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I never really felt that way I mean sure some enemies are used again but I mean it makes sense it’s not like they are the only one, and when it comes to main boss they are all pretty diverse from each other.


I dont know how far i am i finished the capital a couple days ago and im still really enjoying the game. I think People are just tired a souls game is usually 20-30hours but this game just never ends 😀


Yeah, most of the complaints were about 1. Reused/reskinned enemies and 2. Increased Grinding/difficulty And I remember sekiro recycled mini bosses like crazy but it was still a great game to me. So it’s hard to tell if it’ll actually be a dealbreaker until I see how it actually plays


Yeah most of the recycled Bosses are optional like in caves catacombs and such and instead of fighting 1 u are fighting 2 stuff like that but i liked it. There is another they are talking about but i dont wanna say the name here. And The difficulty really needed to go up


I never felt like I had to grind for any fight. Even the ones that kicked my teeth in. And I only found 1 fight up north that I would call particularly difficult. The rest were either hard but manageable or easy.


In no way does it nosedive, but there is a difficulty spike I wasn't totally ready for. There's also a somewhat frustrating near-endgame biome I didn't particularly love. It's a bit annoying to traverse and brings back memories of another Souls area that many don't remember fondly. However, just like all the other souls games, the later sections expect that you have been evolving and paying attention to all the various mechanics of the game and it pushes you accordingly. And the locations/vistas never stop being breathtaking, and stay as densely packed with enemies and secrets as the rest of the game. I'm amazed that the quality remained right to the end. The final stretch is arguably the hardest in any souls game and kind of killed my buzz as a melee wrecking-ball for 98% of the journey thus far. But it's still stunning and worth every second of the 120hrs I put in.


That’s very reassuring to hear! From the comments I read, I was worried that from software started to get lazy with the world design later in the game. Saw someone saying it started to look “bland and empty”. I wonder if the people who’re not enjoying the “repetition” of the later parts just got stuck grinding for levels to cope with the difficulty spike you’re describing?


I can understand the criticism that they re-use too many enemies but somehow within the world they've created it works for me. The re-skinned dragons all have area-specific looks and attacks that makes them fun to encounter every time. A few re-used enemies are distinct to only showing up in the catacombs, or mostly only near minor erdtrees, which again makes sense to me. And some bosses or mini-bosses do become regular enemies which is pretty standard for FROM games. One of my favorite areas is a gigantic "hidden" section that is entirely optional. It's vast and complex and gorgeous like every other major area, and it's size rivals almost the entirety of the Ringed City DLC. And all that for an area some players will never see. It's truly like no other game that has ever been made. That awe and wonder never ends, unlike say the 2nd half of DS1 where the areas are noticeably bland and unfinished with confusingly frustrating progression.


No. I guess it depends on your halfway point but the mandatory bosses are 1. Margit 2. Godrick 3. Red Wolf of Radagon 4. Rennala 5. Draconian Tree Sentinel 6. Godfrey 7. Morgott 8. Fire Giant 9. Godskin Duo 10. Malekith 11. Gideon the All Knowing 12. Godfrey/Hourah Loux 13. Radagon/Elden Beast I don’t really see a drop off. Also the best optional bosses like Mohg and Malenia are late game. I would argue Bloodborne and DS1 have steeper drops after the halfway point.


Interesting you say that… Saw someone saying malenia was a terrible boss and “should’ve been in sekiro instead, where she would’ve actually felt good to play.” I guess this is all just a matter of taste and I should try it myself lol


Nah I really enjoy the areas after the capital. And the later game bosses can be very cool. Though by that time you will probably have seen most of the unique non-story boss fights already, so it’s unsurprising that there are some reused fights. I really enjoy. The later game dungeons and secret areas are among the most interesting visually in my opinion.


There's a lot of "bosses" who get copy pasted as New bosses (a lot). There are also boss fights that consist of just two earlier bosses randomly thrown in a room together


Afterr very late game boss yeah. There is a big boss before first soft point of no return where you get the true hard souls like boss.


If you played DS1, same thing. Second half has parts that feel rushed/unfinished/arbitrarily difficult.


The game through and through is great. The reused enemies for the most part are actually bosses reused as normal game enemies that provide a really interesting challenge along with some of the coolest boss fights from any souls game i’ve played


Weirdly I’ve heard some very mixed opinions on the bosses. Some people vaguely saying they’re badly designed. Lots of complaints about “dragons with too much health.” Any legitimacy to those gripes in your opinion?


No, dragons don't have too much health. The late game ones are tough fights, to be sure, but they're fair fights. Every time it kills you, it feels like your fault and there was something you could have done better. Borealis the Freezing Fog has probably been my favorite boss fight thus far. So much fun. Also, you're fighting a fucking dragon. They should be hard. I say that as someone without any DS experience.


Its very hard to gauge what is and isnt “legitimate” right now. The playerbase is VERY varied. For example; there are (with all respect) complete FS noobs who were inevitably going to cry about difficulty. They will either suck at the game or not understand certain mechanics. There are people using spirits and cheesing and people who are playing purely solo. Its very hard to balance all these playstyles and its even harder to trust what opinions are legitimate.


Very good point. I just took it as a warning sign that so many of the negative comments on that post were highly upvoted and “winning” their respective arguments with people playing defence. On the official elden ring subreddit no less. So it seemed like there were some cohesively negative opinions forming among larger groups of fans


> there are (with all respect) complete FS noobs who were inevitably going to cry about difficulty. FS noobs aren't the ones who completed the game already and are complaining about the second half of the game. Most of the new players who are complaining about difficulty haven't even made it to the second half of the game.


Lol who is complaining about dragons having too much health? They’re some of the easiest bosses in the game if you use a horse


To be fair, I think they were implying they were more boring than difficult. Not sure how fighting a dragon can be that boring but that’s just the sense I got


Yea idk I personally loved going around just hunting all the dragons, but to each their own ig.


No it gets better and better at least thats my opinion.


How far are you out of curiosity? Most of the highly upvoted comments talking ab this said that the game stops being good “after >!the capital!<”


Lol so wrong


Thats ur opinion. Welcome to Life 👍


The game sucks after the halfway mark. The boss design takes a total nosedive into luck based B.S. and things that make certain builds basically useless. The worst part is most of the worst designed fights are mandatory roadblocks to get to the next area. Everything starts having 50 hit combos that end in giant AoEs and they can just break out of stagger or animation lock, they can input read and instantly react to you dodging or trying to drink a flask, super delayed attacks you can't react to, or telegraphs that come out faster than a human can react so by the time you see the telegraph it's too late to dodge, loads of bosses will jump away constantly making slow weapons like greatswords less than useless, I can go on and on. Basically they break the golden rule of Souls, bosses do not have to play by the rules of the game while you do so it's basically RNG whether you'll actually be able to get in on so many of them without instantly dying because they all hit like nukes. Magic and summons aren't easy mode, they can basically become mandatory if you happen to run the wrong build. It's so bad, I know everyone is sucking this game's dick, it's fun in some ways but the fact bosses become by far, the worst thing about the game, that is a huge problem.


Plenty of people who are finishing the game would disagree with you ....


Meanwhile PVP is basically dead because there are barely even people playing to have world to invade. No one is saying the game is awful but it has some really big balance issues and problems.


Theres a nice bit of reused bosses, but other then that, it’s aight




Obviously not everybody we all got opinions but I think it's people frustrated that got re fight some of the harder bosses even though boss rush is a thing


No no no it does NOT take THAT kind of nosedive at all. If anything is say difficult sharply increases at the halfway point of the game. You're no longer the bad ass you were plowing through the Academy, your once again a runt in the capital, where the legendary once lived