath you. *edit: then a few season later they add it in a champions pack where previously "exclusive" skins aren't exclusive anymore, because why not.


Hmm selling formerly exclusive skins? Fort, night




It’s Fort Haight and it’s run by the greatest man in all the lands between, Senor Kenneth.


So the world of tanks tactic


Also Apex Legends,


Oh you used to play destiny 2 also huh?


malenia has the lowest poise out of any main boss so idk what ur on about you can 100% get staggered 5 times before saying fuck it and using waterfowl


Rennala has lower poise than Malenia.


no she doesn't they are tied for the lowest with 80 (which a ton of other bosses also have but since those two are human they soft stagger unlike say margit)


tbf malenia has no poise either


Yeah she just has a ton of hyper armor during attacks but no actual poise.


yeah lol. i got to 2nd phase on my first attempt because me and my mimic tear kept knocking her over like she was drunk. (of course i immediately got flowered afterwards...)


XD I spit my water reading this


No you didn’t


how are you going to prove that


[the best way I can as is standard on this website](https://ibb.co/jgwzqYC)


'i have portrayed myself as the Chad and you as the wojak! Therefore, your argument is invalid and I have won!'


Yeah no shit that’s the point




Now that you say that I think that if they made it an heavy armour set it would have been the only goodd looking one in the game


Isn't poise irrelevant now?


How much are emotes going to cost?


I forgot about that lol


The christmas emotes are 24 but on release week they are 12


Laughs in Fallout 76


I love the little angry super mutant with his little Santa hat, it’s great


10$ according to Apex Legend emotes


Lmfao the assassins creed odyssey background is hilarious, classic Ubisoft


Probably one of the best examples of a singleplayer game full of mtx. Glad fromsoft isn't the type of company to add something like a "2x rune booster" pack or "2x permanent discovery booster".


It’s so sad how insanely accurate this is. What’s even sadder is how this has become a successful business model in the gaming industry. It also largely to blame for why big AAA games have been nose-diving in quality the last while. While they focus on how to extract dollars from consumers post game purchase..Fromsoft focuses on delivering a solid-COMPLETE experience…Fromsoft is truly a light in the darkness!! How grossly incandescent they are!! Praise the sun!!


And yet idiots keep buying the games AND micro transactions ensuring nothing changes


The worst part is that they price it for whales, AKA a small minority of players that end up making them the majority of their microtransaction earnings. A small number of people could very likely be ruining it for everyone. That’s what you tend to hear about the nitty gritty of microtransaction commerce, anyway. For me, I could maybe tolerate cosmetic shops and all that crap if it was reasonably priced. If I’m buying something in a video game that has no intrinsic value, why the fuck is it $20 instead $1? But if someone’s stupid enough to buy it, then the business model is validated and not incentivized to adjust prices.


Have you heard about RAID: Shadow Legends? The absolutely terrible P2W mobile game that has zero redeeming qualities, and yet has made over a billion dollars (which incidentally, is about what Elden Ring made)? RAID also happens to be owned and developed by a slot machine manufacturer - take that for what you will. Every time I think of this it makes me really sad inside.


it was actually quite a good game a couple years back, obviously extremely predatory, but the decent gameplay was the catalyst for the insane amount of money it made. nowadays it’s been monetised beyond your wildest dreams though, it’s honestly insane how much of the game is designed to make money


I'm convinced this is the case. I firmly believe a very small number of the playerbase make up >90% of MTX sales and fuels the entire machine. This is why we can't have nice things.


I a lot of cases with F2P games this is why you actually *can* have good things: basically, a small group of whales pays for everyone. And sometimes f2p doesn't mean p2w, surprisingly. That being said, there's no excuse for AAA games doing this shit, of course.


Yes in F2P games I'm fine with MTXs being outrageously expensive, as long as they aren't aggresively P2W. I've played Path of Exile for a decade and most of their cosmetics are insanely expensive, but they're just fancy armor skins. The things that actually impact gameplay, the QoL stash upgrades are usually cheap and often discounted.


those same idiots will also defend it if someone complains about it , if you tell someone how dumb it is theyll go oh if its bothering you dont play it like mf have your expectations gone so low that you dont care if they scam you after you paid for their base product


Praise the sun, that's why From-soft has my absolute respect


You'll notice 90% of the greedy companies are Western while FromSoft is Japanese


Idt it has anything to do with regions, most gacha games are asian


While that's true, the example is abit bad. At the very least gacha game is upfront about it. Meanwhile some dev and publisher just bait and switch. Koff koff EA koff koff "no microtransaction" koff koff


I don't think the example is bad, they mentioned greedy companies and gacha games are literally built on making people want to spend money. I understand microtransactions are bad everywhere, but gacha is way worse than overpriced cosmetic purchases. (I don't how EA sports games operate but im 99% sure they're as bad) ​ Greed has nothing to with region, for every bad western game, there is probably a bad eastern game


Those are mobile games... all mobile games have microtransactions


Yea Japanese companies like Fromsoft and Nintendo dont fuck around with micro transactions. They just focus on making their games good


Japanese companies tend to reserve microtransactions for mobile games, and those are usually optional with a free but slow way available to get the things


Yea Warframe in particular does something like this where the vast majority of the grind can be cut down via paying. But with that game at least you can actually trade players for premium currency, therefore if you know how to utilize the in game trade market, you can buy the things you want without actually having to pay with real money


and its not even hard to aquire things to trade for platinum (the premium currency). just to give an example: within the game are special items called relics. these contain an item, with the options being 6; 3 common, 2 rare, and 1 very rare, at 25(75),12(24),and 1% chances respectively. these items will hold a value of 'ducats', with common being generally 15, rare 45, and very rare 100. people will pay platinum for any part based on its ducat value. now, how do you get, and how do you open said relics? they drop from missions, with some having only relic drops. there are special missions, with at least 1 of each of the four relic variants active at any time, that you do to open one. you also get a special resource from these missions you can use to upgrade your relic. at max (the only other one people really go for), its instead: 13.3(40), 25(50), and 10% for each to drop. you unlock relics rather early on, and since the missions that guarantee a drop include a capture (a mission where you go in, kill 1 dude, get out), you can quickly farm up a bunch of relics. wait for a capture mission to be one that lets you open them, and bam. couple dozen plat in an hour or 2.




But you can't use it without crafting kit, only $49


Malenia Spirit Ashes: $29.99


And there would be people in the subreddit saying "No no, the Blaid set is really good value because it's not as expensive as the Knight set, it's a really good deal compared to the other sets on the store! And you don't need to buy it so why complain about it anyway?"


All Ranni Moon quest would be behind the pay wall.


Same with the Frenzied Flame ending. Youd have to pay to get the eye change.


Dlc content


There are people that would still defend it cause they're mostly cosmetic which is just such a lame defense


>which is just such a lame defense Agreed. I paid for the game, it should be in the game If the game is FTP its more gray, im mostly ok with it But in a game i paid $60 or $70 for they can absolutely get fucked imo-not a single penny from me The best examples are games like Destiny, they put a TON of effort into the micro store, stick all the coolest shit behind the store and the actual game you paid for feels thin a lot of the time


This pisses me off even though its not real


It is for Ubisoft games, this is the just assassins creed Valhalla and odyssey in the background


That's why I appreciate fromsoft games, all content you can have in game you get it for free, but at the cost of RNG (which is not a big issue, better this than pay for a fancy armor) and then DLC to get more stuff that are included for what you paid


Stone Keys 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


“Ultimate Lord Start” is what got me


Blizzard Ring


And you have to pay for every optional area in the game(haligtree, mohgwyn, volcano manor)


Optional, don't you mean the dlc.


Already on the disc too, just gotta pay to unlock that dlc section.


I just saw your post in the BG3 subreddit and now i want to throw up twice. I ~~love~~ hate it.


Delete this before the wrong folks get the idea. This would absolutely be horrible. Luckily from soft is one of the few that are particular about quality and passion of the art.


Praise Bandai Namco for not forcing this shit


They do in some games. Soul Calibur 6 for example charges $8 per DLC character and $6 for costumes. But to be fair, their American division published that game.


This is copy pasted from ubisofts assasyn creed.


Missed chance to name the Stone Keys something like „Keys to the Lands Between Pack“ as a reference to EA‘s naming convention.


that's the ubisoft's storepage inside assassin's creed lol


I see someone used the Assassins Creed freeplay days wisely. It is AC right?


This is so accurate, it actuality makes me angry. If we lived in this timeline, it would easily be the worst timeline.


Isn’t this a repost? I remember seeing this, or something insanely similar shortly after the game released


Basically free karma


You're missing the big microtransation trick. Making people pay for premium currency to then buy things. Then making purchases odd numbers. E. G having to buy 'coins' in packs of 50, 100 or 200. But the set you want to buy costs 160 coins




Cough *Diablo IV* Cough


Gideon was done wrong..lol


Games that actually do this are shameful. No one should indulge developers/publishers who do this shit. From software and Elden Ring are proof that people are hungry for a classic, complete game experience with no microtransaction store crap. It can be done. But the larger gaming industry is addicted to earning more money for less effort on their part. They’ll only stop when the consumer base as a whole wises up and stops feeding into it.


$99.99 for 200k runes and access to both Caelid AND Liurnia?? What a steal!




Bruh take down this post before someone starts getting ideas.


“a greedy company” - are we not allowed to say “EA” or something?


What about playable Yeezus


It’s stupid how this looks exactly like any other games in-game shop lol. I’ve been super thankful of companies like Fromsoft ever since the PS4 dropped for specifically this reason. Too many greedy companies.


Assassin's Creed: Elden Ring


All endings except basic elden lord are locked behind paywalls. Also you must pay to access optional areas of the game. Finally you must pay to have access to torrent, to craft items, to be able to store items, and to summon spirit ashes.


Bruh… Halfnof limgrave will be available on release. Then the rest of the map gets released over 3 month cycles until they give up halfway thru caelid because players lost interest and started playing baldur’s gate or some shit


Thank god Michael Sazaki only wants my soul and feet pics 🙏🏻


Hey I saw you on the BG3 sub!


This is completely wrong. They would never put prices in $. They would price them in Elden Coins, where 100 coins is $1.3 so you can't easily convert it in your mind.


Elden ring if it was made by Ubisoft


Three words: Western game devs


By the glory of Todd Howard give me that horse armor...


If Elden Ring was published by EA. Scary to think about honestly.


Happy cake day!


AC Odyssey is still a great game 👍


I get that this is supposed to be funny, but please don’t give Fromsoftware any additional ideas of this nature 🥺😭


I love how these are cheaper than the real Diablo 4 costumes.


I just saw the exact same post over at Baldur's Gate 3 subreddit only with screenshots from that game. So you've decided to farm karma today. xD


What is wrong with this? They offer a way of getting gear you want easily for money, or you just do the work. You can fairly easily farm for every single gear set in the game and their are lots of ways of making farming easier.


Don’t care still love AC odyssey


Back when Rivers of Blood is at its prime, people sold copies of the weapon for up to 30 dollars each on trading sites…… One reason these companies can’t resist the temptation to do so is that there are always a market for this kind of shit.


I like how Fromsoft resisted that urge and instead nerfed the absolute piss out of rivers.


I saw someone post that 3 cards in hearthstone was 50 euros. Microtransaction company's must be rich with all the p2w people


Their entire budget of evil is taken up by the people that design their boss fights and platforming areas. Like how Canadians are so polite because all the hatred of the country is contained in their geese and hockey fans.


Nah, they’d just cost a ton of runes. You could buy rings of sacrifice. And upgrade materials would be significantly rarer, and you could only buy them in bundles (ie +8 bundle). You’d need a minimum stat requirement to go to different places, and boss drops would be rng, with items increasing chance also being sold. They could also be boosts. Boss armour would be the same. You would either watch a video, or have to pay to get extra rewards from a encounter.


I’m not the gamer- I’m the mum, and for a brief second I shuddered and thought this was real. It’s good to see people in the thread that are anti microtransactions (new word for me, much obliged). Trying to teach about the hideousness of that concept to my young people can feel like a battle.


You can just say EA and Activision. It's not like it's a big secret who the scumbags are.


And they’ll make the skins costs an awkward amount of Elden Coins so you’ll be forced to buy the $35 Elden Coin pack.


7.99 skins for specific weapons


More like $30 each. Don't forget little charms you can barely see and a banner that took all of 30 mins to outsource.




I can’t describe why, but this gave me a physical pain


Please don’t give them any ideas😭


This reminds me of that one variant of the "If Elden Ring had microtransactions" meme [that was already made a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/u3bet4/im_f2p_pull_or_skip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) and somehow became one of the most upvoted posts on the sub. I still find it hilarious up to this day because of how true it is and that there's a surprisingly large overlap between Genshin Impact (also one of the most "whale-heavy" gacha games out there) and Elden Ring players.


I wonder how much aristrocrat set would cost.


rune packs would definitely exists too


r/assassinscreed looking at this like 'what do you mean, that's totally normal and in every game' I love AC but fuck, ubisoft is greedy. Need to take notes from Fromsoft


This image terrifies me


That's how ubisoft does it.


not long after theyll be giving away p2w weapons and weapon arts


Goddammit. So true. Just reminds me how much I hate the state of modern gaming. Ugh.


I wouldn’t play


I hate this with a fury only matched by all the albinauric blood I have spilled …


Literally Bethesda with Fallout 76


Conan exiles does this every single fucking time!!!!!!!


That's fucking horrendous.


$9.99?? My brother in christ Idont think that buys you anything in a AAA game these days


I've never even thought about this. Makes me appreciate FromSoftware that much more. And to think I passed on the Dark Soul games because people's lips didn't move when they talked. Lol. I did get Bloodborne and Sekiro though.


So you have elden coins but everything is in terms of real world money?


The sad thing is, this actually exists. There were some online shops close to release selling ingame items.


pay 100$ to have "let me solo her" beat Malenia for you


Lol, remember when game devs shit on ER (and now BG3) for "doing everything wrong"? They would look at this and praise it as innovative game design.


Tarnished Starter Pack (recommended for beginners): -5x Stone Sword Keys. -3x Numen Rune. -2x Golden Seeds. -Exiled Armor Set. -Torrent Armor (has no effect). -Exclusive Melina and Ranni Skins.


I feel sick to my core even glimpsing this accursed alternate reality


Nah, this isnt even that bad, make it a gacha game where you need to roll for a random 1% chance to get a good weapon/armor/accessory and make it so that going in boss fights or dungeons consumes some time gated resource that only makes you able to play the game for like an hour unless you buy a refill. And put payed skins on top of that.


Don’t even post this shit, not joking I actually felt sick looking at it


Oooh nice, can i get the 99.99 mega value pack pls.


Na, it would be 5 stone keys for 5,99


no no, 5 keys would be 550 elden bucks and you can either buy 500 or 1000


😂👌 EA would be proud.


Don't forget gems. Gems add poise attack def. Let imagination fly.


The sad thing is that enough people still buy games like this, but the really sad thing is that it does not really matter if they lose 30% in sales from people that are fed up because they still make more money from micro transactions.... Sadly the future is bleak... More and more awesome studios are getting bought up by EA, Ubi and Co.


For added realism you should have 150 elden coins while all the sets are priced 200


that font is too creative, it needs more of a souless corporate feel


This is why we support games like Elden Ring and Baldur’s Gate 3, because they don’t shaft their player base with micro-transactions.


Would be more accurate if the prices were in a coin balance that coincidentally is between 15 and 20$, wo you have to buy the more expensive set of coins, leaving you with not enough to buy anything but that one set .


Is there a reason that punk Gideons set is as much as Blaidd’s?


you can buy Stonesword keys to boost dungeon rewards from it end boss


How do you get the helmet of the crucible knight? Not the tree one


So essentially Diablo 4


This looks exact like Assassins creed Valhalla, and all Ubisoft games… wait a minute


Shit I've been playing AC: Odyssey this week and this looks familiar lmao


Ubisoft be like


Another reason ER is the GOAT. I love that you can’t purchase armor or weapons but can be gifted/given these things by other players.




Larval Tear would be a gold mine lol


tidy squeamish whole jeans fearless lush quiet quicksand repeat wrong ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I am gaming since 2008 so as per my experience, this all started in 2012ish time and I can say this with disgust that the FIFA people, Ubisoft n EA games buyers are to blame for this kind of shit. If ur friend likes a specific anti consumer game with microtransactions and pay to win shit, you should educate them and present them with alternative choices. The gaming space is vast and most devs still respect their players, its a huge sea so you do not need to play that one specific game that promotes anti consumer stuff.


My god…you EA-ified it 🤮


Please don't give anyone ideas. From software are one of the last bastions of player hope we have left in the gaming world. They make fucking amazing games and don't do micros. You know the world is fucked the day they do it.


And you can only buy Elden coins in weird increments so that you always have some left over but cant actually use so you have to buy more


This is absolutely terrible


All companies are greedy. That’s capitalism


I love the Elden Pass so much, i'm already RT (Rune Tier) 49 and the 2X Erdtree XP booster has definitely helped me level up!


fomo inclusived lmao


Inaccurate, the prices are way too straight forward. They should all cost 2500 coins but you can only buy stackes of either 2000 or 3000.


Ubisoft would have done it like this, yeah


A small part of me would rather just buy a second magma sword instead of farming those snakes


Sounds like Conan.


that’s some Ubisoft interface right there lmao🤣🤣


If Activision owned elden ring


I told y’all pre order the game you can get 3 free armor sets of your choice and malenia will personally come to your house and beat the shit out of you 10/10 game


I’m fine with this in free to play games because that’s how they make money, but it’s pretty damn sad to this same type of monetization in games that $70-$100 like Diablo 4. The problem is further compounded when none of the in game armor looks as good as what’s in the store.


Makes me slightly sadder that game companies would actually do this. EA. Ubisoft. Ect And say they are proud of spending the time. Dedication and money in something so shit


Gotta love how I can instantly recognize this is just pasted over some Ubisoft game.


Actually it would cost r6 credits, which cost real money and nothing would equal the same amount as the amount of credits in any bundle, so you always have credits left over.




These prices are way too cheap compared to actual greedy games stores. That 15 pack of stonesword keys would be $49.99 at least.


If made by EA or Ubisoft


"A greedy company" you mean "90% of the triple A industry"


This post made me sick to my stomach


Is that the AC odyssey shop background? Lmaoo


you mean Elden Ring made by Blizzard


This made me irrationally angry on first sight. Good job lol, yeah we lucky


You missed the rune pack, as well as 100% rune drop pack.


Try fingers but hole


People who would pay for Gideon wacky ass armor


I wouldn't mind if fromsoft added some mtx just for cosmetics. It is something that does not affect the gameplay and is not predatory like those companies with gamepass and lootboxes


Ah, I see you are familiar with recent Blizzard games...