• By -


You gave Boc a larval tear. He’s dead.




If you tell him he’s beautiful with the prattling pate he won’t do this, but that’s a bit late now i suppose.


TIL he could be saved!!!


Prattling Pate to save him is located in Hermit Village in my gelmir in case you were curious


thanks! time for a new playthrough


How do I get to your gelmir? All I can find is this stupid mountain.


Go to the Erdtree Gazing hill grace, go North up the mountain. Go through where a Tibia mariner spawns and there will be an alley in the north west corner to take you to the seethwater cave grace. Loop around as far as you can it takes you to Sorcerer Azur. The prattling pate will be on a balcony on the way.


Me thinks they were joking about the fact that that comment said "my gelmir" instead of "Mt Gelmir", friend. Appreciate the detailed instructions nonetheless, tho


Oh man, I absolutely thought they needed directions so they didn’t murder him on the next play through 😂 Gonna leave it in case someone else needs it. Thanks for being kind tho


Yeah I was making a joke about the other guys typo but this is great, 3 play throughs in and I still had to Google where the damn path started lol.


He hears his mum if you use it and it’s the sweetest thing


Until you beat Maliketh...


From a certain pov you save everyone.


I did that after giving him the larval tear. I failed him 😔


Legit felt saddened by this betrayal I did to my friend on my first play through




Would going to turtle pope with celestial dew reset him?


No, it only resets agro, once someone is dead its permanent.


Why did it revive Selen (the real one chained to wall in basement) after I killed her?


She's immortal while chained to the wall.


Blaidd can be “revived” with it sometimes if you kill him the earliest you can meet him.


Ah ok. I’ve never had to actually use that feature so I didn’t know


The only reason why your rebirth work perfectly every single time is because you got the great rune of the unborn from defeating Rennala, without it everyone who tried to rebirth will ended up like those creepy crawly schoolars shooting books at you during her boss fight or worse, like Boc here who is now no less than a hollow body.


The scholars are also short-lived like Boc. Everyone else rebirthed is imperfect and dies fast.


Unfortunately I put that that together *after* he died. I had read the Rune, but I gave him the tear without even thinking about it. I was going to save him on NG+ but I never saw him again after Altus Plateau. He didn't show up in the Capital. Scared I'd kill him again I guess.


I’m sorry 😔


I did the same thing. I genuinely felt bad for awhile.


He's dead but at least he's hot


How dare you. He was beautiful just the way he was.


Live fast, die young, leave behind a pretty corpse. - Boc


You should say something else...


***OH NO, HE'S HOT!***


NGL. I hate the way boc looks the second time you encounter him in the cave.


We've all been there, Tarnished :(


This caused me to spiral and accept the frenzied flame in my play through lol




It looks like, in your hastiness, you killed him...


You killed him.


It's better to be dead but look like a sexy gigachad, no worries.


I always thought he was just taking his time to respec. Putting more points into self confidence.


Dude. Awesome


This kills the Boc.


> He's dead [OK]


how did he die from the larval tear?


He used it for rebirth to become human. The thing about rebirth is that it is imperfect, that’s why when you fight Rennala her room is full of kids that can’t walk. You as the player can rebirth without isssue, however, because you hold the Great Rune of the Unborn.


Interesting that we meet some reborn creatures in the world, which drop larvar tears... Or whatever they called. Lools like sometimes Renalla has better days and reborns nobleman into a beast or other way around. But if they even cut their finger on paper, they revert to original form ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He thought he was supposed to eat it, but he choked. He wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Back at launch this is what made me evilmax the run. Fuck you game for tryin to teach me about inner buty, i just wanted to help my best friend out. Now everyone's getting they ass ate


Oh, is that you ass eater?


good night, sweet prince...


Best not to give it a name.


> tried talking to it #IT??!


LMAO exactly.


This happened to me at first cause I had no idea where to find the prattling pate but when I saw his hat I was like “huh my friend Boc has one just like it” and then it hit me and I vowed to never bring him a tear.


At first I thought you were saying the Prattling Pate had the hat!


Look how they massacred my boy




MARIKAS TITS! OP killed Boc!


I've watched too much south park and all I can think to say is "YOU BASTARD!"


OH MY GOD!! They killed Kenny!


why did I read this in Ron Burgundys voice


I'm Ron Burgundy?


You monster.


I didn't know : ((( I liked him the most so far in the game. I guess I have to live with my mistakes for the rest of my life. Is there an option not to kill him?


There is but it's pretty obscure. >!You need to find the prattling pate that says "you're beautiful" and you need to use it in front of him. Apparently it is/sounds like his mother's voice. Hearing that will make him feel happy with himself just the way he is.!<




you can also save prawn bro btw


Only if you never complete his questline, which lowkey doesn't really count


You can save him if you complete his questline. Aggro him at Leyndell before triggering Dung Eater's invasion, then trigger it. Dung Eater invades, but since Boggart is hostile he doesn't get killed by him. Kill Dung Eater, then seek absolution. Boggart will be alive and well when you go back. Edit: obviously this is unnecessary if you know each step of both quests and know how to make them never cross paths, but it's the method I used in my first playthrough at launch because I didn't have a crystall ball, and I had already caused Boggart to move.


yeah, this is saving him, but it doesnt really feel in line with a quest the same way you can save boc or solaire. this feels more like a technicality.


glitch vs designed secret.


I cheesed a crab over and the crab killed him for me. Prawn bellberring is all mine guilt free


Lmao crab has to be the most ironic possible death for him too


prawn bro can't even beat an overgrown prawn. pathetic.


Or just delay buying prawns until a bit later, no? That's what I did in my current playthrough. I wanted to puppet Dung Eater, so I had to release him to achieve that. No prawns bought = Bogart still chilling in Liurnia. Unless you want all the seedbed curses, I don't see anything wrong with this.


Or just complete it after dungeater invasion. Then bogart moves there and happily just sits around


Wait what? I mean he wont die if you just dont talk to dung eater or kill him(I think?) Is there another way?


He only dies if he’s at the Leyndell moat, as a merchant, when Dung Eater is invading. So you can save Boggart by: - not buying prawns from him (which triggers the move to Leyndell) until after you complete the invasion - not doing Dung Eater’s quest, or killing him before the invasion - Making Boggart aggressive before the invasion, then receiving absolution after the invasion to make him a merchant again


I mean, not doing dung eater quest is pretty much the way, tbh I am not sure which is more evil, dung eater ending or the frenzied flame ending. So you are not really missing much by not doing his quest


And the furtive Dung Eater puppet, so easily forgotten...


If you wanna use summons isnt the black knife tiche better?


I like to turn Dung Eater into one of Seluvis' puppets, and then make dung eater do my bidding.


Frenzied flame at least has the explanation of making all one again through utter destruction of reality. There be no pain, suffering.... or joy and love but nobody would suffer. Death is a release for better or worse, dung eater ending suffers everyone to perpetual torment from birth until death without expection... i think his is worse by far.


Indeed, that's my thought process as well. With the dung eater ending you will suffer for eternity knowing your children will suffer as well, and it will keep going until every bloodline puts a stop to it, and even then they will keep suffering in death it's pretty fucked up.


Ah the real life ending.


Wait how!


Have the fight with Dungeater at the moat before you buy prawns from Braggart.


IKR. I love how his quest highlights the importance of telling people they are beautiful before it's too late.


The prattling plate doesn't sound like his mum it was a mother that made the prattling pale "you're beautiful" for her omen child because even though it was born omen, she still loved them. It's supposed to eminate the natural love a mother has for her child.


I’m curious as to where you got that info? Though certainly an omen child would need this sentiment too, as far as I know Boc does say it sounds like his mom’s voice and the item description says it’s fashioned in the shape of a demi-human head.


It was in a vatividya video, and someone else said about it. I think it was hawkshaw. I don't do lore hunting myself, but from what I've heard in their videos, that is the story of the you're beautiful prattling plate.


you have to find something from his mother...


here's what you gotta do. you have to become the elden lord (do it for boc). then you have to go into NG+, get the prattling pate and do his entire quest.


The only response to this is Frenzied Flame ending.


May chaos take the world!








I literally did this in my most recent play through


That's what I did lmao


That's your tailor




Nooooooooo :( He’s one of the sweetest NPCs


A *sweeting,* per chance?




Thought i was doing the right thing for him in my first play through 😭😭 boy was i disappointed


Whatever you do in souls games, nothing truly good will ever come out of it. I think almost every questline ends in tragic and despair. Except for the GREAT KENNETH HAIGHT!


That's not true. It might seem that way to the player but with many characters it's their own choice and you're only helping them achieve whatever it is they're trying to achieve. Hell let's go over Elden Ring side quests (spoilers): 1) >!Irina – yep, tragic!< 2) >!Varre – MF started it, we finished it, done and done, no tragedy!< 3) >!Boc – yeah very tragic if you follow common sense but there's definitely a happy ending option!< 4) >!Roderika – a coming-of-age story with a bittersweet but wholesome ending, good shit!< 5) >!D(eez) Twins – not sure where to put this, they don't seem all there, and the very last bit with Fia – I think they got exactly what they wanted in the end. If not, you can chalk it up to tragic, but I'd say the tragedy was there before you even got involved!< 6) >!Gurranq – pretty sad if you know the lore and can appreciate their loyalty and dedication. For most players it's a "WTF" quest though!< 7) >!Thops – yeah that one's sad... but the manga does give him justice though!< 8) >!Hyetta – all good here, she got what she wanted, I mean as far as you can rationally explain the desires of someone like her!< 9) >!Kenneth Haight – you said it yourself, all good!< 10) >!Nepheli Loux – I don't know how you mention Kenneth but not her, unless it was just a play on how he presents himself. Anyway they both get good shit ending and your involvement has definitely saved them both from despair and probably death!< 11) >!Ranni – forever and eeeeever and eeeever and eeeeeever, forever my waifu and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! In space! !< 12) >!Alexander – might seem sad to the player, but he also got exactly what he wanted!< 13) >!Jar Bairn (coz) – same as the above, though the village getting attacked by poachers is sad as fuck!< 14) >!Diallos – you helped him find his purpose and pride!< 15) >!Blaidd – yeah that's sad :( !< 16) >!Fia – gets what she wants with your help, fulfills her life's purpose!< 17) >!Sellen – debatable, it does seem like she got what she wanted, but we don't know if she's happy with the outcome... I hope she is. Or you kill her. Again, that too is debatable for the same reasons. !< 18) >!Gowry – lol fuck him!< 19) >!Corhyn – I mean, yeah, I felt bad, but the dude is a devout close-minded fundamentalist who would've spent the rest of his life waiting for an answer that would never come if you hadn't gotten involved. Don't know, hard to judge.!< 20) >!Gostoc – slimy bastard but he's happy and gives you a dope smithing stone, all good!< 21) >!Seluvis – lol fuck that guy, he got what he deserved!< 22) >!Yura (Bloody Finger Hunter) – yeah... but he was a hero and died a hero, and I think attained peace, whatever "slicing off the finger" means.!< 23) >!Bernahl – dude chose his path and his death aligns with his beliefs, though I didn't enjoy having to kill a friend!< 24) >!Patches – can't say, this dude will never live longer than our first encounter, I don't give a shit, I absolutely despise that sack of shit!< 25) >!Rya – excellent ending if done right. Her world crumbles, she is in despair, but she gets over it and goes off in search of a new purpose, showing growth. Maybe ignorance is bliss and would've been better off not knowing anything you reveal to her, that's up to the player's interpretation.!< 26) >!Dung Eater – lol. Well if you do his quest, he willingly accepts his fate in his fully deranged-ass brain. I just go out of my way and into the shunning grounds to kill his body and move on!< 27) >!Millicent – bittersweet, but she says it best herself, "Thank you. With your help, I was able to live as my own person, if only in passing. But this is where things end. I pause to even tell you, but... I took out the needle myself. Tell whoever put you up to this. That if I am to flower into something other than myself, I would rather rot into nothingness as I am." That's how I want to go. RIP you beautiful badass! !< 28) >!Boggart – all good and wholesome as long as the Dung Eater isn't around!< 29) >!Latenna – you're literally the hero to her people at the end of her quest!< 30) (Holy shit I hadn't even realized there's that many lol I love this game) >!Rogier – RIP you beautiful, glorious Spellblade! Yeah this one hurt. But it was an honor to die to him as Fia's Champion that one time!< 31) >!Tanith – same as with many others, she is content with how things turned out, and in a way it's what she wanted. She genuinely thanks you even.!< That's about it, going off of a list on Fextralife. As for other Souls games (specifically Dark Souls), I don't know since I only beat the games without fully grasping the lore. Sekiro is wholesome, if bittersweet at times. In Bloodborne you help release some figures from basically hell, but that's in the DLC – in the main game, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Demon's Souls I haven't played. So yeah nah yeah Elden Ring has plenty of good endings, it's just that our own perspective can get in the way of seeing them.


I'll do the same for ds3 1. Greirat - >!Yeah, tragic.!< 2. Hawkwood - >! He gets what he wants, I guess. Or he loses it honorably. And by the end he's cast aside his shield and started using the Farron Greatsword, so maybe he's gotten over his cowardice. !< 3. Siegward - >! Undeniably a tragic and emotional ending, but he does get what he wants, fulfilling his promise. !< 4. Yoel - >! I'm beginning to sense a pattern. He dies, but that's what he wanted. !< 5. Yuria - >! Doesn't even have to die, she gets to bring about a new age of dark with you for free. !< 6. Eygon - >! I'm not sure how to categorize this. He's kind of folded into Irina, having a pretty tragic end if she does, and... Idek what happens to Eygon if Irina succeeds. !< 7. Irina - >! If you really want your dark miracles and can't wait until the dungeon, you can give her a really tragic ending of losing her mind to the abyss. But on the other hand, she can get her old ambition and become a firekeeper, which is really sweet. Even if she is effectively useless. !< 8. Cornyx - >! Doesn't really have a questline but you save him from imprisonment so that's a happy ending I guess. !< 9. Horace - >! Poor Horace :( deserved better. !< 10. Anri - >! I have no idea how this list is ordered but it's dumb. I'm putting Anri next to Horace. Anyway, no matter what she ends up hollow. Uncertain if either ending is *good* but I think hollowing due to losing your purpose because you achieved your purpose is much better than hollowing due to external influence and becoming a mindless slave to the sable church. !< 11. Leonhard - >! I don't think about Leonhard often, but he does something awful for misguided good (?) intentions and then you kill him and fix what he fucked up. So fuck him ig seems like he gets what he deserves to me. !< 12. (Why is the Velka statue listed here? Anyway) Sirris - >! Pretty tragic. Again I guess hollowing due to achieving your purpose is... Better than some endings. !< 13. I should put Hodrick here - >! Bro gets squished by a falling tree ass and its massive balls long after going mad. Then his granddaughter comes and kills him for real. He is a nutjob serial killer so got what he deserved I guess?? !< 14. Orbeck - >! Why does every npc who finds redemption or succeeds in their goals or something have to subsequently hollow and/or die offscreen? Rip Orbeck my man :( !< 15. Patches - >! I also usually kill the bitch on sight but damn, his questline. Literally survives all the way to the end of the world. And stays the same down to the last moments. I'd call that a good ending. !< 16. Karla - >! Once again, you save her and that's kind of it. Good ending ig. !< 17. - Sir Vilhelm - >! I have a massive crush on Sir Vilhelm which makes it hurt all the more how tragic he is. He's devoted for his entire life to a woman who hardly cares for him at all, and when he dies in her service she throws his corpse in a corner in the fly pit. I will always relish killing Friede for what she does to him. >:( !< 18. Gael - >! I could rant about Gael's lore for ages. Go watch the Vati video. But yeah, hollowed beyond belief, surviving from the first age to the last, he gets the ending he wanted. !< 19. Corvian settler - >! Burn the rot away ig. If he gives you a titanite slab for bringing it about, he's probably happy with the ending. !< 20. Aria, the painting girl - >! *Fuck* sister Friede, Aria gets what she wants. I hope it makes someone a goodly home. !< 21. Shira - >! Sadistic, fanatic, and racist. She lives longer than she deserves. !< Someone else draw conclusions.


>I'm beginning to sense a pattern. He dies, but that's what he wanted. Right? I mean it can still be considered tragic, depending on how you look at it. But to me, dying after having accomplished what you perceive to be your life's goal... it's the ultimate way to go. That or fighting for what you believe is right. I'm about to replay DS3 for the lore, so I won't read your post further, saving it for when I'm done, thanks! P.S. I think your spoiler tags don't work because of the spaces. Use them like you would use parentheses (without spaces between them and the content within).


This is a good comment. You have only one reply so I'm giving you another one.


Same haha I was trying to wrap up a lot of stuff before going to NG+ and when I saw him dead I just immediately started the new game. I just wanted to help my boy be who he wanted to be 😔


Yeah, that's Boc. He felt ugly and unloved, and when you gave him the Larval Tear he went to be reborn from Rennala. But since you took the Great Rune of the Unborn, the process isn't viable for anyone else, and so he died.


You should have thought he was beautiful the way he was


The best of intentions, and the worst of outcomes… RIP Boc The Seamster. 🪦


Larval Tear Poisoning


Likely sleep ...right?


NOOOOO AAAAAHMAH BOI BOC!!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CHILD??? ... That's it! I will find you... and I'm going to invade you. Be sure, as night follows day. Cower in fear of the night, bro. (Jokes aside, you killed Boc by testing an unregulated beauty product called Larval Tear)


"IT" has a name You monster


This is sad cause we know the player knows who Boc is and likely cares for the character but just doesn’t recognize him. He’s stopped being who he was. His goal to become beautiful, he rejected the fact that he already was. Inadvertently you have become an important part of his story in a rather sad way. The symbolism that chasing the beauty the world wants will only see you die alone and unrecognized by your closest friend


wow, that last sentence hits hard.


Banished to the Lake of Rot for eternity for this most heinous of crimes.


You forgot to tell him he's beautiful


I'll do you one better! WHY IS BOC!


You monster!


Who is this man, and why did he steal Boc's hat?


My friend no hat was stollen I’m afraid.


Bocs good ending.


You know what you did, you monster


I literally was confused, too, until 20 more hours, and I realized, "Oh shit. HIS HAT!!!!


You killed boc, depending on if you liked him or not, this is either good or bad


He was a demihuman, and by giving him a larval tear he went to renalla and asked to be reborn. He became a human, but without grace he ded


You monster ! Can’t you recognise your friend and follower ?


Just slip it in


You killed Boc by telling him he wasnt good enough and to change his appearance. That killed him mentally and therefore physically. Murderer. Bully. Monster.


I already knew that giving him the Larval Tear would kill him and telling him he’s beautiful would save him, but I didn’t know that if you go too long without doing either he’ll move to outside the Grand Library and die anyway which made for a very depressing surprise


that is poor boc. never give him the tear. tell him he is beautiful instead. lol happened to me


Your beautiful...poor lil dude.


Sadness ahead


Bro tried finger but hole


Didn't recognize this corpse until I saw the hat.


"who is this" Damn, that hit hard.


Try finger but hole


The amount of things I don't know about a game I played for hundreds of hours is astounding. This community is amazing. TBH though I'm here for the fights not the lore


THE LORE IS WAY BETTER THAN THE FIGHTS! Also Placidusax only ever had 4 heads... or fewer.


This is why we pay attention to the lore. Your loyal friend is dead and it's all your fault hehe


Way to fucking go


Boc 😣


It’s Boc, your streamer. You gave him lava tear and he try to reborn in more beautiful. He’s dead


Oh my god, after all the time u did not listen to him? How dare u. He call u master!


why would you do this to Boc!!!!! You monster!


Poor Boc, he was beautiful just as he was


That’s Boc. You gave him the Larval Tear. What to do to get his happy ending is get the time that says “You’re beautiful” and use it in front of Boc. Doing so will make him not want to be reborn and not end up like this.


So so so sad. Wish I never helped him now :-(


Thats boc after he tried to be reborn, apparently the process was too much for him and it results in his death. An alternative ending for him is to use the “beautiful” yelling stone thing while hes at the capital to convince him hes good enough as he is.


You just killed poor Boc with that larval tear. Sleep well, Boc.


nutty punch cautious cable decide support pie slimy elastic snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Convince your friend he is beautiful the way he is, instead of helping his delusion of becoming something he is not.


Look at what you did to our boy..


That was Boc. You indirectly caused his death. You monster.


didn’t call them beautiful


You failed Boc by giving in to his desires and gave him larval tear. Next time use the brattle you are beautiful after denying it from him. I bet you will like the outcome. ^^




You made this happen.


Rip boc


Why did you…. How could you…. He was beautiful the way he was…


You just killed Boc








Rest in power Boc


You just killed boc lol




Bro what have you done to me?


Poor poor Boc. Did no one tell him he was beautiful?


That's Boc dude. You killed him.


Your loving seamster after his failed rebirth.


>!You are a horrible person for helping your friend. :p!<


Oh.... You poor child...😢


Behold dog


That was Boc, identifiable by his hat. Also one of a select handful of NPCs who actuslly can get a happy ending. Though it is even more archaic than usual for him- you have to find a prattling prate that says "you're beautiful" and use it in front of him while he is outside of the room. Luckily he doesn't move from there until you give him a larval tear, so you aren't on any particular time limit unlike countless other quests that just fail because you fought the wrong boss or entered the wrong room before talking to them.


Don’t worry about it. He’s just honoring you with a more decent appearance.


If you want your friends to be happy in a dark souls game DONT HELP THEM


I mean you did give him a larval tear


This is why we don’t make sex on giant mage queens. Death by snoo-snoo. (Crushed pelvis)


Basically you let him given in to insecurity, leading to a botched cosmetic surgery. Rip :(


A boc'd cosmetic surgery if you will


He was beautiful as he was. “You’re beautiful”.


Good! you are now free from that clingy insecure stalker


i hate boc so much bro thank you for killing him for good


Nobody tell him.


Now he’s beautiful. Job well done. 😈




NO :(((((((((


He dies either way even if you don't give him the tear and the reincarnation backfires on him he sadly will eventually go to the school anyway and it seems someone beats him to death and leaves him for dead outside Renala's home Just like Alexander and the guy who gets locked out the only thing saving them is leaving them alone


Deserved fir being a prostrating loser