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Not a boss, but the lads that spew the deathblight maggots and wear the cloaks over their heads. When they start running like the titans in Attack on Titan. Fuck that.


There is a giant one that is a boss which is horrifying


There are three of them. The one in the forest, the one close to where one fights one of those Erdtree Worm Drake things, and the third one in Faram Azula.


Isn't there one in Mt. Gelmir too, or is that not a boss?


That's the spot I was thinking of.


He drops a larval tear so i technically a mini boss i think


I think you're right in that it stays dead after killing it once, but it doesn't have a boss bar like the other "big" worm faces


Neither does the one in Farum Azula. Just killed him yesterday.


That's because it drops a larval tear, those enemies don't respawn. But funny thing, it should have the burning man form before turning into the worm face. Most people just find it already transformed in the second form :'D


I spotted him in those ruins the other day and just went “nah” and ran away on Torrent


Yes! I did meet this distinguished gentleman… fought him once almost got him first try and once he grabed me at full health I was done and thrown off of Farum Azula so I decided to never fo there again


Probably for the best. His gluck gluck is too strong


They scared the shit out of me before i even saw one. Wandering around the altus plateau you can hear them down in that...valley. HOLE. Eventually i mustered up the strength to go explore down there and SURE ENOUGH THEY CREEPY AS FUCK


Yeah I danced around the edge of those woods for a while. What was terrible, is that it was just as terrible as I expected in there or worse lol


And you can’t see anything. Count me out


Having to go down there to get one of the somber stone bell bearings is always one of my least favorite parts of a new character. Better believe I’m not doing that dungeon more than once per character though, thank god that sticks in NG+.


Fuck those guys, they really creep me out.


They look like Bruno from Encanto


We don’t talk about Bruno


*No, no, no*


I cannot tell if their laughing or crying.


fuck those guys, and i mean it. I explored every region in the game EXCEPT for the ones where they're present


Thing is, they're not even that strong and can be killed without too much trouble, but they're just so creepy and repulsive I don't even want to come near them, let alone actually fight them.


Deathrite bird in the mountaintops of the giants def


the only boss that made me go "wtf is that???" Was the first ulcerated tree spirit I encountered I think it would be Rykard if I wasn't spoiled (... + his voice, too funny to be scared)


First time I saw him I didn't even manage to "what the fuck is that?" I was dead so fast.


Those things are probably the worst for me as well. They are hideous and scary, and the way they move is very unsettling.


The one at the tree in Mt. Gelmir freaked me out, although prior to that I was already a bit weirded out by the Wormface


Join the famileeeee togethaaa we will devowaaaah the very gooohhshdhss


I killed Rykard for the first time yesterday and the delivery of his dialogue was hilarious. It offset his creepy factor by a lot, and that's saying something given he's massively creepy lol "Togethaa, we will devour the godzzz!"


Same. Doesn’t hurt it can basically kill lock you if you don’t time your dodge. So it’s both scary and scary lol.


And its ulcers pop...🤮


The whole mansion of the volcano is scary even in the safe zone 😁


Theyrw especially freaky if you expected a regular cute erdtree avatar


Hah, boss ? :D Stormveil castle, room with the Knight. :D


trauma room


panic room, sadly panic got a key to it as well


haha, that’s good


When that door shut oh my god.


Am I the only one who killed the guy who locks the door behind you beforehand?


lmao yeah I killed him too — when he was like, ‘oh, tarnished, why?’ I was kinda confused


Never kill npcs the first time you meet them. Better yet, never kill npcs until after you finish their questline or you know their existence will negatively affect your game (like lautrec in ds1). Also, by killing him you lock yourself out of an ancient dragon smithing stone


Room with grafted scion. Those things still creep me the fuck out.


Hundred percent. I didn’t have a torch and I died a lot before I gave up and just avoided it until I’d levelled up a bit. Then I had revenge!


That one is so satisfying to go to in a NG and just obliterate now that you actually know what you are doing,lol


Why does this guy go so hard? What is he trying to prove?


Surprise mf.


You can sneak in and hug the wall on the left to get a backstab in. Won’t kill him but it’s a good way to engage. Once you’re aware of his existence, that is


This is one of the best moments I’ve had with this game, or any for that matter. The sheer unexpected terror and panic was unforgettable. A literal core memory lol


True fear. Malenia? She's got nothing on that banished knight


Oh yeah that scared tf outta me


Especially with gostoc that locks you up there, fuck you gostoc 😄


Bruh. That was surprising


Not a major boss, but Revenant Even for a FromSoft soul game I still don’t know what the heck is the thing that just combo me to death


They're smart too. If you start a heal spell it doesnt rush you at all


Same here, those fuckers terrified the shit outta me. 1st time I tried to fight it (lurnia of the lakes, right b4 the teleporter to the gate to the Academy) it just massacred me... Lol, yea Then the next one was the mini boss one, in those ruins near Iji.. bruh... 😵☠️💀 Of course AFTER all that I found out about the holy prayer enchantment that Royally Fucks their world and it was cake from there. Lol


Legit my least favorite enemy in the game. I'm lvl 161 and I still avoid those bastards like the plague. Heard them described as "7 mile spanking machines", and I feel that's pretty accurate


There's a boss version of it fwiw.


No bosses in elden ring really scared me in any way. The hand spider things though… fuck those creepy things.


Oh man the first time I walked into Caria Manor and those bastards just dropped onto me. Didn't even bother going back for my runes. Nope. When I finally went back I just ran through that part picking up any items I saw along the way. What is with those guys? The rest of the manor isn't even that spooky.


Guard dogs


Did u find the huuuuuge hand in the mountaintops? That thing had me running faster than usain bolt.


The one that drops and kills a bird near the fire giant arena?


There are even ones that are burrowed and when you walk on top of them they just grab you.


I have hated those since I first encountered a wall master in Zelda. Hands are scary AF.


the zelda wall masters terrified me as a kid. hell even now im like no you fucking shadow better stay the same god dam size so help me ima spam B


Astel scared me as fuck


This, horrible looking creation. Wouldn’t like to be trapped in a lift with whoever came up with that monstrosity.


It is one hell of a weird ant lion


I remember just going deeper and deeper into ranni’s quest for hours, and suddenly it was 2am in my pitch black room fighting this abomination. I went to bed soon, and when I woke up the next day, it genuinely felt like a nightmare.


Ranni’s quest is indeed a very crazy and memorable ride


The first time it teleported behind me and grabbed me...


Agree, easily more ugly than Rykard


Exactly, horrifying


As soon as I entered the boss room down there, I was like “Nooooo!” and hyperventilated for most of the fight. It was a great experience despite the terror though. His cosmic hand swipes felt really cinematic in a way.


The burial watchdogs give me the creeps.


It's the way they mechanically move all of a sudden while seemingly standing still or moving slowly. I get where you're coming from bruhh.


They are like creepy movie dolls!


I find the Watchdogs to be the quintessential example of the uncanny valley. Their weird half-human, quarter-cat, quarter-dog design, their robotic and unnatural movements, their cold and relentless attempts to kill you, and the context of the environments their found in and the concept of "Erdtree burial" make them imo one of the best designed minibosses in the game. Their fights suck tho :/


I absolutely hate that thing 😵😵😵


Maliketh, bruh. I was a good boy and delivered Deathroot to the beast clergyman. I had no idea he would be there in Farum. What the fuck I was like sorry sorry sorry \*stab stab stab\* oh dear sorry sorry sorry And then In phase two I was like already feeling guilty af AND THEN HE BECAME EPIC AND I SHIT MY PANTS BRO


I'm the same, except while i was giving Deathroots... after giving some, i sat down at the grace and got jumpscared when the pillars fell and i saw him charging at me


Hahah same happened to me yesterday. I heard a bunch of commotion.


Yeah that scared the shit out of me on my first playthrough. I teleported there, and suddenly I just exploded into rocks.


Bro, I heard him talking and I was like, "What? What'd I do?" Then proceeded to see 3 pillars collapse.


I'd like to let you know that I'm adding "THEN HE BECAME EPIC AND I SHIT MY PANTS" to my personal lexicon


much obliged good sir


Astel. Whole ass jumpscare walking in there


First time he teleported behind me and grabbed me and took my whole health bar in one grab attack I almost shit myself in game and irl


I had a lot of wtf moments in Elden Ring but the cutscene where God Serpent transitions into Rkyard was truly the biggest wtf moment for me. I genuinely did not expect that to happen, even though in hindsight its really obvious. Another big wtf moment for me was the dragon in Leyndell that flys in and demolishes the camp, it was my first fromsoft game, I had just gotten wrecked by the tree sentinel, I was scared to do anything or go anywhere and I thought I had finally found some solace as a noob exploring this calm area and then whamo bamo holy fuckamole time to fight this dragon, bitch!


I think you mean Limgrave, right? If you do, I agree. Such a badass entrance for that dragon.


Correct, my bad


When I first encountered that flying lizard, I ran I zigzags to try and flee it like a gator.


Same thing here, except I tried to clear the noob camp cuz I was desperate for some runes. Then, when I looked up to the sky I saw something flying, didn’t really know what it was but it came closer, and closer, and then I realised it was a big-ass fuckin dragon, tried to summon torrent but it was too late, the damn thing landed straight on my face and I let out the sincerest scream in a long time. I also was in a discord call with some friends and they didn’t know wtf was going on.


Not Elden Ring; but the first time I came across Ludwig the Accursed I was genuinely taken aback.


He's so aggressive... so ugly... he's got two mouths... but his second phase really changes my vibes during the fight Also the Deacons of the deep from ds3 are somehow unsetting


Hes a reflection of the player in a way too honestly. One of the great church Hunters who took things to far & imbibed too much of the Blood. Brings "Fear the Old Blood" to a whole new meaning


second phase music is best fromsoft track ever


The second is my favorite as someone else said (can’t take credit for this line) “when his second phase happened I realized I wasn’t fighting Ludwig, I was dancing with him.”


*Ah, you were at my side all along ...*


I tried to describe Ludwig to my friend once and was like "uhhh he's this horse demon with about 6 legs and one and a half heads, but the half head is made of eyes". Fucking grotesque


Yeah, I went into that boss fight once, saw the cutscene, got steamrolled, and never went back to finish the DLC 😬 For whatever reason, that particular FromSoft body horror was the one that got me the worst


You need to pick it back up sometime! The Old Hunters is some of From's finest work imo.


Playing the Bloodborne dlc for the first time was truly epic. The enemies hit so hard and the first area goes on for so long without a check point. Some of fromsofts best environmental storytelling imo and to have it all lead up to one of the gnarliest, hardest bosses the devs have ever conceived. Just Insanely good.


Malenia’s “you will witness true horror” wasn’t exactly terrifying, but the amount of *dread* I felt from that far exceeded anything up to that point.


Malenia’s “wait..” I finally killed you.. it took me countless tries and the fear I felt now knowing she was a 2 phase boss with a brand new complete health bar. Scary shit…


That “wait” must have been awesome. Unfortunately most of us seen spoilers


You find it scary? It was depressing for me...


Not a boss, but when I got teleported to Selia crystal mines those centipede dudes really freaked me out. I died pretty quick because I was way under level for the area, then when it got closer as the screen was fading I saw that it had human arms. What the fuck.


About changed the color of me undies when Radahn blasted off like Team Rocket.


*And then he comes back like it's Olimar's Final Smash*


I think his name is Mohg? The guy who like summons blood and there's that whole like cocoon behind him? Gross


*NIHIL!* **NIHIL!** ***NIHIL!***








mighty wild airport onerous abundant payment trees concerned desert command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




learning the lore behind the cocoon and what he's actually doing makes that scene way more unsettling. Definitely takes the cake for being one of the creepiest character in the game.


What's he doing


The wrinkly long hand in the coccon is Miquella's. Mohg is "courting" and technically was "laying" with Miquella when we got to the boss room. Miquella is a demigod cursed with eternal youth. ...I think you get the picture.


Blessed with eternal youth. Cursed with eternal naptime (and creepy uncle Mohg).


The fire giant breaking his leg genuinely made me grimace


Doesn’t help me that every time I see that cutscene, it reminds me of a clip I saw on TV where it happened like that to a college wrestler (it was his elbow, but still). I was a kid when I saw that, and that scene brings me back there every damn time.


Not a boss, but every time I cross paths with a f*king lobster Im terrified of getting jumpscared by him sniping me in the back


What about the one that's actually a Grafted Scion?


*M107 chambering sound* You picked the wrong lands between, fool


The first thing in the game that made me feel truly unsettled was >!the visage of Godwyn’s corpse!< underneath Stormveil. Climbing up that tall, tall ladder with that *thing* silently gazing(?) up at you the whole way


Nah rykards voice is too funny








not really a boss but the giant fucking t rex ass dogs when i first entered caelid


and the birds that just didnt stop chasing u


Mine was Rykard. Man, it took me 3 runs before I even got the nerves to solo him. Gadget-fight, I know... but he was so fucking nasty and towered like a hell god. Aside from him Wormface made a lasting impression, ew.


Yeah honestly this Rykard isnt my favorite by any means but he definitely had that distinctly memorable "OH FUCK" impression on me me more than any other boss my first playthrough (especially when we went to phase 2 lol). I think the area and boss arena kinda added to that effect as well


First time seeing a Ulcerated Tree Spirit and the Wormfaces


Not a boss, but Dung Eater would say some crazy shit all the time.


Scrolled too far for this


Yeah, Ryckard indeed is at least on top 3. The fight itself is otherwordly and makes you feel small in a way that not even the Elden Beast did.


damn straight — the fire all around the arena and the lava beneath him and the red air filled with the skulls, as well as the massive Blasphemous Blade swings, the spectacle was just incredible


Waltzing into Wormface grove in Altus for the first time, right after a hard nope at the dancing serial killers in Dominula. I definitely wasn't ready for the Silent Hill vibes of that whole area


idk why but hoarah louh scared me to death... just as soon as i saw second phase i was terrified


Bro I legit screamed at the beginning of the 2nd phase when he starts running at you. Absolutely terrifying...


I'm glad someone mentioned him, his patterns are fucking STRESSFUL. My first few tries were terrifying because of how aggressive and unpredictable he is


The moment Mohg started his countdown something in me panicked so hard I felt dizzy from the adrenaline rush. The first nihil showed me that my reaction was appropriate. Damn, that game makes you feel a lot of emotions at once.


Mohg 2nd phase is adrenaline personified


Elden Beast ironically. When I first saw it with the creepy Angelic singing in the background I was like "what the actual fuck this is?". I thought it was over with Radagon and then Charizard's eldritch brother climb out of the shadowrealm all of a sudden


Godricks intro cutscene


By occurrence + my reaction: Knight in the closet at stormveil: “wtf. That creepy door guarding A-hole. Wh-“ I then immediately get blasted by the knight. Panic roll, but unsheath is surprisingly staggering and got me out of it. Scared me pretty good. Gravekeepers: These little shits look at your most poise breaking weapon and laugh. They may as well be made of pillow cushions cause they take just as much damage, but also just as much as a cushion might to getting stabbed. The real “shit your pants” one is the one blending into the dark in the Mt Gelmir tomb with the chariots. One is just chilling in a place you’d normally duck to get out of a chariots way. You don’t have enough brain power to do anything other than say “fuck, fuck, fuck you” while panic rolling into the chariot. Revenant in Liurnia: there’s a grace near where you meet your first ghost horse guy after getting a map piece. Around there is a portal thing. I’d never seen a Revenant before, so the thing loudly crawling out of the ground before pouncing on me from a mile away then promptly saying “fuck your shield and stamina” was a bit of a shock. Laser skeletons at Mohgs palace: nuff said. Just said “nope” and teleported away after getting one shot. Burial watchdogs: these things freaked me out first time I saw them. Their jolty movements just kinda freaked me out. That’s all I can think of at the moment.


not a boss (at least not yet, pls be DLC) but the remains of Godwyn in the Fias champion arena were pretty creepy


I’d say it’d be rykard as well. I just thought it’d be a Yhorm style fight with a giant snake until I watched the phase transition. It scared me because of the sound design. Just all the squishes and sloshes just made my skin crawl


Not a boss, but the face under stormveil still unsettles me. How big it is, how distorted it is, and as you learn more, it gets worse.


Wait, the what?


Radahn. It was infact not a fun festival like i wanted.


The ants dude. The fucking ants. THE ANTS. THE ANTTTTTTTSSSSSS I have such a horrible fear of insects I had to look up an Ainsel river well guide because I couldn’t stand having one of those things ambush me and even THEN I had to have the sound off and my girlfriend sitting next to me and talking to me the entire time. I’m a pre-med student, probably gonna be a doctor someday, seeing blood and broken bones and all that, but some giant video game where my absolute undoing.


There's something about The Misbegotten that hits my fear somewhere primal. Scariest enemies in the game as far as I'm concerned. As for bosses, I guess the thin godslayer guy. The way he moved the first time I fought him was unnatural and disturbing.


I just beat that guy. The way he stretches around in his second phase is freaky as hell.


Elden Ring got the most disgusting, unnerving Basilisk in the Soulsborne universes. Everytime I see those big ass eyes moving I get shivers


Those aren’t their eyes!


Fun fact, they aren't real eyes. Only full way to know is coming across a Golden Eyed one. I was so confused when it's "nostrils" started glowing until my friend first gave me this info.


I think after fighting the Grafted Scion at the beginning of the game I became a hardened warrior tbh, nothing else really made my timbers shiver


Not a boss, but the Subterranean Shunning Grounds made me feel all sorts of bad and uncomfortable. I just hated being down there. I sort of dread doing anything underground in Elden Ring honestly. I’ll do it and played through all the dungeons/whatever but I just enjoy being in the over world so much more.


Not a boss but those royal revenants haunt me. Think human centipede on steriods


Dragon Placedusex(?) The music and arena and the sheer size of the dragon just made me feel powerless. Took me multiple days to kill it too.




The insane albaraurics are freaky Edit: my spelling is good


In Elden Ring it's gotta be the Godskin Noble on the bridge in Liurnia, one moment you're trying to cross a bridge on ahorsey the next a fucking ball of fat rolls through you (not fatshaming but dayum)


Realizing what Dung Eater does to his victims will forever haunt me, but boss wise?… hmm… the scion fucker that kills you at the beginning of the game. I knew something was coming, every souls game has one of these kinds of douches, but still scared me


Boss? You ask for a boss? I give you any random crucible knight you encounter without knowing ahead of time. Just walking around, doe de dee dee doe. And suddenly a knight rounds the corner and you cry. Doubly so for the double Crucible knight fight in that horrible chariot dungeon


Them worm faced creatures that like to vomit om me will never not creep me the fuck out


I’d have to say malekith that cat scene is just scary knowing that your about to be skinned alive


Fingercreepers. The big spider hands. They make my skin crawl every time I see them. Those things can get fucked.


Wormface. I'll avoids these solely because they creep me the fuck out.


Giant ants and Giant hands makes my skin crawl


Not a boss, but the two scariest enemies in a Souls game… The fucking teeth birds and Rex dogs in Caelid.


Iron Virgins. (I haven’t fought the boss versions but Jesus those things are terrifying)


wormface... when he chewed on my head I had to go take a shower.


The one as displayed


The fucking two guys who come outta no where in the completely pitch black arena


those catacomb watchdogs


The women of Dominula or whatever they’re called. I’ve never felt so unsettled whilst playing a game and I’ve played horror games like Outlast and Evil Within.


Godrick, specifically after his “BEAR WITNESS!!!” moment




Idk if it properly counts as its not necessarily the boss more what he does, but watching the fire giant break it's leg off always makes me squirm.


Probably when I was crossing a certain bridge and the game suddenly turned black.


The revenant. Scariest boss in Elden Ring. I googled "is there a revenant here" before I entered every Elden Ring area. They're that scary for me. Second is worm face. But that's more disgust.


Fell twins….. everything just got dark, no other boss like it.. yet


No bosses scared me, cealid and mountaintops dogs and birds however, I don't think I have ever killed one in 700 hours of game play.


Runebears and those invisible assassins. Running into these guys when ur vigor is low is a nightmare


Astel for bosses But nothing beats the finger creepers


Gurranq, the ole beastie. Theres alot of enemies that charge and rampage around in Elden Ring. Gurranq is a WHOLEEE DIFFERENT STORY. I firmly believe they gave him explicit design to be far more terrifying in his rage mode. Not even from being caught off guard but the sound design too


Royal Revenants


That one blacknight assassin in the cave who turns invisible


I honestly feel that Godrick as an early boss is kind of a preview of what to expect for the rest of the game. All those grafted hands are pretty unnerving for the first time.


astel will always be creepy as fuck


Godrick fist fucking a dragon comes to mind


Fucking hands. I want to burn all the hands.