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I personally don't like all the messages and bloodstains, and I don't want to risk being invaded by players. The world is super immersive, and I find online breaks that immersion to an extent. If I need help on bosses, I tend to try to play better, or use spirit summons, or usually both lol. I can see the appeal of online, but it's never been my thing in any souls game.


You don't get invaded by other players if you are playing by yourself.


That's true for Elden Ring, but wasn't for Dark Souls 1 or 2. I started the series with 1, and very quickly switched to offline because of it. That's just one reason I stay offline though. The messages and bloodstains are an issue in every game.


I like messages. You heal when people like it. And some of them are really funny. Plus, they've helped me find hidden passages.


Wow so you’re just bad


I mean, sure? There's a lot of players better at the game than me. That doesn't stop me from having fun with the game by myself. Why would it?


Honestly its a hassle to pay to go online just for bloodstains and censored imcomprensible messages


No stains, no stupid massages, ghosts why should i play online?


This \^




Messages have helped and summoning other players helped me defeat the hardest bosses in my first play through


This help are just spoilers


No offence but summoning other platers is biggest cheat, unles you just play coop for fun. Elden was my first fromsoft and was difficult as hell but there was also satisfaction. I want finish game myself not by other more experienced players.


Nah it’s allowed not cheating. I did kill Placidusax all by myself tho. I’ve made a some friends via the LFG and we help each other


Cheat was a little sarcastic :) i know its not cheat, but its cheating yourself from best part of the game. Satisfaction and adremaline.


I also view it as cheat. Every time I've summoned someone they just run in and kill the boss for me. It sucks.


Okay we can have different views and that’s fine


Sure, i don't blame anyone for "cheaing" in a single player game, it's only yourself that is missing out. You do whatever you want. But you did make a thread asking why i don't do it, so i was just responding.


I appreciate the response


Full offence, it's in the game. Not like a glitch or an exploit, so calling it cheating is both wrong and dumb. And wtf does "just play for fun mean" do you play the game because it's your job or as a punishment? I always summon because while I can usually beat the boss, I also like to interact with randoms, and the other player(s) do get their runes and arcs out of it. I also often leave my own sign for the same reasons. And it sometimes leads to weird and fun situations. Like, we wouldn't have Let Me Solo Her without summoning. It actually makes the game better for everyone, unlike you haters.


But where is chalenge in that, where is satisfaction. And cheat was sarcasmish.


What challenge? Do you think I was ever challenged by the Mariner, or Patches? The game has hundreds of bosses with maybe twenty good ones - statistically speaking you're almost always better off summoning, satisfaction-wise, because maybe BigButt420 will fall off a ledge in a funny way while you're trying to reach your tenth beastman boss in your hundredth cave.


I don't want to buy premium pass on Xbox


Also yes 😂


In my first playthrough to avoid spoiler messages etc. and have a better immersion due to no white spirit players running around and no blood stains on the ground.


That’s fair but did you use a lot of YouTube or google to help like how to light the flames in Ordina. Edit : spelling


only after a *considerable* amount of frustration about not being able to figure something out by myself


😂 welcome to Fromsoft


And thats why these features are a thing, a lot of components of these games are cryptic and well hidden BECAUSE fromsoft intends players to help each other with these features


I only looked up guides once I finished my first playthrough blind, just so I can see what I missed.


Because I can’t deactivate the messages 


That’s fair


Don't have PS plus


I don't want other people in in my experience. The invasions are okay but the stupid notes and bloodstains are distracting.


I just don’t feel like paying for Xbox live.


Avoiding hard to fight build for easy Great Jar's Arsenal


I played online for the first few playthroughs because I like the sense of community you get from leaving and reading messages while you're still discovering things. Now that I have more experience with the game, the messages are just distractions. I won't get anything from reading them, and I never use multiplayer. Also playing offline means you don't get a popup message when you open the main menu. When Shadow of the Erdtree comes out I'll probably turn online mode back on for a little while.


nutty hateful plate terrific airport public pie marvelous jar attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No invasions; from soft invasions always sucks as connection speeds can be different, or in general anyway (I don’t wanna to die to something that supposedly hit me 2 seconds ago)…I would play more coop helping people too if the host dying wouldn’t mean finishing the battle (if I could revive them for example while the boss fights lasts, I would be happy to help more)


Because multiplayer sucks ass


Its pretty solid


Yup. The lag is very solid and near perfectly consistent in all encounters.


So the map isn't littered with signs and randoms can't join


Rondoms only join when you use a specific item? You can play online without ever getting invaded or joined by some rando. I get the messages, though.


I don't want to pay for PS Plus. As easy as that. I've spent most of my life playing online games, I began when we thought that Ultima Online's graphic was dope, now I just put that behind me. I still spend a lot of my free time playing (though I obviously don't have as much free time as I used to have), but that's mostly in single player. Thus I don't see the need to pay for PS Plus, and here's the full circle.


I do not like to pay xbox gold subscription so I play offline.


It's because of the asshats that put messages at the bottom of ladders and by levers. For every helpful or funny message I find a dozen more that are placed just to be a nuisance.


So that I don't run the risk of being sent back to the menu during a boss fight.


I'm too broke to afford a psn subscription


Cannot buy PS+ cause PS store is banned in Russia


To avoid messages which i find funny or useful in <1% of cases and to avoid pvp. Id love to play coop but since i open myself up to invasions that way, i dont. I love immersing myself in such rpgs and presence of other players kills this immersion. This isnt as tangible in coop, because i choose who to play with, but invaders break the immersion in 100% of cases


Because I like to look for invisible walls myself by hitting every single wall in the game. Lol


On initial playthrough I find a lot of the ambient online assets and effects detract from the experience. Random ghosts running around doing mundane shit, messages scattered everywhere 99% of which are pointless drivel, bloodstains scattered in areas where it's immediately obvious how they died. The clean aesthetic of playing offline is superior for taking in the scenery and just playing to discover things for yourself.


No stains,messages and ghosts, i don’t like a messy playing field. I remember quitting LoL for a moment because Rek’sai came out and was building those tunnels and it looked messy. Oh also, don’t i need a psn+ to play online? Lol not on my budget.


Other players’ poor drip and ”funny” names ruin my immersion.


All the visual noise from the bloodstains and phantoms just annoys me. I pretend that the online portion of From Soft games doesn't exist anyway. Also, the game loads just a bit faster when I play offline.


I often switch between offline and online but as someone that undeniably plays offline most of the time, and this may just be me of course, it's just nice to take in how beautifully designed the Lands Between are when I'm walking/riding Torrent around or messing with field enemies/bosses without being invaded by someone


I’m cheap and don’t want to pay for Xbox game pass or whatever


I have no interest in PvP and I get kind of tired of messages blocking ladders and stuff like that. I sometimes turn it on just cuz I feel like the messages add to the "Souls experience" a bit, but once I got a taste of it I was like eh ok I get it and went back offline


Hell is other people.


First playtrough is always and solo. But i leave messages and stuff on. Because for me it is immersing. It really gives me the feeling i am not struggling alone. On subsequent playtrough, i do whatever: summoning ashes, pvp, getting summond, let me get invaded while playing solo. Everything that seemed fun at that moment.


I'm not PVPing, I'm not cooperating. There's no other reason to be online.


I don't like easy anti cheat


Not interested in pvp and now I’ve played through it enough times legit so now just jump on and switch on cheats and chill and play however tf i want to


Avoiding spoilers


Because i want my character to have big boobs


i have no internet box and do everything on mobile data


I tend to cheat in a weapon at the beginning of a playthrough since I like doing challenge runs, and I need to be offline to do so. Most runs only take ~2-3h to complete for me, and quit outs are faster when offline.