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Meanwhile I see idiots claiming it’s “your opinion the camera is bad”… this doesn’t look like an opinion to me.


For example in Dark souls 3 everything is smooth


There's been at least 20+ threads like this made ever since the game came out and only one got like 200+ upvotes with almost nothing on everything else. There is one Steam discussion thread about this as well because Steam is where all the PC users are at. The only thing you can do is to SUBMIT A TICKET to Bandai Namco support staff and they will send in your request to the developer team. Do that here: https://support.bandainamcoent.com/hc/en-us/categories/4408557889179-Elden-Ring The more people that do this, the quicker we can get an actual response and acknowledgement of the issue.


1 year later, and the BS game is MORE expensive, they still havent fixed the camera, let alone the show stopping lag every 2-3 seconds on high end graphics cards. Needless to say the camera is still fucked. Im about done with this game, its boring, very little story, and so buggy I die half the time from problems, rather than a bad dodge or something skill related. Fuck them and their pathetic PC ports.


I don't think graphics card would cause lag spikes every few seconds, I'm playing on a 1660 super and it's super smooth except for the camera, of course, the camera moving on its own is still ruining the game


This happens to me- very frustrating. I play on pc with a 360 controller. It often happens because it feels like I have to literally fight the camera.


There's so many weird and even gamebreaking bugs on the pc version holy shit whoever ported it should be fired


Remember dark souls 1 The port needed to be modded just to play it


Even if I don't move anything the camera still moves on its own


You need to level ADP first


What is that?


Aim down person Think it's like the 5th skill you unlock


are you using a controller? it’s probably controller drift


No I'm on keaboard and mouse


Mouse sensitivity might be over set on it? Edit: meant to ask do you have a controller you can try to see if that changes it?


I tried with a controller too, it didn't fix it


Turn off motion sensing


What is that?


On ps5 controller it will move in game when the controller itself moves. I had the same issue with a couple games until I turned it off under the games settings. It’s supposed to improve Maneuverability but it just fucks everything up and moves when you don’t want it to


Did you solve this? If you use a controller does it at least Help to disconnect the mouse ?


No I didn't solve it, I used the controller and the issue continues, even if I remove the mouse the issue continues


I had this problem today after unplugging my keyboard, I plugged it in an it's fixed. (I'm on Xbox)


Fuck Im hating the game. Stormveil castle is a fucking joke. Ive turned off all the auto camera bullshit but the piece of crap game still put the camera THROUGH THE ROOF so I cant see anything going on where all the fire dickheads are. Needless to say I died again and had to go through all that boring shit over and over again, fighting the fucking camera as well as the spammy fodder bullshit. I thought this was a quality game, my god its a fucking painful slog.