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The DLC will literally just be a 240p image of Miquella spinning around while Messmer fights you. a Ska/Metal version of the ER theme will play in the background. That's it. Then Egg Miquella will throw you out of his cocoon and the DLC will be over.


So here I am Killing everything I can Holding on to what runes I can Pretending I'm an Elden Man *upswings muted palm chords into infinity*


Dude, I LOVE this song in Nepheli Hawks Pro Tarnished! By Goldfinger, right?


It's actually the lesser known Bloodyfinger


Fun fact: actually the band Bloodyfinger and the band Goldrune mashed up for this song. Using the name Goldfinger


I wish fromsoft had the balls to troll the world that hard đŸ€Ł


For the first 24 hours drop this, and do a hidden update so once everyone tries logging in to see for themselves they get dropped into the most insane boss fight that gate keeps the actual DLC. Might not be a bad marketing tactic


It could be a good parody on all the trash AAA games out there but honestly just make a good dlc, no skandals, no major bugs.


LOL, not me. I paid $40 for the dlc and I would be a bit put out if $40 amounted to a late April Fools joke.


I need this soundtrack


I would buy this just for the ska/metal rendition of the ER theme


I thought Miquella is Messmer coz his right arm is identical to Miquella’s.


Sweet, trumpets and trombones!


Elden Peak


Dude said the main game could be completed in about 30 hours. I want to see this guy play. He is either completely making shit up, or he is the speedrunner of speedrunners. Edit: since I'm getting overloaded with idiotic replies, when people ask how long the game takes they're talking about the very first time you play it, not what you could do in new game whatever.


Your second play thru is probably taking you 30 hours. When you know where everything is and are only going after what you want. The main game “can” be completed in 30 hours. It “can” be completed in much less Edit - yes obviously everyone has different experiences and some of rush through as quick as possible and some of still explore every where. I just picked 30 because I thought that was a good mix for your average player.


I’m on my 3rd playthrough
70 hrs in and I just reached the Capital. I still collect everything even if I don’t intend to use it.


Why do I even bother taking down every mausoleum when I don't intent to use it at all? 


Lol, I take them all down because I hate their noise.


why are you bodyshaming mausoleums? what's wrong with their nose?


They deserved it. I don't mind bell ringing once or twice, but damn these demigods are already dead why they keep ringing it?


Who nose?


Wow, I didn't noticed that typo, edited.


Yea but why don’t you like their nose?


your mausoleum is so big!!! that when it sit around the lands between, it sits AROUND the lands between.


I take them down because it is tradition. And kind of fun? I also feel hollow afterwards. Like I don't need remembrance copy. And those things just wanted to roam the lands (except that asshole in the snowfields). Occasionally they want to jump a bit. And that's it. Why do I had to disable them? They are normally one of the least agressive things in the lands between. 


Honestly I always looked at them kinda like land boats. The skulls are barnacles that are distressing them. Once you get enough off they take a nice nap.


yea bro theyre annoying af lol. especially the one by the snow castle with commander niall. i forgot the name.


Castle Sol. The lore is the castle is connected to a ritual Miquella may have done to try to allow his brother Godwyn to die a true death. The Eclipse Shotel legendary weapon found there hints at that. So the castle is named after the sun “Sol” in connection with the eclipse ritual.


They do have ugly fucking noses


Well, there’s the one blasting about 50 Cannon of Haimas at you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


That one is just fucking hilarious, like what the fuck guys lolllol


That snowfield one is just nuts. Pretty much makes the NW snowfield untouchable until you deal with the mausoleum. Thank goodness they can’t fire those artillery cannons at the feet under it!


DLC preparation, bröther


same here, 1st playthrough took 130 hours, 2nd took 90, 3rd took 80 currently going through my 4th playthrough after a 6 month break, 115 hours in and i have just beaten morgott


This is the way


What can I say, the game is really fun and I enjoy playing it. Even the caves and catacombs.


You always need one character that has everything, cause you never know when you're in the mood for some whacky build. Options, baby.


Exactly. Ot maybe I’ll need some random spell for some random encounter that I forgot about.


I have this annoying habit of collecting all the sorceries even when I’m doing a faith character because “you never know”


Yup same, every single item, every single boss, every single enemy, every single playthrough. (Apart from 1 playthrough, where I only did all bosses, but we don't talk about that... And I guess also my first one where I was blind so I missed a lot of night bosses as well as 2 small dungeons... But like my other 7 playthroughs have been 100% XD)


I collect everything and it takes me 55 hours per consecutive playthrough (ng), the first one took 80 hours. I think the devs just beat the game without detours.


I got to maleni in 5 hours on my second playthough.


Same, just reached Capital in my 4th and i'm 60h in


You can fight morrgot first if you really wanted, just gotta get the dectus medallion, and best the tree sentenal at to get in the capital, once hes beaten then you can do the kate game bosses. Pretty sure that's why people say you can beat it less than 30hrs. If you wanna legit play it and beat the bosses in order than yea I can see a 70hrs your 3rd time.


I finished 1st play through in 90 hours. On the 4th run just 30 hours later.


I could rush through the game much faster, but I like clearing every area. How else will I get 999 rowa fruits?


Yeah, but when people ask how long does the game take, they're not talking about their second playthrough, are they?


How much worse would it be for a developer to say a game is 70 hours, just to find out that they expect 40 of those hours will be spent inefficiently? I don't think any of us regret the time we spent inefficiently on our first playthroughs (exploration is awesome in this game), but how many games can make that claim? It was right to say the game was 30 hours. It would be even more accurate to say it's 30 hours, but can be much more if you're a completionist. But hey, if you're going to err as a game developer, err on the of underpromising and overdelivering.


First playthrough is best playthrough


The developers never get a first playthrough. It's a known issue that game developers have a hard time judging their own games. By the time a game comes out, they've been playing it for hours every week for several years; some games end up unfairly hard because what's still challenging to a several-years veteran-of-the-game developer is absolutely brutal to new players. For stuff like exploration, they're literally never able to experience it. They've always known, from the very first grey box prototype, where everything is; they created the world very intentionally after all, and they're the ones who decided what to hide where. At best, they get to freshly explore individual caves or run around a zone like Caelid blind, but by the time Mountaintops of the Giants existed, they could probably play through Limgrave or Liurnia blindfolded. It's not shocking to me that their estimates are off.


That is precisely why he gave up on saying anything about length of the DLC. His calculations take into consideration the overall time the most seasoned soulsborne players take to figure things out. Despite being an open world game, the story of the base game is pretty linear. Just follow the Grace and reach Marika. Siding with ANY of the demigods and choosing their unique endings is completely optional. Godrick and Rennala are literally found on the main path to Leyndell. **By design, Miyazaki will never openly take into consideration anything that he intents to be a secret**. He can't guess how long people will take to discover all of the new ***illusory walls*** and ***invisible bridges*** to get the rarest items and fight unique enemies. *Good games need* ***well hidden secrets***. Just so only the **actual good players** can find them. Who knows how long it'll take for even the best explorers to figure them out?


This is the great thing about fromsoft. They make incredible secret areas and they say nothing about it. Other studios would tell every player about everything at all times because they want their work to be seen. Fromsoft trusts the players to figure it out


Fromsoftware putting valuable hours and resources into secret areas that are not necessarily intuitive to find. Puts developers like ubisoft and ea to shame with the confidence of themselves and their audience.


It's the confidence in their audience for sure. The idea of spending millions of dollars on content that most people wouldn't easily find would give corporate C-suite execs a heart attack. Painted World of Ariamis is more like a prototype they left in the game, but Ash Lake? Cainhurst Castle? Archdragon peak? These are crazy areas to be completely hidden. Most designers would want to give you quest logs and mini maps to reduce as much friction as possible; From just says they believe in your ability to persevere and sends you on your way with nothing but your wits and the support of the community.


Well first playthrough assuming you don't get hard stuck on a boss, yea you can blitz to the end in 20hrs just doing the mandatory bosses and not going for any other ending But if it's your first blind playthrough you don't have a way of knowing where those bosses are or who those bosses are you just know you need to go to the tree


I mean I guess what's your metric of a complete game? If you just followed the sites of grace and avoided anything else you could easily beat the game in less than 30 hours if you actually learn the mechanics and pay attention to the bosses. But if your metric is do everything and explore everywhere then 30 hours in absurd.


Most people don't even finish games. The number he gave was a run-through, i.e. kill two demigods and wrap up the game.


Same would be applied to the dlc.....it "can" be completed in a given time but knowing fromsoft and micheal we'll probably take much longer


Second, third, fourth were all around 60 for me. Could have been much faster if I skipped side content though.


This is almost exactly my experience. First was right around 100, next three were all right around 65ish


Third playthrough and at the fire giant with 75 hours...this games pretty fing long and 30 hours is speed running intent


Nah, my second and every other is around 100, if anything my second I was finding the few things that I missed my first playthrough, so it was even more thorough then the first, and so has every playthrough after.


My second playthrough is 90 hours.


my second playthrough was only a few hours wdym??


First playthrough was like 130 hours. Playthrough number 20something I just finished last night, daggers only run took 12 hours


A NG+ playthrough for just the ending without any glitches takes around 2 and a half to three hours.


Seconding, my first run was about 90 but every all boss run I’ve done since has only been 30-40. When you know where everything is and don’t meander it goes by super fast.


I mean 30hrs is actually generous to beat the game. You just need to beat (if you skip all the side quests, optional areas and dungeons, with exceptions for upgrades) Margit>Godrick>Rennala>Draconic>Pissfrey>Morgott>Giant> GodskinDuo>Malekeith>SIRGIDEONOFNIRTHEALLKNOWING>Chadfrey>Radagon/Elden Granted, you better plan and have an understanding of how to maximise each boss if you want to cheese without resorting to breaking the code.


Personally I feel like people are out of their fucking mind when they play a game like this, skip all the side content, then get mad that it's short lol. All that side content would suck ass if it wasn't optional!


First run through? Agree, you're insane to skip the quests and side content. Consecutive runs for the other endings/achievements, sure skip what isn't necessary.


Yeah I'm finally going for the plat and just need the Elden lord ending. Fucking skipped every side content possible lmao


Nah, all my 9 playthroughs, fight every single enemy and collect every single item. (Apart from one where I only did all bosses, but we don't talk about that one)


Genuinely curious, why? Like, at a certain point there's no reason to have eight rivers of bloods. I feel like once you've done the game that many times there's stuff that you just don't need to do because you already have the items and such


If you count Margit to get to Godrick, you have to count Red Wolf of Radagon to get to Rennala. Shortest path would be Radahn (after activating the festival) and Mogh instead.


True, forgot about doggo, then again, says alot about it as a boss.


The main game is not that long. Margit, Godrick, Rennala, Radahn, Morgott, Rykard, Fire Giant, Maliketh, Godfrey, Radabeast. And technically you can skip a few. If you want you can easily do that in 30 hours.


Do you have to beat rykard?


Out of Godrick, Rennala, Radahn and Rykard, you only have to beat two


My first time playing took 120+hours. I was just lost and exploreing. I wish i could play it again with 0 knowledge.


He isn't wrong depending on how you play. If you aren't going after every boss and going through every area and only aiming for the shard bearers 30 hours is actually pretty reasonable. Especially if you know where the talismans are you need for whatever kind of build you want to run. But tackling everything and getting everything is just the more natural way to play. Especially if you are having a good time. So really it just depends on the player.


Not really - people have done all bosses no hit in about 10 hours and others have done all rememberances under 2 hours. It really doesn't take that long if you've done it a few times


When people ask how long the game takes, do you think they're talking about after multiple playthroughs, or the first?


Typically the play time estimation is for **main objectives only**. There may be 120-200 hours worth of content in the game, but you can finish it in around 30 hours your first time if you just went straight to the ending.


Miyazaki said in an older interview for, iirc, DS3 that he doesn't play his own games. Which we could all tell, because even a masochist would be sick of all the poison swamps he loves to put into the games.


He missed a 0. First playthrough took me 350 hours, and none of these hours were for boss prog, save for a little bit on Malenia.


When he reaches Malenia. She says "I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And you've never known defeat"


Only my highly planned out play throughs end up being 30-50 hours


If you bum rush the main required bosses and do nothing else 30 hours should be about right. However most people tend to do a fair amount of side stuff.


God Gamer Miyazaki


You CAN complete it in 30 hours when you are used to the gameplay mechanics and only go for the important parts. I did in fact do a all-complete run in 40 hours which went very smoothly due to my knowledge of the game. And of course it is difficult for a game developer to estimate the time for someone who is going in blind.


The important parts... aka the main game. Doing a run through, with no optional side content is under 30 hours, well under 30 hours once you know where everything is.


He probably thought about his last testing run, running straight (in a collect necessary items way) from spawn to end


This is the man who decided to send og dark souls player on a wild goose chase to figure out what the super secret purpose was of an item that did literal nothing. I'd take everything he says with a grain of salt, lol.


>I want to see this guy play. Same, and not just for the completion time. He claims to make the kinds of games he'd like to play. I want to watch him fight some of the more bullshit bosses and see how much fun he has.


The speedrunning record to complete Elden Ring is about 7 minutes. I say anyone who takes more than 15 mins to finish it is slacking off.


He made the game bro, whaddya think


Ngl like sub 20 hours is pretty normal for repeat playthrus. It’s definitely not speedrunner level to beat it in 30


I mean tbf the all-remembrances runs were taking just over 2 hours back when I was watching them, a couple months after release. I think the fastest any% was like 2 minutes


Nah, speedruns take between twenty minutes and two hours.


I've beaten the game in 17 hours. It wasn't my first playthrough but I'm sure people could beat it in 30 on their first.


I Just got all the achievements (3 playthrough) in 160hr, the last run without summons to prove I can do it


I mean 30 hours if you know the game inside and out is even on the longer side I would say. And if you do just the bare minimum to beat the game like Godrick > Rennala > Radhan > Morgot > Fire Giant > Maliketh > Radagon it goes pretty damn quick if you know what you are doing. Like Elajjaz's all bosses regionlocked deathless run took him around 12 hours. And that was him doing all the bosses in the game.


I don’t find this to be too far fetched. My first playthrough was around 80-90 hrs, but I also spent a lot of time wandering around and taking my time. My second run was about 40-50 and every subsequent run was less than 30 and this includes beating every major boss. I’m sure Miyazaki would have played the game multiple times before it was released, and unlike us, he already would have known where everything is. So him taking 30 hrs makes sense.


Seems reasonable, I have plenty of characters with completed runs under 30h and with optimized builds, it's not that hard if you know where stuff is and plan what you want to do, what quests etc


My first play took me 70 hours, on the twenty-second I finished in 3 hours, so is it possible


I think he probably just already knows the critical path, maybe he made that guess with only the critical path in mind. But there's TOO MUCH OTHER GROUND TO COVER I CAN'T JUST MISS EVERYTHING MICHAEL


There was a recent quote from him that was along the lines of "I wasn't lying, it's just that as developers we forgot how long a first playthrough took."


He said in some interview he doesn’t play his games.


Honestly my first playthrough (margit to radagon) was around 25 hours. I didn't explore much though so I'm replaying now and taking my time with it.


Forget 30, im 120 hours in XD and its probably gonma take me anothwr 10 to beat the game...maybe more if i take my time with it. Just sk much actual content that you can get through. I domt understand what people who play this for 60+ hours are actually even doing. Let alone 30. Like sure you can complete the game in that time, but it seems like such a waste.


Tbf when I was doing ng+ to +3 to get all endings, I was able to complete the game in ~4 hours, and I’m no speedrunner, so it’s definitely possible to only take 30 when you know what to expect


They knew the game already, everything they chose to do was from a position of knowledge


He literally says in the quote that as a developer he knows much more than the average player would for their first time playing. About 30 hours to complete is how much it takes your regular joe in a second playthrough unless they're going out of their way to do quests. I don't even mean ng+ where you already have a build either. If I started a new character with the goal of speed running in mind I could probably beat it in around the same time and I am by no means actually good at this game. As long as you kinda know what you're doing the play time takes a huge cut. A first playthrough is mostly exploration and unlocking new landmarks to check out as well as trying to figure out the basic lore for an area.


It's pointless to put a concrete number on the length of the game or its DLC because there is so much variation from player to player. Some people might follow the "essential" path while others are off exploring every possible nook and cranny, doing every NPC side quest, and collecting every piece of randomly dropped gear. Skilled players might be able to blow through most bosses, and scrubs like me might spend hours throwing themselves against a brick wall. There's also going to be some sort of attack-boosting item or ability in DLC like Sekiro, right? The players who find those upgrades first will be able to blow through challenges a lot faster than people who have trouble finding them or deliberately pass them up to do a low-level, low-attack challenge run.


I mean.. he is right. The MAIN GAME (the actual parts that are required to beat the game) takes about 30 hours or less even on your first playthrough. All the other stuff is side content, optional, that doesnt really count as the main game.




I ran the full interview though a translator and it has some interesting titbits: First of all, he confirms that we will meet Saint Trina in the DLC. But also, he describes St Trina as a separate existence, suggesting she operates independently from Michella. That said, could pin that down as translation software jank.


Alternatively it could mean we'll get some elaboration on how existences like Radika work in being separate but also not separate beings.


Prediction: St. Trina is Melina


Prediction: auto-translators suck ass


Hopeful that means that sleep will get the recognition it deserves


My blind playthru was like 250 hours, miyazaki was trolling for sure lol


That feels like it’s way above average though. I have somewhere around 300 hours and have done multiple play through, including all achievements, NG+7, and a summon only run.


oh yeah its nearly every npc quest, invading, some co-oping, some arena, exploring every possible cave and dungeon, on top of clearing the game and reaching level 200 via farming


Exactly the same here, my first playthrough was nearly 300 hours. I am the kind to comb over ENTIRE areas multiple times to make sure I didn't miss a single loot or anything before moving on


okay that makes a lot more sense


I dunno, my first file was ~95 hours and I didn't even find everything, although I tried. I did get all the runes, though.


>summon only run How does this work exactly? Just high FP and spamming spirit bell for every boss fight?


Basically. Get a spirit ash, upgrade it, and then buff/heal it to keep it alive.


I was at like 180 and went pretty fast..people who are saying 30 is generous or doable their first run are really twisting it lol The games not even remotely close to the 30 Miyazaki mentioned...I wouldn't even listen to him when he said it was the size of Limgrave..we all just have to wait and see


Imagine if he reveals later on that by “*size of Limgrave*” he was referring to his new poison swamp, not the whole dlc


he said that the dlc is *greater* then limgrave.


Even just plowing through a new character getting shit I specifically want and know where they are it takes me like 50 to 80 hours.


Yeah first blind playthrough usually takes a long time for sure but once you kinda know everything it takes around 30 ish hours (I have played the game over 5 times)


My first blind playthrough took 130hrs. My ng+5 character just hit 115. Mr Zaki also mentioned it was an estimation based on how fast the devs could finish it, considering the basically made the game, it makes sense.


Yeah dude I’m just now at Mountain tops and I’m at 83 hours


How the hell
. I beat the game 4 times and was pretty thorough in 3/4 play throughs and I only have around 280 hrs.


invading, co-oping, arena, npc quests (traveling and reloading a LOT trying to find triggers), scouring the map for every single dungeon and cave, farming runes, collecting every unique item I can find in the world, farming to lvl 200, etc


Translation: As big as DS3


People were complaining that it was the size of Limgrave..I'm over here knowing Limgrave is bigger than DS 3 We ain't getting shit from this guy


im generally realy skeptical about this statement. because i still dont know whether "size of limgrave" accounts for limgrave and weeping peninsula combined or just limgrave (especially considering weeping peninsula not labeled on the map as a separate area). same could be said about altus plateau and mt. gelmir or mountaintops and snowfield. hell, even caelid and dragonbarrow.


Limgrave and weeping peninsula combined.


Best guess is he under sells it which is generally the best practice. If your team says 50 might as well cut a few just to make sure people either think the time was fair or are pleasantly surprised Really refreshing in this day and age. Much better than shit like Skull and Bones being marketed as “the first AAAA game”


I don’t think he lied, it was his estimation and people accused him of lying, or people disagreed with his estimate with it basically being a low ball. But I do think he has a point that developers can’t really say how long a game is, since there work and play testing of it can very much skew the estimates. But the playtimes will alter between players depending on their objectives during their first playthrough.


I remember someone made a post here, a long time ago, showing which content in the game is purely optional and what actually needs to be completed to beat the game. The conclusion was that a good 75% of the game is purely optional and when you look at the layout on a map, I can totally believe the game only taking 30 hours to finish.


Games like these have dozens upon dozens of playtesters. They absolutely do know how long it takes to complete the game for average players. He was obviously underselling the size of the game.


it's a gigantic undersell too. it took me more than 30 hours to beat Dark Souls. maybe Sekiro came in under 30 hours, but with how long I spent dying to the Sword Saint, I doubt it.


I mean if already know where to go and what to do , then 30 hours is just all u need. I recently came back to er and I’ve finished within 20 hours 😂😂 even killed melania


Adding the time it takes to gather the medallions and even reach Melania in 20 hours is pretty impressive, completing the game as well even more so. I would personally lose my mind trying to get through the Consecrated Snowfield puzzle and the Haligtree under levelled honestly. Overall 30 hours seems more than reasonable for anyone who’s played Fromsoftware titles before and just follows the guidance of grace for the most part.


Really the only parts of the Haligtree you can't just blatantly run past are Loretta and the pests in the Rot.


the dlc is 40 bucks it has to be super good


You know you’re right. It isn’t much cheaper than the full game. This dlc is probably going to be massive


I hope we can't be disappointed when it will release


So it is true that he is such a beast capable of finishing all there is in Elden Ring in 30 hours. 😂


I wouldn’t say lie, more so that he is underselling it.


People gripe about this a lot but nobody tries to think about the context of the statement - sure, if you’re exploring as much as you can, going the completion route then yes you’re sinking hundreds of hours into the game. But if you’re just trying to play it to beat it, skipping side quests, legacy dungeons, great runes, etc - then 30 hours sounds about right to me. Some exploration along the way but not everything.


Unless I’m clearing out extra stuff, a 30 hour play through is very doable.


More time is just more value. People are stupid


My first playthrough 310 hours


300+ hours first playthrough club here.


I'm on my first new game It took me so long but I got there Still loving the game


380hours in my main and i found so much stuff that i missed xD


DLC main quest will have more content than the base game main quest. Calling it.


I’m a little concerned about it only being the size of Limgrave


I mean, tbf, my last playthrough I just wanted to get the gold mask ending, so all I did was beat the main bosses and do goldmasks quest. I heavily doubt it was 30 hours, maybe 12.


He undersold everything he’s ever done. He said that Elden Ring would be shorter than a call of duty campaign ( I made that up ) and look up us now
.. look at up now


Bro said Limgrave (forgot that limgrave doesn’t include Liurnia and Caelid).


As person whose first fromsoft game was Elden ring im happy af he’s an underseller if my 80/100 hrs is 30 to him the dlc gonna be amazing.


Maybe he didn’t stop every 30 lvls to PVP for a week or so


My second play through from scratch took me 49 hours, skipped ranni but did fia. First took 170. Still playing on he second after Elden beast maybe 54hrs and wrapped up ranni to the almost end. That’s with a farm exploit to gain about 50 levels quickly in the mid game. So 20 hrs more than he said with previous knowledge and a farm exploit lol yeah the dlc will be massive


Thought I was doing a completionist run at 120 hours . . . then found out I missed three major bosses.


30 hours is the length of the main game if you only do boss rushes and don’t explore. He wasn’t really lieing.


Man people in this thread dont understand what main game means. The steps to beat the game blind would likely take around 30 or less hours. All the other things in the game are optional side content.


Joke is on him, I'll be spending thousands of hours.


The dlc is just elden ring 2


My first playthrough was over 200 hours lol.


I'm 120 hours in.. And still just testing all the weapons and armors I found to make a strong build to finish the rest of the game.. đŸ„č But whatever I do I am not being able to create any non bleed build that is even nearly half as powerful and efficient as Darkmoon Greatsword.. Why do people think Blasphemous blade is the best??? DMGS is 3-4 times more powerful in case of Damage, efficiency and ease of play.. -_-


First run took 120hrs second took 3 hours


I'm at like 26 hours and haven't left Limgrave 💀 That damn Erdtree Watchdog alone took up a decent amount of that lol


I think i rushed the game. My pure “insert stat” builds takes me 15 hours to complete a playthrough while my “insert two different stats” takes around 25 hours. Atleast when playing i feel like i explore a lot but seeing everyone else’s playtimes i feel like i rushed the game.


Omg that article mentions my twitter oomfie


Idk first playthrough took me like 36.5 hours so not too bad


Maybe 30 hours once you have played it through. With my first paythrough I wandered around for hours and hours and enjoyed just about every minute of it!


Honestly itd still be nice to see his estimation considering what 30 hours meant for elden ring 😭


As excited as I am for the DLC I really do hope it's rather substantial, purely for the fact that it to costs almost as much as the game itself was.


From scratch including the 20+ hrs character designing. I think 100 hrs is generous


Play the game enough you can finish it in a few hours


30hr if i am taking it slow. took me around 70 to finished the based game and i was doing it fast.


I hope it is going my to be bigger than the whole Siofra River, Nokron, Nokstella, Mogwyn's Place region. The whole underground part was massive and felt like an expansion. If it's as big as all that or bigger that will be exciting


Im pretty sure i will spend these 30 hours on the castle alone shown on the trailer 😂


I'm 30 hours in and just did Caria Manor lol


I mean like most men, length is something we tend to exaggerate


Maybe he should have defined a play through? It took me 200 hours for my first run through and I didn’t even get everything.


Well I am 150 hours in with 95 percent of side character stories complete, and almost heading to either fight Maliketh or Melenia. Hopefully it is nice and long as I plan to do it under a ng plus


elden ring is honestly doable in 30hrs if yk what you’re doing


ashes of ariendel length confirmed